rudravannahoshiva · 2 years
Noragami on Hiatus this month... but for good reasons
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Regarding Monthly Shonen Magazine Issue 6 (on sale 5/6)
“Noragami” will be on hiatus for this issue.
In the issue on sale in June (Issue 7), chapter 100 will not be split, but appearing all at once!!
Furthermore, there will be information regarding the “100 Chapters Commemoration Project” and Comics Volume 25.  We have lots of plans for chapter 100 and the tankoubon release!
Please look forward to it!
Issue 7 looks like it’s coming out 6/6, which is 6/5 for me, so that’ll give me all of Sunday to work on the full chapter, which should hopefully not be a problem.  From the back cover preview of this month’s issue, looks like “Noragami” will get a cover image and the chapter 100 commemoration is some kind of gift.
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rudravannahoshiva · 2 years
The Meaning Behind Project Sekai Characters' Names
I've tried searching in Tumblr, Twitter, and the Wiki to see if anyone in the English fandom already pointed it out first and found none, so... here I am doing it myself!
(of course there's always a possibility of me just missing the post so please do tell me if someone really already did it before!)
Leo/need ➤ celestial bodies
Ichika → star Saki → sky Honami → moon Shiho → sun
Leoni is pretty straight forward. The 天 (ten) in Saki's name can also mean 'heaven' but in this context, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be interpreted as 'sky'.
More More Jump! ➤ plants
Minori → flower Haruka → empress tree Airi → peach Shizuku → forest
Momojan is also straight forward. The 桃 (momo) in Airi's name could refer to the fruit or peach flower. Some fun facts: the language of flowers for empress tree is "noble" and for peach flower is "I am your captive", "invincible", or "charming".
Vivid Bad Squad ➤ seasons
Kohane → spring An → summer Akito → autumn Touya → winter
Kohane was born in spring, An was born in summer. The 彰 (aki) in Akito's name is homonym with autumn (秋, aki), the first character of Touya's given name means winter.
Another details is that all of them have colors associated with their character/the season they're based on in their name. Kohane → azuki iro (小豆色) Akito → shinonome iro (東雲色) Touya → ao/blue (青) An has both white (白, shiro) and anzu iro (杏色) but both of these colors don't really match her at all. But if you break down her full name: しらいしあん (ShiraishiAn) → (しあん) shian → cyan... then you get her image color!
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Personally, I think it's neat that the spring kid is also the face of this unit because spring often symbolizes a new beginning.
Fun fact: Touya's dad is named Harumichi (haru = spring) and we knew Touya has two older brothers. Because of this, there are speculations that the men in Aoyagi family are all named after the seasons as well.
Wonderlands x Showtime ➤ legend/myths
Tsukasa → pegasus Emu → phoenix Nene → kusanagi sword Rui → god/deity
This one is also straight forward. I tried looking up kamishiro to see if it can mean something else and found out 神代 (read as kamiyo or jindai) can also refer to the time before the first emperor of Japan ascend the throne, where gods/deities are still governing the land. I think Rui being 'god' fits his character, considering the fact that he is a genius who loves to invent/create things.
There is also an NPC in WxS story named Seiryuuin Sakurako. The seiryuu in her surname refer to the Azure Dragon.
25ji, Night Code de. ➤ time of the day
Kanade → night Mizuki → dawn* Ena → dawn* Mafuyu → morning
*The 暁 (aki, akatsuki) in Mizuki's name and Ena's 東雲 (shinonome) both translates as "dawn"/"sunrise" in English but apparently it's considered kinda different in Japanese. Something about the inherent delicacy and precision of the Japanese language.
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(image source)
To sum it up:
Akatsuki → the time between night and almost dawn, the sky lits up in pale color
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Shinonome → the time when akatsuki ended and the sky becomes faintly orange as the sun rises
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Aaand that's the end of it! Hope it can give you more insights to these characters! ^^
Also credits to はーる on YouTube about some of the names (mostly Vivibasu).
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rudravannahoshiva · 3 years
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A Spotlight on the English Grammar Lessons Taught by Class E in Korotan A
Since many of you enjoyed seeing what kinds of lessons the students of Class E teach the reader in Korotan B, I figured I’ll post some more lessons from the other books, starting with Korotan A, of course.
Being the first English book, most of the lessons in Korotan A are very simple. In fact, most of the pages are filled with English vocabulary which are occasionally accompanied by pictures from the manga. However, some pages feature special English vocabulary lessons from a student or teacher which aligns with their interests. Each character is also given a nickname! Some of them are even stranger than the code-names Class E came up with for each other. For example:
Page 1: Kayano Kaede’s (A.K.A Trans-Breastism) lesson
Kayano teaches the reader the English names for different sweets. She also tells us the ingredients she used for her giant pudding. Ritsu helps by telling us where Korosensei got the snacks he’s eating in each picture.  
Page 2:  Taiga Okajima’s (A.K.A. Eroticism Saves the World) lesson
Okajima teaches the reader English words that sound kinda dirty. It’s probably obvious why most of them are on his list, but “Monday” was not so obvious to me. Apparently, it’s on the list because it sounds like 揉んで (Monde), which means “Massage me”.
Page 3:  Gakushuu Asano’s (A.K.A. Hardcore Father Complex) lesson
Gakushuu teaches the reader English words fit for a king, like “zenith”, “majesty”, and “victory”. He also provides quotes from famous leaders, and his bullet points are shaped like freakin’ crowns.
Page 4: Hinano Kurahashi’s (A.K.A Zookeeper) lesson
Kurahashi teaches the reader the English names for various animals, paired with pictures from the manga. There sure are a lot of bugs in Assassination Classroom. 
Page 5: Tadaomi Karasuma’s (A.K.A. Super Insensitive) lesson
Karasuma teaches the reader English words and phrases useful for assassination, like “sniping” and “concealing of evidence”.
There are also lessons featuring example sentences from some of the characters. For example:
Page 6: Karma Akabane’s (A.K.A. Sophomore Disease) lesson
Karma teaches the reader fightin’ words. Imagining him saying “You foooooooool!” is pretty funny, though.  
Note: His nickname is a literal translation of “Chuunibyou”
Page 7: Irina Jelavich’s (A.K.A. Sex Symbol) lesson
Irina teaches the reader English pick-up lines. Her emphasis is on lines adult men can use on women.
Page 8: Rio Nakamura’s (A.K.A. Counter Sexual Harassment) pick-up lines
Nakamura teaches the reader more pick-up lines. Her emphasis is on lines young girls can use on boys. I guess that’s why those pick-up lines sound a lot more innocent than what I would expect from Rio ^^;
Page 9: Kotarou Takebayashi’s (He gets TWO nicknames! “Two Dimensional” and “Discipline”) lesson
Takebayashi teaches the reader English lines one can use at a maid café. This lesson is divided into three parts: The Fundamentals, The Application Stage, and The Training Stage, which gets pretty scary.
At the bottom of the page, Terasaka is yelling “You can’t say those things at a café!!” in response to the English Takebayashi uses during the Training Stage. 
Page 10: Korosensei’s (A.K.A Breastism) directions 
Korosensei provides English directions to some of his favorite snack places. Unfortunately, his directions aren’t very helpful if you’re not a Mach 20 flying octopus, hence Maehara, Kurahashi, and Okuda are yelling “You’re the only one who can do all that!!” at the bottom of the page.
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rudravannahoshiva · 3 years
Belum lama ini nemuin lagu-lagunya Police Piccadilly, dan di antara beberapa lagunya, Chaotic Love Revolution ini adalah salah satu yang paling gue suka (nomor 2 lah, di belakang Nerve Impulse).
Entah kenapa, meskipun gue nggak begitu suka sama suara Vocaloid ataupun Utau (lebih suka covernya btw), lagu-lagu buatan Police Piccadilly tetep enak banget didengerin.
Nah, apalagi buat yang ini, selain liriknya yang unik, videonya juga keren.
Jadi, yang nggak umum dari lagu ini adalah, liriknya nyeritain tentang kejadian-kejadian selama Revolusi Prancis, dari awal sampai akhir, mulai dari masalah-masalah di Ancien Régime, penghapusan sistem monarki, naiknya Napoleon Bonaparte, sampai pada akhirnya, ketika Napoleon dibuang ke St. Helena dan mati di sana. Kelihatannya panjang, dan memang setiap kejadian disebutkan dalam satu baris. Tapi tetep aja menarik buat gue.
Bahkan bukan cuma liriknya aja, tapi videonya juga mengandung beberapa reference terkait Revolusi Prancis.
Misalnya, pada bagian awal lagu, ada kata-kata "They march onto Versailles".
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Kata-kata ini mengacu pada Women's March on Versailles, salah satu kejadian yang memulai Revolusi Prancis. Kalau dilihat di videonya, tepat pada kata-kata ini, ada gambar roti. Kalau ditilik dari sejarahnya, kejadian ini diawali ketika para wanita di pasar-pasar yang ada di Paris mengamuk karena harga roti yang melonjak. Ribuan perempuan dan laki-laki yang membawa senjata yang dirampas dari Balai Kota Paris, menyerbu istana Versailles tempat keluarga kerajaan berada. Singkatnya, beberapa pengawal kerajaan dibunuh, keinginan para demonstran dituruti, dan keluarga raja Louis XVI diminta kembali ke Istana Tuileries di Paris.
By the way, pernah dengar kata-kata "Let them eat cake." ? Menurut beberapa anekdot, ketika Marie Antoinette, istri Louis XVI, mendengar bahwa rakyat Perancis tak punya roti, ia hanya mengatakan "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", yang artinya kurang lebih adalah "Let them eat cake". Meskipun Marie Antoinette memang tidak disukai oleh rakyat Perancis pada masa itu, dan anekdot itu menjadi simbol betapa egoisnya kalangan kelas atas Perancis waktu itu, namun sebenarnya tidak ada bukti atau saksi bahwa Marie Antoinette mengatakan hal tersebut.
Berikutnya, sebelum refrain, ada kata-kata "We don't need you anymore, Louis XVI."
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Setelah undang-undang baru disahkan, Perancis berubah menjadi negara monarki konstitusional, dengan raja Louis XVI berkedudukan setara dengan perwakilan legislatif. Namun, konflik terus terjadi antara raja dan legislatif  yang berujung perang dan proklamasi oleh Konvensi Nasional dimana kekuasaan raja tak lagi diakui. Sekarang perhatikan gambar di atas, ada buah catur (raja) dan gunting. Jadi, setelah kekuasaannya tak lagi diakui, raja Louis XVI yang telah ditangkap, kemudian disidang atas puluhan tuntutan oleh Konvensi Nasional, dan dengan 693 suara anggota Konvensi Nasional menyatakan bahwa Louis XVI bersalah, dan tidak satupun menyatakan ia tidak bersalah (meskipun beberapa menyatakan abstain), Louis XVI dihukum mati pada Januari 1793 dengan guillotine. Sampai sini sepertinya sudah jelas apa maksud gunting dan buah catur di gambar itu.
Lalu, pada kata-kata "Here's our saviour, Napoleon Bonaparte", dimunculkan gambar ini.
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Tak lama setelah Napoleon dinobatkan menjadi Kaisar Perancis, ia menggunakan elang sebagai lambang kekuatan imperial Perancis (yang diambil berdasarkan simbol aquila yang digunakan di masa Romawi kuno). Ia membagikan simbol-simbol elang untuk dipasang di atas tiang bendera setiap regimen pasukan Perancis, yang selalu dibawa ketika maju ke medan perang. Setiap anggota pasukan bersumpah untuk melindungi simbol tersebut, dan kehilangan simbol elang tersebut di medan perang menjadi hal yang dianggap memalukan. Meski begitu, dalam sejarahnya, telah tercatat beberapa kali simbol tersebut berhasil diambil oleh lawan di medan perang.
Selain itu, ilustrasi yang dipakai di video ini juga menurut gue keren banget, penggunaan warna yang kontras tapi tetap menarik buat dilihat. Ilustrasinya dari @wakame-pic kalo tertarik.
Jadi...ya, ternyata bisa belajar lumayan banyak dari satu lagu aja ya. Sebenernya masih ada beberapa reference lainnya sih, termasuk mungkin ada juga yang gue ga sadari..
Jadi itu beberapa reference ke masa Revolusi Prancis yang ada di Chaotic Love Revolution-nya Police Piccadilly. Mungkin ga menarik sih haha, tapi gue lega aja udah bisa nyeritain ini, karena menurut gue ini menarik hahaha~
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rudravannahoshiva · 3 years
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rudravannahoshiva · 4 years
Night of Galactic Railroad adalah arc terbaik di Act-Age sejauh ini. Pada arc tersebutlah kepopuleran Act-Age terus bertambah. Ada yang setuju?
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rudravannahoshiva · 4 years
Bila kamu adalah penggemar dari webtoon Tower of God maka silakan mengunjungi blog resmi dari SIU sang kreator. Pada blog itu kamu bisa mengetahui berbagai macam informasi serta afterword yang menarik.
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