rejenny · 1 month
STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY ( 1991 ) change pronouns as needed.
don't tell me that was any meteor shower.
do you require assistance?
do we report this?
are you kidding?
what are we doing here?
that's not in any of the data i saw.
this is a terrifying idea.
i have personally vouched for you in this matter.
that's an arrogant presumption.
they are dying.
let them die!
you should have trusted me.
you must be very proud.
you could have knocked.
it is an honor to serve with you.
i always wanted to try that.
you must have faith.
logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
nature abhors a vacuum.
guess who's coming to dinner?
i see we have a long way to go.
please let me know if there's some other way i can screw up tonight.
i'm going to find a pot of black coffee.
i find this curious.
i'm really tired.
do you read me?
it's very hard to make out.
have you not a shred of decency in you?
we come in peace and you blatantly defy that peace.
i give you my word, i don't understand what's happened.
you dare to feign ignorance?
i've got a pulse.
don't let it end this way.
i'm placing you under arrest.
i don't know what to believe.
four hundred years ago on the planet earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes, called 'sabots', into the machines to stop them. hence the word 'sabotage.'
you have a singular wit.
do your hands shake?
i was nervous.
you were incompetent.
on occasion, i have disobeyed orders.
i am responsible for the conduct of the crew under my command.
better to kill them now and get it over with.
what are we looking for?
there is a reward for your death.
somebody up there wants you out of the way.
why not simply vaporize them?
some people are afraid of what might happen.
try not to be too hard on yourself.
don't disappoint me.
come on, we're in the clear.
give a girl a chance.
couldn't you have waited two seconds?
can i talk to you?
you have to shoot.
what you want is irrelevant.
you cannot prove anything.
i tried to tell you but you would not listen.
neither of us was hearing very well that night.
did i misinterpret you?
i do not remember.
i've been dead before.
how many of those things are there?
do you hear that?
i prefer it dark.
peace is worth a few personal risks.
i'm a great one for rushing in where angels fear to tread.
would that constitute a joke?
don't crucify yourself.
it wasn't your fault.
do you want to know something? everybody's human.
i find that remark insulting.
you do prefer it this way, don't you?
i'd give real money if he'd shut up.
we've got a full confession.
people can be very frightened of change.
they don't arrest people for having feelings.
if i were human, i believe my response would be 'go to hell!'
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rejenny · 1 month
like for a one - liner. multis please specify a muse or muse(s).
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ guess who’s coming to dinner? ❞
@whatspoilers liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ i’m a great one for rushing in where angels fear to tread. ❞
@chloevlinder liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ what are we looking for? ❞
@cosmicangsts liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY ( 1991 ) change pronouns as needed.
don't tell me that was any meteor shower.
do you require assistance?
do we report this?
are you kidding?
what are we doing here?
that's not in any of the data i saw.
this is a terrifying idea.
i have personally vouched for you in this matter.
that's an arrogant presumption.
they are dying.
let them die!
you should have trusted me.
you must be very proud.
you could have knocked.
it is an honor to serve with you.
i always wanted to try that.
you must have faith.
logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
nature abhors a vacuum.
guess who's coming to dinner?
i see we have a long way to go.
please let me know if there's some other way i can screw up tonight.
i'm going to find a pot of black coffee.
i find this curious.
i'm really tired.
do you read me?
it's very hard to make out.
have you not a shred of decency in you?
we come in peace and you blatantly defy that peace.
i give you my word, i don't understand what's happened.
you dare to feign ignorance?
i've got a pulse.
don't let it end this way.
i'm placing you under arrest.
i don't know what to believe.
four hundred years ago on the planet earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes, called 'sabots', into the machines to stop them. hence the word 'sabotage.'
you have a singular wit.
do your hands shake?
i was nervous.
you were incompetent.
on occasion, i have disobeyed orders.
i am responsible for the conduct of the crew under my command.
better to kill them now and get it over with.
what are we looking for?
there is a reward for your death.
somebody up there wants you out of the way.
why not simply vaporize them?
some people are afraid of what might happen.
try not to be too hard on yourself.
don't disappoint me.
come on, we're in the clear.
give a girl a chance.
couldn't you have waited two seconds?
can i talk to you?
you have to shoot.
what you want is irrelevant.
you cannot prove anything.
i tried to tell you but you would not listen.
neither of us was hearing very well that night.
did i misinterpret you?
i do not remember.
i've been dead before.
how many of those things are there?
do you hear that?
i prefer it dark.
peace is worth a few personal risks.
i'm a great one for rushing in where angels fear to tread.
would that constitute a joke?
don't crucify yourself.
it wasn't your fault.
do you want to know something? everybody's human.
i find that remark insulting.
you do prefer it this way, don't you?
i'd give real money if he'd shut up.
we've got a full confession.
people can be very frightened of change.
they don't arrest people for having feelings.
if i were human, i believe my response would be 'go to hell!'
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ i won’t leave you behind! ❞
@isbrilliant liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ oh, i don’t know if i know the answer to that. ❞
@nursc liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ if it’s all the same, i’d like to share the risk. ❞
@mvndrvke liked for a one-liner, for martha.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ could you use another hand? ❞
@stormlit liked for a one-liner, for billie.
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rejenny · 1 month
❝ what the hell was that? ❞
@n1nth liked for a one-liner.
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rejenny · 1 month
hello, alice. welcome to wonderland. ( from ten! )
❝ who’s alice? ❞ jenny asked, but her confusion was brief. the moment he pushed open the doors she didn’t hear anything else. he could have been shouting right in her ear. she’d only seen the outside of the TARDIS, back on messaline - terribly blue in the sea of gray and brown that made up the tunnels. she didn’t really remember a whole lot from that … day? days? because she was only that jenny for a moment, and now she’s this one, and it was all very muddled. but she remembered how blue it was. it surprised her that it wasn’t so blue on the inside.
but what was on the inside was fantastic. a bit of a mess, sure, but wasn’t everything? jenny hesitated for a second on the threshold before heading in. she craned her neck up, turned this way and that, walked backward and nearly tripped over a cable. she caught herself on a railing, undeterred, and circled the console. she was voracious, her eyes scanning every button and knob and someone ought to applaud her for not immediately pressing every single one. it was all so - ❝ beautiful. it’s so … ❞ something gave an appreciative? can machines be appreciative? hum and she blinked up at the column in the middle. ❝ oh. hello. ❞ she looked at the doctor, her face all naked curiosity. ❝ it’s alive? ❞
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rejenny · 1 month
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HAVANA ROSE LIU as ISABEL Bottoms (2023) dir. Emma Seligman
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rejenny · 1 month
STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN ( 1982 ) change pronouns as needed.
i'm aware of my responsibilities.
we're over our heads.
we're dead in space.
any suggestions, _____?
is that all you got to say?
what about my performance?
i don't believe this was a fair test of my abilities.
has that never occurred to you?
how we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life, wouldn't you say?
that thought had not occurred to me.
galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young.
aren't you dead?
beware romulans bearing gifts.
you know this is illegal.
damn it, what the hell's the matter with you?
why don't you have a look?
well, don't have kittens.
are you teaming up with me for bridge after dinner?
we are dealing with something that could be perverted into a dreadful weapon.
what the hell is that?
we've got to get out of here, now!
you are in a position to demand nothing.
now tell me, why are you here?
we've been through death and life together.
what surprises you?
you're so . . . human.
nobody's perfect.
would you like a tranquilizer?
does that about do it?
who the hell do they think they are?
this is completely irregular.
are you wearing your hair differently?
self-expression doesn't seem to be one of your problems.
it's a test of character.
humor - it's a difficult concept.
we learn by doing.
who's been holding up the damn elevator?
it never rains but it pours.
as with all living things, each according to his gifts.
i have no ego to bruise.
i would not presume to debate you.
i'm gonna have to ask you to grow up a little sooner than you expected.
do you have any idea what you're saying?
scientists have always been pawns for the military.
they knew exactly where to hit us.
i wanted you to know first who it was who had beaten you.
spare my crew.
don't insult my intelligence.
how do i know you'll keep your word?
there is no such regulation.
it's all right. you're safe now.
i won't leave you behind!
if it's all the same, i'd like to share the risk.
you're gonna have to do your own dirty work now.
you managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target.
i don't know about anyone else, but i'm starved.
how can you think of food at a time like this?
first order of business, survival.
i like to think there are always possibilities.
let me show you something that'll make you feel as young as when the world was new.
you cheated.
i don't like to lose.
i don't believe in a no-win scenario.
they just don't want us going in there.
why are we slowing?
i'm laughing at the superior intellect.
could you use another hand?
to the last i will grapple with thee!
are you out of your mind?
no human can tolerate the radiation that's in there!
i'm not human.
you're not going in there!
i have no time to discuss this logically.
you dumb ninny!
don't grieve, _______.
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. or the one.
what do you think of my solution?
i have been and always shall be your friend.
can i talk to you for a minute?
i haven't faced death. i've cheated death. i tricked my way out of death, and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity.
i was wrong about you, and i'm sorry.
is that what you came here to say?
is that a poem?
how do you feel?
i feel young.
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rejenny · 1 month
STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME ( 1986 ) change pronouns as needed.
what do you make of it?
do you deny these events?
remember this well.
how soon can we be underway?
give me one more day.
how do you feel?
i do not understand the question.
the question is irrelevant.
where must you go?
humans make illogical decisions.
this is goodbye.
i thought you should know.
may your journey be free of incident.
are you sure this is such a bright idea?
perhaps we could cover a little philosophical ground?
can't you tell me what it felt like?
it would be impossible to discuss the subject without a common frame of reference.
a joke is a story with a humorous climax.
i'm afraid you're trapped here with us.
it is difficult to answer when one does not understand the question.
somebody's gotta keep an eye on him.
are you planning to take a swim?
i'd pefer a dose of common sense.
angels and ministers of grace, defend us.
may fortune favor the foolish.
i was born there.
this is terra incognita.
why are you two always fighting?
what the hell was that?
why don't you watch where you're going, dumbass?
double dumbass on you!
are you sure you want to part with them?
how much will you give me for them?
is that a lot?
how do you propose to solve this minor problem?
simple logic will suffice.
oh, i don't know if i know the answer to that.
would you mind stopping that noise?
don't you remember?
nobody pays attention to you if you don't swear every other word.
to hunt a species to extinction is not logical.
whoever said the human race was logical?
who the hell are you?
you haven't quite got the knack of it.
it is not always necessary to tell a truth.
i cannot tell a lie.
don't tell me your fish stories.
don't try anything.
i really hate that macho stuff.
i have a hunch we'd all be a lot happier discussing this over dinner.
i may be able to offer something to you.
do you trust me?
you're very perceptive.
if you have such a low opinion of my abilities, how come we're having dinner?
i'm a sucker for hard luck cases.
you wanna try it from the top?
you're from outer space.
i'm from ______. i only work in outer space.
don't tell me they don't use money in the twenty-third century.
haven't you got any goddamned feelings about that?
i can hardly hear you.
this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life.
you son of a bitch.
i need your help.
hello, alice. welcome to wonderland.
you picked a hell of a time to drop in.
is this real?
it sounds like the goddamn spanish inquisition.
do you want an acute case on your hands?
i've got nobody here.
i have no time to argue with you.
i'm trying to remember how this works.
i will make a guess.
it gets bumpy from here.
i'm so happy for you!
you're going to your ship, i'm going to mine.
why does it have to be goodbye?
i would like to take my leave of you.
it was most kind of you to make this effort.
it was not an effort.
i am most impressed with your performance.
it is possible my judgement was incorrect.
they are my friends.
i feel fine.
a ship is a ship.
whatever you say, sir.
let's see what she's got.
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rejenny · 4 months
jenny obviously looks very little like the doctor a lot of the time, except for - as i think people are wont to tell her - in the eyes, but i think the recoil + nose scrunch of discomfort she does when people call her a time lord is almost comically ten
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rejenny · 4 months
❝ why does everyone always ask that? ❞ did no one else go anywhere? jenny dusts herself off, ignoring the looks her usual colorful trousers and shirt were earning her in the midst of the market. ❝ do i not look serious? perhaps i should frown more. ❞
never mind. she turns her attention back to the other young woman who seemed to at least be trying to help which was more than she often got. london, england. earth. ❝ again? that's disappointing. d'you know, it sends me to london almost every tenth time? i think it's cursed. the city. anyway, sorry, won't trouble you much longer. just - what year is it? ❞
she had so hated when they were right. (no one, of course, in this particular instance beyond the proverbial) danger, as eloise had been relentlessly reminded, did not require a time, nor a place. it simply came and went (a notion which she deeply envied) as it pleased. it might have been a natural disaster, some largely uncoordinated event penned by the ton's most elusive wordsmith, or, she was very quickly learning – an unfamiliar face.
❛ surely you are not serious. ❜  eloise's accomodating smile begins to shift, slowly falling from her expression. now, concerned, she starts to understand the strangely endearing woman, very much is. ❛ london? england? ❜ she tries first, and without knowing why, exactly, she adds, blinking: ❛ – earth? ❜
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