raynebowrayne · 1 month
The earth is dying.
We probably didn't do it.
We probably won't be able to stop it.
We can stop it.
But we probably won't.
Everything we associate with global climate change is due to only one thing. The hole in the ozone layer.
We discovered it in the 1970s we heard all about it in the 80s and 90s but we stopped hearing about it in the new millenia. It doesn't even get a passing mention these days.
I want you to think of a soap bubble - like the kind you blow through a wand as a kid, a really big one.
The size of our ozone layer.
See all those swirls of color on the surface of the giant soap bubble? See how they're constantly in motion? That's our atmosphere. Those swirls of color are winds carrying moisture and chemicals and particulates all over the globe. Storms form when two large and powerful winds that are both heavy with moisture slam into each other in the atmosphere.
We found a giant hole in the soap bubble. Imagine blowing a soap bubble on a bubble wand very carefully so it doesn't blow off. Imagine blowing it really big. Bigger. Bigger - you get the picture? Now Imagine you stop blowing. What happens? The bubble shrinks, right?
So, what I'm saying is, we're spewing atmosphere into space. We have been for a long time. Thankfully, we're creating atmosphere at a pace that almost matches the speed at which we're spewing it. Almost. But not quite.
10,000 years ago the Sahara desert was lush and green and bursting with life.
25,000 years ago the American southwest was green and lush, too - Las Vegas back then was a lot like the Amazon rainforest is now.
We have to close the hole.
But the hole is the only thing stopping us from suffocating in all the pollution we're producing.
We're venting water into space. A small amount, yes. But water isn't a renewable resource. Not at the rate we're losing it.
We need to thicken the ozone layer to keep the planet from drying up but if we do that we and a lot of other species might die from pollution... we don't know how thick the ozone layer was before the hole formed... but it had to be thicker than it is.
We can create ozone - we can close the hole.
We can end the climate crisis and stabilize both the climate and the weather(for the most part). Imagine a world with no tornados, no hurricanes, no droughts, no blizzards... it's possible.
We have to end fossil fuels as an energy source. If we don't we will literally destroy the entire eco system and kill ourselves and millions of other species. The world will recover. It'll take a few million years - but it will recover. Our species won't be here to see it. Because if we don't end fossil fuels we'll choke the surface of the planet to death on pollution. Land, water - too polluted to grow most plants or support much life in the form of a very few species from which many new species will evolve by the time the ecosystem recovers from fossil fuel damage.
We can do it. We can end fossil fuels and begin healing the ozone layer. We can do it in the next 10 years with enough money invested in it.
It'd cost a few billion dollars to get started. Maybe 50 people on the planet could afford to pay for it out of their pocket and not really miss the cost of saving us all. Don't hold your breath waiting for one to step up.
How can one rich person save the world? By replacing fossil fuels with free energy. It's not a myth. It's entirely workable.
First you need a powerful magnet. I recommend a N52 or higher neodymium magnet. Make it 2 inches thick 4 inches tall and 8 inches long. It should be magnetized so that one of the 2x4 ends is positively and the other is negatively charged.
Take a ring of pure iron that is 5 inches tall, 1 - 2" thick, and has an inside diameter of about 10 inches and coat it in gold. Inside the inner portion of the ring you're going to place blocks of copper with a wire attachments on the ends, in place of traditional coils(I'll call these "coils" from here on out but they aren't really traditional coils). There should be 8 of these coils, and they should be 4 inches tall about an inch thick and 2 inches wide... it's not a bad idea to coat them in gold for longevity... they should be positioned so that they line up perfectly with the top and bottom of the 2x4 ends of the magnet and are about 1/2" from the top and bottom of the inside of the ring. They should be attached to the ring using a method to ensure maximum conductivity.
The magnet should have slightly rounded ends so that it fits inside this ring of coils and comes within a hair's breadth of touching them. It should be attached via a brace in the center of an axel so that it can spin perfectly centered inside the coils while not quite touching them. I'll call this metal ring, coil, and magnet on an axel device the "core" from here on out.
This axel with the magnet atrached to it should be driven by a 1 or 2 Kw e-bike type brushless electric motor.
The motor should be driven by a controller box, like an e-bike controller which should be powered by a 48v or higher lifepo4 battery with at least 100 to 200 amp hours capacity and a fairly fast charging speed.
By elevating the core and using a large gear on the axel we can use a small gear on the motor to give more torque and make it easier to prevent overheating the core or the motor.
The coils should be attached to wires that connect them to a voltage regulator/transformer that can regulate the wild electricity produced by the core and transform it into a 50 or 60ghz 120 or 240v feed...whatever matches the local power feed for the region its intended to be used in.
If my calculations are correct that whole set up: the core, the motor, the battery, the transformer box( I call all of that in one device my "generator") should produce enough electricity to run at least 1 to 5 houses, depending on their size and what not, without ever having a brown out moment. If tied to the grid all excess power can be shunted down the line and used for things like traffic signals and street lights. If every house has this as it's energy source and we scale this up a bit to match the needs of any building... any car, any ship, any train, any jet even... we can end fossil fuels.
To keep the battery charged the charger should be able to charge it at its maximum safe charge speed, which will make it so the battery can keep powering the motor while it charges. Side note: program the charger to only kick on when the battery reaches 10 - 25% capacity and kicks off at 100% to extend the life of the battery.(the charger plugs right into any outlet and should be left plugged in at all times.)
So why would it take billions? To set up the manufacturing centers and start producing these on a massive scale.
Sell them for 3 - 5x overhead until the cost of setting everything up is recouped then drop it to 2x overhead, flat, and you'd be a trillionaire before you died of old age if you're under 60 now - even if you split the profits with me.
The problem is that replacing fossil fuels only solves the choking to death on pollution issue, it doesn't solve the ozone issue.
That's the expensive part.
You'd need to use this generator to power ozone generators. You'd need to build a network of steel towers across a huge swath of Antarctica, right in the center where noting lives or roams. Imagine the Eiffel Tower, but instead of that iconic rotunda thing at the top, imagine a giant steel toilet brush made of rebar. Now pack those towers together in such a way that when you add massive amounts of electricity to those rebar bristles they spark off of each other - basically creating an ocean of lightning a hundred or more feet off the ground. Of course, each tower would require its own generator or bank of generators and it/they would need to be inside a structure (built between the base feet of the tower) that's not easily damaged by cold - fireproof helps, too.
Ozone is formed by electrical discharge in air. The only way to make enough to patch up the hole in the ozone layer and rethicken the ozone layer in time to prevent catastrophe is to create this massive field of lightning generating towers.
If you want to save the world build the generators, build the towers, end fossil fuels, generate ozone.
I've worked on this problem since I was a kid - over 30 years now. I don't have the money to build my generator. I have no choice but to give it away like this because I'll never have the money to build it. But we need it.
Our planet IS dying. We didn't cause it, I don't think, but we can fix it.
My generator, one rich person, and a whole lot of steel can save the planet.
If you've got the money, build it.
Save us.
Get even filthy-rich-er.
I'll answer any questions you have about any part of the device, just message me.
I'm giving up my life's work and every dream I ever had, right here and right now, in this post - in hopes that somehow, someday, someone will build the generator and the lightning field and save the world.
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raynebowrayne · 3 months
Tax code idea.
Abolish 100% of current code.
Replace it with:
20% transaction tax at point of sale for all goods and services.
A tax exemption will be created for transactions using a government issued benefits card to pay for goods or services. For example a purchase is tax exempt if made using a card containing government issued benefits such as food stamps, SSI, SSDI, Social Security, cash assistance for families with dependant children, and/or any other spendable government assistance or entitlement. This does not include government paychecks or salaries issued via a debit card.
Make a second tax category for luxury goods and services. Define luxury goods and services as any good or service that is priced at 3x the average price for the majority of similar goods and prices of the same type. For example if the average price for a wrist watch is $30 before tax a wrist watch costing $100 before tax would also be subjected to a 20% luxury item tax in addition to the original 20% transaction tax. It would cost $140 at the register/checkout.
A third tax category for super luxury items would also be created. A super luxury tax of 40% would be assessed to any good or service that cost 6x or more what the average price of a similar good or service of the same type. If wrist watches have an average price of $30 and you buy a wrist watch that costs $200 or more you'll pay an extra 40% tax in addition to the 20% transaction tax. So a $200 before tax wrist watch would cost $320 at the register/checkout.
These would be the only taxes a non business owning citizen will ever pay. No recurring taxes on items like land, homes, and cars can ever be implemented. Taxes on items themselves, like cigarettes, gasoline, and alcohol, can never be implemented. Citizens who do not own a busniess will never pay any tax except the transaction tax of 20% plus any luxury or super luxury tax applicable.
Business taxes.
Businesses must collect a 20% transaction tax for every transaction, that is not made with a benefits card, in which they are participating as the recipient of currency from a customer or client.
Transaction, luxury, and super luxury taxes must be remitted every quarter by the 15th day of the quarter following the quarter in which they are collected.
Micro businesses will be exempt from paying a business tax.
A micro business is any business that does not profit at least 5x the average annual income of a family of four.
Independent contractors and the self employed must obtain a business license and pay taxes according to their business classification based on the amount profit they generate.
A small business tax of 20% will be created for businesses that profit an amount equal to or greater than 5 times the average income of a family of four.
A large business tax of 30% will also be created for businesses that profit 100 times or more the average income for a family of four.
A commercial business tax of 40% will be created for businesses that profit 500x or more the average income of a family of four.
A super business tax of 60% will be created for businesses that profit 1000x or more the average income of a family of four.
A mega business tax of 75% will be created for businesses that profit 10000x the average income for a family of four.
Business taxes must be remitted at the same time as transaction taxes and must be based on the transactions for which those taxes are being submitted.
Profit is defined as all money generated through the sale of goods or services minus the cost of people employed by the hour and the typical costs of doing business such as utilities, rent for a brick and mortar location, raw materials necessary to manufacture, perform or create a good or service, or the cost of goods intended to be resold as is.
The earnings of investors, salaried employees, and executives do not count as cost of doing business and must be paid from a business's profit.
A tax refund will only be issued to businesses and only in the case of an overpayment of transaction, luxury, or super luxury taxes because of accidental faulty math or customer returns of purchased goods.
This is how to reset the economy and make it BOOM again. This is how you reduce poverty. This is how you reduce crime. This is how you increase wages. This is how you reduce prices. This is how you win.
#taxplan #taxreform #replacethetaxcode #economy #poverty #crime
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raynebowrayne · 5 months
What a year this week has been.
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raynebowrayne · 5 months
“If I had time travel I’d kill Hitler” “If I had time travel I’d stop my favourite politician getting assassinated” you’re all thinking way too small. If I had time travel I’d stop Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from dying on the moon due to Soviet sabotage, kicking off the Great Nuclear War and devastating half of the planet.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
As someone recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, one thing that’s been helping me grapple with the intense shame I have over all my “wasted potential” is accepting that potential doesn’t exist and never did.
This sounds so harsh, but please bare with me.
I procrastinated a lot growing up. I still procrastinate today, but less so. And yet, I got good grades. I could write an A+ paper that “knocked [my professor]’s socks off” in the hour before class and print it with sweat running down my face.
I was so used to hearing from teachers and family that if I just didn’t procrastinate and worked all the time, I could do anything! I had all this potential I wasn’t living up to!
And that’s true, as far as it goes, but that’s like saying if Usain Bolt just kept going he could be the fastest marathon runner in the world. Why does he stop at the end of the race??
If ANYONE could make their top speed/most productive setting the one they used all the time, anyone could do anything. But you can’t. Your top speed is not a speed you’re able to sustain.
Now, I’ve found that I do need to work on not procrastinating. Not because the product is better, even, but because it’s better for my mental health and physical health to not have a full, sweating, panicked breakdown over every task even if the task itself turns out excellently. It’s a shitty way to live! You feel bad ALL the time! And I don’t deserve to live like that anymore.
So all of this to say, I’m not wasting a ton of potential. I don’t have an ocean of productivity and accomplishments inside of me that I could easily, effortlessly access if I just sat down 8 hours a day and worked. There’s no fucking way. That’s not real. It’s an illusion. It’s fine not to live up to an illusion.
And if you have ADHD, I mean this from the bottom of my heart: you do not have limitless potential confounded by your laziness. You have the good potential of a good person, and you can access it with practice and work, but do not accept the story that you are choosing not to be all that you are or can be. You are just a human person.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
Cuteness overload is their self defense mechanism... as a result they have no natural predators.
what do red pandas even do
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
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Even Weird Al has had that™ experience with Tony Hawk
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
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reylo + onion headlines → tlj + onion headlines here
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
One of the cutest things I've ever seen.
his came on my fyp on tiktok just now and i have been cackling. oh to have a dog like that
sound on*
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
I legit thought that artifact was real and they were somehow sewing onto it for some reason
suzhou embroidery of ancient chinese bronze artifacts by 苏州针传绣庄
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
And also... if your teeth are just too damned sensitive to use toothpastes - brush without it!!! It's equally as effective at removing plaque as using toothpaste! A warm salt water rinse or mild mouth wash will take care of germs and odors. You don't have to let your teeth rot out of your head just because toothpaste and mouthwash cause extreme pain!
This hack will save your teeth: there are no “right” and “wrong” times to brush your teeth.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
It’s finally happened.
After almost a decade on this site, I found another Tumblr user in the wild. I stopped to tie my shoe with rainbow laces this morning outside the silversmith at Colonial Williamsburg, and I heard it.
“I like your shoelaces.”
Oh. Oh no.
I responded the only way I could. “Thanks.” And then I reluctantly added, “I stole them from the president…and if that makes sense to you, I’m very sorry.”
The poor man, in full Colonial dress, stared at me for a long moment. And then burst into laughter. And said, “I haven’t thought about that in YEARS and this has never happened to me before.”
Yeah. Me neither. Not until today.
Tumblr rite of passage. Achievement unlocked.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
Guys, I hate to ask but can anyone spare me $20? I'll make you a music video, if you want, for it, I just really need $20.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
I've been there. It's not fun. Drugs don't help though. They actually make it worse. When you have nothing but your wits to keep you alive and/or get yourself together the last thing you need is drugs or alcohol... but to each his/her/their own. Maybe some people would just lay down and die if not for the drive to score their next high... in which case please by all means do the drugs, dead people have no possibility improvement, druggies do.
The response to “homeless people might use drugs in public bathrooms” isn’t to lock the bathrooms, but to give homeless people safe places to do drugs.
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raynebowrayne · 1 year
Actually, the only logical response to that is "monkeys might fly out of your ass at any moment so you should have it sewn shut."
The response to “homeless people might use drugs in public bathrooms” isn’t to lock the bathrooms, but to give homeless people safe places to do drugs.
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raynebowrayne · 2 years
Intriguing idea.
One of those 'in the arms of the angels' style dog rescue commercials but it's for sad pathetic fictional men
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raynebowrayne · 2 years
Rey to the resistance about Ben Solo.
charles xavier about magneto
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