saint-jane-austen 2 months
I must admit, this particular page was a rather peculiar undertaking on my part.
Now I believe we are in a situation where it perhaps could benefit from deletion, but, dear friends, my associate simply cannot make a decision upon that just yet.
Perhaps I shall carry out more surveys of the general populace in order to be of some use to the Saints. Perhaps I will remain on this ship drinking my tea with dearest Mr. King. I suppose we shall soon find out.
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saint-jane-austen 8 months
I must say, I remain uncertain with regards ro what one is supposed to do on this very fine website.
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saint-jane-austen 11 months
Well, may I be so bold as to say, this certainly confirms my suspicions.
My dears, I request your counsel on a matter that has been troubling me.
I must advise you, my query relates to what I believe is now termed sexual intercourse. But let it be known, I am certainly not one to cast judgement. So do tell, good friends...
I eagerly await your response.
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saint-jane-austen 11 months
My dears, I request your counsel on a matter that has been troubling me.
I must advise you, my query relates to what I believe is now termed sexual intercourse. But let it be known, I am certainly not one to cast judgement. So do tell, good friends...
I eagerly await your response.
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saint-jane-austen 11 months
It may not surprise you to hear that this blog was set up as a lighthearted way to send and recieve queries.
However, let it be known that if it becomes subject to unredeemable criticism or otherwise fails entirely to meet its purpose...
...I would greatly appreciate it if you maintained a fabrication that you saw nothing.
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saint-jane-austen 11 months
Why, my dears, I welcome you most ardently to my humble blog.
I do feel I shall enjoy it here, surrounded by these most pleasant of writings and handsome of illustrations.
My name is Jane Austen and I must assure you that what I have to tell you is not, unusual as it may seem, fiction.
While I had a satisfactory life on Earth, I was swept from it soon before my untimely demise by a remarkably odd fellow. He looked nothing like a man, or indeed woman, of earth, but he assured me he was quite the fan of my work. I am told that once I was procured, I was placed in captivity for many years by this Mr. Zinyak. But herein lies the most riveting twist to my tale.
It was not Mr. Zinyak who removed me from my stasis, but a fellow human who also, it seems, rather admired my writing. I am told that while I lay in that blissful slumber, my captor was overthrown and replaced by the former President of the United States.
At first, the newly crowned Emperor and their friends spent much of their time enjoying the scientific developments that those known as 'The Zin' could provide them. But that could not last forever.
When the novelty of shaping history wore off, the Saints remembered the words of Zinjai... and that, my friends, is how I first met the Saints.
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