reenugupta · 3 years
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Report your Business Credit Defaulter on CREDITQ
क्या आप भी कोर्ट के चक्कर लगाते-लगाते परेशान हो गये है, तो आज ही CREDITQ पर अपने रुके हुए PAYMENT की रिपोर्ट करें !
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reenugupta · 3 years
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How to do a secure business deal?
क्या आपको हर बार Business Deal करने में नाकामयाबी का सामना करना पड़ रहा हैं ? तो आज ही CREDITQ Download कर अपने Business की सभी परेशानियों से छुटकारा पायें।
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reenugupta · 3 years
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अब कोर्ट की तारीख पर तारीख लेने में और वक़्त ख़राब ना करे। आज ही Join करे CREDITQ और अपने रुके हुए पेमेंट की रिपोर्ट करे।
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reenugupta · 3 years
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अब CreditQ के साथ Business Defaulter को पहचाने और अपने बिज़नेस को रूकने ना दे आज ही Join करे CreditQ.
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reenugupta · 3 years
It is the goals that matter the most, be it life or business. To succeed in life or business, one needs to have clearly defined targets and a path should be laid down to achieve it. We all know that finances are key to both life and business. Likewise, robust financial planning will make sure that targets are achieved in a timely fashion and without any hiccups.
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reenugupta · 4 years
CreditQ is a platform where MSME and businesses can enroll themselves and seek information about other businesses and clients before entering into a business deal. Being a dependable source of authentic information about companies and clients, business owners trust CreditQ and seek its help to make decisions before making any business deal with an altogether new business or client.
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reenugupta · 4 years
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जब Technology का है सहारा, तो कोर्ट के चक्कर क्यों है लगाना। CreditQ को आज ही ज्वाइन करे और अपने Business Defaulter कोरिपोर्ट करे और पाएँ  1000 Rs Cashback Join CreditQ Now!
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reenugupta · 4 years
Starting a business and running it startlingly are two different things. Where one could be just a beginning, the other could prove to be a game-changer for the business in the long run. There are several factors that could make it happen. Managing the finances of a business is one of them. But managing finances effectively is the one which makes the business stand out from others.
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reenugupta · 4 years
CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited) Report is like a touchstone for any company. It’s like, if a company has better CIBIL score, it is considered financially strong and worth dealing with. It is for this reason that companies do their best to maintain good company CIBIL score. They also regularly generate CIBIL report in order to assess their creditworthiness. This also helps them to drive their finance related decisions accordingly.
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reenugupta · 4 years
In the business world, Invoice is what proves to be a legal record of a sale of product of service. It is through the invoice that business enterprises do their finance management and it is through the invoices that sellers get paid by the buyers. It is with the help of invoices that companies show their income and gets assessed for tax. Thus, it is the basic unit of finance management.
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reenugupta · 4 years
In India, Small Industries & Businesses are termed as the backbone of the country’s economy. It is these units which act as robust pillars at the grassroots in providing support to the nation’s economy. Besides, being low-budget, high-productivity units, these also employ the greater number which in turn helps bring down pressure on other sectors.
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reenugupta · 4 years
Time has proved that Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) are key to the Indian economy. Not only have they contributed a significant portion to India’s GDP, they also employ millions of people, which makes them the second largest workforce employer in the country. The first being the agricultural sector.
However, ability to provide this much support to the economy does not make MSMEs less vulnerable to the unfair weather impacting businesses worldwide. Thanks to the Indian government which has come to rescue the ailing economy due to the worldwide slowdown and economic downturn following the COVID-19 pandemic.
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reenugupta · 4 years
Coronavirus is a type of infection that can cause afflictions in people. This new infection has infected people worldwide. However, most common symptoms are cold-flu like but sometimes its symptoms are untraceable and only a certain test is conclusive. Its mortality rate is around 2-4 % its infection intensity is relatively high.
Different coronaviruses including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Serious Intense Respiratory Disorder (SARS) have in the recent past affected thousands of individuals around the world.
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reenugupta · 4 years
Banks are indeed the most trusted and the most secure way of storing money. It provides some of the most secure ways of handling monetary currency and storing and using it for further use. This is the most trusted and secure way of holding and securing transactions. This money is held in monetary terms as well as in other forms also. Banks provide lockers in order to equip its customers with the facility of storing their most valuable or antique items. This facility is provided with the fact in order to keep the items safe with a trusted entity. The bank acts as a trusted and safe entity securing the most valuable belongings of its customers to keep it safe and secure.
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reenugupta · 4 years
The new disease Coronavirus is named after crown-like viruses that generally protrude from their facade. As compared to other viruses, Coronavirus can affect humans and can cause severe respiratory diseases leading to progressively perilous situations such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. It is also known as COVID-19.
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reenugupta · 4 years
An economy is basically defined as a system of making, consumption, and trade of goods and services that includes a number of products and trading of those products in an area. The word Economy is derived from a Greek word that means the management of household products and many more products. Lets first know what the different sectors of an economy are and how various factors impact them differently.
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reenugupta · 4 years
Since 2001, India saw the biggest upsurge in the field of start-ups and entrepreneurship adventures. Even to this date, the GDP of the country’s economy depends a lot on these smaller firms. India is one young nation, which is transforming into a bigger one these days. Even the government is all set up and ready to introduce some of the best beneficial schemes for supporting MSME to grow and exist swiftly.
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