roneichcom · 1 year
A brief look at Youtube
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When YouTube was launched in 2005, the first shared video was an 18-second clip shot at the zoo. Since YouTube did not initially aim to make money, people produced content similar to the first video for fun. But when Google bought YouTube in 2006, making money became a top priority. That being the case, the creators tried to make their mark on YouTube with higher quality videos.
Today, YouTube uses pre-video advertising and brand partnerships to pay creators. But no matter how much the platform changes, you can watch and upload all the content you want without paying a single penny.
YouTube is steadily increasing its popularity and it seems that this popularity will never decrease in the near future. So if you have a YouTube related project, now is the time to act. If you think you have what it takes to build loyal fans, starting a YouTube channel could be your next step in your entrepreneurial journey.
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roneichcom · 1 year
How to be earn money from Youtube?
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Going back a little bit, someone had to discover you in order for you to be famous or show your talents to people. In fact, no matter how good you were at your job, the luck factor was very important for you to become famous. But now there is YouTube.
YouTube celebrities attract people's attention only with their own efforts and drag the masses after them by creating educational or entertaining content for people. This contributes to making money as well as being famous.
Even if you didn't open your YouTube channel to make money, you may want to take advantage of these opportunities when you see that many channels make money on YouTube.
'Can I really make good money on YouTube?' If you ask, yes you can win, but only those who have a good understanding of YouTube's algorithm can do it. Because YouTube is no longer a platform where you will become popular just by uploading funny cat videos. If you want to keep your earnings high, you need to know how to grow your audience and make money on YouTube.
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roneichcom · 1 year
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Squarespace is a website building service that lets you create attractive websites with easy drag and drop tools. It focuses on small business owners looking for an easy way to build an online presence.
The infrastructure of millions of websites currently online is provided by Squarespace, which was launched in 2003.
1. Squarespace has a simple and easy-to-use interface for beginners.
2. It has attractive templates that are professionally designed.
1. Squarespace is limited to features that are built in.
2. Their integration is limited to a select few services and tools.
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roneichcom · 1 year
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Medium is an easy-to-use blogging platform with limited social networking features. Medium, which was launched in 2012, is now; It has become a community of writers, bloggers, journalists and experts.
Medium works like a social networking site where you can create an account and start publishing your articles. After signing up, you will have a profile address like https://medium.com/@username. But you cannot use your own domain name.
1. It is easy to set up and no coding skills are required.
2. It gives you access to an existing online community of communities with similar interests.
3. Instead of designing a website, you can focus only on writing.
1. Features are very limited in terms of design or branding.
2. You cannot use your own domain name. You get a profile page like Facebook.
3. You cannot run your own ads to earn money.
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roneichcom · 1 year
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Tumblr is a little different from other blogging platforms. It is a micro blogging platform with social networking features including following other blogs, reblogs and more.
1. You can use Tumblr for free with a subdomain like https://hosting.tumblr.com. It also allows you to connect premium custom domain name.
2. It is very easy to set up and use.
3. There is an integrated social media component.
1. Tumblr has limited features that you cannot expand as your blog grows.
2. There are many themes available for Tumblr, but they do not offer you additional features.
3. Backing up or exporting your Tumblr blog is difficult.
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roneichcom · 1 year
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Blogger is a free blog service offered by Google. It allows non-tech savvy users to create a blog quickly and easily.
Blogger is one of the oldest blogging platforms in existence. It was first released by Pyra Labs in 1999. Then in 2003, Google bought Blogger and redesigned it as the product we know today.
A Google account is all you need to open a free blog on Blogger.
1. Blogger is free.
2. It is easy to use and manage without any technical skills.
3. Since it is a world giant like Google, it has a solid security infrastructure.
1. You are limited to basic blogging tools and cannot add new features as your blog grows in popularity.
2. Design options are limited.
3. Blogger is not updated frequently and does not offer new features.
4. Google can suspend your blog at any time or even completely cancel the Blogger service.
Some users start with Blogger because it's free, but as their blog grows, they switch from Blogger to WordPress for more features.
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roneichcom · 1 year
Constant Contact Website Builder
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Constant Contact Website Builder is a powerful website builder that allows you to create a free blog, website or even an online store in minutes with the help of artificial intelligence.
It has a wide selection of templates and an easy to use drag and drop interface. It also gives you access to a custom logo designer, a library of over 550,000 professional stock images, and many more helpful tools.
1. It has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface that requires no technical skills.
2. It allows you to install quickly and easily.
3. It has a 60-day free trial.
4. All paid plans include a free SSL certificate.
1. There are not as many third-party plugins as WordPress, as the developer ecosystem is small.
2. It has limited integration with third-party platforms.
3. It is difficult to transfer your site from the Constant Contact website builder to another platform.
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roneichcom · 1 year
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WordPress.org is the world's most popular blogging software. WordPress, which is currently used by more than 30% of all websites on the internet, was released in 2003.
WordPress.org is an open source free blogging platform that lets you create your website or blog in minutes.
It is a self-hosted solution. WordPress.org is a great option if you want complete control over the future of your blog.
1. WordPress.org gives you control over your website.
2. With WordPress.org you can grow your blog; You can add extra features such as forum, online store and paid membership. This makes WordPress the best blogging platform for you to monetize.
3. There are thousands of free themes for WordPress. This allows you to create a nice looking website.
4. With WordPress, you have access to over 60,000 free plugins. These plugins are; contact form, gallery, etc. Allows you to add features.
5. WordPress is search engine friendly. You can easily create SEO friendly URLs, categories and tags for your posts. Also, there are lots of great SEO plugins for additional features.
1. There are easier software to manage your website. Using WordPress takes some effort. But there are many articles on the internet that can help you with this subject.
2. You have to manage your backups and security yourself.
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roneichcom · 1 year
The best Blogging Platforms for Beginners
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1. Wordpress
2. Constant Contact Website Builder
3. Blogger
4. Tumblr
5. Medium
6. SquareSpace
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roneichcom · 1 year
How do You Choose the best Blogging Platform?
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Before we list the best blogging platforms we will recommend for you, it would be helpful for you to know what you are looking for in a blogging platform.
For starters, you're likely to want a blogging platform that's easy to set up, has a low learning curve, and doesn't require any coding skills. But you also need to think about what kind of blog you want to create in the future.
As your blog's readership grows, you may want to change the look of your site and add more features for your growing audience. This means it's important to choose a flexible blogging platform to grow. Starting from the wrong platform can make it harder to switch to a different platform later on.
Finally, even if you don't currently have any plans to monetize your blog, it's wise to make sure you have the option to do so in the future.
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roneichcom · 1 year
What is the Difference Between Blog and Website?
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One wonders if there is any difference between a blog and a website. It is even more difficult to distinguish between the two today as many companies integrate their blogs into their sites to perform the same function.
Although it is difficult to separate blog and website, the most important feature that distinguishes blogs from websites is that it is updated frequently. Consider a food blog that shares recipes or a company blog that writes about industry news. You will see them posting content frequently.
Blogs encourage reader engagement unlike websites. Readers get a chance to comment and report their criticism to the blogger. Static websites, on the other hand, consist of content served on static pages. Static website owners rarely update their pages. Blog owners, on the other hand, regularly update their sites with new blog posts.
From a visitor perspective, the content on a static site does not change from one visit to the next. Content on a blog, depending on the blog owner's publication schedule; It has the potential to offer something new every day, every week or every month.
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roneichcom · 1 year
Why should You Start a Blog?
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Do you want to message people, share your knowledge on topics, or keep your followers and fans informed about the latest innovations in your brand?
If you can answer yes to one of the questions above and you are clear about your blog topic, a blog; It can help you inform, educate, promote and even sell your products.
That's why you should take some time to make your message and purpose really meaningful and ask yourself why I'm blogging.
1. Do you want to improve your writing and thinking skills?
2. Do you want to demonstrate your expertise?
3. Does writing help you increase your self-confidence?
4. Do you want to communicate with other people in the industry?
5. Or is your only goal to make money?
There are many ways to make money by blogging; thanks to the blog, as 70% of online customers shop based on recommendations from a blog; You can sell your products and services online, place ads on your blog, or promote brands on your blog and turn your efforts into a highly profitable business.
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roneichcom · 1 year
What is a Blog?
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A blog (short for weblog) is a type of website that focuses on written content. In fact, we can also call a blog an online diary or an informative website.
Although we hear mostly about news blogs or famous blog sites in popular culture, you can start a successful blog on any topic you can think of. An author, or even a group of authors, may also share their views on an individual topic.
Bloggers often write from a personal perspective, allowing them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most blogs have a "comments" section where they can communicate with readers. Engaging with your readers in the comments section helps further develop the connection between you and the reader.
Connecting directly with the reader is one of the main advantages of starting a blog. This connection allows you to interact with like-minded people, share your ideas, and build trust with your readers. Having the trust and loyalty of your readers also opens the door to monetizing your blog.
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roneichcom · 1 year
Making Money by Blogging
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By blogging, you can earn 500$ or 2,500$ on a regular basis every month from the internet. You may think that these figures are impossible for you and that this is a lie, but we would like to point out that there are blog sites that provide services in Turkey and earn these figures per month. Of course, you cannot reach these figures from the first month, but this may vary depending on how seriously and correctly you do your job.
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roneichcom · 1 year
Freelance Works where You can Make Money
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1. Digital marketing
2. Software
3. Web designing
4. Authorship and Content editor
5. Graphics and Visual design
6. Virtual assistant
7. Social Media Management
8. Playing Games
9. Blogger
10. Event Planner
11. Youtuber
12. Tiktoker
13. Handmade Product designer
14. Video Editor
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roneichcom · 1 year
Making Money by Working Freelance
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Although freelance work without being affiliated with any company has started to increase its popularity today, it is a working model that has been around for a long time in sectors such as information technologies, software, web programming, digital marketing, design and consultancy.
In the freelance model, individuals earn wages by providing their expertise to people or institutions in need without being affiliated with any company. This model, in which the working days and hours are flexible, provides the freedom of working hours and days of the people. In addition, you can easily increase your income by working for more than one company in a working order that you have determined the working days and hours.
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roneichcom · 1 year
Type of Business using Artificial Intelligence
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1. NFT Creater
2. Graphic Designer
3. Programming
4. Writing
5. 3D Manufacturing Engineering
6. Mobile application and game development expertise
7. Blockchain Expertise
8. Digital data detective
9. Metaverse Expert
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