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Goofing off while Jenny strings the lights. #bestfriends #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear #newhouse
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One block from our house. #dogsofinstagram #newhouse
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Wednesdays give me such anxiety. My company is a business casual/casual environment. In lieu of casual Friday we have dress up Wednesday. It's SO stressful. I know it shouldn't be, and it probably isn't for anyone else, it's just because I'm unprepared. I only have 2 pairs of dress pants, but I've gained so much weight that they don't fit comfortably (which means they probably don't look good either). I just never know what to wear. To make my average Wednesday morning anxiety worse, I've been staying at my parents house for about a month now. I have (0) dress pants here and (2) dresses. It's like 30° I'm not trying to wear a dress. Anyway. That's my first weird problem. Enjoy. I'm probably going to go spend money on clothes I don't have before work.
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I can't believe tonight is the final ride! #sadfaces #SOA #finalride #whyGodwhy
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I am a very private person, yet I am an open book.If you don’t ask…I won’t tell.
(via implosia)
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I am very sad and I feel more miserable than I can say, and I do not know how far I’ve come. I do not know what to do or what to think, but vehemently desire to leave this place. I feel so melancholy.
Vincent van Gogh, Letters (1875-1890)
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It made me wonder how many times we forgive just because we don’t want to lose someone, even if they don’t deserve our forgiveness.
Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart (via endangerment)
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I’ve survived a lot of things, and I’ll probably survive this.
J.D. Salinger (via thedapperproject)
I repost this every time it comes up on my dash. Because I need this reminder several times a day.
(via meunfiltered)
j fuckin d
(via languageofthesoul253)
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is there a word for “i’m okay but it’s a fragile kind of okay so be gentle with me”? 
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You might be an asshole if...
You go through your girlfriend's phone looking for an excuse to pick a fight. Wait a full 12 hours to start said fight. Break up with your girlfriend (who you live with) via text message, because you refuse to go home to talk to her, or even answer her phone call. Proceed to tell her that you can't trust her. Not make any effort to communicate about what the actual issue is, or work on the relationship at all. And last, but certainly not least... You might be an asshole if you have a new girlfriend less than 1 week after doing the above.
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True love and facials #shesmybestfriend
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I have the greatest work family! Look at how they decorated my desk, it's incredible! You sure do know how to make a girl feel loved.
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This is by far the greatest birthday cake I have ever received. I love my friends! #birthdaycake @jremy721
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My #wcw #jennay #jennybean #bestfriends
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She's my best friend #bestfriends
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Day one of Zach's birthday weekend in Boston!
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