sagesariadnd · 5 hours
Let my horny loves be happy ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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Trying to justify how quickly I made him and Karlach sleep together in my origin playthrough. A reconsideration of what counts as "proper courting" when time is scarce.
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sagesariadnd · 5 hours
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The Bard deserves to be swept off their feet every now and then by a Hero.
[ zjinn canonically plays "I need a Hero" for wyll during fights ]
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sagesariadnd · 13 hours
Reblog if you 100% okay with a transgender person correcting you if you accidentally misgender them or use their dead name.
please do
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sagesariadnd · 19 hours
Breaking my own 'dnd only blog' rule again for a shameless plug
in about an hour (5 PM EST June 8th), I'm gonna be playing bizhawk shuffler with my friends Rin and Arc co-commentating. What's bizhawk shuffler? It's an emulator mod that switches games randomly every 15-180 seconds. I've got a set of 20 games from the SNES, N64, Gameboy, and Sega Genesis already queued up. If this kind of chaos sounds like fun to you, please watch me at https://www.twitch.tv/sagesaria9475
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sagesariadnd · 1 day
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this scene has been in my daydreams from the start lol so i had some thoughts about maybe tav and wyll getting a proper ballroom dance a few years after the events of bg3
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sagesariadnd · 1 day
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ribbit 🐸
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sagesariadnd · 2 days
The fact that she got in with little fuss - literally one point short of max score, while Warner got waitlisted is everything.
Actually I do love with Legally Blonde that "what, like it's hard?" is a blatant lie, Elle worked her ass off to get her LSAT and to get into Harvard, there's never any indication in the narrative that she has any magic ability to do law, she's very intelligent but more importantly she is is deeply dedicated to what she cares about. It's always a story about really hard work, it's never about coasting on talent.
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sagesariadnd · 2 days
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🩷💛🩵 Pan Pride 🩷💛🩵
astarion is grumpy because he thought there would be more naked twinks and debauchery based on the complaints in the editorial section of the baldur’s mouth gazette
jaheira and minsc are on the side doing that tiktok “talk valentina!”/“ally!” bit
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sagesariadnd · 3 days
We’ve finally found him!
DM, as a biblically accurate angel NPC: You may call me The Redeemer.
Me, ooc: Oh my god… It’s fantasy Jesus!
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sagesariadnd · 4 days
"If you ship this toxic ship there's something wrong with you." "If you like this character you're stanning war crimes." THEY'RE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. FIC. TION. AL. CHARACTERS.
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Fiction is entertaining because it's FICTION. NOT. REAL. I don't see anyone lining up to cancel Bugs Bunny when he shoves dynamite in Elmer Fudd's gun. Because you know he's fictional.
You KNOW the difference between fictional and real. I know you do. I promise you do. Please leave people alone.
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sagesariadnd · 5 days
Physical intimacy is not always sexual OR romantic.
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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sagesariadnd · 5 days
*swats at your hand and hisses*
Back! These are Dice Goblin’s dice! No for you!
Me "accidentally" stealing dice off of the other party members at the end of the session
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sagesariadnd · 6 days
Ok normally I want to keep this blog D&D based but I can't resist the siren call of raving about my favorite game.
There's a discussion going around in my circle of friends about what characters would be able to resist the One Ring of power from Lord of the Rings, and I got to thinking about Kiwi from Wandersong.
Kiwi is the purest soul in the entire game. They've literally de-escalated wars with the power of Being a Bard. They don't have a violent bone in their body, and the only time they've ever expressed any disdain for someone, it was because they hurt their best friend. And all they've ever really wanted in life, besides a quiet little home in the country where they can sing and dance all day, is to be a hero and help people - save the world - and they've done that already in canon.
It is absolutely no question that the ring would have no power over them. They're the Samwise Gamgee of the Wandersong universe.
And when I said that, I realized...Kiwi wouldn't take the ring. Miriam would.
She has a desperate need to prove herself, a constant feeling of being second fiddle. The ring would pounce on that immediately. She might be wary of it because hey, she knows magic items, but we all know that knowing what it is doesn't stop you from wanting it. Hell, Kiwi might not even notice any changes in her at first because she's already got a short temper and a violent streak. But once they do, they'll have to be the one to pull her back, and I have complete confidence that they can. That's literally what they're good at in the game.
Anyway, all this to say I just want a Lord of the Rings AU with Kiwi and Miriam now.
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"I can't carry it for you...but I can carry you."
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sagesariadnd · 6 days
Welp. I rolled a 1.
I'll remember to reply...eventually.
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sagesariadnd · 7 days
Normalize healthy ttrpg groups and people genuinely having fun in the hobby
it's always so alarming looking at the notes on posts about people's cool experiences with ttrpgs and seeing the sheer number of people saying something along the lines "unfortunately this relies on the assumption that the players aren't huge shithead assholes who are actively trying to fuck each other over and make sure their gm has a bad time."
like. yeah, it sure does. that's kind of a baseline assumption for me, the same way that when I invite friends to a potluck I feel perfectly safe assuming that no one is going to spit in the food. do you guys actually like the people you're doing recreational activities with? blink if you need help.
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sagesariadnd · 7 days
What if the high wisdom monk has poor impulse control? >>
remember, folks, if you're itching to do something ill-advised in d&d/similar TTRPGs,
low wisdom: poor impulse control
low intelligence: instructions unclear
high wisdom: a necessary risk
high intelligence: it looked better on paper
low wisdom, high intelligence: forgot to get the plan peer-reviewed
high wisdom, low intelligence: the risk i took was calculated, but man am i bad at math
high wisdom, high intelligence: if someone else in the party did it first, it would've gone so much worse (and you Know they were going to do it)
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sagesariadnd · 7 days
The one fic I’ve finished and posted on AO3 was inspired by a piece of fanart, which I mentioned and shared a link to in my author’s notes. Earlier this year the actual artist commented saying how they loved it and how they’re floored and honored that their fanart inspired it! I’m still floored and feel like I made it, all over a sad little Wandersong one-shot.
if you ever doubt how much authors care about hearing your thoughts on how much you enjoyed their fics: my oldest mutual on tumblr is someone i met because i commented on her fic. my sister and i regularly send each other our favorite ao3 comments and yell. i have had at least five fics i adore be updated after years because, the authors told me in a reply, i left a thoughtful comment that meant a lot to them. i have lines from my favorite comments written on index cards and taped to my mirror where i read them every day. there's someone who follows me on tumblr whose user i always recognize because they left the most lovely comment on an anime vent fic i wrote when i was in a terrible place. someone reblogged a random post from my blog and i smiled to see them in my notifications because i remember they left a single beautiful comment for me once. i don't know if they remember. but i do.
it's a small thing, ao3 comments. but they can make such an astonishing difference. if you've ever left a comment full of love on a fanfiction, please know we see you, and we love you for it.
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