reg31 · 4 months
that broke my heart in so many pieces i’m afraid i’ll never recover
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reg31 · 5 months
i fucking hate mixed signals, just tell me wtf is going on between us
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reg31 · 1 year
i mean, fuck you
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reg31 · 1 year
For anyone who also cannot stop thinking about dead gay wizards
Here’s some fun and fresh facts for you
The Length of:
ATYD: 526,969 words
Choices: 624,187 words
Crimson Rivers: 720,011 words
The FUCKING Bible: 783,137 words
50,000 words is about 200 pages
The shortest of those works is
We all need mental help
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reg31 · 1 year
here is a list of book covers i’ve designed for fics and typesets that go with them!!
art heist baby by @otrtbs
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best friend’s brother by @zeppazariel
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just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by @zeppazariel
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i didn’t make the typesets for best friend’s brother or just lovers but i can’t remember who did. the covers are made to fit those pdfs though!
if you get one of these fics printed with my covers @ me, i’d love to see them :)
and if anyone has requests for other jegulus fics for me to make covers or feel free to send them to my ask box and i’ll consider making them!!
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reg31 · 1 year
i just realized that my style is the literal combination of sirius black and remus lupin, i feel oddly proud of myself
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reg31 · 1 year
James: would you just admit you made a mistake
Regulus, reluctantly stirring his tea: I actually prefer it with salt
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reg31 · 1 year
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Character Sketches | Sirius and Regulus
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reg31 · 1 year
regulus: this is my ex boyfriend, james
james: darling, that isn't -
james, sighing: it's lovely to meet you, im his husband
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reg31 · 1 year
Surprises (1/1) (jegulus)
“Shh Harry, we have to be very quiet.”
“I know dad,” Harry whispered back. Of course it was in that child-whisper that is basically raspy yelling.
James shook his head, but smiled with fondness. “Okay daddy is going to carry the tray, and you take the present, alright?” James said pointing to the table with the gift they had wrapped together last night. And they crept together toward the bedroom.
A few inches from the door, Harry turned around so quickly he nearly toppled the breakfast tray over in James’ arms. “THE FL-“ Harry started, but when he met James’ gaze, his put his little finger to his lips. “The flowers daddy, I have to get them! Papa loves les fleurs!” And when James eyes went wide, he let Harry pass him and ran down the stairs.
Moments later he came sprinting back up with a handful of wild flowers that Harry had picked himself. “Okay. Ready?” James asked. Harry had a huge smile on his face and he kept his finger one his lips to remind himself it was a big secret. James pushed open the door slowly, and he quickly caught a glimpse of Regulus closing his eyes and shuffling down in the bed, pretending to be asleep. James watched in delight as Harry jumped onto the bed.
“Happy Birthday Papa!” Harry yelled, wrapping his little arms around Regulus’ head and kissing his face. Regulus opened his eyes with a smile that spread right across his face. “Oh my goodness! What is all of this?” Regulus said, which caused Harry to go into a full ramble: “Its your birthday papa! So you get presents and look, look! Daddy has breakfast for you. To eat in your BED! And and look! Flowers!” He shoved the flowers in Regulus’ face, who only laughed with joy.
“Oh mon petit merci beaucoup! Tu as fais tous ca tout seul?”
“Well, daddy a m’aider.” Harry said laying down over Regulus, as James came and sat beside them, placing the breakfast tray over Regulus’ legs. “Happy Birthday love,” James said pressing a kiss into Regulus’ hair.
“Thank you,” he whispered back.
“Papa! Papa! Open this! C’est ton cadeau!” And Harry’s happiness and joy was so contagious that Regulus couldn’t help but get wrapped up in his son. His family. The only present he'll ever want.
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reg31 · 1 year
i feel like every marauders stan reaches a point when they’re just like “fuck it, i ship everyone”
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reg31 · 2 years
i have never in my life been more attatched to a character than i am to crimson rivers regulus.
so much so that i called him a comfort character the other day
it took my friend staring at me in shock to realize that yes i did indeed choose regulus black, but not just the original, no, that wasn't traumatizing enough, i chose regulus black in a hunger games au as a comfort character.
i should start looking into therapy.
or maybe i'll just continue to heal through heartbreaking fanfiction.
it's all my dad's fault, that much i'm sure of.
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reg31 · 2 years
i just finished ch 54 of crimson rivers and all i have to say to @mayzarbewithyou is: i want to marry your creative mind and strangle it at the same time
No hard feelings though, the chapter was honestly amazing, had me on the edge of my seat while i cried my heart out, good extremely angsty soup
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reg31 · 2 years
sirius: not to self diagnose but something is definitely wrong
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reg31 · 2 years
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dressing my OCs in oddly specific tshirts that i kinda wanna get for myself
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reg31 · 2 years
Potter Manor
A while ago I came across these pictures, which I soon discovered were taken at the Wightwick Manor in Wolverhampton, UK, and they gave me an idea of what the Potter Manor might have looked like.
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It's warm and welcoming, cosy but spacious; still, you can clearly tell that it's the home of a wealthy family, and it has some similarities with the Gryffindor common room. This is where I envision James growing up, where Fleamont and Euphemia spent their days, where Sirius finally felt at home.
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reg31 · 2 years
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