revolverkun · 5 years
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revolverkun · 5 years
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You Are Steel/RockType!
You represent the STEEL type!
The Steel type is all about innovation. Always looking for the next big breakthrough or discovery, you can never seem to sit still. Your dedication for projects can be overwhelming to some, but your security in yourself will serve you time and time again. It is important, Steel-type, to remember to treat others with delicacy. While the world of tools and systems may follow strict, unyielding logic, others are not so simple. Your straightforward method of interaction should be mindful of others' feelings and desires. Perhaps, like the systems you enjoy creating, you can create new ways of interaction with dedication and excitement.
You represent the ROCK type!
The Rock type is all about permanence. You are more resilient than most; a hurricane, tsunami, and tornado couldn't stop you from your goals. Indeed, you are a loyal, selfless person, but remember to use this dedication to your own benefit once in a while. A candle burned at both ends will soon snub itself out. You are a pragmatist, at heart. You have a knack for the practical, and tend to follow logic brilliantly. Remember, however, to not let this skill turn you into a rash or stubborn thinker, as you have a tendency to do. There is more to the world than logic, Rock-type, and even the strongest boulders need a soft spot.
Tagged by: @playmakersama  (Thanku thanku ♥♥♥)
Tagging: any and everyone who sees this and feels like giving it a go!!! Plus @shirobokurei  you are now legally obligated to do this
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revolverkun · 5 years
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revolverkun · 5 years
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Malicious Lighting
I’m not ready for any of what happens next.
Ko-Fi | Commissions | DeviantART | Tumblr Art Tag | Puzzle Peaches
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revolverkun · 5 years
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revolverkun · 5 years
reasons why i am a dragon of an rper:
hoards memes and threads like treasure for centuries
vanishes for long periods until everyone believes i’ve perished
exits my cave only to rain down suffering  ( read: angst )  on those around me
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revolverkun · 5 years
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.//i’ve been having alotta technical difficulties since late last year but i think i have it under control now, more or less
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revolverkun · 5 years
Unkept Promises
He’s slow to get up from the shared bed, careful in the way he slips out from under the sheets as to not disturb its other occupant. With a touch as light as falling snow he fixes the covers, and now it was like he was never there in the first place. As it should be.
He takes a moment to gaze upon the other; as Yusaku slept somewhat soundly. Sometimes he shifted every now and then, other times he’d be trembling in a cold sweat. All of which was his fault, really. Ryoken didn’t see how Yusaku could possibly believe he slept better with the root of all his problems beside him.
Ryoken walks with silent steps to the other side of the bed, in order to push multicoloured bangs aside with ghosting fingertips. There was danger of waking the other in what he did next; which was to place a feathery kiss to Yusaku’s now bare forehead. But he selfishly needed to. He finds the skin to be cold and clammy against his lips and frowns. He must’ve been having another awful dream, but he hadn’t jolted awake from it just yet. Just his luck; it was almost as if the world was telling him to go while he still had the chance.
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❝ I... I love you, ❞ Pale moonlight shone through sheer curtains as he raised himself to a stand once more. He found the words hard to say, even now when Yusaku couldn’t hear him struggle to let himself know love. He didn’t deserve it. No matter how much Yusaku forgave him he has still yet to forgive himself. He didn’t think he ever could. ❝ This is goodbye, Yusaku. ❞ 
His only regret as he stepped back would be that he wouldn’t get to see those glimmering emeralds in this pale light before he went. He’s sure they would be as beautiful as he always found them to be. Eyes that put him at ease... Eyes that reminded him of the day they first met. They were awing to him even back then. And he can’t help but wonder if they’d be sparkling even brighter had he not brought him home that day.
Ah-- he almost forgot. Pulling a crisply folded letter from his blazer’s pocket, he holds it close for a second or two. Contemplating before ultimately placing it on the nightstand. He gives it a wry smile, seeing his father’s old wax seal holding the seams shut. It was perhaps an unnecessary step to take but if he thought the note important enough for it. 
And that was that, really. Ryoken takes one last look at Yusaku’s sleeping form, perhaps the stillest he’s seen the other in a long while. He...wanted ever so slightly to go back and tear up the papers and crawl back into bed. To cling to the warmness that was trapped under the blankets, to his lover there and cry apologies and promises as he fell back into a comfortable slumber together. 
But he wouldn’t. 
He left, without another word. Without another selfish last look. This was it.
Ryoken can only wonder now if Stardust Road’s glow was out to greet him and bid him his final farewell.
The door closes behind him, the force being enough to somewhat jostle the letter, making it fall flat against the table top. Within it read;
                                 When you read this you’ll surely have figured I have not woken                                  beside you. And for that I apologize. In truth I couldn’t bare to                                  say it to you face. That I love you. That I’m sorry. And that this                                  is good-bye. 
                                 This letter is to tell you to not expect my return. I already did                                  enough damage without adding a false hope to it as well.
                                 I really wanted it; that new path you talked of once. And I tried.                                  But it seems I really cannot have such a thing. Not after all I did.                                  You can forgive me but I cannot find it in me to forgive myself.                                  Because of me my late father suffered and died protecting me,                                  and because of me I brought not only you but the other Lost                                   Incident victims to suffer even to this day.
                                 I had the purpose of correcting my wrongs by fulfilling my                                   father’s dying wish. To safeguard humanity. It didn’t matter                                  what happened so long as the means justified the end.                                  So I fought, and I fought. Even against you, until the                                   fighting one day stopped. And I found myself in your arms.
                                Sometimes I forget it all. Everything in our pasts and all I can                                 think about it us and the now and what lies ahead. But at night                                 I always remember. Same as you. I can still hear their screams;                                 your screams. And I remember the day they took him away.                                 I remember those years alone. I remember seeing you again.                                 And I remember how it was all my fault.
                                I brought nothing but misfortune to everyone I have ever cared                                 for. Especially you. How...could you possibly love me. I saved you,                                  yes. But I also brought you to my father. You wouldn’t have needed                                 to be saved if it never happened. I do not doubt that you love me, no.                                 I just don’t see how you possibly could have. How could anyone?
                                In the end; I have accomplished my goals.The future is no longer                                 facing the dangers that the Ignis once were. I have did what my father                                  wished and corrected his wrongs. But even so, it seems I was right                                  when I last told you there was no future path for me.
                                This is my final farewell to you, Yusaku. I’m sorry it wasn’t in person,                                 or video. I thought a handwritten letter to be best. No self-destruction                                 coded in. It is yours to keep if you wish. Paper may not stand the test                                  of time but it won’t be lost if the network ever was to fall. 
                                Thank you for loving me, and giving me a chance even when I did not                                 deserve such a thing from anyone, especially you. I’m sorry I couldn’t                                 walk a new path with you. But the future is there for you, even when I                                 am not.
                                I love you. My only regret is that you loved me too. You’ll only find more                                 pain because of it. But after tonight; it is the last pain I hope to cause you.
                                With the hope that your time will begin to move once more towards the                                 future we secured together,                                                                     Ryoken Kogami.
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revolverkun · 6 years
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Ryoken Kogami “Revolver” (鴻上 了見/リボルバー) - Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS - Episode 78
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revolverkun · 6 years
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revolverkun · 6 years
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.//one(1) fear
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revolverkun · 6 years
Reblog if you are willing to plot/RP via Discord/Skype, etc!
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revolverkun · 6 years
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revolverkun · 6 years
❝ Quit running and just TALK. That’s all I need. I’m tired of feeling like I did something wrong. ❞ (shirobokurei)
Troubled Friend Starters pt.2
❝ I am NOT running–! ❞
He wasn’t– was he? Dammit, even he didn’t know anymore. He just roughly tugs away from hand on his sleeve, turning to fully face the other. Ryoken will confront this directly then, as though that will prove not only to himself but to Spectre that he is indeed not running from his troubles.
❝ If you need me to say it I will; you haven’t done anything wrong. If there’s something off about me the fault certainly doesn’t lie with you. ❞
Ryoken tried to calm his breath down to a steady pace once more, having let himself get worked up as he did. It was the truth; Spectre did nothing wrong. So he shouldn’t have raised his voice like he had started to do. He was clearly just concerned about him, and acting as deflective as he was likely wasn’t helping any.
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❝ I’m… I’m sorry I made you feel like that. You need not worry about it any longer. Let’s just…get back to work. There’s still much to do and little time to get it done. ❞
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revolverkun · 6 years
Reblog if it is totally, 100% fine to send anonymous comments to your muse pertaining to the events in your RP
Example, if your muse kisses another muse, it is totally fine for you to get on anon and congratulate my muse, or to say that the other muse isn’t right for them. I will answer ic.
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revolverkun · 6 years
❝ I don’t care what you say, I’m not leaving your side. ❞ (shirobokurei)
Troubled Friend Starters
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❝ And I said for you to log out. Now.– ❞
Spectre was not one to disobey him, but he can understand his insistence on staying. But the only one prevented from logging out was himself, the other Three Knights had left already upon his order. The only one who foolishly remained was Spectre. So Revolver takes a step from him then, his gaze piercing out from behind the tinted visor. He’s serious, oh was he serious. Serious with a heavy hint of desperation. But his LINK VRAINS Avatar stood tall with all the confidence the leader he’s made of ‘Revolver’ should have.
❝ Don’t force my hand. I am not above deleting your account to remove you from this situation. I have already decided that the Knights will no longer needlessly sacrifice themselves, and I will ensure that they won’t. ❞
The Data Storm’s winds whipped vigorously around them; it could easily increase in density the longer it went on like this– And he knew from experience that it could easily rip their avatars apart if they came into contact with it. Resolve steeled, Revolver turned his back to Spectre, hand outstretched and radiating with light as he activated his father’s data material control program. Really– it was far too powerful now to suppress and control forever but he’ll hold it back for as long as he could withstand it.
❝ I am not asking you to do this as your friend. I am ordering you as your leader to log out immediately. I won’t tell you again, Spectre. You have until the count of three before I cause you any unnecessary damage to get you to do so. ❞
He doesn’t look back at his assistant, the closest person he had to a friend, not even as he raises his other hand to bring up a small touchscreen. From here he could initiate centralized bursts of damage to force the automatic logout, it was something he prepared and synched to the Knights not too long after the Tower had failed for situations just like this. His finger hovered over Spectre’s clearly labeled ‘Detonate’ button.
❝ –One. ❞
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revolverkun · 6 years
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He’ll just sit there and eat an entire box of pocky without realizing it. 
Clearly, an easy to eat treat such as this wasn't the best to just mindlessly munch on while typing away as he was. 
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