ramblesahm · 4 years
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For years now I have been enjoying trips to Stoney Ridge through the pages of Suzanne Woods Fisher's books. It's always nice to catch up with the characters and get introduced to new members. While this is an Amish community and I'm not Amish there are so many ways that I can relate to this group of people.
Ms. Fisher does a marvelous job of reminding us that even though we live a bit differently we still have a lot in common. Being Amish doesn't keep you from sorrow or strife. But it also doesn't keep you from experiencing joy and harmony.
In Two Steps Forward the subjects of abandoned newborns and late term abortion are addressed. In the Amish community children are looked at as a blessing from the Lord so these two issues concern them greatly. I was impressed with their thoughts on making a difference, even if it only had the potential of making a small difference.
The novel introduced a couple of new characters but it was full of the old ones that we have come to know. Edith Fisher Lapp is still a cranky pants but this time around we get to see a bit of backstory and softening of character. Her husband Hank Lapp continues to make me laugh. Edith's son Jimmy Fisher is back, hat in hand and I enjoyed watching him come full circle. The book is centered on his character along with the widow Sylvie Schrock King.
One of the best things about this book and series is that it is very versatile. It can be read as either part of the series or as a stand alone. If you want my recommendation I would say to go all the way back to the first book in the first series, The Choice. You'll enjoy the development of the characters and the ebb and flow of the Amish life. Don't want to go that far back? Just start with this book. You'll get enough background as you go along to know what has happened before you joined the group.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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Not too long ago I read Natalie Walters first novel Living Lies. It was fabulous and I was looking forward to seeing if her second book would be just as delightful to read. It was.
Deadly Deceit brings us back to the small Georgia town of Walton. It is a little over a year later from where Living Lies left off. The main focus this time around is on journalist Vivian DeMarco and Deputy Ryan Frost. We met both of them in book one but they were supporting characters. This time around they are front and center.
The story pretty much thrusts the reader right into the action. There is a startlingly unexpected death that opens a Pandora's box of questions. While the characters are mostly those from the previous book the story is completely different. There are references to the first book but if you haven't read that particular story you will be fine. (Treat yourself . . . go back and read the first book if you haven't!)
Of the two books I liked the first book best, but this second book is very good too. I just preferred the story line of the first more than this one. I think that anyone that likes romantic suspense will be thrilled to discover Natalie Walters and her novels. She brings all of the elements that we expect to the story. I thought the plot moved along quickly and there were some definite twists and turns that kept me guessing.
The exciting news in the back of the book is that there is a third story, Silent Shadows that will release in the spring. I can't wait to get back to this small town to catch up on what the characters have been up to. If the first two books are any indication of what this author is capable of, we're in for a real treat.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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I've got mixed opinions about this book. Let me start with what I like. At the top of the list is the author. Lynette Eason is someone that you can count on for a riveting story. If the book has her name on it . . . I want it!
I also liked that it was four different stories in one book. It's a crazy busy time of year and it's nice to be able to sit down and read a story in one sitting. In my opinion November and December were made for novellas.
Each of the stories are stand-alone but they are also somewhat connected. The stories are complete but there are connecting threads such as the location (Tanner Hollow) and overlapping characters. I still think you need to read the stories in order but it's okay to finish a story and then not get back to the next one for several days.
Finally let me tell you what I didn't really care for. I know I just said that I like novellas this time of year but for me this group of novellas really short changed the stories. In my opinion each of these novellas begged to be a full blown story. Don't get me wrong, I liked them, but I just felt like too much was condensed into  a shorter story. Again, in my opinion, novellas really tend to be lighter stories. As with most of Lynette's books there was a lot of intense action.
So my final analysis would be to get it if you are a fan of Lynette Eason and/or romantic suspense. Read it and enjoy it and let it be a reminder of how much you enjoy sinking your teeth into her full-blown novels.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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I've enjoyed reading books by Davis Bunn for years. His writing has been in different genres and I can always count on a good read when his name is on the cover. Unscripted is mostly in the contemporary fiction category but it also has hints of suspense and romance.
The story centers around Danny Byrd who is a line producer in the film industry. Can I just insert in here that I had no idea what a line producer did? Now I do so I'm going to also count this as educational as well as entertaining. (It's my excuse for my reading habit and I'm sticking to it!) When the book opens we find Danny in the midst of a scandal that lands him in serious trouble ultimately leading to jail.
As the story progresses Danny's life up to this point is unfolded for us. He's been through the wringer but along the way there have been pivotal people that shaped his beliefs in himself and others. One of those people is Megan Pierce. She's an attorney from LA that has been hired to represent Danny.
There is an attraction between Danny and Megan right from the beginning. But they both feel like the timing is just wrong. The story that unfolds is that of redemption, overcoming, and acceptance. This turned out to be a beautiful story. It wasn't as heart pounding as some of Mr. Bunn's stories are but it was definitely worth the read. It is more of a glimpse into a life type of story than an escalating plot.
If you are looking for a gentle read that is filled with real life troubles that are overcome with hope then this is the perfect book for you. If you're looking for an excuse remember that you can call it educational reading. It is a fascinating look into the inner workings of making a movie.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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The Gryphon Heist is the first book by James Hannibal that I've read. Where have I been? I am definitely going to seek out his previous novels. He even has some juvenile fiction that I am going to look into for my grandkids.
Several years ago there was a show on television called Leverage. My husband and I used to watch it and really enjoyed it. I thought The Gryphon Heist had the same feel. It is most definitely a suspense novel but it has a light cleverness to it as well.
The characters are a motley crew of CIA agents and criminals. But likable criminals if you will. There is a lot of background that is covered in this first book of a coming series. I'm not going to go into it because it will be better for you the reader to uncover it yourself. Let's just say that the history of each of the main characters plays an important role in each of their motivations.
Like any good suspense story there are plenty of plot twists and turns. There are some points that you will guess at and get right and there are others that you won't even figure into the equation. I enjoyed every chapter and found the overall book to be a quick read.
The Gryphon Heist is a complete story but the characters go into the next novel. I've only read the sneak peek for book two but it looks like it will be just as good.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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Well hello Siri Mitchell! When one of your favorite authors decides to venture out of her usual genre it can be a little unnerving. Will it be any good? Should I give it a try? In the case of 'State of Lies' the answers are yes and yes. 'State of Lies' is filled with plot twists and turns that keep you guessing and rethinking your theories. By the end of the story I was about 50 percent correct in my assumptions. And I was totally amazed at what I had made wrong guesses on. I really hope that Siri continues writting her signature historical fiction but I also want to read more suspense from her as well. Maybe a combination of both??? Anyway, if you are a fan of Siri Mitchell or of suspense (of the political nature) then I am quite sure you are going to enjoy this one. I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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If you have a middle-grade reader that also happens to be a boy then you need to take a look at this book. Arcade and the Triple T Token has a lot to offer for the reader. Arcade Livingston has just moved to a new town and is starting a new school so obviously the story deals with what it is like to be the new kid. It deals with bullying and some creative ways to handle it. It has a bit of time-travel which adds to the excitement. And it also has an element of mystery. What else could you want?
This story is well-written and as an adult I thought the pace moved along quite well. I think it will easily hold the attention of a young reader. It definitely has the slant of appealing to the boys but I think girls would enjoy the story too.
My favorite part is that of Arcade Livingston himself. He's a bit on the nerdy side (he loves the library for heavens sake!) but somehow he makes being a nerd cool. One of the biggest take aways for the story is to learn to be comfortable with who you are. I think that's such an important lesson especially at this age.
I'm looking forward to the future books in this series. I think the second installment comes out in September 2019 so you don't have too long to wait.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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I love a fictional trip to the little community of Stoney Ridge. I've been reading about these characters from the beginning and always look forward to seeing what they have been up to since my last trip. When you read long series like this there are always characters that you wonder whatever happened to them. Luke Schrock is one of those people.
We first encountered Luke in The Inn at Eagle Hill series. His story continued with The Bishop's Family series. He was a mess and last we heard he was off to rehab. Well he seems to finally be finished after the third shot at it. But will he be different?
Amos and Fern Lapp have been known to take in troubled kids that need a bit of guidance. With great reluctance they agree to give Luke a place to stay in exchange for help on the farm.
There's a new girl in town and her name's Izzy. She's a mystery to all of us but it was a joy to see her story unfold. Her character has so many layers. Just when you think you know all there is to know about her something else is revealed.
I don't think that I've ever read a book by Suzanne Woods Fisher that I didn't like. But I am going to say that this book has got to be my favorite so far. There are some things that are revealed at the end of the story that tie several previous events from previous novels together. And guess what . . . I didn't even realize that they were loose ends when I was reading those stories! You would think that after all of these books/series set in the same place with mostly the same people would become monotonous. But you would be wrong. I find them just as fascinating as I did with the first book.
This is the beginning of a new series but it is also the continuation of a previous set of series. You can of course read this book without having read the previous books, but you would sorely miss out on some very good fiction. I say treat yourself and start at the beginning!
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 5 years
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All of Jamie's books that I have read have an eerie feel to them and this one is no exception. The story goes back and forth between the present and turn of the century Pleasant Valley, Wisconsin. The subject matter centers around an assylum. It also includes post-mortem photography. This book really has a creepiness factor that is quite compelling. I promise you'll come away from it with a whole new appreciation for the subject matter.
What I appreciate about Jamie's writing is that while I was reading the story I kind of felt a tension that made me a bit uncomfortable. I kept thinking is she going to go down the "woo woo" trail and start in with spirits and ghosts? She doesn't. There are characters that believe in those things but the overall story doesn't promote that. It really is just a fascinating read about subjects that are interesting in a creepy way. I enjoyed it and look forward to her next book.
I received  an ecopy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 6 years
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I've said before that I'm not really a short daily devotional fan. I tend to prefer a more in-depth morning Bible study. But I'm always encouraged by the (in)courage community so I just couldn't resist taking a look at this new book.
The set up is simple. There's a short Scripture reading followed by an applicable story from one of the many (in)courage writers. Then it ends with a section called A Moment to Breathe.
I've read through most of the readings and have enjoyed them. The women that contributed to this project shared from their hearts and their normal everyday lives. The stories could have been written by any one of us and that's part of the beauty of it. We all have more in common than not and it was nice to read about fellow sojourners and how they were able to face what was in front of them with grace while following Christ.
My favorite part was the ending section. Each day gave simple ways to put into action the core concept of the reading. When I say simple I mean simple. You don't need to run to the store for ingredients or supplies you just need to implement in small ways what you've just read.
This was an encouraging book for me personally but I also think it would be a nice gift for a young mother or a sweet woman that's going through a hard patch. The book itself is beautiful. It's a hardback but has a cloth-like cover and a ribbon to mark your place. I think I'm going to have to pick up a couple more to give as gifts.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 6 years
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The Christmas season just wouldn't seem complete without reading a Christmas novella from Melody Carlson. This year's offering is an historical romance set during WWII. The story is one that happened all too often during that time.
Amelia is working at the USO when she meets Navy pilot James and quickly falls in love. The two plan to marry but before they can go to the Justice of the Peace James has to ship out. Soon after James is MIA and presumed dead. And if things couldn't get worse Amelia discovers she's pregnant.
When the story begins we find Amelia struggling to provide for her and little Jimmy. She's a beautician but having a tiny baby isn't the easiest thing to juggle along with working. She's decided to head to Montana to possibly meet James' family and perhaps make a fresh start.
Poor Amelia sustains blow after blow until she ultimately can't stand back up again. She has agonizing decisions to make that force her to set aside her hopes and dreams and choose a selfless path.
As with all of Melody's stories this one tugged at the heartstrings and wound up being a lovely ending. (You can't have an awful ending for a Christmas story!) I'm once again impressed with her ability to pack so much into a small story without it feeling rushed. If you are a lover of Christmas stories treat yourself to this one. It would also make a wonderful little Christmas gift for someone that needs a little lift this time of year.
I received a copy of this ebook to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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Usually the best book of the series is the first. The first book in this series, Cold Shot, was very good and the second book, Still Life, was good too but I think this third book is my favorite. I've been thinking about why and I have decided it is because I have come to know the characters better and the underlying story has developed to the point that I can't stand to put it down.
I'm a fan of Dani Pettrey's writing so I knew the suspense element would be good but I believe she's taken her talent for leaving the reader wondering what's next to a whole new level. There is a cliff-hanger at the end of this book that is almost not fair. When I turned that final page I couldn't believe she would torture us so! But of course that's the sign of a good writer's ability to keep the reader wanting more.
After reading Blind Spot I was wishing that I had the discipline to wait to start the series until it was entirely written. But of course I can't! The minute I know the book has been released I want it in my hands. If you enjoy a good dose of suspense sprinkled with some swoon-worthy romance then Dani Pettrey and this series particularly are worth your time. I can't wait for the next book and I think you'll feel the same way.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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Deadly Proof is the first book by Rachel Dylan that I have read but I'm looking forward to reading many more. I enjoy a good legal thriller and that's exactly what I got with Deadly Proof. After reading the book and then looking the author up I'm pretty sure I know why it was so good. Rachel Dylan is an experienced attorney and I think that lends to the authenticity of her story.
The legal case involved is that of Mason Pharmaceutical knowingly causing the death of many people by allowing a drug to come to market when the adverse side effects were known to the company but hidden from the public. It's a class action lawsuit and Kate Sullivan has been appointed as the lead counsel to prosecute the case.
There's a lot at stake for everyone involved. Mason Pharmaceutical could lose millions in revenue and the directors seem to be willing to go to any lengths to avoid that. Kate's good friend and fellow lawyer, Ethan Black, has been retained to represent Mason Pharmaceutical. He quickly finds himself wondering just how far he's willing to bend the rules to win this case. Meanwhile people are dying, disappearing, and being threatened. Is Kate safe? Probably not but former Army Ranger turned P.I. Landon James along with his friends Cooper and Noah, are bound and determined to see that she survives the threats.
This is a very quick read because the action and intrigue is non-stop. It's a story that is written where you think that you are being told about what is happening from both perspectives, but look out because there's a twist at the end that I didn't see coming.
Deadly Proof  is book one in the Atlanta Justice series. I took a peak at the next book in the series and it looks like the main characters in this series are going to be the men, Landon, Cooper, and Noah. Book two is Cooper's story. It seems as if the series can be read as stand alone novels but we'll have to wait and see for sure. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series and if you are a fan of legal thrillers this should be your cup of tea as well.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate this review.
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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I finished the stitching up on this piece last night. I love so many of Shepherd's Bush Christmas patterns. They do folk art primitive well. This is currently a free pattern on their website. I'm thinking about finishing it as an ornament. . #xstitching #crossstitch #ChristmasIsComing #StitchAllTheThings #flosstube
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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A right handed granny teaching a left handed grand girl to use a knitting loom. It's an adventure in patience for both of us! #grands #knitting #loomknitting #crafty #ChristmasIsComing
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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One of my favorite times of the day is bedtime. I love the smell of freshly bathed kids and enjoy spending a little time reading and winding down the day with them. We enjoy a variety of books for this time and May The Faith Be With You: Bedtime Prayers is the newest one we've read through.
Anything with a space theme is probably going to be a hit at our house and this book was. It's designed for ages 4-8 so it was a perfect fit for us. The premise of the book is simple. There is a rhyming verse and then a corresponding scripture. The illustrations are stunning and take the book from average to extraordinary. There are fifteen different selections and I suppose you could read and discuss one a night but we read the whole thing in its entirety.
The thing that sets this book apart from the others on our shelf is the glow-in-the-dark feature. The kids love this but let me give you a little mom tip. Before you let your little ones enjoy the book take some time to charge up the pages. It's easy to lay the book beneath a lamp and ever so often turn the page and let it soak up the light. This will let you fully enjoy the book in the dark and not have frustrated kids at bedtime.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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ramblesahm · 7 years
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Fans of Charles Dickens and Agatha Christie will surely enjoy this Christmas novella. The premise is one that you are familiar with in a storyline. Strangers receive invitations to come to Bleakly Manor and the one that remains until the end will receive the prize.
But the resemblance ends there. Michelle Griep has taken those bones of an outline and fleshed them out with characters and scenarios that are fresh and interesting. As the characters are added one by one and then leave one by one you can't help but like them. They are quirky to a fault and really make the story come alive. The manor house is a perfect setting. As the story progresses it just gets creepier and creepier.
Just like a good Dickens story, when you think you have the plot figured out a turn in the story comes and takes you in a whole new direction. I was surprised and pleased with the ending which is exactly what I want in a story like this. I recommend you get this for one of those cold winter evenings that you need a good book to curl up with. You won't be disappointed.
I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
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