sakralfoto · 4 years
An early Saturday morning in Paderborn.
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sakralfoto · 4 years
Photo Blog
I’m not quite sure if it’s the depression or the anhedonia that’s doing it, but this blog is going to be what I intended it to be, a photo blog.
There will be no more words than necessary, just mobile phone pictures of the beautiful city that I live in, Paderborn.
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sakralfoto · 4 years
The Wave
I think I’m deep in the grip of an anhedonia wave. I’ve lost my passion for photography… again. Is it anhedonia, or could it be something else. 
I had to work yesterday, I got up this morning at 5.30am. The clocks had all gone back, or was it forward. Everything changes by itself in this modern digital world that we live in, so I’ve no idea what time it really was. for long, but thankfully it…
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sakralfoto · 4 years
Down Days
I got up this morning at 5.30am. The clocks had all gone back, or was it forward. Everything changes by itself in this modern digital world that we live in, so I’ve no idea what time it really was. 
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I wasn’t in the mood for anything at all, so I just gave the cats something for breakfast, then just sat on the sofa with a coffee in my hand. 
It’s looking like a day of depression, although I…
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sakralfoto · 4 years
The Waiting Room 2
I awoke at 4am. I’ve no idea why, but I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I crawled out of bed and into the living room. I sat for a few moments, then fed the cats and hit the switch on the kettle. 
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Today was another day at a doctors practice. I’m normally a fairly healthy person, but this year so far, I’ve seen more doctors than I’d seen in the entire of last year. 
I was the only patient in…
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sakralfoto · 4 years
Prison Visit
I’ve started moving stuff around in my apartment again. Why can’t I just leave it as it is. Damn you OCD. I spent about an hour moving furniture around, then had to go and meet up with the boss. After an hour with the boss, I headed back home, only to find that the apartment still isn’t right. 
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I don’t actually mind moving stuff around, it’s just the aquarium that’s a bit of a problem. It’s…
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sakralfoto · 4 years
The Waiting Room
Social distancing is like a breath of fresh air to me, and probably to the other millions of introverts across the world. I do understand though, that the extroverts of the World are probably crawling up the walls in frustration. 
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Isolate an introvert, or Schizoid in my case, and you’ve got a happy person. Isolate an extrovert and I can only imagine the chaos. 
Corona has forced us to spend…
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sakralfoto · 4 years
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The entrance to the Paderborn Cathedral in Germany
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sakralfoto · 4 years
Anyone here into religious smartphone photography..... Give me a shout if you are.
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sakralfoto · 4 years
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