sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
But someday I'm sure your gonna know the cost
'Cause for everything you win, there's something lost
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
My sister has been watching Reba and it's bizarre for me that I can look now at the set design and label it as "palpably 2000s"
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
hey are you busy for the next 50 years? I’d like to sit on the porch with you and watch the sunsets
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
I should not have to work in these conditions (it’s nice outside)
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 hour
That post going around talking about the different between a tornado watch and warning, but as a certified midwesterner I assure they both mean go outside and see if you can see a tornado.
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 3 hours
The rhetoric around car seats is the biggest piece of propaganda and false assurance yet.
But if you try to tell people that, they think you’re just stubborn and stupid and want their baby to die.
…because they’re so dogmatic about their belief in the almighty saving power of this one singular baby object, to which they are completely beholden, even if it is entirely impractical. Which simultaneously grows anxiety in these moms because if they don’t follow the car seat law perfectly, their child WILL die and it WILL be their fault.
And for the record, I’m not anti car seat or making things safer. It’s the mindset and dogma and false security.
“Hey we discovered adding extra padding here and there might help minimize damage in the unfortunate event of a collision” is a good mindset.
“Car seats are the savior of your children and youre a negligent mother if you don’t buy a new one every year and God forbid you dare jump into an Uber after an event with a baby in your arms, that sucker must be strapped into a cumbersome car seat, which is a great holy object you will be enslaved to for the foreseeable future, lest the holy car seat gods become displeased and take your child for it” is a bad mindset. And it’s not a mindset that existed outside of fifteen years ago, becuase prior to that, while car seats did exist, they were rightly understood for what they are: a baby Thing you can buy that will help contain your baby in the car and carry them in and out, and you can use as you see fit.
I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 8 hours
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 16 hours
I’m so glad i can actually enjoy love songs again. Like the sappy, cheesy ones.
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I am absolutely going to die on the hill that it is wrong for mothers to brutally murder their babies
And for whatever it’s worth, your life is valuable too.
People will look at history and ask “How could a whole country allow genocide to happen?”
Idk but maybe you should look in the mirror and consider all the propaganda that’s made you not only disagree with, but angry at those fighting for the sanctity of life and realize you’re already there. Take a good, long look in the mirror. Come to terms with the reality of what you believe. We have created a culture of death.
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“Here’s all the ways a baby could possible die — including unlikely freak accidents — and let’s make all of our decisions based on this fear and paranoia”
We used to call this mental illness. Now we call it standard parenting advice.
I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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No, really. The advice and standard practices aren’t “here’s what will work and how to live practically”
The advice is “here’s all the ways your baby could potentially die” and for some reason we think this is healthy?
I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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I will probably lose many of you when I say this, which is what makes it a truly unpopular opinion, but the modern obsession with car seats is a prime example of fear based rhetoric btw
I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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They fear if they don’t have the chest clip just right every time they enter the car, the baby will get in a crash and die and it’ll be their fault. They lay their baby down in the swing and are greeted with a giant warning label that if you don’t lay the baby with precision perfect technique, the baby will probably die and it will be the mothers fault, not the manufacturers. They lay their baby on their back but the baby doesn’t sleep, but if she dares do what is necessary for the baby’s rest and let him sleep for a few hours on his stomach during the day, surely the baby will die and it will be her fault.
I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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I think part of the reason so many women have PPA and PPD in astronomical numbers now is because trying to care for a baby is about 8 million times more complicated than it ever used to be and all parenting advice comes not from a place of common sense with balanced risk assessment, but from a place of pure fear and trying to live with zero risk, which is impossible
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A three pack of carters onesies at Walmart is $9. That’s $3 a onesie. It is actually cheaper to buy crap from Walmart than thrift stores now
Tell me how I’m gonna go to the thrift store, buy two tank tops for myself for a grand total of $3, but then go look at the baby clothes and one (1) newborn carters onesie is FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS SECOND HAND?!?!
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