Please help support me as a queer writer this pride month by reading my new passion project! An original novel by me!
When I Was, Now I Am, is a coming of age story at its core with a leading lgbt+ cast.
The life of a child is something precious, but it becomes something more when you share it with another. Thea Luxley gains that privilege upon meeting Raven, another girl her age after moving to a new house in a new city. This is the story of their journey through life, and it all starts at the age of six.
From the moment they meet, a special bond is formed, and both girls become inseparable despite their struggles. From grappling with financial instability to facing the church and its people, Raven and Thea are a force to be reckoned with.
Watch them grow from young first graders into adults where they slowly understand what it means to love, not only each other, but themselves despite everything the world tells them to be.
*** Discussions of Religious Trauma and Adult Themes***
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put three names & a number in my ask
some fmk alternatives
stab, shoot or drown
fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with
fight aliens with, fight zombies with, fight capitalism with
write a book with, read a book to, hit with a book
go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey
go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with
share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against
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I won’t confirm or deny this
Nico, Will, Leo, Piper, Reyna and Thalia going round and committing crimes together
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It’s my boo
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posting pjo art after 3 months? wild. here’s a thalia i doodled on insta last week 👌
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Where I profes my affections for Grover, adore Sally Jackson, laugh at stupid puns, and give you a little insight into my life.
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Please check out my Percy Jackson podcast
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Did I make this during my lunch break at work after seeing it in the bathroom? Yes...yes I did.
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Please help me vote a good friend of mine into the semi finals for athlete of the decade. It would mean the world for both of us. Vote Leo Daschbach on the link below. You can vote more than once by voting once per device
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(Thanks 😂)
I have acquired so many jelly beans for Easter
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It’s going to be GREAT
I have acquired so many jelly beans for Easter
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I have acquired so many jelly beans for Easter
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Thalia Says I “Devolve Into A Child When Hylla Is Around.” She Has No Evidence!
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Thalia Says I “Devolve Into A Child When Hylla Is Around.” She Has No Evidence!
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When the memes come for you
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I have to admit, it’s been wild. Living life. Doing my worst. I mean best. Because I only do the best. I am the best, and I am so very tired.
Lockdown Day 18
Welcome back to your favourite demigod run lockdown entertainment service. It is now Day 18 of the official lockdown and I am losing horribly at Trivial Pursuit...
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But beyond my lack of general knowledge, here is how things have progressed on this side of the world...
Me (Thalia): Hey Rey, how long d’you reckon it takes until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Reyna, deadpan: 72 hours.
Me: How do you-
Reyna: There’s a clown behind you.
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Reyna, looking at the assault course I built through the house: Please don’t do it.
Me (Thalia): There ain’t nothing you can say to stop me...
Reyna: Oh yeah? How about... BLARFHJISPDUNSK
Me: Well I gotta admit, that slowed me down... but I’m still going for it!
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Reyna: What’re you doing?
Me (Thalia), laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling: Do you ever think about how the stars are just up there and their only job is to shine some light in the blissful silence of space, and all they have to do is be? Goals.
Reyna: I’m going to get a drink.
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Me (Thalia), at 3am: Babe, please come to bed. You need to sleep.
Reyna: Sleep is for the weak! I don’t need sleep, I need more wine! 24 hour party people Thals c’mon!
(PSA: She was very hungover for the entirety of the next day)
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Reyna, on Iris Message with Piper: It’s date night tonight, and Thals is cooking so I was just finishing getting ready. Going all out, y’know. How do I look?
Piper: With your eyes.
Reyna: Right, I don’t have time for your bullshit-
Piper: You always have time for my bullshit
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Me (Thalia), on Iris with Annabeth whilst Percy, Jason and Piper are play fighting in the background: Wow... It’s moments like this I’ll never forget.
Annabeth: With a good therapist, hopefully I will.
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Reyna, checking the fridge: Ugh! We’re out of snacks.
Me (Thalia): Excuse me. I’m literally right here-
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Bob Ross says “Happy little trees.”
Reyna says “Happy little piggies.”
Lockdown - Day 9
Good evening all, as I’m sure you’re aware we’ve now been on lockdown for just over a week. Everything is finally all sorted and ready and we’re just about getting used to our new lives for the foreseeable future... and by that I do mean, I am bored af. So bored in fact, that today... I painted a llama
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But for those outside of the Grace-Ramírez household right now, here’s our lovely weekly highlight reel:
Me (Thalia), Pre-Lockdown: I hate people and I’ve spent so long running around outside I just wanna lie in bed forever...
Me, 2 days into lockdown: Outside, I need the outside, human contact is necessary to survive *flops on the bed*
Rey: *pats my head without looking up from her book* There, you’ve had contact
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Rey, after dealing with the legionnaires refusing to follow the lockdown: Can’t decide if I need a hug, an extra large coffee, 6 shots of vodka or 2 weeks of sleep.
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Rey: I think I’m gonna go to the shop to get some jelly beans and our essentials for the week
Me (Thalia), knowing she’s already been on her one (1) daily state mandated walk: Imagine going to the shop for jelly beans and getting tasered
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Rey: So you know we ordered Amazon delivery and selected the “replace item” with the closest thing if they run out of stock?
Me (Thalia): Yeah, we ordered tampons right... what did they send?
Rey: Apparently the closest possible thing, which right now *pulls item from the box*... is a bag of 50 frozen sausage rolls
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Me and Rey, sharing the office whilst we work from home...
Me (Thalia): What you up to?
Rey: Filling out paperwork, and sorting out the orders for those in charge of maintaining the lockdown, just trying to keep everything in check... you?
Me (Thalia): I’m drawing a duck
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Me (Thalia): Are you still gonna love me after you’ve been stuck with me 24/7 for like months?
Rey: Of course I will, I might’ve killed you a few times but I’ll still love you.
Me (Thalia): ... thanks?
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Me (Thalia): Erm, Rey... they extended the lockdown.
Rey: What?! Until when?
Me (Thalia): No one really knows, until the number of deaths starts reducing I spose.
Rey: But... we were getting married next month.
Me (Thalia): Yeah, which means our only hope for that is Apollo finding a cure in the next 3 weeks...
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On the bright side, we can always rearrange that and we get like a whole month to actually spend time together (granted with the frequent untimely interruptions of Argentina’s and Aurum). Also a big plus, Hylla was not visiting when we were out on lockdown... otherwise one of the 3 of us would not have been returning from the quarantine.
Stay safe and have fun all, and remember if boredom prevails - you can always, annoy the fuck out of your S/O 😇 @reyna-praetor-of-everything
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Things I have done to stay sane:
Named the Llama, Steven.
Gotten good at twiddling my thumbs
Taken up whittling
I have carved a bar of soap in the likeness of Steven the Llama
I think I invented a new color by slapping paint around on a paper plate.
I also painted Thalia’s feet with little smily faces on all of her toes.
I have NOT contemplated arson for fun.
I HAVE yelled at people for hoarding soap because EVERYONE needs to wash their hands not just YOU ANGELLA!
I understand why children like stacking Tupperware now. I recreated the Empire State Building.
I have begun talking to bees that hang out by the flower box near the door.
I‘v become semi ambidextrous out of stubbornness because why not?
I created an interesting menu of new snack combinations.
I have, indeed, run in place for an hour.
Yes. I did slide down the hall back and forth in my socks for three hours.
The list only grows.
Lockdown - Day 9
Good evening all, as I’m sure you’re aware we’ve now been on lockdown for just over a week. Everything is finally all sorted and ready and we’re just about getting used to our new lives for the foreseeable future... and by that I do mean, I am bored af. So bored in fact, that today... I painted a llama
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But for those outside of the Grace-Ramírez household right now, here’s our lovely weekly highlight reel:
Me (Thalia), Pre-Lockdown: I hate people and I’ve spent so long running around outside I just wanna lie in bed forever...
Me, 2 days into lockdown: Outside, I need the outside, human contact is necessary to survive *flops on the bed*
Rey: *pats my head without looking up from her book* There, you’ve had contact
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Rey, after dealing with the legionnaires refusing to follow the lockdown: Can’t decide if I need a hug, an extra large coffee, 6 shots of vodka or 2 weeks of sleep.
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Rey: I think I’m gonna go to the shop to get some jelly beans and our essentials for the week
Me (Thalia), knowing she’s already been on her one (1) daily state mandated walk: Imagine going to the shop for jelly beans and getting tasered
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Rey: So you know we ordered Amazon delivery and selected the “replace item” with the closest thing if they run out of stock?
Me (Thalia): Yeah, we ordered tampons right... what did they send?
Rey: Apparently the closest possible thing, which right now *pulls item from the box*... is a bag of 50 frozen sausage rolls
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Me and Rey, sharing the office whilst we work from home...
Me (Thalia): What you up to?
Rey: Filling out paperwork, and sorting out the orders for those in charge of maintaining the lockdown, just trying to keep everything in check... you?
Me (Thalia): I’m drawing a duck
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Me (Thalia): Are you still gonna love me after you’ve been stuck with me 24/7 for like months?
Rey: Of course I will, I might’ve killed you a few times but I’ll still love you.
Me (Thalia): ... thanks?
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Me (Thalia): Erm, Rey... they extended the lockdown.
Rey: What?! Until when?
Me (Thalia): No one really knows, until the number of deaths starts reducing I spose.
Rey: But... we were getting married next month.
Me (Thalia): Yeah, which means our only hope for that is Apollo finding a cure in the next 3 weeks...
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On the bright side, we can always rearrange that and we get like a whole month to actually spend time together (granted with the frequent untimely interruptions of Argentina’s and Aurum). Also a big plus, Hylla was not visiting when we were out on lockdown... otherwise one of the 3 of us would not have been returning from the quarantine.
Stay safe and have fun all, and remember if boredom prevails - you can always, annoy the fuck out of your S/O 😇 @reyna-praetor-of-everything
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