ricecakepicnic · 2 years
my only motivation this month is being able to look at my bc on august 1st and be proud of Mt progress qt the end of the month
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
relosing weight you already lost is so boring
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
is it bad that i want to look sick ? like being skinny isn't enough i want people to see how in control i am
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
I used to think the ana community was pretty ok when it came to fatphobia. Yes, I do know that some ppl who suffer from an ed do have some internalized fatphobia but most people I’ve seen on here are pro recovery and again it’s internalized so never directed at others.
But it all changed when I went to take a peak at ed/ana twitter and y’all are going to hell !
Using fatspo is already disgusting but using videos, photos or tiktoks of fat people trying on cute outfits, loving their bodies and being confident and proud of themselves -wich by the way if you suffer from an ed, YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE HOW HARD THAT IS TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE SOCIETY WE LIVE IN- without they’re consent is another level of disgusting.
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
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Hey Guys! i wanted to make a masterpost on harm reduction for people who struggle with eating disorders. i have written this one mainly focusing on anorexia and bullimia as thats what i struggle with.
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so, what is harm reduction? harm reduction is basically steps put in place before someone does something dangerous to make it less risky - to put it simply. people who have eating disorders dont get a choice to have the ed, and recovery is very hard, so for the people who cant recover yet they can at least use these tips to stay safe.
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some dangers of starving are:
low iron and other vitamins and minerals
passing out, fainting, feeling dizzy, hot flushes and sweats
weak and damaged hair, nails and skin
malnutrition (obviously)
difficulty breathing
unstable heart rate/weakened heart
muscle deterioration
and much much more...
some things you can do to manage these symtoms are:
taking iron tablets with vitamin c tablets (for better absorbtion) and any other minerals and vitamins for general health
keep small candies on you at all times like jelly beans in case your blood sugar drops quickly
if you feel like youre going to faint please try to eat something even small or at least drink water snd sit down
be gentle when you wash and brush your hair, use strengthening shampoos and oils and you can even get tablets to help with hair and nail growth
use benefiber or eat food with fiber in it to increase bowel movements
drink lots and lots of water, add lemon if you like the taste
haemorrhoids are common with irregular bowel movements so having cream for that can be helpful
get regular blood tests if you can to see where you may need to add more of something
adding salt to foods can up your heart rate
ultimately if youre starving yourself youre going to run into health complications down the line and a lot of them cannot be fixed with a few tips like these. more serious things like muscle deterioration, loss of bone density, heart/cardiac problems etc you will need to go to the doctor or the hospital. please get help if you can, this disorder is horrible and you dont deserve the bad outcomes.
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just like starving, purging is also very dangerous and has many bad side effects such as:
decaying teeth
poor oral hygine eg bad breath, cavities, yellow teeth etc
damage to the insides of your stomach and throat and esophagus
weakness, fainting, light headed
(many of the other things i would say were mentioned in the starving section so read both)
purging is an addiction thats very hard to stop once you start and if bad damage is done youll need to go to the dentist, doctor or hospital but heres a few things that can help:
brushing your teeth regularly but not straight after purging
carry around breath mints and lip balm
drinking lots of water and i mean LOTS, purging dehydrates you insanely
laxative abuse is also a form of purging which causes constipation, diarrehoea and haemorrhoids so again creams and fiber and water especially
if you start to vomit or excrete blood go to the hospital asap because its very dangerous
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over exercising is something many people with eating disorders do but again there are risks:
heat stroke
fainting, dizzy, light headed, nauseas
over exertion
if youre on a treadmill or something and you start to feel faint get off straight away because if you did faint you would really hurt yourself if you fell.
dont exercise on hot days or if you do make sure its somewhere cool and if you start to get flushes sit down in the shade or cool and drink lots of water
when you exercise always have water and maybe an elecrolyte drink next to you so that you can replenish your electrolytes and feel a bit better
before you exercise stretch a lot and make sure your body is warmed up before doing anything too strenuous
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other stuff to be aware of:
driving- this on is important because if you are undereating you will probably start to feel faint and if you pass out while driving youre not only putting yourself but others at risk too
temperature- you will start to get cold all the time so make sure you always have warm clothes to wear, beanies, gloves and thick socks are best because those are the places your body needs to stay warm the most
water- some people think water will make them gain weight, IT WILL NOT, if anything it will help you lose weight, without drinking water youll surely die
sleep- sleeping with a restrictive ed is hard for many reasons so try out songs, meditation guides, audio books, podcasts, rain sounds, scents and literally anything you can to at least try to sleep because sleep is SO important and youll be tired enough as it is
this is just a part one for now but if people like it and find it helpful ill make a part two so give suggestions on other harm reduction techniques and categories
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
ive decided to stick to an eating window of 4-5pm so i only have an hour
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
hii im new to tumblr (edtwt got boring) so i wanted to introduce myself !!
my names hazel, i like reading, crocheting and basically anything that screams old lady
im 18 and 175cm, my cw is 57.3kg and my ugw is 50kg (im thinking of changing it to 45kg because 100lbs sounds prettier)
im looking for moots 16+ so we can support eachother <33
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
im bee-em-eye 18.7 currently, do you think its possible to be 18.5 by march 1st ??
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ricecakepicnic · 2 years
tumblr is like group therapy except nobody gets better
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ricecakepicnic · 3 years
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Low cal pop tart (23 calories) vs normal pop tart (200 calories) I resisted a b/p by making these and I feel really good. 🍓
-2 ½ tbsp banana flour =16 cals
-20 grams fresh strawberries =7 cals
-salt (pink or white salt, pink is better for you!) =0
-water =0 cals, duh 🤣
-0 cal cooking spray
~Preheat oven to 350. I did it in the middle of the whole process but you can do it whenever you’d like.~
1: add flour and a pinch of salt to bowl, mix then add water, mix again. Just add water bit by bit until it creates a dough. It’ll be a little bit sticky but that’s normal! It should barely stick though.
2: take out from bowl and play with it in your hands, kneed on counter for about 5 minutes.
3: shape into pop tart looking squares. I tried to use a rolling pin but I’m not very good with it (it kept sticking and I didn’t want to use more flour for it to not stick because that adds a bit more calories but if you don’t care for those few extra calories, use it! Do you. 😌) but I just used my fingers to shape it. I didn’t do it evenly. 😬
4: measure out strawberries, you won’t need much! I used about 4 medium ones. Then microwave it for 30-45 seconds. Mash and mix for about a minute.
5: place parchment paper on pan, place first half of pop tart dough and then place mashed strawberries in the middle, spread evenly. Place other half of dough on top, press down with fork. Then cut little x on top to help it cook. You could do another shape too if you’d like. A heart would be cute haha ☺️
6: put zero calorie cooking spray in a small cup or container. (I used coconut oil cooking spray) brush on top of pop tart. I used the brush that my mom uses to put sauce on ribs and such! Not sure of the name but it works super well.
7: place pop tart in oven, let cook for 10 minutes, take it out and check it! You may need to add a bit more cooking spray since I did. Place for another 10 minutes. Mine cooked for about 16 minutes but I think it could’ve stayed a bit longer so I recommend 18-20 minutes!
8: take out pop tart and let cook for a bit. Peal from parchement paper and place on plate. (My poptart had pieces of parchement paper stick to it a little, no big deal though! It’s easy to peel off)
9: you can warm up more strawberries and add water to make a sauce to dip in, or place on top. It’s quite fragile though! Definitely not like a traditional pop tart and tastes more like a mini pie but still very good! Enjoy! 🍓💕🥧
To make other flavours:
-🍎🥧apple pie pop tart: you can warm up apples and cinnamon to make it a cinnamon apple pop tart!
-🍫🔥s’mores pop tart: add Walden farms zero cal marshmallow dip as filling, mix cocoa powder, splenda and water for chocolate filling! Mix graham crackers (blend them if you can or mash them for a while with hard object) in dough with cinnamon for a graham cracker taste.
-🍌🍰 banana cream pie pop tart: for filling use mashed bananas, vanilla and Walden farms marshmallow zero calorie dip as filling.
I’ll be trying the other flavours soon! 💕
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