s3nsit1ve · 3 years
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s3nsit1ve · 3 years
Title: Quarantine: A Love Story {24}
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot
Words: 4k
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*Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. FICTION! Think twice before you come @ me.
I hope you guys enjoy this. If you enjoyed this LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG.
As always, thank you for reading!!! ❤️❤️
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Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | Q15 | Q16 | Q17 | Q18  | Q19 | Q20 | Q21 | Q22 | Q23
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
Title: Quarantine: A Love Story{23}
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst, Plot Heavy, Slight NSFW
Words: 4.3k
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Note: Italic text signifies a past memory/conversation.
*Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. FICTION! Think twice before you come @ me.
I hope you guys enjoy this. If you enjoyed this LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG.
As always, thank you for reading!!! ❤️❤️
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Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | Q15 | Q16 | Q17 | Q18  | Q19 | Q20 | Q21 | Q22 
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
I love the way this story is progressing!! 😌👏
Title: Hibiscus Kisses {3}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot, Mild Cursing, Mild Slow Burn
Words: 5.6k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
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**Slightly Pic Heavy**
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} 
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If Turks & Caicos was as much fun as the Dominican Republic, you couldn’t wait to get there. After your massage and day of pampering, you felt refreshed. Your muscles didn’t ache. Your shoulders were no longer heavy, and your head was not filled with stress and worry. You felt good—rested–alert. You felt so good you were ready to eat more than you should. It was common knowledge that most people put on at least eight pounds on a cruise. You were going to be on this ship for more than a week. It would be best to pace yourself, you thought to yourself as you piled on the food from the buffet-style breakfast.
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
zooeymama another 200+😎 you guys are the coolest. more stuff coming btw 💖💖
The Other Chris
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pairing: Chris Evans x black reader, all may read, no warnings
Summary: Reader thinks Chris Cuomo is sexy (she is right) lol
• You come to a slow stop at the red light, taking a moment to turn up the heater in the car. It was getting dangerously close to the winter season and Boston was not the best area for warm-blooded girls like you.  
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
online meeting
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pairing: chris evans x black!fem!reader
warnings: cursing, stripping, masturbation
word count: 4.2k
p.s this workpiece is set in an alternative reality. this is a professor!chris one shot + i imagined y/n as a black girl, but i hope every single one of you lovely people will read!
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
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the little lean in and kiss has me. It has me. It just does idk.
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
when i say i want chris to paint my walls this is what i mean
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
let me put this on my list btw
I need more people to write sugar daddy Chris lol. Having sex with him one night, then waking up to cash/check and a note that says he had to leave because he had to get dodger or something
Ok ok, who wants to write this. Because you're so right we don't get enough of this - ok let me just tag great writers im tossing it to you lot!! You can tag whoever you guys want too!
@royallyprincesslilly @blackmissfrizzle @afriendlyblackhottie @honeychicanawrites @pm-my-hubbies @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @punani @jtargaryen18 @s3nsit1ve
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
The Other Chris
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pairing: Chris Evans x black reader, all may read, no warnings
Summary: Reader thinks Chris Cuomo is sexy (she is right) lol
• You come to a slow stop at the red light, taking a moment to turn up the heater in the car. It was getting dangerously close to the winter season and Boston was not the best area for warm-blooded girls like you.  
• You were driving home from your friend’s apartment, where you had been for the better part of the day, helping her brainstorm ideas for a new work project. You were anxious to get home so you can spend the rest of this gloomy day at home with Chris and Dodger.
• Arriving to your very secluded and gated neighborhood, you fumble about the cup holders of the car, searching for the garage remote while occasionally looking up to adjust the steering wheel. 
• You park your car in the spacious garage and take a moment to breathe in the fresh autumn air before closing the garage door and entering your house.
• Standing in front of the T.V. with one hand in his pocket and the other holding there remote was Chris, absentmindedly perusing the channels.
• Dodger’s paws scramble against the wooden tile—rushing to greet you and shower you with affection. You give the pup a few kisses, letting him know how much you’ve missed him during your absence.
• Chris sets the remote down on the glass coffee table once the CNN logo appears on the corner of the screen. Election week has everyone on edge and eager to keep up with every bit of breaking news
• He walks to you to give you a kiss as you’re setting down your purse and removing your jacket.
• You make a quick run to your shared bedroom to change into a sweater and a pair of leggings, and throw your hair into a bun. This was usually the time when you would moisturize your hair for the night, but you had already gone through that routine when you were doing your braid out.  
• You two weren’t on the couch under a blanket this early, but the November weather had you making adjustments. Dodger was laying to the left of Chris while you were on his right.
• The current program was Cuomo Prime Time, where news anchor Chris Cuomo was covering the election updates.
• A few minutes go on, and Chris was fully invested into the program. Cuomo was going on, explaining which candidate took the lead in which states, and you were just listening--hearing the man talk, letting your imagination run wild. Cuomo was quite a man.
• “Whew, I’m sorry, but it has to be said. Chris Cuomo is a fine man,” you break the silence.
• Mid sentence Chris turns to you with an unfamiliar look on his face. It was somewhere between shocked and offended. You couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh.
• “Are you serious? Chris Cuomo?” You knew Chris and Chris had a an amiable relationship, so he was surprised to hear you fawn over his friend.
• “Yeah, him. Did I lie?”
• He maintained the absolutely appalled look on his face though you could tell he was trying not to break into a fit of laughter.
• “Well, I can’t agree nor disagree with you on that,” he scoffed and turned his attention back to the program.
• “What, you can’t admit that man is subjectively attractive? Come on, I mean, look at him! It’s just something about his face and his voice that makes me wanna just--mmhm,” you suck in your breath and chew on your lips a little while keeping your eyes on the screen.
• “Oh, no, no, you are out of line, young lady”
• “What? Am I only allowed to think one white Italian named Chris is fine?”
• “Precisely.”
• You two share a laugh, but it’s cut short when you feel his hands glide down your back and give your ass a firm squeeze. He brings his hands back to your back and pulls you closer.
• He pushes his tongue down and explores every inch of your mouth, pulling back while biting on your lips
• “I think we need to reestablish some rules over here, don’t we?”
a/n: Chris Cuomo is so fine yo. It’s really something about big ol white Italians named Chris. Need me one of that 😔☝🏾can we officially replace Cuomo with Pratt on the list of superior Chrises?
um asks are open
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
thank you for 200 on this 💖 more stuff coming soon I promise :)
Compliment the Deal
pairing: Chris Evans x reader, no warnings
summary: accompanying Chris to an ASP meeting
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These days, Chris has been busy with meetings to garner the support of politicians for his new project, ASP.
You rarely accompanied Chris to these meetings. Either your schedules didn’t line up, or it wasn’t significant enough to require your presence. This one, though, was definitely significant and warranted your attendance.
You were well informed on the whole project. You kept up with developments of ASP, and how could you not? Chris routinely ranted to you about it at the end of your day when you were locked in each other’s arms in the paradise of your dimly lit bedroom.
Considering the occasion, you dress in a classy, yet alluring piece that draws just the right amount of attention. You were there to be the cherry on top of the ice cream.
On the ride to the office where the meeting is to take place, you observed that Chris was slightly fidgety.
His head was turned, looking out the window. His hand was intertwined and he was drawing circles with his thumbs.
You completely understood his behavioral as this was still pretty new to him. His interest in politics up to this point had been just that—mere interest.
Talking to politicians and trying to sell this idea of an unprecedented system was a whole different beast.
You break the silence, “Hey, Chris, go over your pitch with me one more time. Let’s pretend you’re introducing me your idea, hmm?”
He faces you, clears his throat and shifts to sit up—back straight and eye contact on lock.
He expertly rehearses his talking points, and if you were not already on board with his plan, you swore he would have had you convinced.
“Yup, I’m sold!” He chucked and looks away as if he was expecting that reaction from you.
“I’m serious. That was really good, honey. You didn’t forget any of your points, the delivery was very charismatic, and it helps that you’re also really cute.” You slide closer to him gently hold his cheeks in your hands.
His pink lips curved upwards in a smile and his eyes were looking into yours. You find yourself smiling with him and place a quick kiss at the corner of his lips.
He loved the rare occasions that you were there with him during a business meeting because your presence put him at ease.
When you arrive at the office, the two of you were greeted with much zeal, and you could see the fog of anxiety slowly lift off Chris.
The actual office was somewhat underwhelming. It was clean, yes, but prosaic and a bit outdated, and as Chris was chatting away with the officials, you took time to study the details and furniture.
You sensed eyes glancing your direction repeatedly but you deliberately avoided them out of respect for the actual purpose of the meeting.
But, you did make sure to engage in their conversation and actively listen to the words coming out of everyone’s lips.
As the meeting wraps up, Chris is still on a roll. He had made a really good impression with the officials, and you could tell Chris knew that by the huge grin on his face.
You shake hands, exchange goodbyes, and head out.
Chris reaches out to your hand, and intertwines your fingers with a tight grip. He turns to you and you could read so much happiness written on his face.
“Wow, that went really well. It’s not just me, right? What do you think?”
“Babe, that went amazing! You did that! I was just watching you like, ooh, look at my baby go!”
He looks around as he walks, your hands remaining connected.
Once he is sure there is no one around, he pulls you to a wall, wraps his arms around your frame, and leans down to connect your lips.
You both scurry off to the limo, hands still intertwined and practically skipping through the halls of the building.
The employees were undoubtedly wondering what could have warranted this less than professional behavior from the two of you, but neither of you cared.
Chris treated you to an amazing lunch at a beautiful restaurant in DC, praising you the whole time, and calling you his little arm candy.
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
Title: Quarantine: A Love Story {21}
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot
Words: 4.5k
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Note: I’m sorry for the delay. Without further ado, here we go. 
I hope you guys enjoy this. If you enjoyed this LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG.
As always, thank you for reading!!! ❤️❤️
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Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | Q15 | Q16 | Q17 | Q18  | Q19 | 20 |
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
im gonna be mad asf if you weirdos start a war tomorrow. i have fics that i haven’t finished reading
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
It’s the arms and the veins for me 😍
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
pairing: Chris Evans x reader, no warnings
summary: inspired by AG’s “obvious.”
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To you, it seems unfeasible to return to the original flow of things after the unsettling events of this year, some of which are not over. Amidst an election and a global pandemic, the holiday season is approaching, which means more shopping, cooking, socializing, while also steering your career forward. 
You had been thinking, would it be so selfish to simply whiter away to a place where you knew not a soul? And just as if he could read your thoughts as clear as ink on paper, Chris held out two tickets to Russia, where you could stay until the Christmas season, giving you both ample time to escape your realities and return with a fresh state of mind.
I love the taste of you in the morning, keep me warm.
Despite not being a morning person, your many responsibilities back at home have made your brain accustomed to waking up at 5 A.M. You slightly rub your eyes and take in your setting. For a moment, the room seems unfamiliar, and after mentally retracing your steps from the day before, you recall that you and Chris landed in The Ritz-Carlton in Moscow the night before and went straight to sleep to treat your jetlag. You two must have landed early the night before because no lights were turned on and the only thing that illuminated the room was the morning light entering through the window, giving the room a dark yet comforting glow. You turn to your left and there sleeps Chris, laying on his chest with his arms under his head. He is without a shirt and his hair is an unruly mess, these are the rare moments where he is at true serenity. now, you have no incentive to leave this bed and explore your new setting, so you navigate closer to him. You run your hands against the skin of his back and arms, occasionally kissing whatever parts of him were within your reach. You outline the tattoo on his arm with the tip of your nails, letting your thoughts run as you trace a circle against his pearly skin. You could feel yourself drifting off to sleep again, but a deep and groggy voice interrupts your second journey to dreamland, “hey.” His voice immediately places a prominent grin on your face. You glance up at him, your fingers remaining on his skin. You did not reply with a verbal greeting, you just pull yourself closer to him, seeking the warmth in the space between his chest and the white sheets. He chuckles and surrenders by opening his arms for you, you take the opportunity to close whatever open space remained, placing a gentle kiss on his chest.
I love the thought of you never leaving.
Breakfast was served to you in your room as per the Grand Romance Package that Chris had purchased. The both of you made a point of avoiding watching TV in fear of catching a clip of the news and being dragged right back to the uneasy atmosphere you escaped. Although neither of you understood Russian, you did not want to risk seeing destructive imagery. Instead, you ate and made detailed plans for the day. It was your objective to enjoy your time individually as you would have plenty of time to be together in the evening. After enjoying your first meal of the day in each other’s company, your schedule was settled; Chris would make use of the 24/7 access to the gym and you wanted to see the sights, attend the spa, and the beauty salon, which the package covered as well. And after a day of pampering, Chris has planned a nice dinner at one of the luxurious restaurants in the hotel. Your day officially started in the afternoon, but you were not complaining.
The few hours you spent at the spa and beauty salon had you feeling rejuvenated. You were unaffected by the language barrier as most of the staff spoke a fair amount of English. At around the evening, you headed back to your room to meet Chris, change into your dinner outfit, and enjoy your date with him. You exit the elevator once you have arrived at your floor. You scan your room key and push the door open. A dim, orange light greets you. You look around the room to find that some furniture had been rearranged to create a small, dining area with two chairs on either side of the table. A large flat screen displayed flames against a black background to mimic a fireplace. The bed was expertly made and embellished with red petals formed in the shape of a heart. From the corner of the room, Chris approaches you with a bouquet in his hands. He was dressed in a knitted black sweater with a pair of dark jeans and suede dress shoes.
I love the thought of you in the evening.
“Honey, what is all this? I thought we were going to a restaurant.” You accept the flowers and thank him with a kiss. You stayed by the door, hesitating walking inside any further as to not ruin his beautiful work. He takes your hand and guides you to one of the two chairs he set up. You set the flowers down on the table and take your seat. Chris starts, “Yeah, I canceled. I wanted to stay in with my girl, is that so bad?” He looks to you as his hands worked on opening a bottle of wine.
“No, I just thought I was going to have time to change and do my hair.”
“You look perfect, lovely.”
 You share some funny incidents that occurred during your time apart while enjoying a light meal. Dinner was shortly over, and before you had the chance to stand up, Chris gestures for you to stay in your seat. He stands and walks over to your side of the table, picking you up bridal style and escorting you to the bed. He places you atop the roses, joining you after quickly removing his shirt.
“Thank you for this.”
“Shh, you don’t have to thank me.”
How to think when I am under you?
Tell you all of my dirty truths,
Could I be any more obvious?
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
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s3nsit1ve · 4 years
No wait cause you mayo monkies have really lost it dhsjcjsjxb. Bitch don’t read it if it doesn’t apply. like ???
Can you stop fucking writing Chris x Black reader? Most of us are white and he has only dated white sooo fuck off :)
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