Do we know when Crystalā€™s or Charlesā€™s birthdays are? I have been SO curious if Edwinā€™s comment to himself about ā€œhmm remarkably low compatibility between Taurus and Ariesā€ was him looking into their relationship šŸ˜…
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Just noticed Edwin is holding an astrology book in the poster šŸ¦ā€ā¬›
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The point of fiction is actually to put that guy in a situationā„¢ļø, and he might try to tell you the point is to then get him out of the situation, WRONG, second situation
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Thinking about flashback Crystal making a man ā€œwalk into trafficā€ā€¦but her actual words being ā€œhave you seen the way he ghosts women.ā€ Complete with emphasis.
As bad as before-Crystal was, killing someone for frivolous reasons really doesnā€™t seem like her flavor of fun. Sheā€™s had psychic powers forever. Presumably seeing ghosts is nothing new.
Willing to bet sheā€™d had a chat with a ghost and learned exactly the sort of things that guy did to women. Yes she did some really awful things worth regretting. But Iā€™m not sure a few broken memories are giving the whole picture of who she really was.
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ā€œGive us a kiss, mateā€ šŸ„°
ā€œMaybe think that one through again, babe.ā€ šŸ˜¬
(I believe this rule applies exclusively to Charles though. Edwin refuses to use anything other than pronouns and proper nouns, because ā€œCharlesā€ has always been a term of endearment.)
charles and edwin would be the type of couple to use 'dude/bro' romantically and 'babe' platonically i don't make the rules
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Do you think the Cat King gave himself an earring just because Charles had one.
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Thinking about how ghosts donā€™t sleep.
So not only has Edwin been around for 100+ years (not counting the 16 he lived before, or if time gets weird in Hell), heā€™s been conscious for about 33% MORE time than the living would have been in that time.
Thatā€™s roughly an extra 4 months of consciousness every year.
Edwin was in hell for 70 years, meaning he experienced an additional 23 years worth of consciousness for the worst torture imaginable. Again, not counting any time dilation effects in Hell which almost certainly exist.
Heā€™s had 30 years on the outside with Charles, plus 10 from not sleeping. 40 good years compared to 93 in Hell. Itā€™s not even half.
And he still forgave the boy who sent him there. He still has love in his heart and the desire to do good in the world. Because no one did that for him. And no one deserves to be stuck in the afterlife without a light in the dark to cling to.
(Brb Iā€™m crying. I need a nap šŸ˜­)
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this came to me in a dream
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On the upside, I have an official AO3 account again! Find me under LiveFastWriteTrash šŸ˜Œ
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Just noticed on the rewatch that both Charles and Edwin are shocked by the mirrors in hell. Charles looks at himself like heā€™s seeing himself for the first time in ages. Edwin touches his own face and says ā€œmy reflectionā€ā€¦is this the first time theyā€™ve SEEN themselves in 30-70 years?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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Oh my gosh I didnā€™t even consider the neon sign šŸ’€
I will never get over the introduction of the Cat King. Like, there has to be 146 cats in the scene where they all take the detective trio to meet him. Pretty much all the cats on display, to show off his prowess.
The Cat King makes a point of asking which one of them used a leash spell against one of his cats. The cat replies with something like "The scrawny one who just had the nerve to talk to you" and the Cat King uses that as an excuse to get Edwin alone and hit on him.
TCK knows Edwin's name, without Edwin disclosing it. TCK is wearing Charles' socks as part of his unique and intimidating (erotic) clothing. I'm convinced the neon sign in TCK's lair is there because Edwin was so fascinating by the neon sign at the butchers.
TCK is down so bad before he even meets Edwin, and every encounter frustrates him and makes him fall even more.
Love him for that. Most pathetic meow meow.
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dog energy + cat energy but with charles & edwin
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Admittedly I worried all season over that opening because at the end, that very clearly appears to be Charlesā€™s skeleton jumping in front of a death blow for Edwinā€¦but it turned out to be Niko pulling that stunt and I was shocked šŸ˜­
I know we all love the gay insanity (affectionate) that is the Dead Boy Detectives plot, but why are we all sleeping on the opening credits?
Because like
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Hello? What in the Sleepy Hollow meets Good Omens is this?
Neil explain
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Exactly this! I do a lot of creative things, but storytelling fell away a long time ago. This show has me daydreaming again, from the shallow to the existential, and itā€™s just so much fun šŸ˜
I'm seeing so many posts/fic notes in which people say that Dead Boy Detectives saved them from an ages long writer block and honestly, same. The last time I opened my ao3 account before this was in 2019.
I am just so, so grateful for this series and these characters and seeing that many other people were as inspired and moved by them makes me incredibly happy.
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ā€œEdwin, I canā€™t find the compendium.ā€
The compendium in the most obvious location possible:
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i need 7+ seasons of dead boy detectives specifically to see the long-term payoff of charles putting a jar of bees in his bag
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EXCUSE ME. When Monty catches up to the gang in the case of the lighthouse leapers, heā€™s returning a book Edwin loaned him. Edwin calls it a modern masterpiece and says much went over his head but he still enjoyed it.
Itā€™s this. Itā€™s this book. šŸ’€
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