raythea1 · 7 years
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"Letting forms remain, opposing nothing, but nowise deceived, recognizes Me in all people and in all things. This is another way of saying that Spirit is the only substance." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice How easily the words slip out: 'God is all there is.' And yet, does my life reflect this? Do I really believe it? I have no difficulty in recognizing that Spirit is the only Substance in most things, in people, even people whose actions I may think are 'wrong' - actions with which I disagree. But there are some areas in which I struggle to see God as Substance. I know that is something with which I need to spend time in prayer. Affirmation: This minute, I surrender all to Spirit - the only Substance. God is my Source, of everything. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"It is not until the power of the word has come that the word is worth while. The word is a pathway to the power of God." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice Words are important in affirming our good, but it is the power behind the word that attracts the attention of the universe. It is the feeling tone of our words that reach the universe and manifests our desires. Only when we put strength and power and conviction into our words will we manifest what we desire. Affirmation: I know my dreams. I know my desires. My dreams are so great they shake the ground! And I know Who dreams my dreams. God and I together co-create my life. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"Whatever draws you toward it, making you think it can satisfy you, governs you, and is your God." "Oh, this is a hard one! But, I feel the truth in it. And I know it is so. For years I chased one thing and then another, trying to fill my hole. Then I realized, nothing satisfied me. When I reached that place, I could hear What really satisfies. Deep within all, our souls are crying for us to hear, to turn toward the only thing that satisfies, the One. The One True God." Affirmation: "My search has ended. My flight has ended. I have found true satisfaction. God - my Redeemer, my Beloved. I rest in Thee, oh, God. And so it is!" Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"There is no storm of adversity that can shake your name through the ages, if your affirmations are lofty enough concerning the dealings of your God with you." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice From quantum physics we know that everything is energy - everything. You, me, the chair on which I'm sitting, the pen with which I'm writing. Everything. From metaphysics we know that if everything is energy, anything is possible. If anything is possible, then anything I desire is possible, if, as Emma Curtis Hopkins said, '[my] affirmations are lofty enough...". Knowing that God - the Universe - responds to vibration, I make certain that my affirmations are lofty enough! Affirmation: My dreams are lofty - my dreams are huge - so huge they shake the ground! And the Universe responds - Yes! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"High resolves made in intense feeling have been like oak trees. " Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice The convergence of science and spirituality make clear that we live in a Universe made of vibration and that It responds to vibrations. When my vibration and my desires and intentions converge, my desires manifest quickly. The Universe just ignores milk toast, wimpy sighs. It responds with a resounding 'Yes!' when I match my vibration to what I say I want. Affirmation: My dreams are huge - so huge they shake the ground! And the Universe hears and responds - 'Yes!' Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"...our soul is an emanation from the Universal Soul, and partakes of the Divine Nature. The soul in man is the self-moving principle...". Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice All mystics proclaim that man is an incarnation of the Universal Soul - God - thus having a divine nature. Sometimes my actions seem to belie my divinity, but then I remember, God encompasses all - the good, the bad, the ugly. A tornado or a calm day, both are God. And sometimes both reside in me. But one thing I know: God and I are One. Affirmation: One Mind. One Soul. I Am That! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"Jesus Christ used that Word, evidently, but only to the ears attuned to it was its tone clear enough to be heard by man. ". Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice 'The Word became flesh and dwelt among us...' - the Word that Jesus used and the Word that became flesh are one and the same - God. The One Great First Cause became flesh, not just in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, but in each of us, in all of creation. Everything I see, feel, touch or hear, is God. Affirmation: One God. One Mind. One Universe. That One is my Identity. God and I are One! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"Prosperity is the acknowledgment, either consciously or unconsciously, of the presence of God." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice Psychologist Carl Jung said, 'Evoked or not evoked, God is present.' Whether we invite God's presence, It is always present, however when we consciously acknowledge the presence of God, the Power is greater. When we consciously acknowledge God in our lives, we can experience the Power and the prosperity of God in a greater way. Affirmation: I recognize the Power and the Presence in my life every moment. I know that God is always right where I am! God is my Center. God and I are One! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"...denials...are the habits of thinking which belong to our manner of believing in the absence of our particular good." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice Two people can look at the same thing and see something entirely different. One may see an opportunity or challenge; the other may see insurmountable problems. When a person constantly sees only a half-empty glass, instead of a glass that could be refilled, he is denying his good. Habitual denial becomes a habit, until the person has a constant flow of negativity in his life. We can only experience what we allow into our lives. Affirmation: My good flows to me, easily, gracefully. I look with the eyes of expectancy in every area of my life. I experience all the good that God has to offer. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"God was the beginning of all. God is the presence of all." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice God was; God is. I don't need to know anything else. All I need is right here, right now: God is the Presence. When I am in the place of knowing this with every cell of my being, I have everything I need. How can that be? Just knowing God is - how does that pay the rent? Buy food? When I know God is, I know that God is my Source and everything comes to me, easily, gracefully. Affirmation: "God is; I Am. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"...there is a marvelous power in every word...It contains its own potentiality." Emma Curtis Hopkins, Scientific Christian Mental Practice Quantum physicists teach of potential - everything exists as a potientiality. Nothing is real until we make it so. In the Bible, John wrote, '...the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...'. That which is Pure Potential became flesh. We have within the potential to create whatever we want, and we do so with our word. Our words become our world. What words will I speak today to create only what I want? Affirmation: I intend to speak only words that create what I want. I intend to speak only Love. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich Desire is that which has manifested in everything I see. The desire of the Divine to know Itself created the universe. My desire to express myself in many ways has caused me to put pen to paper, paint to canvas, and plant seeds in the earth. The desire to express my inner being pulls me forth. Everything I am or have is the result of a desire to express inner urges. The desires I have are not weak. My spirit is not weak, though my flesh may be. But my spirit is stronger. It blows on the sparks of my desires and they flare into a mighty flame. Affirmation: I feel the flame of my desires and know that I am in tune with the Fire that is God. I Am That! I Am! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich There are those who argue that the brain created the mind. There are those who say it is the mind that created the brain. But, as Napoleon Hill stated so many years ago, ideas are more powerful than brains, because brains die, but ideas live on. What if the idea that Edison had for the light bulb died with him? We'd still be reading by candlelight when the sun goes down. What if any of the ideas of all the great philosohers died when they did? We'd be in the dark, philosophically. Affirmation: Beyond the physical, there is the One, from which all ideas come. I Am That! I Am. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"God seems to throw Himself on the side of the man who knows exactly what he wants, if he is determined to get JUST THAT! " Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich If we have a tendency to blame God for bad things and give God the credit when things go well, then it might seem that God is on the side of those who know exactly what they want. However, Science of Mind teaches that God as the Universal Law, obeys every feeling we have. If we're feeling good, the Law magnifies the good; if we're down, the Law magnifies that, as well. This is something every person can test for himself: observe your emotions, how your day is going. If you don't like what you see, know that you are in control. You get to decide to be happy or not. All it takes is the decision to be happy. Affirmation: Today I intend to be happy. I rejoice and know that God is on my side - no matter what! Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE is the starting point from which one must begin." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich We live in a universe that responds to our vibration. If our vibration is in tune with our purpose - how enthusiastic are we? How intune are we with what we say we want? - then the universe will respond to that vibration, and we will see what we want. If we send mixed messages to the Universal Law, then mixed messages is what we'll receive. To know our purpose, our desire, as the person who knows she is destined for something in particular, and pursues it without waver, to be so definite, is where we begin. Affirmation: I know my purpose. I know what I want. I know for what I was born. I know, and it manifests easily. Click below to: read the source Rev. Ga
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. The impulse, the DESIRE, is given shape, form, and ACTION through the aid of the imaginative faculty of the mind." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich Goethe said, 'if you can dream it, you can do it...'. Imagination is the place where dreams take form. For many, our imaginations have been stifled - we think we have no imagination. But watch a child at play...listen as she acts out her imagination. We were all born that way; we've just tamped it down through the daily grind. I've discovered, as I've become free, my imagination was just stifled, hidden away in the closet of my mind. I'm letting it out to play and the more I play, the greater it becomes, just waiting for the right time when it and my dreams can dance. Affirmation: I know whatever I can imagine - and I can imagine anything! - manifests easily. God and I - Co-Creators. Click below to: read the source
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raythea1 · 7 years
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"...all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they 'arrive.' The turning point in the lives of those who succeed, usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their 'other selves.'" Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich Many times success isn't attained because people give up too soon; what they want to attain doesn't come quickly enough. The majority of us want instant gratification - I want it now! - and when our success doesn't come as fast as we think it should, we give up. A popular story of motivational speakers is that of the many 'failures' Edison had before he prefected the light bulb. He didn't look at his trials as failures; he considered them experiences in learning. In the many crises I've encountered in my life, I've met my 'other selves' and I've met my Self. It is my Self that saw me through. Affirmation: God and I - Co-Creators of my life. I Am That! Click below to: read the source
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