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The weather is amazing right now, and I have to stay indoors in a classroom all day😞⠀ But looking on the bright side, my teachers may give us permission to study outside today if we’re lucky☀️⠀ Overnight oats with banana and strawberries🍌🍓⠀
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Vegan ramen with tempeh, mushrooms, spinach, celery, and green onions!
Instagram: vibing.vegan
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Black Bean Cilantro Burger
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What kind of foods help reduce acne
foods that reduce acne:
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids: these are very healthy fats found abundantly in fish, like salmon, as well as walnuts, many types of bean, and flaxseed. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent inflammation that causes your skin to react by clogging pores leading to acne.
Vitamin A: this vitamin is essential in combating acne and having good skin health. It’s a major component to lots of serious acne medications (such as Isotretinoin - brand name Accutane/Roaccutane so don’t take vitamin A supplements if you’re on Accutane, since it can cause toxicity). A good source of vitamin A are: sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens (e.g. kale). Cod liver oil is an amazing source of not only vitamin A, but also vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids!
Zinc-rich foods: I wouldn’t take this as a supplement because you can easily overdose and cause toxicity, but incorporating zinc rich foods into your diet can definitely help with acne. You’ll mostly find these in nuts like cashews, oysters (and seafood in general), spinach, and pumpkin seeds to name a few. 
Switch to whole grains/low GI carbs: whole grains are lower on the glycemic index which means it’s a type of carb that doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels as much as other carbs which are higher on the GI. However, you should be aware that some whole grain breads are high on the GI. Keep a look out for that too. When foods cause your blood sugar levels to increase rapidly, the hormone insulin is secreted into your blood. Insulin is linked to the growth of pore-clogging cells, as well as increasing oil production in your skin cells - which is not good at all!
Vitamin C rich foods: like avocado, strawberries, and citrus fruit all have very beneficial anti-inflammatory properties due to their vitamin C content. 
Vitamin E rich foods: like dark leafy greens, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado (again!), olive oil, and broccoli, to name a few. 
Green tea: green tea on it’s own won’t help if the rest of your diet is full of dairy and saturated fats, but it has an antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has many functions, some of which are:
lowering androgen hormone (IGF-1 hormone) levels which are major factors towards acne production.
kills certain bacteria which are culprits when it comes to acne production. 
lowers your fasting blood sugar, which as I stated before, if rapidly increases, it causes an increase in insulin levels in the bloodstream which can be a factor towards acne production.
Hope this helps you with your diet! Don’t forget to stay hydrated as well!
- Aly 🌬💕
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A better relationship with food
A few weeks ago, I found portion-control the worst and hardest thing ever. However, after actually feeling HUNGRY- I now know that what I thought was hunger was probably more a lust for food. 
I now only have 3 meals a day, which makes me appreciate every meal I eat. I no longer rush meals, but take time to chew, and be grateful for the food I am eating. Furthermore, if I stop enjoying the meal/want to add extra condiments for more enjoyment, I take the time to do it because I ain’t gonna waste those calories on something that doesn’t taste like perfection. 
My 3 meals a day are big- around 600 calories. THis means I can have an omelette, 2 slices of toast with avocado and a side-salad, with a hot drink on the side without feeling guilty. Although a lot of my meals are usually not this big (hey I’m a little poor on time and money to eat that all the time), I always enjoy my big meals
I now only eat when I am actually hungry, rather than eating at a set meal time. This is because I would way rather enjoy food when my body needs it, rather than when society expects me to.  I view food as fuel (BUT DELICIOUS FUEL), and always time my meals around gym and study (when I need the food fuel the most).
I would highly recommend controlling portions, eating balanced and not eating whenever there is food available. There is ALWAYS food available, as there is HUGE food surplus in Western countries like New Zealand. And look where that has gotten us- 4th most obese nation in the World. In sum, We don’t need THAT much food and cutting back on food has actually made me enjoy it and appreciate it WAY more than I used to! 
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100% recommend making!
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Roasted chickpeas
Recipe: - 1 can chickpeas - spices (paprika, salt, pepper etc.)
Drain the chickpeas and place them in a bowl. Add your desired spices, I used smoked paprika, bbq spice, sea salt and some pepper. Incorporate the chickpeas with the spice, so everything is covered. Spread the spiced chickpeas on a tray and place them in the middle of the oven for 30 min on 200c (or until they turn brown and chrispy)
Enjoy them as a healthy snack or as topping on you lunch or dinner ✨☺️
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