reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Describes his Opinions Regarding Net Neutrality and Safety Regulations
Reid Walker on the Need of Safety Measures and Net Neutrality
Reid Walker on Twitter describes his opinions regarding net neutrality and the need for safety measures in the crude oil industry. As the Director of Communication, Walker feels that by proper communication, the right message can be spread to the masses. He is well-aware about the importance of spreading the right message because a single wrong message can ruin the situation completely.
Reid Walker – Net Neutrality, Simplified? Reid Walker  is a supporter of net neutrality and cheap internet services. He feels that the internet has become a household commodity and is required in executing all kinds of work. With the help of cheaper internet services, the poorer sections of society can also utilize the internet for their own benefit.
He has actively taken part in the protests in support of net neutrality where he has gained the support of the other who believes in the cause. He also communicates with the individuals who oppose net neutrality in order to get an idea about their ideas. He explains everything about net neutrality to the individuals who have across the term for the first time.
According to Reid Walker , net neutrality can be defined as open internet, where all the users can access all the websites without having to pay any additional charges. Walker is aware about the fact that net neutrality would make the internet services much cheaper. The issue of net neutrality has given birth to a lot of debate and there is mixed reviews regarding it. Many websites are not supporting net neutrality as they want to charge the users who visit their website on the basis of their liking.    
Reid Walker  also feels that the safety standards of the crude oil industry need to be revamped. He feels that certain rules and regulations need to be followed in the extraction and transportation of crude oil. In America, the political life and the livelihood of people depend largely on the oil industry and hence there is dire need for the revamping of the regulations.
In America, a major portion of crude oil is transported by the railway which is extremely expensive as well as dangerous. Reid Walker  recalls an accident which had taken place in 2016 when eleven rail cars of a train carrying crude oil had been derailed. The rail cars had caught fire and had not caused any casualties. Around 50 houses needed to be evacuated and the incident had caused a lot of harm to the environment. Walker feels that by the introduction of the right safety measures, such incidents can be avoided in the future.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Voices his Views Regarding New Neutrality and Cheaper Internet Services
Reid Walker Supports Net Neutrality Diligently
Reid Walker on Twitter had voiced his opinions regarding net neutrality, an issue which had given birth to a lot of debate during the present times. Walker had held the prestigious post of the Director of Communication and he realized the importance of proper communication. He had seen instances where lack of proper communication had created a negative impact on the situation.
As an expert in communication, Walker feels that the right messages need to be spread to the masses by the politicians and the business organizations. He has observed that the internet helps in making the process of communication extremely efficient and easy. By using the internet, millions of people across the world can enjoy smooth communication. The high internet charges can often be an issue for the people who are not financially stable.
Reid Walker – Net Neutrality, Simplified? Walker is a staunch supporter of net neutrality and he has worked really hard to show his support for the cause. He had communicated with the individuals who did not support net neutrality and tried to understand their point of view. He also explicitly explained everything about net neutrality to the individuals who are not familiar with the term. According to Walker, net neutrality can be defined as open internet.
Net neutrality allows users all over the world to access the internet and enjoy the same privileges. One does not have to pay any additional charges in order to visit certain websites. The idea of net neutrality has received mixed reviews because not many people have welcomed it with open arms. There are many websites do not want net neutrality to come into being. They want to charge their customers for accessing their website. The charges for accessing the particular websites are decided by the company according to their likes.
When Reid Walker worked as the Director of Communication, His primary duty was to manage the private and public outreach of the client. He also made sure that the messages which were spread to the masses were coherent and understandable. Walker feels that if the message spread to the masses is wrong then it might create a negative impact. He has stated that if a wrong tweet is made at the wrong time then it creates a lot of debate and issues.
Walker feels that in order to ensure better communication, the internet is extremely important. The contributions of Reid Walker in supporting net neutrality are remarkable.  
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Believes Internet is a Utility and Not Product
Reid Walker’s Combat against Net Neutrality
According to Reid Walker - The Net Neutrality Debate, the best parts about the social media sites are that they are free of charge. You do not have to pay any money to browse through them. However, this is for now. There is no guarantee on whether you will be charged in near future. According to the net neutrality laws of the United States, the services providers will not be allowed to charge some money for getting access to certain websites. The notion of destroying this idea has also been proposed by the internet providers in the United States. This is somewhat terrifying.
However, the fact that they pay millions every year lobbying in order to remove these laws means that it looks inevitable, particularly in these recent times of presidential elections. For a majority of the people, the importance of the internet states that have to be classified under utility and people will be free to explore the way they want it. Nonetheless, big businesses feel like they will be able to steal more and more money from the pocket of the consumers simply by getting rid of the problem of net neutrality for everybody. Secure more information on Reid Walker on Linkedin.
Reid Walker is the Director of Communications and an activist Reid Walker is a man who is involved with the politics of Washington DC. Being the Director of Communications, he is known to have fought actively against the abolition of net neutrality.  However, there is great pressure from the lobbyists and also the internet provider of the state to abolish these laws and enable them to charge the consumers as they like for getting access to a website.  It is a group of activists that are blocking and brave senators who appear as a barrier who do not will to see the liberties of the American citizens sacrificed to the gods of corporate capitalism.  
No doubt, you cannot deny the importance of the internet in the present age. If you want to live in a civil society which can prosper then the public has to be provided with an infrastructure and service that they require to thrive and be comfortable.  The internet is a part of this infrastructure. It is necessary to have an access to any website or domain and paying for internet has to be just like paying electricity and gas.  America is always way behind other nations in regards to considering and debating for net neutrality. The service is pretty slow and expensive. As a matter, the customer service is simply outrageous.  Getting rid of net neutrality can be a step back to the dark ages for the American internet policy.  
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker: What are the Safety Standards Related to Crude Oil?
An Overview of the Safety Regulations Regarding Crude Oil
Reid Walker - Crude Oil By Rail Bill Aims to Raise Safety Standards mentions that people who work in the oil industry are always under risk.  This is the reason it is important to introduce a bill for increasing the safety standards. People who are somehow related to the oil industry have to maintain the safety standards when they extract the crude oil. You will notice that countries like America are largely dependent on the oil industry for the purpose of earning money. As a matter of fact, certain level of safety standards also has to be maintained while you transport the oil from one place to another.
Reid Walker is aware of the fact that it is necessary to bring about certain changes in the rules and regulation when it comes to the transportation of crude oil.  He felt this more vehemently after the disaster that took place in the year 2006. In the disaster, about eleven rail cars, all carrying crude oil had been derailed close to the borders of Oregon and Washington. It is because of the derailment, the train eventually caught fire. Even though this incident didn’t lead to any casualties, around 50 people were removed from their homes. The residents of the area had been alerted regarding the disaster.
Reid Walker mentioned that the incident caused great damage to the environment. Thus, he felt that lawmakers need to offer minute attention when it comes to the transportation of crude oil through rail.  Moreover, Reid Walker also stated that other countries such as Europe are planning to move to green energy solution. This will reduce mankind’s dependency on oil. Nonetheless, since the American life and politics largely revolved around the oil industry, a move to green energy solutions is not something that is likely to happen in near future. Do you want to know more? You can follow Reid Walker on Facebook.
A major portion of America’s crude oil is transported through rail. It is not just harmful for the environment but also proves to be pretty costly.  Reid Walker and some other senators such as Patrick Leahy, Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Merkley, Bernie Sander, Patty Murray, Barbara Boxler, Ron Wyden, Tammy Baldwin, etc. were strongly in support of the Crude-By-Rail-Safety Act.  This act was for reducing the transfer of oil though the rail route. Thus, the environment will be safe enough.
Reid Walker states that on the basis of the safety standards, the transportation tanks that turn out to old and dangerous has to be replaced. According to the bill, people who respond first to the training program are going to be awarded with $40 million.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker is Persuasive Enough to Pass New Laws
Reid Walker is the Speech Writer and the Director of Communications
Reid Walker - Disaster Calls for Revamp of Rules and Regulations mentions that When someone has to pass a new law and legislation in the senate, the final words which are spoken for the vote generally come from an impassioned speech. This is expected to the sway the emotions of the people who are voting and for making them understand the importance of the matter. These speeches are actually delivered by the senators and will help in dictating the future of introduction and the abolition of the legislation and acts which is capable of shaping the future of the United States. This is the reason, it is important that people who write the speeches use the finest rhetorical or persuasive devices for helping them out to push through the defining laws of the time.
At times, the Senators might take the help of the Director of Communications for creating a speech that has to be read in the senate. As suggested by the title, these are the experts in the field of communication and they concentrate on getting the message across the right type of people and that too, in the right manner. Reid Walker on New Safety Measures for Crude Oil Shipments, the Director of Communications have turned out to be an important part of not just national politics but also of larger corporations or any institution of proper size.  Their job is to help in presenting the right message to the people and avoid communication disasters which get these get individuals and organizations in some irreversible problems.
Writing speeches for the senate is known to be only a part of the complicated job. Reid Walker is one of the exceptional professionals associated with this field. He has defended largely important civil liberty laws like net neutrality which come under significant threat from the large corporations. Reid Walker is also known to have written a speech which is presented to the senate for passing the Crude-by-Rail-Safety Act. This act aims to regulate the transportation of crude oil throughout America by rail. This can be a safety hazard and a devastating environment.
Writing a good and persuasive speech for helping out in dictating the future of the American act and legislation can be a huge responsibility. This is something that has driven individuals such as Reid Walker relish. Reid Walker always fights for the citizens of the country and tries to protect their right. With the help of the Crude-by-Rail Safety act can ensure the safety of the workers who work on the excavation field.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Fighting for Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality will be Beneficial for the Common People
Reid Walker - The Net Neutrality Debate is of the opinion that net neutrality is one of the crucial issues of recent times and it requires much public attention. He serves as the Director of Communications. As a matter of fact, he has written several articles on the subject of net neutrality. It is known fact that when the issue of net neutrality came up, it causes an upheaval in the society.
Reid Walker on Linkdin points out that there many people who could not accept the idea of net neutrality. The internet is used by several people for doing research or communicating with people. It can also be used for various other purposes.  With the help of the internet, the investors will be able to trade their stocks after they are done analyzing the stock market. Thus, there is no reason to pay for accessing the website since you are already paying to get the internet facility.
There are various benefits of net neutrality. Take a look at some of them.
One of the founding pillars of it is the fact that you will get full access to the internet. It will not limit your access to a certain site.  This will have a direct effect on the user experience. Thus, the net neutrality principle negates the limitation per user.
The internet service provider will also have to be transparent regarding the operations. This means that the actions which will be taken by the service provider has to be made public offering a full disclosure. Internet service provider will not be able to give preference to any particular user over another because of net neutrality.  
All the new policies which are formed for governing the internet have to promote equality of usage among all its users.  This way everyone will be able to enjoy same quality internet irrespective of their location.
Reid Walker always tries his level best to fight for net neutrality. Since he is a communication specialist, he tries his best to communicate with those who want to oppose net neutrality and cheap access of the internet. For people who are getting to know about net neutrality for the first time, he makes it a point to ensure that everything is simple enough.  
He is of the opinion that this law can prevent the internet providers from demanding various amounts from the different users for visiting a particular website.  It is due to net neutrality that you will be able to access any site pretty easily. Reid Walker believes that net neutrality is really important in present times. As its abolition can harm a large number of people.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Works Hard to Protect the America’s Dream
Reid Walker Fighting to Keep Our Planet Green
Reid Walker - Disaster Calls for Revamp of Rules and Regulations states that is a long list of ecological disasters which have devastated significant portion of the plant. For instance, oil spillage leads to almost irredeemable damage to the flora and the fauna. It also causes some damage to the wildlife. Fires have been raving the forest, ocean playing host to the extermination of the aquatic life, and rivers running polluted. Irrespective of the concerns of the interested parties, Greenpeace, for instance, government simply pay just the hesitant lip service for deflecting the concerns regarding the continuation of the despoliation of the environment.  Quite fortunately, there are some people who are engaged and determined for challenging the status quo.  Reid Walker, the Director of the Communication is an individual who offers his enthusiastic support for limiting the transportation of crude oil inside United States. Reid Walker supports the Crude-OI-by-Rail bill for raising the safety standards for the transportation of Oil in United States.
Reid Walker on New Safety Measures for Crude Oil Shipments mentions that Crude Oil is actually a liquid that is found naturally inside the rock and contains some of the most complex hydrocarbons along with some organic materials.  This is one of the most commonly used fuels on the planet.  As a matter of fact, it is used in the production of several synthetic materials like plastic. The oil is collected by drilling the earth and the seven most prolific shales where you will be able to drill and collect the oil comprises of 92% of the production in United States. These shales are present in Texas, Rockies, and also the Appalachian mountains. With such a large amount of production in such a small area, the challenge begins with the delivery to the far reaches of US. Transportation is done through the pipelines and also by rail.  
Quite unfortunately, shipping via proves to be deadly and pretty harmful to the environment. This raises the question as to why crude oil is shipped through rail. The answer can be understood through the simple terms of demand and supply economics. Consumers ask for more and more oil and oil must reach the destination in time. If there is insufficient pipelines demand or an alternative transportation then the rail lines cover up the demand.
Reid Walker makes it clear that in an ideal world, oil would have no use. Rather, it will be possible to fuel the economies and the societies on the greener energies which is not so harmful for the planet.  Nonetheless, our society runs on our need for oil.  This is the reason it is necessary to introduce the Crude-by-Rail Safety Act.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Works Hard to Make Democracy Work
What is the Work of Reid Walker as the Director of Communications?
Reid Walker on Twitter mentions that the minute things which make democracy work are known to be pretty vast and complex. In the public sector, the elected official is known to lead the way public and policy interaction. Most of the work that goes on logistically is known to be performed by the people behind the scenes. One of the crucial roles of any political office is that off the director of communications. These individuals perform he rile of the political leaders who help in directing the communication strategies. They make sure that their message and voice are communicated in an effective manner. This is one of the most dynamic roles that are available in politics. Several individuals with corporate experience are taken out from their industries and made to join the legislative process of Washington D.C.
Reid Walker is a person is has the taste of each of these sectors. He has established himself as the professional in strategic affairs in the large blue chip organizations. He, now, makes use of the skills in the political sphere as the Director of Communication of the Senate.
The question is what is the role of Reid Walker – Net Neutrality, Simplified? One of the primary works of the people who hold this position is to execute and also develop communications strategy on an extensive range of legislations and issues. Even though the members of the Congress along with the executive brand is performing the role of the catalyst for the legislative and policy agenda of the nations, the director of communication help in explaining and communicating the effect of the votes and the legislative decisions.  This simply means communicating complex information to the people through the various media sources like blogs and online publications, radio, television, and newspapers.
This means that the director of communications performs the role of the spokesperson for the elected personnel. It is important that they showcase a assured and composed position and ascertain messages which are communicated with efficiency and clarity.
In this present age of the internet, social media content has turned out to be an important tool to interact with the various stakeholders. The data storm helps to inform the constituents and also the other followers about the development while promoting that a clear message needs careful management and also attention to detail. People like Reid Walker have become efficient in crystallizing the impact of the important legislative actions and make sure that the content reaches out the appropriate stakeholders in a timely fashion. Speed and accuracy is known to be pretty critical for a legislative function.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker - What is the Importance of Net Neutrality?
Reid Walker Believes that Net Neutrality is Beneficial for Common People
Reid Walker - The Net Neutrality Debate mentions that net neutrality is one of the primary issues that deserve significant importance. Reid Walker is considered to be one of the well-known Director of Communications. As a matter of fact, he has written several articles on the issues of Net Neutrality.  He has mentioned that when issues regarding Net Neutrality come up, it will lead to a significant uproar within the society.
Reid Walker on Linkdin has stated that people could accept the fact associated with net neutrality. The internet is used by several people every day. They use it for conducting a research or for communicating with other people. It is also used for various other purposes. With the help of the internet, investors can trade the stocks properly after they have studied the stock market. Thus, people were not able to understand why they will have to pay for getting access to a website.  This is because they are already paying for the internet.
Reid Walker makes it his goal to fight for net neutrality. Since he is an expert communication specialist, he always tries his best to talk with people who want to negate neutrality and the cheap accessibility of internet. If you are hearing about net neutrality for the first time then he will make sure that you understand it in simple terms.
According to Reid Walker, net neutrality is a law that can prevent the internet providers from demanding any amount of money from the users for visiting the website or a domain. All thanks to the concept of net neutrality that you can easily get access to any type of website. You will not even have to pay any extra sum of money for this. Several companies such as AT&T are known to be against net neutrality. Moreover, they are demanding to charge any amount from the customers.
Reid Walker is of the opinion that in present times, net neutrality is pretty vital. As a matter of fact, being a part of the United States Senate, it gives him the privilege to be associated in the battle that takes into account the corporate interest and also the public interest. In his battle to protect net neutrality, Reid Walker has also mentioned that Americans do not pay different amount of money for slow and fast telephone service.  Thus, it needs to be the same for the internet.
Reid Walker is of the opinion that eradication of net neutrality is going to harm a lot of people. Additionally, it is going to help only a handful number of people. These are the ones who have enough money to pay the various charges.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Tries To Simplify the Net Neutrality Debate
Talking About Net Neutrality
Few years back, you might have witnessed a great buzz about net neutrality. In fact, Reid Walker – The Net Neutrality Debate tries to ensure that the topic of net neutrality is a very serious issue and it needs immediate attention. Being the Director of Communications, he has expressed his point of view on this matter. He even published many articles on it.
Reid Walker resolutely opposes those who are trying to curb the neutrality, openness, and also on making the Internet affordable. He tries to point out that net neutrality is a law which can prevent the internet providers to charge different amount of money from various websites and domains. Reid Walker on Linkdin tries to make it clear that whenever a user tries to access the Internet, they can easily visit any sites. Usually, a user won’t require to pay any extra money for it.
However, Reid Walker have witnessed that some operators are against net neutrality. At this point, many people wondered why so many people are creating such a fuss about it. Well, what they fail to understand is that if net neutrality happens, it can be very dangerous. They may need to pay for certain websites apart from paying for the internet.
Reid Walker while speaking about net neutrality tries to mention that now users can access as many sites without paying anything. However, some organizations in order to make money are willing to charge from every site they want to access. While it can help the operators to earn some quick money, still it might not be great for many users. This means even if a user mistakenly enters a site, they would need to pay for it.
Reid Walker tries to give huge importance on net neutrality. Being a part of the United States Senate, he tries to stand by the side of the American citizens. He feels that giving into the demands of big corporate houses is something which is not at all desirable. In fact, he tries to carry out several talks with corporate so that their as well as the interest of the people can be provided attention.
Reid Walker opines that by getting rid of net neutrality, can have serious consequences. It can be helpful for those who have the capability provide different charges for visiting various sites. For others it would prove to be very costly.
Reid Walker thus is trying his best to provide support to people by trying to protect the future of the Internet.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 6 years
Reid Walker Talking about Net Neutrality
Reid Walker Is Trying To Simplify the Facts
For Reid Walker – The Net Neutrality Debate is one important issues of our time which deserves much attention. Reid Walker, the esteemed Director of Communications has written many articles on the net neutrality issue. He pointed out the fact that when the issue of Net Neutrality came up, it created a huge uproar within the society.
Reid Walker on LinkedIn stated that many people couldn’t well accept the idea of net neutrality. The Internet is used by millions of people for communicating or conducting research analysis or many more things. Even because of the internet, investors could easily trade in their stocks after studying the stock market. Hence, one was not able to understand why would need to pay for accessing websites, as because they are already paying for using the Internet facility.
Reid Walker is always trying his best to fight for net neutrality. Being an expertise of communication specialist, he tries his best to carry out talks with those who want to constraint the neutrality and also on the cheap access of the Internet. For those who might be hearing about Net Neutrality for the first time, he tries to make the entire thing very simple.
He defines Net Neutrality as the law which can prevent Internet providers to demand different amount from the end-users for visiting various website or domains. One can thank the concept of net neutrality. This is because it allows end-users to easily and freely access any sites without paying any extra charge. However, many companies, like AT&T are against net neutrality and they are demanding to charge any amount they want from their customers.
Reid Walker believes that in today’s age, net neutrality is very important. In fact, working in the United States Senate, it provides him the privilege to take part in the battle which concerns the corporate interests as well as the interest of the public. In his fight to protect net neutrality, he gets the backing of many activists. In many of his documents, Reid Walker tries to point out the fact that Americans do not pay varying rates for slow or fast telephone services. It should be the same for Internet.
Reid Walker feels that the by abolishing net neutrality can harm a large number of people. Moreover, it would only benefit small amount of people who might be having enough money to provide various charges.
When Reid Walker stays by the side of the people, it can offer them mental peace. They don’t need to worry about net neutrality and any other related things.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker - Fighting to Protect American Cities from the Dangers of Crude Oil
Improving Safety Regulations
Reid Walker is a very talented speechwriter who has worked on speeches on a number of different issues. If you would like to learn more about this great person, please click the following link Reid Walker - Disaster Calls for Revamp of Rules and Regulations for more information. The need to revamp the safety rules and regulations in regards to transporting crude oil by rail has never been more important. One disaster that struck in June of 2016 demonstrated how important these rules and regulations could be.
That disaster was when eleven rail cars from a 96-car Union Pacific train carrying crude oil derailed along the border of Washington and Oregon border. This caused at least one train car to catch fire. Crews evacuated more than 50 homes in the area, and residents beyond the radius were put on alert. There were no deaths from this incident, but sadly this even did large amounts of damage to the environment. The transportation of crude oil by rail has always been in the spotlight of lawmakers, but it was even more so following the disaster in Washington. Many people do not realize just how much crude oil is transported by rail in the United States, many of which that travels right through cities and towns.
With the help of Reid Walker, Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington was very quick to introduce a bill that would regulate the safety and transportation of crude oil over railways. She urged the Department of Transportation to set a new standard of safety. Cantwell and Walker are leading the fight towards the idea of a national standard regulating the dangers of transporting crude oil by rail. Her concern is for all towns and communities across the United States. As was shown above, the past has demonstrated that these kinds of accidents can and will happen. Because of this fact, it is very important to do everything we can to ensure that the safety regulations in place are strong enough to make sure events like these will be a thing of the past.
The Crude Oil by Rail Safety Act is a great start in the right direction towards protecting America’s railways. Both Reid Walker and Senator Cantwell will continue to do their part to research and educate with the intent on bringing higher safety regulations across the entire country.  If you are interested in learning more about Reid Walker, please click the following link Reid Walker on New Safety Measures for Crude Oil Shipments for more information.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker Debates The Enfranchising Development
An Enfranchising Development
For Reid Walker, the Net Neutrality Debate is perhaps the most important currently being discussed in forums, seminars, university common rooms, and libertarian societies across the United States. It is now a statement of accepted fact that the Internet is one of the most enfranchising and liberating developments to have been created in the history of scientific and humanitarian endeavor. It has given individuals from every corner of the planet access to information that would have been hitherto buried in membership-only libraries, government archives, company vaults, or simply forgotten as microfilmed artefacts. It has quite simply democratized information channels. No longer do we have to provide reasons to Cerberean gatekeepers acting on behalf of faceless individuals, governments, or other vested-interest groups, intent on keeping information within the remit of their own control centers. Information is power - a fact known all too well by those who have traditionally wielded it. And perhaps unsurprisingly, these agencies are among the loudest to call for the Internet to regarded as a utility - a commodity to be paid for along with the bills for water and electricity. Such agencies are doing their utmost to eradicate the very principle upon which the Internet is founded - open, neutral, and affordable.
As Reid Walker on LinkedIn acknowledges, this is a disheartening and deeply depressing world view. Net Neutrality could be compared to the straw resting on the camel's back. Which will break first? Attacked from all sides by lobbyists and politicians paid by these companies to propose its demolition; forced to defend itself against charges of sensationalism; lambasted for providing a platform for aggressive rhetoric; decried for exposing inconvenient truths - it this truly what democracy should look like? The pursuit of profit overriding that of the interests of the general public? Most people clearly think not, which is why individuals like Reid Walker are playing their part in Washington to help prevent the extirpation of laws that are protecting the future of our freedoms, particularly with regards to the internet.
As Reid Walker asserts, the debate regarding the neutrality of the Internet is perhaps the most important and wide-ranging argument of modern times. It is one in which he has conspicuously participated in from its inception. He has been vocal in his criticisms of its opponents, and has supported its progress to Washington D.C. As he himself somewhat rhetorically asks, "What is Net Neutrality, and why do so many agencies wish to it abolished?" Well, the first part of the question is perhaps easier to answer than the second: Net Neutrality states that an internet provider is disallowed from charging people a higher or lower tariff for visiting certain web pages, and will provide unfettered access to the Internet as a whole rather than to selected domains.
To answer the second part of the question it is necessary to understand the warped mindset of companies such as AT&T and Comcast. In their peurile utopia they would have the power to dictate how much consumers should pay monthly for visiting certain sites such as say, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Naturally it would be more expensive to visit these sites per month, meaning internet fees would rise. Their sole motivation for wanting to do this is not for the good of the future of communications, the dissemination of knowledge for the public good, or the inexhaustible educational advantages that the Internet provides, but purely to fatten their shareholder's bellies and drive up their profit margins. And for Director of Communications, Reid Walker, the Net Neutrality Debate is one to be waged with unflinching intellectual rigor.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker - The Importance of Corporate Communication
A very important career these days, though one that not everyone is aware exists, is that of communications specialist. Communication is crucial now, as never before, not only between people, but between companies and the public, companies and other companies, and, especially, the people and their governments. Messages must be clear. The meaning must be easy to understand. It can be, and is, a tricky proposition. One such communications specialist is Reid Walker on Twitter. He has worked as a director of communications for multiple companies and other organizations. Lenovo is one such company. Telecommunications giant T-Mobile is another. Mr. Walker’s job at Lenovo was that of Vice President of Global Communications, an impressive title for a highly responsible job. At Lenovo, he supervised communications across the globe, both internally and externally. Lenovo, which does so much to produce computer hardware, is a company valued at $16 billion, and it is present in 60 countries. Its employees number a total of 25,000.
At Lenovo, Reid Walker worked in a number of highly responsible tasks. Among other things, he was responsible for stakeholder engagement programs, media relations, philanthropy, financial communications, crisis communications, employee communications, analyst relations, and public affairs/issues management. Not only that, but he created the Lenovo Reputation Council. This team, formed of employees in various functions, proposed and developed corporate policies on issues including – but by no means limited to – green computing, human rights, and sustainability programs.
Mr. Walker now works for the United States Senate. His article Reid Walker – Net Neutrality, Simplified? outlines the work he is doing to maintain Internet neutrality in the United States. It is a hot topic, highly controversial, and he is right in the thick of things, fighting for neutrality. He is, truly, a master of communication and equality.
In his work at T-Mobile, Reid Walker was responsible for the company’s teams all over the world. The company, as do all companies, had to communicate positive and clear messages to its stakeholders. Communication within a country is one thing. Communication across countries – which means across time zones, cultures, and languages – is most definitely a huge responsibility.
How does a company get its message across? Advertising is one way, and a large one, at that. We see advertising, and hear it, everywhere we go. Social media is increasingly important, as it sponsorship. Reid Walker knows how to get the word out.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker- Speech-writing Persuasively to Pass New Laws
When it comes to passing new laws and legislation in the senate the final words spoken before a vote usually comes in the form of an impassioned speech hoping to sway the emotions of those voting and make them understand the importance of the matter. These are usually delivered by senators, and can help dictate the future introduction and abolition of acts and legislation that can shape the future of the US. For this reason, it is vital that those writing the speeches employ the finest rhetorical and persuasive devices to help push through the defining laws of our time.
Find out more about director of communications Reid Walker - Disaster Calls for Revamp of Rules and Regulations here. Often, senators employ the help of their directors of communications to create their speeches to be read in the senate. These are, as suggested by their titles, experts in the field of communications, concentrating of getting the message across to the right people, in the right way, through the right medium. Directors of communications like Reid Walker have become an integral part of not only national politics, but also large corporations and any institution or organization of notable size. They are required to help present the right message to public and try to avoid communications disasters that get these organizations and individuals in irreversible troubles.
Writing speeches for the senate is just one part of what is a very complex job. Reid Walker has proven to be one of the most exceptional in his field of late, and has helped write speeches defended hugely important civil liberty laws such as net neutrality, that have come under increasing threat from large corporations. Notably, Reid Walker also wrote the speech that presented to the senate in order to pass the  Crude-by-rail-safety act of 2015. this hugely important act aimed to help regulate the transportation of crude oil from the Rockies around America by rail, which it has been proven is a huge safety hazard and can be hugely devastating to the environment.
Writing good persuasive speeches to help dictate the future of American acts and legislation is a huge responsibility, and one that driven individuals like Reid Walker relish. To find out more about his life and career and the act, follow the link here to Reid Walker on New Safety Measures for Crude Oil Shipments.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker- A closer Look at the Role of Director of Communications
The position as director of communications has become increasingly important in the modern age. More and more people seek talented individuals in this field to  help them get the right message across to all their stakeholders and the public, and make sure that a united and coherent communications strategy is in place to tackle any issue or resolve any problem. Reid Walker is one such individual who has excelled in a variety of high-profile positions in this role, and today stands alongside important senators and politicians in Washington D.C. Using his experience and expertise.
Find out more about his life and career here at Reid Walker - Disaster Calls for Revamp of Rules and Regulations. So what exactly do directors of communications do? The role can vary depending on the type f organization and institution they represent, but their importance is never diluted. One of Reid Walker's most high profile roles came as he spent two years as the vice president of communications for T-Mobile, where his skills and knowledge really came to fruition. Here we can see a more in depth insight into the role of communications experts in large organizations
In this position, Reid Walker; managed external, internal, social media and philanthropy for the $46 billion national provider of wireless and data services, with 40,000 employees. He reported to T-Mobile CEO, leading a team of 42 communications professionals, with responsibilities including enterprise, frontline and corporate communications. He was honored to be a member of  the senior leadership team that developed new “Challenger Strategy” and created and implemented a 23 city roadshow to roll out new strategy to employees, dealers and media. Created reputation and strategic thought-leadership programs to maximize visibility and drive differentiation from competition. He developed an influencer engagement program to tap into and activate social media leaders for brand advocacy, product evangelism and customer support.
Other high-profile roles in which he has excelled have been for computer giants Lenovo, and today for a number of senators in Washington D.C. For Reid Walker, directing communications is more than just building positive public profiles. It is about helping organizations and institutions not misrepresent themselves, and stay out of unnecessary conflicts by saying the wrong thing, at the wrong time, through the wrong medium. And there can be no doubt, in his established career, he has done so with excellence and perfection. Find out more about his work in Washington D.C here at Reid Walker on New Safety Measures for Crude Oil Shipments.
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reidallenwalker-blog · 7 years
Reid Walker- Defining the Future of the Internet
When historians look back on this generation and period of time, they will see it through the eyes of the debates that were being engaged with by the public and private sectors at the time. This could be through newspaper articles, social media posts and news reports, and give them a better idea about how the country engaged with some of the debates that no doubt defined their times. The internet, being the epoch-changing technology it has been, always lies at the center of many of the most pressing issues we need to talk about. From censorship, security, privacy and net neutrality, it is a debate that so far few have engaged with, but will no doubt set a precedence for how the internet operate sin the US in the future.
For Director of Communications in Washington D.C. Reid Walker, The Net Neutrality Debate is one that more people need to be made aware of. Raising this debate into the public consciousness is vital to ensure that people are aware of some of the troubling forces that wish to wipe out net neutrality for the people of the US.
America has a proud tradition of commerce and business enterprise, but in the wake of the damaging neoliberal economic policies that have served only in the interests of businesses and not the general public, we come to a dangerous crossroads in the journey the internet has taken thus far. Neoliberal doctrine often slanders the government involvement in trying to regulate business operations,saying it hampers the prosperity they are able to achieve. They openly call for deregulation of the markets, allowing them more freedom to act how they choose to seek the profits they desire. When profit becomes the number one priority dictating political policy, then we know we have entered dangerous times.
Many internet providers in the US like AT&T and Comcast have called for the wipe out of net neutrality, and the regulation that prevents them charging more for people to visit certain websites. Should they succeed in freeing themselves from the net neutrality 'shackles' as they see it, then they get to dictate which sites cost which amount to visit, and in turn are dictating our freedom to explore the internet as we like. As we have mentioned, this is an interesting time for the future of the internet, and future generations access to this wonderful utility is surely in danger should the big businesses get their wish on the matter. Follow Reid Walker on LinkdIn to find out more about his career.
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