roadcasttech · 1 year
Warehousing: A Strategic Backbone in Today's Business Landscape
The logistics sector is experiencing a notable upturn in 2023, evident from the growth of the warehousing sector. In the first quarter of the year, approximately 11 million square feet of warehouse space was absorbed, with tier I cities accounting for a significant 77% of the total absorption, while tier II and III cities contributed to the remaining 23%. This surge in demand is accompanied by a remarkable influx of new warehouse projects that emphasise enhanced specifications and uphold stringent EHS standards. The evolving needs of businesses are met by such projects. Warehousing plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of products, especially in an e-commerce supply chain. By implementing a well-established warehousing process, businesses can significantly reduce the risks of product damage. This is particularly important for companies handling delicate or perishable items.
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roadcasttech · 1 year
Fighting Food Waste: Tech's Role in Reducing Perishable Loss
Food waste poses a challenge globally as a staggering amount of food produced for human consumption ends up being wasted. India grapples with a significant food wastage issue, resulting in an alarming economic loss of approximately 92,000 crore annually. However, amidst this challenge, technology is emerging as a pivotal tool in addressing the issue. Innovative solutions driven by technology are now actively reducing perishable loss and revolutionising the methods employed in food handling and distribution. Fleet and delivery management which includes cold chain technology i.e. refrigeration and temperature-controlled logistics, plays a crucial role in preventing spoilage and extending the shelf life of perishable food items.
Undoubtedly, technology driven fleet and delivery management enables seamless coordination, enhances transparency, and fosters a sense of community engagement in combating food waste.
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roadcasttech · 1 year
Maintaining Quality and Safety Transporting Perishable Goods
India is the world's second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables - Production of around 300 million tons per year. According to a rough estimate as per 2021, India experienced a significant food wastage problem, with approximately 40% of its annual food production going to waste. This wastage primarily stemmed from fragmented food systems and inefficient supply chains. What added to the irony is that a substantial portion of this loss occurred even before the food reached the consumer.
Inadequate storage and transportation facilities for perishable food items in India have resulted in significant challenges and wastage which has raised concerns among various stakeholders in the food supply chain, as also highlighted in a September 2022 article. Traders often face difficulties finding space in trains, leading them to abandon perishable items that rot easily. In some cases, the food is dumped in the parcel area of railway stations, obstructing deliveries and causing financial losses due to goods not reaching their destination in fresh condition.
Read Full Article at: https://roadcast.in/blog/Maintaining_Quality_and_Safety_Transporting_Perishable_Goods.html
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roadcasttech · 1 year
Transportation of E-Goods: Problems and Solutions
Imagine a world without smartphones, laptops, and all the amazing electronic devices that make our lives easier and more exciting. According to the latest market projections, the Consumer Electronics market is anticipated to witness substantial growth in the coming years. By 2028, the volume of consumer electronics is expected to reach an impressive 8,974.00 million pieces (Source). These figures indicate a promising future for the Consumer Electronics industry, highlighting the continued demand and popularity of electronic devices among consumers.
From the latest gaming consoles to high-tech wearables, electronic goods, or e-goods, have become an integral part of our modern lifestyle. But have you ever wondered about the journey these gadgets undertake before they reach your hands? The transportation of e-goods plays a crucial role in the global supply chain management logistics.
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roadcasttech · 1 year
Exploring the Root Causes of Common Fuel Theft and How to Address Them
In today’s competitive economic environment, an effective transport management system is crucial for businesses operating in industries with complex supply chains. Without proper transportation infrastructure, it becomes difficult to move raw materials, finished goods, and other supplies around, leading to delays, higher costs, and lost revenue. Fortunately, technological advancements have made it easier for businesses to streamline their transportation operations and optimise their supply chains. By leveraging data and automation, companies can better track their shipments, improve delivery times, reduce transportation costs, and ultimately improve their bottom line.
To read the full blog please visit: https://medium.com/@roadcastmarketing/exploring-the-root-causes-of-common-fuel-theft-and-how-to-address-them-af3bf935b48c
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roadcasttech · 1 year
4 Ways to Reduce Doorstep Cancellations
When operating an ecommerce business, the likelihood of order cancellations is higher compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. According to data from the Government of India the National Consumer Helpline received a total of 68,506 complaints in the e-commerce sector from April to November 2018. Out of these, 40,669 were referred to convergence companies, of which 33,612 were resolved. All businesses face the challenge of dealing with the negative impact of order cancellations, but some experience higher rates than others. While it is natural for customers to return products, a high volume of cancellations can be concerning for business stakeholders. In this article, we will explore 6 effective ways to reduce doorstep cancellations.
You can read the complete blog at:  https://medium.com/@roadcastmarketing/4-ways-to-reduce-doorstep-cancellations-37697b15bb9f
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