rigelsprince · 4 years
Berkut has arrived!
Welcome to the Officers Academy! You have been assigned to the Black Eagles House.
Please remember to follow the Masterlist and all your fellow colleagues. You have been granted an Iron Lance, the Shatter Slash combat art, and an Accuracy Ring to start your journey with. We look forward to seeing the growth of your true potential.
May the Goddess light your path.
- Mod Bren
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rigelsprince · 5 years
// Just four months shy of 2 years, it pains me to say that I think this blog has run its course for now. I’ve had Berkut as a muse for a very long time, and I’ve enjoyed building on and expanding Rigel over the years, but my writing and ideas have felt stale these past few months. I initially requested a semi-hiatus to see if a break would help me renew my motivation, but instead it’s brought me to the decision to drop. It’s selfish of me to keep holding on to a muse simply because of how long I’ve been writing him. This blog won’t be going anywhere though, so one day I might return to him.
Although I’m dropping Berkut, I’m not leaving FERP. Graduate school keeps me busy, but I do still have a little time to write each day, so I’ll be introducing a new muse soon.
Thanks so much to everyone who’s put up with this grump, and thank you all for humoring my self-indulgent meta posts up until now (I can’t guarantee that you’ll be safe from these in the future though).
- Ree
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rigelsprince · 5 years
Rinea returned to Berkut’s side just after finding the flower, holding it out to him with a small smile of her own. He looked happy, she noticed - warm despite the chill. She was happy too. There was no court intrigue here, no one to gossip about them being together. It was just the two of them.
She had never truly imagined they’d ever be alone like this. Berkut was the crown prince of Rigel, after all, and her house was just barely noble. There were so many other girls he could have chosen; many more politically advantageous for him. But he’d chosen her. Rinea had wondered why ever since she’d received her invitation. But now that she was there, standing before him and watching his smile, it didn’t matter why.
“I would love that, milord,” she replied. “But, if I may ask - who does it remind you of?”
Berkut took the flower delicately from Rinea and reexamined the petals. They bore no cuts or other impurities, which would make the lily a beautiful gift once pressed and framed. Despite his lack of artistic talents, a composition began to form in his mind’s eye as he arranged it in his palm, and he turned his gentle smile back to Rinea.
“You, of course,” he answered unhesitatingly, and then he nearly laughed. “I do hope the comparison doesn’t lead you to believe that you possess a sad demeanor though.”
They began to walk again, and Berkut looked out over the rest of the flowerbeds.
“Select a few more of your favorites,” he directed. “I will craft a souvenir for you to take back with you as a reminder of your stay here.”
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rigelsprince · 5 years
“That is what I said.” Though as Berkut had presumed Lord Ryoma to be her father so great a time period, it likely sounded far more childish than she intended. She was certain that anyone who knew father personally would not only understand her desire for space between them, but encourage it for that matter.
With his wound bandaged and returned to hiding, her task for the most part was done. Absently, she took a small handful of snow and used it to remove any blood that may have found purchase on her hands. It was cold, but she preferred her hands as clean as possible. “My father would likely find the greatest delight in meeting you.” And that was a sincere observation.
Her father always found the greatest delight in ripping apart fools who thought too highly of themselves.
“Speaking of deathbeds is bold from a man I just rescued from his own.” She mused, patiently gathering her things once more. If he had enough energy to pitch and moan, he had enough to be finished with her treatment. Besides that, she did not know what she intended for now. “I thought you were proud of your homeland and fiercely assured of its success. What kind of prince turns his back on his homeland?”
Berkut had nothing to say and simply snorted his disapproval. If Mitama’s father was anything like her, Berkut had no interest in a meeting and doubted there would be any “delight” in it, for either party. His expression remained dark and angry, intense enough to melt a hole through the snow if such a thing were possible, and he huffed again.
“I did not need rescuing.“ The wound could have killed him and he would not have cared. His escape from the infirmary and out into the freezing mountains could have very well been a death wish, albeit an unconscious one, but at the time, he simply wanted out of Alm’s care.
“This is my home no longer,” he growled. “Rigel has been destroyed and Valentia is hopeless. You could have left me to die and it would have made no difference.”
We Meet Again [Berkut & Mitama]
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rigelsprince · 5 years
Rinea could hear a joy in his voice, and her own smile grew. They resumed their gait, and she turned to look at him, a touch confused at his reply. She hadn’t expdcted Berkut to select so delicate a flower as his favorite.
“Lilies are quite beautiful, but they always seemed so sad to me.”
The flower reminded her of a held breath, in a way. Like the love before a fall. But it was breathtakingly pretty; and as Berkut’s favorite, she would have no problem focusing on that.
She found a balance between admiring the landscape and searching for lilies as they walked. Occasionally she came across a flower she didn’t recognize, but her companion seemed happy enough to teach her the names.
Forget-me-nots. Asphodel. Willow.
Maybe they could only grow in regal places like this, where their natural beauty was left untouched.
“Oh! There one is.”
With a gloved hand she pointed to a small white lily among a clump of shrubbery. It was hidden well, but the contrast of its pale petals caught her eye.
“Sad?” Berkut considered the emotion, and the frequency with which the delicate white flowers often found themselves upon graves. They had marked the resting places of a number of his own loved ones over the years, but still he did not link death and sadness with the lily’s beauty. His eyes drifted instead to Rinea’s back as she ventured a few steps ahead - though still tethered by his hand - to search the wild growth along the path, and he couldn’t help but smile softly.
“Perhaps, but they remind me of someone.”
It didn’t take her long to find one, much to Berkut’s surprise, and he released her hand to step through the shrubbery to where the white petals peeked out amongst the green.
“Shall I take it in and dry it for you?” he asked.
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rigelsprince · 5 years
A letter arrives bearing the House Pherae seal. Within the letter, it reads: "Dear Prince Berkut, Our last meeting was a pleasure. I do hope that yourself and your betrothed are well during this cold season. Pherae's winter holiday celebration is underway and I wish to send a token of well wishes. May you fare well and remain in good health. Sincerely, Eliwood of Pherae"
Many letters pass across Berkut’s desk throughout the month, several of which bear similar messages and well-wishing from Rigelian houses as the solstice approaches, but it is one marked with a foreign wax seal that gives the prince pause. House Pherae. Yes, he remembers it on the cape of the redheaded marquess alongside whom he had once fought. Unlike with the others, Berkut takes his time reading it, studying the penmanship and the care given to the letter itself.
And even more unusual, Berkut sets it aside and begins to pen a response. It is the solstice, after all, and alliances should be honored. After pressing his seal onto the envelope, he sends it and directions to pick up a bottle of Rigelian wine off with a servant. Then he settles back into his chair and returns to sorting the rest of his letters.
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rigelsprince · 5 years
He was thankfully quiet as she worked, allowing her the focus necessary to tend to his wounds. It was not hard. The previous person to heal him had done well in their work, it was simply the own man’s pigheaded behavior that had ripped the wound anew.
Eventually the wound was healed enough that he would not die here, and Mitama allowed the magic to ebb away. She reopened her eyes and took her hands off his form. It looked whole at the very least. She hummed to herself absently and tugged her bag over to her side.
“I am glad to see whatever felled you did nothing to bruise your ever present ego.” She replied as she dug through her sides. Eventually she found the fresh roll of bandages and removed it, slowly tugging the end loose. “Kindly hold your shirt out of the way for me.” She instructed. She would rather her not remove it and suffer from the cold only to demand she attend to it.
She waited patiently for him to do as she asked, slowly unwinding the bandage into her lap. “I did not intend to arrive in Valentia. The whims of the gates are beyond my knowledge.” She had arrived, simple as that, and people were in need. So she stayed.
“…If you must know,” She sighed, and for once she matched him in contempt. “I am travelling for many reasons. Avoiding my father is one.”
Berkut did as instructed and allowed Mitama space to bandage him up again. Beneath his coat, the rest of his clothes were already soaked through with blood, icy against his skin after exposure to the cold. He did not allow her a glimpse of his discomfort, however, his expression remaining as ill-tempered as ever as he watched her work.
“Avoiding your father?” he scoffed. There was plenty he wanted to say. About how her childishness brought her to a war-ravaged country instead of to some easy vacation free of parental rule. But for once, he did not speak what was on his mind. Something restrained him, and it could have been his gratitude - however buried deep it was buried within him - for her aid.
As she finished, he was quick to cover the wound again. It was all his skin could handle of the cold, and he fought off a shiver.
“What now, then? You’re simply going to aid the restoration here?” His eyes narrowed, instinct prepared to assert that Valentia - Rigel, anyway - needed no outside help, but then he huffed and looked away. “This country is on its deathbed. Don’t waste your time.”
We Meet Again [Berkut & Mitama]
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rigelsprince · 5 years
A fine council it was that cried for war at the sake of their future. Mitama frowned back at him but held her tongue and her opinions.It was pointless to lecture a fool. Her father would be far better suited to talking endlessly to a wall than she ever could.
…Her father would likely hate Berkut. Finally she had a commonality with him.
It mattered little. It seemed that in Berkut’s mind there was little left worth discussing and with the truth revealed, little point in remaining. Mitama was quiet, but let out an audible sigh as she nodded. “Very well then. If it does not inconvenience you to walk in my steps…” He was left with little choice though, as she turned and began to walk in the direction of the main hall that he had come in so shortly ago. She would not bother to attempt to stop him. Though she would owe her Uncle an explanation for the cause.
Soon enough they returned to the start and Mitama stood to the side to allow him the space to depart. She did not bother to bow. She had honoured him with formalities but she saw no point maintaining what he did not expect. 
“…I wish you the fortune to stay alive.” She said instead, with the dignity expected from a shrine maiden. “as well as the hope that this war of yours ends not in actions worth regret.”
For the remainder of the walk to the Gate, Berkut was uncharacteristically silent, still angry with himself for allowing someone like this girl to trick him into believing that she was royalty. All the wasted effort on diplomacy that would make no difference in the end. He would sooner return to Rigel and forget the visit in its entirety. He certainly wouldn’t allow his uncle to discover what had transpired.
When they reached the Gate, he paused just long enough to hear Mitama’s final farewell. Princess though she was not, her ability to push aside discomfort for civility was impressive nevertheless. Berkut looked back at her and gave a bow of his head. He did not need luck, but now was not the time for another argument.
“This is the end of our correspondence,” he stated instead. “May you find purpose in your aimless life.” Then he turned and disappeared through the light.
a man in babylon
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rigelsprince · 5 years
The lightness in her chest bubbled into laughter as Berkut kissed her hand. She hadn’t expected that, truth be told. But he’d always been the gentleman with her. Perhaps the she shouldn’t have been so shocked.
There was a bounce in her step as they made their way to the gardens, and she gasped as they stepped through the gate. Although traditional flowers grew, among them was a lush greenery Rinea hadn’t anticipated. Were it not for the meticulous grooming, it could have been like a jungle just begging to explored. Endless, maybe, or just a sea of rich tones. If Berkut’s hand did not hold her steady, she could have strayed off, caught up in admiration.
In their casual pace, a particular bloom caught her eye. With a smile she cupped her hand around a pale carnation.
“This one,” she spoke gently. “Carnations have always been my favorite.”
Her mother loved roses, and so her manor mostly featured them in all shades. Beautiful as they were, Rinea could never compare them to the delicate beauty of the carnation. In her secret grove they grew in abundance, peeking around corners and opening up to the sky.
“Do you have a favorite, milord?”
As they walked, Berkut kept a careful eye on Rinea, gauging her reaction. Was she happy? Surprised? The thought that she would be displeased, however, did not once cross his mind, and he smiled fondly at the look of awe that had overtaken her expression. They slowed to a stop for her to admire the carnations growing just off the path.
“Carnations. I see.” Even though she was turned away from him, his smile was in his voice. “They are quite lovely, but I must admit that I favor the lily.” They started down the path again, and Berkut made a conscious effort to keep his footsteps as slow and leisurely as Rinea’s. “It is past their blooming season now, but there may still be a few left for us to find.”
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rigelsprince · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons for winter holidays in Rigel? Does Berkut celebrate it with Rinea or blood family?
I haven’t had a chance to think too thoroughly about them yet, but I do have a few HCs about winter holidays in Rigel.
(below the cut)
The biggest winter holiday for Rigelians takes place during the week of the winter solstice. These are the shortest days of the year (and if you’re in Northern Rigel, you may not get daylight at all) so there isn’t much to do. This celebration arose out of a need to keep busy and to improve relations when the darkness is at its worst (the rationale: if the monsters of folklore were to suddenly appear, you would at least know that you have a handful of neighbors to count on for protection). In the days preceding the solstice - and sometimes even the whole month before - Rigelians decorate their homes with wards and other symbols. Most older Rigelians know the meaning of these symbols, which originate from the time before Rigel and Zofia were split, but the degree to which one believes in their powers varies by location. On the other hand, a lot of younger Rigelians are becoming more distant from their history and don’t know anything about the individual symbols, but it doesn’t really matter as long as decorating prevents idleness and boredom.
Evergreens are popular. Ironwork is popular. Candle and incense makers get the most business during this time of year and it isn’t uncommon for some of the more esteemed merchants to have waiting lists or to sell out of scents. Preparing hand-made gifts in the month leading up to the solstice is also a common way to spend time, although those of upper nobility may favor ordering gifts to be made for them instead.
Since there’s so little to do outside during this time of year, most will spend it inside around the fire, trading stories, drinking, and/or playing music. It’s a very cozy time for Rigelians, and one of the few times it’s socially permissible to let loose a little. Spirits that have been aging all year are brought out and shared, feasts are prepared to celebrate their frugality all year, etc.
The royal family holds a ball each year on the day before the solstice. The castle is lit up with candles, a grand feast is prepared for the guests, and throughout the halls, one can smell evergreen from the fresh-cut boughs. This ball is held the day before the solstice because on the day of the solstice, it has been tradition for members of the royal family and nobility to take a personal trip out to the countryside and observe the aurora. According to legend, those who died while faithfully serving Rigel are permitted to join a parade as it marches across the sky once a year.
For Berkut, he spent much of his youth assisting his uncle and mother with preparations for the ball at the castle, preferring to work instead of sit idly by the fire or play with the other children. As he grew older, he took on more of the responsibilities and was even allowed to give directions as needed. After meeting Rinea though, he would take a day or two to spend with her (at the castle, not at her home unless she insisted), but even for those visits, he’d try to plan something extravagant in advance. They’d usually just end up in front of the fire together anyway though.
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rigelsprince · 6 years
He was silent for a long while. Mitama began to suspect he was going to reject her, to spit more bile and curse her where she stood. But slowly he began to unfold himself, allowing her eyes to catch the blood that stained the side of his shirt. She sighed quietly. What a waste of clothing.
She presumed that that was the most permission she would receive from him. She allowed her pack to slide from her shoulder and fall to the ground. Unnecessary, most likely. Her staff should be enough. The snow crunched under her feet as she moved to kneel at his side. Wet and cold on her knees, but she ignored it. She had a task to focus on, and regardless of her personal feelings, she would not leave someone to die.
That did not mean he did not deserve scolding. “Had I known it was you I followed after, I would have prepared your funeral rites.” She replied. Her hand lifted his shirt to inspect the wound. She had her suspicions. He proved them right. There were clear signs of the wound having been tended to, only to have opened once more. Mitama clucked her tongue disapprovingly. 
She frowned as suddenly he rounded on her once more with further accusations. She stared at him flatly as his temper began to flare once more. She pressed her hand roughly against his wound in response, certain of the flare of pain it would send through him. “I have no need to feign ignorance. I know no one by that name.”
Certain that was enough of a scolding, she returned to her task. Her hand lightened, covering his wound as she tapped the end of her staff against the back of her hand. “I left Shirasagi castle to travel. The gates lead me just recently to Valentia. I came across a young woman of red hair who requested my aid in tending to the wounded. She mentioned some battle I payed little mind to.” 
Her eyes closed and slowly, she allowed the restoring magic to being to flow through her staff and into the wound.
Berkut sucked air through his teeth and pulled away from Mitama’s stinging touch. As much as he hated it, he was at her mercy, and he was not so dense that he did not understand her non-verbal command to quiet. And so he did, moodily, and the dark expression on his face smoldered with all of his indignation, all of the shame, that she would find him like this. He had not left her on the greatest of terms when last they spoke a year and a half ago, but it seemed much more than mere coincidence that Mitama, of all people, would find him. His mind circled with paranoid thoughts, conspiracies, suspicions, and he watched her intently with narrowed, wary eyes. She could assert that she did not know Alm all she liked, but Berkut could not - would not believe her just yet. Nor could he believe quite yet that she had no intention to harm him in some way, to exact revenge while he was more or less powerless. He carried nothing in the way of self-defense, save an old knife, and though he was still physically stronger than she was, she could easily take advantage of his injuries. And he expected her to, as cowardly as that would be.
Even her explanation sounded meaningless to him. But as the white magic soothed and closed his wound, his frustration began to ebb as well.
“What a coincidence that you would find yourself in Valentia at a time like this.” He leaned back against the trunk and sighed into the cold air, his tone a mixture of sarcasm and resignation. “Did you grow so tired of your dull Hoshido that you felt drawn to the chaos of war in other realms?”
We Meet Again [Berkut & Mitama]
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rigelsprince · 6 years
“I am advising you, you dense idiot.” She snapped back. A headache was beginning to pulse in her head. How many circles could one sprint in when he insisted on remaining stubborn? “As one who has survived a war. You do your country a disservice if your voice is the only one you will hear.”
Her pride? Mitama had never considered herself as prideful. She was far more certain that dreams of bearing a crown had never crossed her sleeping hours. She had far more things closer to her heart for her mind to occupy itself with, and none of those had come to fruition either. So. His point seemed foolish.
“I am aware of the kindness I’ve been given.” Far more generous than any gift from her own father. But that did not give her any delusions of grandeur. The royal family was not her own. Saizo was not even her own, despite all he’d done for her. Something unpleasant settled low in her stomach. She was tired of this conversation.
“…To tarnish a reputation requires anyone pay you mind.” Her own father couldn’t be bothered to do that. “…which matters little when I doubt any explanation I may give can shift your mind in any way.”
“I have a council that advises me on such matters, a veteran general who oversees my training, and a connection to the Emperor to which your paltry ‘advice’ hardly compares,” Berkut snapped back. “You are foolish to assume that my ideals are mine alone. I only ever act on behalf of my country’s best interest.”
Then Mitama grew sullen, and Berkut reacted by quieting as well, though his expression remained hard, his brow furrowed, and his frown sharp. He had more to say - to defend his open-mindedness, to assert that he was not so stubborn that she could not talk sense to him, if she talked sense at all - but instead he simply stared back at her, exhaling audibly as he turned over their argument. It was going nowhere, and her culture was too different for him to have any hope in showing her the way of Rigelian life. More importantly, she admitted that she was not even a princess, even if the ruling king had granted her his pity. Everything that they had done up until that point meant nothing.
“Fine,” Berkut yielded. “In that case, show me the way to the Gate and I’ll take my leave.”
a man in babylon
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rigelsprince · 6 years
As Rinea admired the world around her, she could feel wonder in her heart. Rigel Castle was a marvel in the cool autumn light. Berkut’s cheeks were flushed in the cold, and his smile was genuine.
She’d had many daydreams as a girl of falling in love, but none compared to this.
She looked over as Berkut asked her opinion and noted with surprise his extended hand. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she stared down for what was likely too long. Should she lace her fingers in his? That would be the more intimate gesture, but one still acceptable for polite company. But perhaps he didn’t want that. He could only be asking for a slight grasp.
Rinea’s head spun and heart pounded as she overthought every detail. It wasn’t every day one was shown such interest from a prince - much less one like Berkut. Everything had to be perfect.
The moment felt whimsical, fantastical, almost magical, to be so blessed. Berkut was handsome. He was kind, and brave, and strong…. more than she could have ever asked for. And in that moment, no one else mattered. Rigel Castle belonged to them, all her secrets theirs to unravel.
Rinea reached down, locking her fingers between Berkut’s.
“Whatever you wish to do, my lord.” She spoke softly. “My only wish is to do it with you.”
The seconds that passed were an eternity, and Berkut awaited a response scarcely aware of his own breath. Had the gesture been too bold? He began to second-guess himself, though he fought not to allow his uncertainty to reach the surface - a skill in which he was well-practiced, as doubts and the heavy expectations that came with the crown circled his mind near-constantly. His muscles tensed to withdraw his hand and the rest of his body followed suit, driven by instinct to preserve his pride.
Then, her hand alighted upon his palm, her fingers through his own - a perfect fit - and the breath he did not realize he had been holding came out a quiet sigh. He was spared the nightmare of rejection, a nightmare that had stolen sleep from him on so many nights, and the relief was as warm as the sun in the midst of a Rigelian summer. The daylight itself grew a little brighter.
An observant eye might have noted the slimmest moment of awestruck hesitation, or the faintest lift of the corner of his mouth, but Berkut expertly hid it with a kiss to her knuckles, and drew her arm through his.
“You’re in luck then, my lady,” he spoke ebulliently, confidence and happiness both renewed, and began their march toward the garden gates. “I have no intention of leaving you to yourself during your stay here. But if a thought strikes your fancy, do tell me, so I may make it a reality.”
The garden was full of brightly colored wildflowers, hardy trees, and insects buzzing away before the sun started its early descent toward the mountains. In contrast to the rigid, geometrical lines of the castle, the plants here grew wild, more greenery than colorful flowerheads, and bore greater resemblance to a shrubby forest than a proper garden. But there were patterns to the flowerbeds, and the groundskeepers worked hard to maintain each one.
“You must have a favorite flower,” Berkut mused, and gestured out toward the grounds. “Do you see it here?”
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rigelsprince · 6 years
// I apologize for completely disappearing without a word after saying that I’d be around for the Halloween event. One of these days I’ll learn to stop making such empty promises. Anyway, I was going to make a post about this sooner to assure you all that nothing serious had happened but days have been slipping by me and with a mile-long to-do list, my memory is shit lately.
I submitted a hiatus request last Friday, but since it hasn’t been posted yet, I thought I’d let you all know that I’ll be absent until December.
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rigelsprince · 6 years
// Berkut is officially participating in the Halloween event now. Unfortunately a week late because the mun had half a dozen projects to finish this month.
Since most other people already have threads going, I’ll only send the Trick/Treat meme to those who reblogged it. If you’re looking to take on new threads from the other meme though, like this post and I’ll send you something. Otherwise send me a prompt instead.
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rigelsprince · 6 years
It’s not Halloween without trick or treating! Send my muse TRICK for the muses to share a randomly generated Halloween surprise, or send my muse TREAT for a random and delightful gift.
A frog?
A mystery potion
Candy corn
Giant spiderweb
Box of raisins
Pile of bones? Whoa that’s weird
A basket of fruit
A piece of cake to share
Some actual candy
Jack o’ Lantern
A warm blanket and warm drinks
Wine / Fruit Juice
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rigelsprince · 6 years
The Liminal Castle!
The Liminal Castle is open to all, but Halloween always seems to bring something strange to life…
The Castle:
👻 - Many wonderful shows had graced the castle’s private theatre, a wonderful spectacle for all. But there’s rumors of a ghost wandering the theatre at night…Why not investigate? 💃 - The ballroom is filled with the sounds of music and people dancing the night away. Why not grab a partner and join in? 🎥 - Many mages worked hard to figure out how to bring life to still pictures, but they did it! A little too well…You find yourself trapped in the movie playing on the screen! (Sender specify the film) 📷 - You’re not sure how you ended up wandering so deep into the castle, but now you’ve found a strange mirror deep in the basement. It seems to show you but…something just isn’t right?
The Courtyard:
🍎 - Throw food at someone. Go on. Do it. They probably deserve it. 🍄 - There’s something strange about the taste of this treat, but you just can’t put your finger on what it is…hang on. When did everything suddenly get so big? When did you get so small!? 🍸 - Share a drink with a friend. Or sabotage someone else. How many drinks do you think they’ll need before they start doing some stunts? 🍇 - What’s Halloween without some candy? Luckily, the best candy maker in the kingdom is here with treats for sale. You should try some! Share with a friend.
Into the Woods:
👀 - You can feel the eyes of something following you in the woods. You aren’t sure what it is, but when it finds you, there’s no denying that it’s hungry. (One muse is a vampire. Or neither! Go hunting.) 🐺 - The howls bounce against the trees, and you can hear the sound of something running. It’s big, and fast, and most definitely coming for you. (One muse is a werewolf. Or neither! Go hunting.) 📖 - You find a strange book just sitting there in the woods. Someone must have dropped it. But when you open the book, it’s clear by the surge of power you feel release from it that this is not some ordinary book. 🎃 - Strange things are said to happen to people lost in the woods. You didn’t expect to see the ghost of someone you know there.
The Gardens:
🐟 - There’s something splashing about in the fountain… It definitely doesn’t look like your average fish. Maybe you should get closer and take a look. ⭐ - It’s a beautiful halloween night. The sky is clear and the air is warm…there’s nothing like sitting back and looking at the stars. Aren’t you lucky to have company for it too? 🔥 - Halloween is all about scary stories. Why not take a shot at trading a frightening tale, see just how spooky you can be. 👗 - Oh no, it looks like you’ve found a tear in your halloween costume. Hopefully you can fix it before it gets any worse.
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