sakuras-reign · 2 years
Haruno Sakura | Fandom Hatred and Character Discredit.
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To be honest, I agree that she could be written more properly, but the Sakura abhorrence has become a huge trend where dumb weebs gather to say she's useless, weak, that she's awful for being a tsundere with slapstick comedy on her character, and that she's intolerable because she has small chest.
Sure, for a Tritagonist she's actually underdeveloped, but does she deserve the hate? Does her fans deserve the abrupt vehemence and ostracization from malicious people in Social Media platforms? No, I don't think so. All the old Facebook memes, and the chain of obnoxious haters who follow the older ones, made people hesitant of joining the Fandom due to it's excessive reputation.
Not to mention, many scenes were added, altered, and erased in the Anime which was produced by Studio Perriot, and animated Sakura's character in unfavourable light. Sakura treated Naruto much better in the Manga, and all the "abuse" everyone is talking about were fillers (meaning, never illustrated by the Mangaka) added by the Studio.
Plus, people do treat Sakura as an exception, and not in the positive way you're implying to. Everything her character does is viewed negatively by the majority of the audience, despite the fact that she hadn't done anything to provoke such reactions. Everything she achieves, is actually being downgraded by people, when they hypocritically praise other characters for the same thing she has done. Not to mention, as her character has flaws and made mistakes, people hold the image of Part 01 Genin Sakura in their head to downplay her character development.
Her character lead a whole Hospital in Pain's Invasion when she was only 15. All her strengths were on-hold because she was formulating the Strength of A Hundred Seal (Byakugō no In) on her forehead, restraining her from going all out until the 4th Shinobi War World ARC. She fought Sasori of the Red Sand, a Akatsuki member, and was noted by Elder Chiyo while she fought that she could held up her own even without her help. She literally brought Naruto back from the verge of dying, punched and broke a horn off Ōtsutsuki Kaguya when Team 7 cooperated in the new three way deadlock.
That "She had only one job to do, to take his Rinnegan" from Obito, people saying that she had all the time of the world before Madara came, in the Manga that actually didn't happen because she didn't have any time at all. They were in Obito's dimension and both of them didn't know Madara was after it. The anime stalled the scene, while in the manga in happened immediately in less than 4 panels or so, meaning in several seconds.
Sakura could be written better, if it wasn't for Kishimoto's own admittance that he couldn't write properly female characters. Her acts are mischaracterized, especially in the Western world, and you have to think twice about them to actually understand. They hate her obsession with Sasuke, hate the way she cheered Naruto (her teammate) while she loves Sasuke, they hate her for her existence basically. She isn't useless by any means, she's just wasted potential because of bad writing.
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I could go on about the hypocrisy of the Fandom, their double standards, and the lack of comprehension regarding her character and her acts, but I'm realising that I'm ranting. 💕
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