quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Beginning Tips for a Witchy Notebook
I get a lot of asks about how I started my notebook whenever I post pictures of it! I do have a background in scrapbooking/collage/art, which is reflected in my witchy notebook. I’ve been a self-identified practicing witch for about a year now, but many of the practices in my craft have been in my life for years.
Some people call them Book of Shadows, grimoire, or simply just a “witchy notebook.” Here are some tips that helped me when I was beginning my notebook. Lengthy post with pictures!
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Notebook? Binder? E-grimoire?
There are lots of ways to keep all your witchy information together. You can keep your grimoire on the notes of your phone, documents on your laptop, Canva/other graphic design website, loose leaf papers or in a binder, or a regular bound notebook. Don’t place too much pressure on yourself! Whatever feels right is right.
Start with what you like (but stay open to what you don’t know!)
Your notebook won’t have the same authentic magic if you fill it with things that you don’t actually care about! While my first notebook contains some aspects of witchcraft that I don’t practice now, they were still important to me at the time. Your notebook is a visual representation of your journey, so don’t be afraid to fill it with your current obsession with crystals or a one specific tarot card. 
These are some really great tags for exploring topics when you don’t know where to start!
witch tips
baby witch
witchy 101
And some simple ideas for your first entries:
your birth chart
what you want to use magic for
a collage page of your witch aesthetic (or ideal aesthetic)
a wish list
your favorite crystals
a simple moon calendar (full/new moons of the year, month, or just information about the phases)
your favorite colors, seasons, places in nature etc
record information about the chakras/energy points in the body
list of your favorite witchy movies and tv shows
draw teacups and fill them with drawings of your favorite blends
drawings of your ideal familiars (animal companions)
A couple witchy things that you may not have heard about but are super cool to incorporate into your craft:
sigils (visual symbols charged with an intent)
incantations (short spells that sometimes rhyme)
Don’t knock Pinterest.
I personally like to have very organized and planned out pages. I’ve resorted to Pinterest *many* times to get graphic ideas for lunar calendars, zodiac wheels and other witchy things that require a lot of information in a condensed graphic. Pinterest has great inspiration for those special, planed out spreads.
Separate or keep it altogether. 
Some people like to keep everything in one notebook/binder, others like to separate their topics or layouts into different notebooks. I started a bullet journal for more planned out pages, but my general notebook is a leuchtturm1917 with dotted grids where I have reference pages and personal entries.
Here are some pages of my notebook that I’m especially proud of.
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Ultimately, your notebook is a reflection of YOU. It doesn’t have to be super witchy, covered in cobwebs with etched pentagrams. It can be a simple composition notebook or a super frilly lace journal. Be true to yourself and your notebook will never lead you astray. Best of luck and feel free to message me!
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
🔥 Burnable Spellboxes 🔥
For spells, rituals or offerings!
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I just made some offering boxes to put into the wickercreature at Castlefest, so I wanted to share some ideas! I had this idea for a while and finally found some time and energy to make some.
What you need:
🔥 Pretty patterned paper (I got some paper blocks from the dollar store)
🔥 Spell ingredients/Offerings (anything goes as long as it burns)
🔥 Cord/wool/linnen ribbon (remember: natural fibers)
🔥 Optional: pretty flowers for the top!
What you do:
Find a favourite tutorial for an origami box online. I used this one. And fold your pretty papers into a box. If you want, decorate the box a bit more. I made three: one for the Goddess Baduhenna, one for Nehalennia and one for the Horned God. I designed bindrunes for them and put them on the bottom of the boxes.
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I got some fresh flowers from my garden and wrote down some poems (and made my own) to dedicate to the Gods. Then I added some herbs, lots of Marjoram as a taglock (my name means Marjoram) and even a bit of my favourite perfume. I wanted to make it as personal as possible.
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Now simply close them and tie them shut. I used wool in the colours that matched the deities I’m making them for. I also tied some pretty flower to the top!
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And there it is! Now my boxes are ready to be sacrificed! Of course you can substitute any offerings by spell ingredients to make it into a spellbox! Have fun, and as always, feel free to tag me when you make these! 🌙
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
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a reading about a friend in distress
card one: four of wands
card two: the empress
card three: nine of wands
card four: knight of swords
card five: seven of cups
card six: ace of wands
wands are dominant in this reading. the four jumped out when i was asking desperately what would happen. a reminder that guides the entire reading that a good ending is not impossible, that with hard work we will reach a point where we look back on this period of distress and worry and celebrate that we got her through it. the empress is worried, caring, wanting to help. wanting too much to help, almost. a caring that goes so far that it results in hurting yourself. you can’t take care of everyone and also yourself, my dear. you must care for yourself too. the nine is us now, preparing for the worst that might be coming. stress over how to help, stress over what she might do, stress over knowing what to do and what not to do. accept that this is a period of anticipation and make preparations that will lessen the harm to come. preparing means taking action. Take action. The knight wants you to take action. it’s not enough to sit by and worry. it might also signify an opposition to offered help, a pressing against it for the presumed comfort of indulging in old demons. don’t let that happen. fight against them. be wary of the seven of cups, don’t let not knowing what the best thing is stop you in your tracks. just do something, even if it doesn’t end up being the perfect help it’s better than no help at all. at least try. at least do something. the ace of wands is our friend, her at the end of this. reaching a new beginning. a lighthouse alone where there needs be no lighthouse, it may feel like an uncomfortable start but the ace leads into the four. only a few steps before getting to the moment of celebration. to bring this new beginning to fruit will require work, a changing of attitudes, a new connection, something new coming in. maybe talking to someone. things can get better. don’t let things stop you. work for a better future and it will manifest. you can not do nothing and expect for new beginnings to come to you unbidden. 
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
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“WHY are you STALKING me?” tarot “spread”
It’s not really a spread, more of a method. But anyway, here it is!
First off, try to figure your stalker card out. Meditate with it, freewrite based on it, read the LWB, check out how others have interpreted the same card, ask a friend, etc… When you’re sick of all that and you want more depth, then move on to the next step!
Take that bloody irritating card and tell it what you want (I like to sob-scream “But what do you meeeeaaannnn?” at it, personally), then shuffle it back into your deck - FACE UP. Shuffle it in real good. Don’t peek while shuffling, though, you don’t want to see where the card is until you’re totally done with shuffling.
When you’re through with that, flip through the deck and find the card - super easy cause it’s the only backwards card in the deck - and pull it out AND the 2 cards on either side of it.
The card behind your stalker shows underlying issues that caused the card to show up. Then show up again. And again. It’ll give you the knowledge about why, and knowledge is power.
The card in front of your stalker gives you the action to take, what the card needs from you so it can stop trying to deliver it’s message. It’s your first step to freedom!
Where the stalker ended up in the deck before you pulled it and the surrounding cards out also comes into play. If it was near the top of the deck, it is mostly in relation to practical, real-world tangible life. The farther you have to dig to find it, the more likely it is the card is speaking to you on a deeper, spiritual level.
Hopefully this will help y'all with any stalker card issues you might come across! I’d love to know if this works for you, so feel free to shoot me a message or tag me if you use it!
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
🌟Steven Universe Spells List 🌟
a short list of my steven universe inspired spells for pop culture witches
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peridot personal growth spell -  for personal growth
sapphire insecurity spell -  to help when one feels small or useless, overwhelmed and alone
greg and rose romance - to aid unconventional couples
rose quartz altruistic love spell -  a spell to encourage unconditional and altruistic love
“stronger than you” spell - a spell for strength and protection
amethyst home spell - to make things feel like home
amethyst empowerment spell -  spell to help bring about self-empowerment 
here comes a thought spell -  to help calm you down from the little things and stray thoughts that worry you 
alexandrite separating spell -  to separate toxicity from a person, whether it is a toxic situation, person, or behavior
opal mending spell -  to help heal a bond between two people who don’t always get along
steven universe shielding spell - pop culture spell to protect your feelings
garnet’s gauntlets - to give you personal strength
garnet future vision - for hints of prophetic dreams 
lapis water binding spell - to bind someone to a place they cannot escape
stevonnie fusion - to meld with a friend for a short while
bubble your feelings - to hide away feelings that are causing you harm
rose quartz healing tears - simple ritual to heal emotions
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
🎇 Florence + the Machine Spell List 🎇
a short list of my florence + the machine inspired spells for pop culture witches
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rabbit heart - pop culture spell for courage and confidence
cosmic love spell - pop culture spell to lead you to your soulmate
howl love spell - pop culture spell to strengthen yourself before a confession
what kind of man - spell to help get away from a bad relationship
no light no light - pop culture spell to help you confess or apologize when you don’t know the words to say
arms of the ocean - pop culture spell to comfort you and give you strength
hurricane drunk - pop culture spell to turn pain into invincibility
what the water gave me - pop culture spell to relieve burdens of the mind
queen of peace - pop culture spell to bring peace when you are stressed
shake it out - pop culture spell to shake off anyone/spirits bothering you
dog days are over - pop culture spell to bring happy days and self love
how big, how blue, how beautiful - to renew one’s self, and open to change
seven devils curse -  a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Witchy Bath & Shower Time Masterpost
For Baths:
Magickal Herbs: How to… baths
What should you put in your bath?
Bath time witch tip
bath witch tip
Stress fix bath
“I am Majestic” bath ritual
Bath Magic for the Signs: Aries / Taurus / Gemini / Cancer / Leo / Virgo / Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius / Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces
Bath for psychic powers
LUSH Bath Bomb Magick
Energetic Healing: Waterbending style
Self Love Bath Ritual
Bath spell to release anger
Banishing Bath Spell
Planetary Bath Salts
Bath Potions
Gross Bath Spell (w/ Shower Substitution)
Witchy Baths Masterpost
For Showers:
Bath Magic without a tub
Cleansing Shower Bag
simple ideas for a magical shower
Curse removing wash
witch tip
shower disks for the signs
shower meditation
5 ways to make your shower magical
Anti Anxiety Shower Spell
Quick Shower Magick
Gossip Stopping Scrub
Energy Shower Scrub
Shower Magic: Self Cleansing
shower witch tip
I wash my troubles down
Discreet witchcraft: shower spells
More Info: 
About toxic herbs
shower and bath emoji spell
bath and body product magic
Bath/Shower Magic FAQ Page
Don’t forget your teeth!
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Witchcraft Asks #1-105
Here is the list of the 105 witchcraft questions I just finished answering. I answered one each day but feel free to answer them all at once or however you want to do it. Tag your it!
1. Are you solitary or in a coven? 2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? 3. What is your zodiac sign? 4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? 5. Do you work with a Pantheon? 6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination? 7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) 8. How would you define your craft? 9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? 10. How long have you been practicing? 11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? 12. Do you believe in Karma or
Reincarnation? 13. Do you have a magical name? 14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? 15. What was the last spell you performed? 16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? 17. Do you write your own spells? 18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up? 19. Do you worship nature? 20. What is your favorite gemstone? 21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? 22. Do you have an altar? 23. What is your preferred element? 24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? 25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? 26. What got you interested in witchcraft? 27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? 28. Have you ever used ouija? 29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? 30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? 31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? 32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? 33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? 34. Do you meditate? 35. What is your favorite season? 36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? 37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? 38. What is your favorite witchy movie? 39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? 40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. 41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? 42. What is your favourite type of candle to use? 43. What is your favorite witchy tool? 44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? 45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits? 46. Do you practice color magic? 47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? 48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? 49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? 50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? 51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? 52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? 53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? 54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? 55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? 56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? 57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? 58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? 59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? 60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? 61. What is something witch related that you want right now? 62. What is your rune of choice? 63. What is your tarot card of choice? 64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? 65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? 66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? 67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? 68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? 69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? 70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? 71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? 72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? 73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? 74. Do you ever work skyclad? 75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? 76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? 77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) 78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? 79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? 80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? 81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? 82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? 83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? 84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? 85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? 86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? 87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? 88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? 89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? 90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? 91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? 92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? 93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? 94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation? 95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? 96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? 97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? 98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? 99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? 100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? 101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? 102. What is your favorite color and why? 103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? 104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? 105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
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Jar Spell for Productivity and Motivation
I totally need a kick in the ass as this week come to an end so I showered, lit some candles, and whipped up this lil jar to give me a boost 
Sage - to push aside what’s not important and allow productivity to take hold
Kosher Salt - to absorb residual negativity
Black Pepper - to banish bad habits and emotions that hinder me
Peppermint - for energy
Coffee - for motivation
Cinnamon - for success and prosperity
Rosemary - to aid in the completion of tasks
Cloves - to take hold of my action and clear my mind
Quartz - to amplify spell and energy
Sigil “I am productive and get things done” 
Pink - self-improvement
Blue - will power, focus
White - consecration
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
a simple spell to bloom like spring flowers
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this is a spell to encourage growth, beauty, positivity and development. it will inspire you to improve yourself and give you a radiant aura like blossoms in spring. best done during a new or waxing moon. you will need:
✿  one flower (preferably with a stem) that is currently blooming in your region, to represent the present time and the place in the world you reside. 
✿ pastel pink, blue, white candle(s), to represent the spring, positivity, self love
1. wait until morning to cast this spell, while the sun is out. light your candle(s) and hold your hands above the flame to warm them for a moment, then take your warmed hands and press them against your cheeks to place rosy glowy energy into them.
2. hold the spring blossom in your hands and whisper kind words to it. tell it how you love its radiance, happiness and growth; ask it to teach you how.
3. wear the blossom behind your ear, blow out the candle(s), and go about your day.
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
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I will not lose motivation sigil
•my sigils•
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
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Hello everyone! As promised, I am here with a new 30-day challenge. It’s focused on introspection and geared towards self-exploration. But wait, there’s more! It’s designed for witches who are just starting out in their exploration of witchcraft. 
You can do this challenge regardless of your length of time practicing, but it’s likely to be most useful for people who still feel that they’re just getting started. I wanted to create this so that witches could answer it as they begin their Craft, then (hopefully) look back on it later and see how (and if) things have changed because of their magical work! 
it would be really great if those of you doing this would tag the posts with #rootsofcraft so I and other witches can read the responses easily, compare, and learn more about how diverse our community can be. As noted, I designed this to be highly introspective, and I do hope the questions inspire a lot of thought!
In a few days, once I’ve typed it up, I’ll be posting a second challenge, called Fruits of Your Craft, designed for those who consider themselves more experienced witches. 
Neither of these are really confined to any skill level or number of years/months spent practicing; it’s just a matter of how you, personally, feel about yourself. Do you feel that you’re beginning, or more experienced? So, feel free to do this, or the next one, based on that rather than the amount of time spent. 
Enjoy, and I look forward to reading responses to the questions!
Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge
Divination. Does it work? Would you use it? What do you think of those who do? Why?
What do you think Magick actually is? What is the power or force behind witchcraft?
How powerful do you believe Magick to be, and why?  
What are your beliefs about ethics and morality? Do you think practicing witchcraft will change your views? If so, how?
Do you plan to be open about witchcraft to people you know? Why or why not?  
What kind of belief system were you raised with? Do you feel it suits you, or are you making a change?
What was your earliest memorable exposure to the concept of witchcraft? How did it influence your interest in it?  
Do you think you will work with or worship deities as part of your Craft? Why or why not?  
Was there a tipping point that convinced you witchcraft was worth practicing? What influenced your desire to learn more and why are you learning about it?
What kind of witch do you want to become?  
What kind of witch do you believe you will become?
What do you think your life will be like in five years, magically speaking?
What worries you most about learning witchcraft? What might be a risk?
What excites you most about learning witchcraft? What might be a reward?
If you could list one thing that you hope to gain from practicing witchcraft, what would it be?
Which of the four classical elements best describes you at the beginning of your journey? (Earth, Wind, Air, or Fire)
If you’ve practiced spellcraft, what was the experience of casting your first spell like? If you’ve not yet cast one, what do you think your first spell will be and why?
Are there any witches or magicians in fiction or history that you particularly admire? Why or why not?
If you were to think of your beginnings in witchcraft as a certain color, what color would it be and why?  
What are your general thoughts about newer magical traditions such as pop culture spells, and technowitchery?
What are your general thoughts about older magical traditions such as rune Magick, kabbalah and esoteric eastern traditions?
Do you think that tradition is important in witchcraft? Why or why not?
What role do you think dreams play in magical life, if any? Why or why not?
Are you more aligned with chaos or order in terms of the Magick you have or will practice? What do you think Magick itself is more aligned with?
Curses. Do they work? Would you use them? What do you think of those who do? Why?
Blessings and protective Magick. Do they work? Would you use them? What do you think of those who do? Why?
Do you have an affinity with an animal or type of animal? What does it mean to you? If you don’t, but had to have one, what do you think it would be?
Do you think that there is any potential in utilizing certain ritual places or “ley-lines” between ritual places? Why or why not?
What role does the archetype of death play in magic to you, if any? Why or why not?
What do you think of practicing magic in a group setting? What about practicing alone? Why?
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Me, a swamp hag in a kitty cat night gown and rainbow socks: throw water in a jar with nails and a poppet and shake it as a hex. Put a penny above your door to attract money in your house. Use your local herbs and stones to do what ya want. Wind chimes attract spirits and bottles trap in negativity thrown your way. Throw dried chilis in the foot steps of your enemy to make them hotfooted and paranoid. Sigil and emoticon spells are fun and worked for me so eh whatever. Fuck circles, do whatever, folk magic is easy and quick
Elistist “trad” witch: Um ExCuSe Me?!? NO!! you have to have a circle and call the corners and your gods and goddesses! If has to take time, a lot of time!!!! and you have to do it exacyly like this *holds up instructions* and wear certain robes! Use only these crystals and herbs do NOT use or substitute anything else!!! Doing anything different is bad and fake!!!!! You have to only use our type of magic or youre wrong!!
Also me: another fun magic is to get some rocks and throw them to release certain feelings about something
* starts throwing stones and rocks at the elitists*
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Unconventional & Affordable Ingredients for Spells
Here is a list of unconventional and affordable ingredients that can be used in spells and witchcraft along with their correspondences; good for witches “in the woods” and witches on a budget. Many of these can be easily found for inexpensive prices or at home.
Acorns/Acorn Caps: security, abundance, longevity, good luck, youth and brings good health
Animal toys/stickers: relates to correspondences of that animal
Artist’s Charcoal: banishing negativity, protection; cursing
Baby Powder: cleansing, beauty, youth
Baking Soda: cleansing, purification, protection
Birthday Candles: wishes, joy; color magic and number magic depending on their color and/or what number they display
Black Tea Bags (used): earth magic, grounding, strength, stability, banishing negativity; ending, death 
Bottle Caps: prosperity, luck, material gain
Bubble Bath: self-love, relaxation, emotional healing, serenity; plus whatever scent the bubble bath is affects correspondences
Bubbles/Bubble Liquid: wishes, joy, whimsy, imagination, fantasy
Buckeye Nuts: luck, sexual energies, warding
Butter: femininity, flattery, friendship, warmth, happiness; good for fae work
Candy Bars: love, romance, happiness, lust, fertility, emotional healing, healing of the heart, forgiveness, friendship
Candy Corn: courage, imagination, endurance, energy, motivation, happiness, celebration
Candy Foil: sweetness, secrets, protecting one’s emotions; color magic
Chocolate Syrup/Milk: happiness, love, lust, romance, sweetening relationships
Cocktail Swords: strength, assertiveness, competition; cursing, revenge; ending rumors
Cotton Balls: beauty, gentleness, warmth, sleep
Cotton Swabs: cleansing, purification
Dice: chance, opportunity, luck; number magic
Dirt: grounding, earth magic, growth, prosperity, patience, home and family; cursing
Dish Soap: cleansing
Duct Tape: binding, storing energy, cursing
Egg Shells: cleansing, protection, warding
Energy Drinks: energy, motivation
Envelopes: messages, communication, protection during travel
Epsom Salts: purification, cleansing, protection, pain relief, serenity, comfort, stress relief
Fake/Play Money: wealth, prosperity
Fish Sauce: prosperity, water magic, curses
Foil: glamour, protection, storing energy, binding
Glue: sealing, immobility, binding, curses
Googley Eyes: vision, divination, scrying, creativity, protection, imagination; curses, paranoia, nightmares
Grass: growth, nature, learning, healing, new beginnings, recovery from loss
Hand Soap: cleansing, curse removal
Hole Punches: good for cursing
Hot Sauce: motivation, lust, confidence; cursing, anger, revenge, emotional pain
Koolaid: youth, sweetness, happiness; color magic, corresponds with flavors as well
Lip Balm: glamour, confidence in speaking, honesty, beauty
Lollipops: sweetness, innocence, ending rumors and lies, lust and sexual energies, love
Lotion: protection, beauty
Laundry Soap: cleansing, purification
Marshmallows: friendliness, comfort, gentleness, fidelity, sleep and dreams
Metal Crafting Wire: binding
Modeling Clay: poppets, earth magic, grounding, balance, stability, creation, change
Mud: grounding, earth magic; curses
Muslin: poppets, change, creativity
Noodles: Longevity, good health
Pompoms (craft): gentleness, comfort, love, sleep, dreams
Paper Clips: balance, focus, organization; curses, binding
Pennies: luck, wealth
Pickle Juice: curses to sour things
Plastic Bags: protection; binding
Plastic Ribbon (wrapping): happiness, glamour, delight; binding; color magic
Plastic Wrap: binding
Popsicle sticks: poppets
Scissors: offensive magic, curses
Seltzer Water: purification, removing negativity; curses
Sewing Needles: curses, pain
Shaving Cream: cleansing, softness, patience, calmness
Stamps: travel, communication
Sour Cream: cursing
Soy Sauce: protection, banishment; cursing
Sticky Notes: communication, memory
Strawberry Milk: love, self-love, beauty, sweetness, friendship
Syrup: joy, sweetening one’s emotions
Taco Sauce: Focus, Energy, motivation
Taffy: joy, flexibility
Thumbtacks: curses
Tissue Paper: softness, serenity; color magic
Toothpaste: cleansing
Toothpicks: curse
Walnut Shells: protection, warding
Wasabi: Energy; curses, anger, envy
Whipped Cream: beauty, light-heartedness
Whistles: communication, attention grabbing, warding
Other Tips:
Recycle bottles, jars and medicine bottles for jar/bottle magic
Reuse tea bags (though not too long after use) in bath magic
If you do wish to use herbs, it is cheaper to order them online in bulk rather than the supermarket. Trust me, supermarkets and grocery stores really over price most herbs. You can get triple the amount for 2 dollars less online
Make up and toiletries are great for glamours
Its fine to use kitchen knives if you can’t afford am athame
Look at the ingredients in food you eat to see what is in it and determine that food’s correspondences, quick and easy kitchen magic
Crayons, colored pencils, markers and pens are good for easy sigil and color magic
Binders are cheaper than blank books and make great grimoires
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Leafeon - An incantation to help your plants heal and grow.
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*Inspired by the Pokémon Leafeon*
Needed:  - The plant/s you are trying to help grow - Water in whatever you use to water the plants - This incantation
Steps:  - Gather your supplies.  - If you can do this in sunlight, that’s even better!  - Hold your water in one hand. - Put your other hand on the pot of the plant.  - Focus your intent on healing and aiding the plant in healthy growth.  - Say/think while focusing energy into both the pot and the plant:  “ This little plant needs to grow,  Through the dirt may this water flow, Imbue it with healing properties,  So that it may grow properly.  May it grow uninhibited,  and its beauty be elicited. Let it grow with strengthened will,  Until it’s space is filled. I speak this spell with heart and mind, So bring to me what I seek to find.”  - Water your plants as you would normally, or as is nessicary for your plants.  - Aesa <3  This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.  Do not advertise on this post. 
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Ways to Strengthen Your Magic
Every now and then, magic can fade. In order to keep it strong and healthy, you have to exercise it. Of course there will always be times when something else is more important than your craft, but there is always a little something you can do to keep it going.
-Whisper an incantation over your lil’ cup of tea.
-Pray to your deities as you fall asleep at night.
-Carry a tiny crystal in your pocket.
-Scribble a quick happiness sigil on your arm before school or work.
-Give your pets some treats you have bewitched.
-Recite affirmations when you get ready to go somewhere in the mirror.
-Light a stick of incense while you’re cleaning or just sitting around.
-Add little thoughts to your grimoire.
-Sleep with your tarot cards.
-Play some witchy music.
-Set out a couple jars to collect rain water.
-Cleanse your home while cleaning.
-Set aside at least one day a month to devote entirely to your craft.
Hope all of you guys enjoyed and if you’d like more ideas then feel free to request! In the meantime, have fun and happy bewitching!
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quietwitchcraft · 6 years
Rejuvenating Witchcraft
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Things to help you move on and recover from a long day, a rough night or a good cry.
Spells and magic:
Simple all purpose recovery spell
Rose quartz healing tears spell
Simple self love spell
Ease the pain spell
Here comes the sun spell
Bath magic / Self love bath / Shower ritual
Cleansing ritual body scrub
Quick pick me up glamour
Sunrise magic
Things to make:
Self care sachet
Self love and healing spell bottle
Inspired healing bottle
Self love jar
To move forward:
I move on sigil
A simple moving on spell
Clarity spell
Old habits begone spell
Spell for reassurance
Little things to do:
Surround yourself with crystals like rose quartz, carnelian, amethyst, rhodonite, citrine, pyrite and more!
Use rose water or honey to sweeten up your day.
Fairy like habits and self care
Witchy thing to do right now
Magical self care
Self care magic
Witch self care tips
What to do if witchcraft drains you
Cocoa comforting recipe
A warm heart tea recipe*
Healing heart tea*
Self love potion
Odds and ends:
The new you tarot spread (3 card)
Moving forward tarot spread (5 card)
Magics for heartbreak
Witchcraft for the grieving
Gentle witchcraft
*Please research herb safety before using!
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