rpmcmcs · 2 years
Writer’s Corner Discordventures RP Meme: Part Four (4)
Some are NSFW, a lot can be taken very out of context and some are just dumb shit we say. Feel free to change pronouns, etc too. 💕 Enjoy!
"This is what I get for buying a cute boy." "You don't want Ellen here." "Are you listening? No you're not, you have legs." "He's not completely gay yet." "You're naked already!" "Are we behavining?" "There are no pants?" "C'mon you are a WHORE not a DOCTOR!" “We finished at the same time!” "So I heard you were REFRESHMENTS" "I'd hit YOUR notification bell." "What the fuck? Oh, I forgot to do the butt." "I wanted you to do my nose holes." "I don't need a calculator, I need therapy." "So they'll probably all die faster" "GDI ___ STOP SUMMONING CHILDREN!" "I just want y'all to know you're basic bitches cuz I have a powerful blender." "Well Bobby was a sweetie, but now he's grown into his balls. Which are now gone, so suck it Bobby." "I love his tiny nipples." "Suck on the tip then bite and pull." "MuRdErInG?!? Oh, stabbing." "Why else would you put something vibrating by the butt." "I paid for PP!" "Do do-do do STEVE!" "Le gay weenie weenie." "He is his tiddies." "Mr Touch is my love language." "Does she have a word for out?" "No, it was a Chinese man." "To think I have a 1.25 litre bottle of water in my bag when all I need is these juicy bitches." "What happened to your sticky stick?" "Someone's gotta be the butt." "Already my queen is gone, this is fucking sad." "You get in, you get out then you go home." “You’re miserable when wearing clothes.” "Honestly I should be on drugs." "My hands were ready to type 'penis’." "School is for bitces." "Hey reality, can I touch you?" "I hate him but [redacted Australian noises]"
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rpmcmcs · 3 years
Writer’s Corner Discordventures RP Meme: Part Three (3)
SOME are once again a lil NSFW. Alas, enjoy the random shit we say!
"I've seen your hubby and I know he ain't shit." "I can't remember if they showed his butt or not." "Oh no, not the reading." "Making cheese is probably the same as doing meth." "Not MY jugular, sir." "I'm gonna watch The Wiggles to work on my Australian accent." "But we know who is really thirsty? Hey that's me!" "Is it butt time? Yay!" ”I'll touch myself with infernal blessing.” ”I don't want to hear about your soggy sausages.” "Porn is a vegetable." "You wanna go to a funeral?" "Fuck, my corner!" "I'm crying and you're laughing?" "...Yes." "Okay, you farmperson you!" [Sad car noises] "I gave you my whole emotional pussy." "I panicked so I buttered your biscuits." "I'm feeling this blob right now." "There are none kinds of butts." "I had a gift card so that was pretty sexy." "My daddy is a robot." "Not the tiddies!" "I panicked on the dads." "Ultron is stealing my mum/mom away from me." "Every time I fight, I squeeze my buttcheeks." "Sorry bitch, maybe if you weren't so flat-chested... Idk." "Perceive me, senpai." "It wasn't loud, but it was looong." "His hair is grapes?" "It's British, it'll strike again in a minute." "I have to touch them, I want them done." "When in Rome, master in mozzarella." "SEND RIBS ___!!! Don't you care about me? Don't you wanna be respectful?!" "Ew you eat ___? That’s so gross haha you're so sexy don’t cry." "I EAT DINNER I JUST FORGET!" "CHANNEL THE SPIRIT OF FIRE ELMO!" "I'm not stuffing ___ in a box. They're flying first class." "Hi Felicia." "Gaskeep, girllight, gateboss." "Why does it not just say R O O S T E R S." "I can always look to cold pizza for advice."
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rpmcmcs · 3 years
Writer’s Corner Discordventures RP Meme: Part Two (2)
SOME are NSFW, most are out of context and some dumb shit we say. But, enjoy!
“______, you motherfucker!” “The McFlurry has been flurred.” “I didn’t know you/he/she/they could do that.” “When will _____ return from the war.” “Sweaty dreams!” “Did you drink water?” “So what you guys doiiiing?” “Look who’s back! Birth control.” “Delicious trauma.” “It’s an otter! YAY!” “May you absorb adequate energy from the sun.” “Please hold.” “You know what time it is.” “Wait I’m being nasty.” “Why do you hate me so much.” *Sigh* “I miss _____.” "I'm gonna be a hoe and hold hands with whoever I want." "I had a dream that my neighbours were lesbians and I hung out with them and it was so cool." “We're sucking hoes now, not toes.” “Some good old fashioned lesbian sex.” “You produced tears.“ “All the nice radiowaves to you.” “Do you ever just chug a snort?” “No u turns permitted.” “Okay McDonald's, where's my fookin’ fries.” "That man didn't have to go that hard. And yet, he did." "Watch out for the magic diarrhea.” “And we’re back to the licking.” “A seahorse, a test tube baby and the motherfucking tooth fairy.” “✨The balls.” “Let me lick your dad.” “Charge me up daddy.” “Un copil.” “See, I would but I suck at faces.” “I’m deleting the child.” “It’s a good way to kill your mom.” “No one expects a surprise bone.“ “Fleepy flep.” “It’s called being laid to rest not go back to work.” “It’s not all pancakes and ice cream.”
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rpmcmcs · 3 years
Writer’s Corner Discordventures RP Meme: Part One (1)
“The sexual tension between me and Nevada right now is no joke.” “Sounds kinda sus” “A mongoose?” “Don’t worry about it.” “mEaTiER.” “You’re on the demon list.” “Sleep is for the weaks.” “You have a sister?” “That’s POG.” “I’m just gonna drink this toilet water.” 👀 “Just the one (1).” “Actually, I think you actually can say actually more, actually.” “I’m blocking you.” “Friendship terminated.” “____, it’s time. Send Nevada nudes.” “Gotta get me some of them dolphins.” “Bone cheese.” “Oh I tripped into here, how clumsy of me.” “Am I on the nice list?” “Bye bye, goodbye.” “Gotta hydrate.” “Rule number one: Don’t trust ____” “EMP: Emotional Manifested Penis.” “____ can’t die in 2020.” “I have an ESP, his name is ____” “Hmmm.” “I promise it’s not me.” “____ promised, it can’t be them.” “Angst is life.” “What did you do?” “Who has the braincell?” “I’m doing replies? Wow.” “If you were a ___, what would you be?” “What do you meeeeaaaaaan.” "I’m sorry, I’m concussed.” “Heeey howdy hey.“ “Stay outta my business, guys.” “ExCuSe MeE!?“ “hELLO?!”
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