quellov · 4 years
welcome to my blog, where 99% of the time you will probably not be getting the content you signed up for.
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quellov · 4 years
chill music over construction videos is legitimately a whole subgenre of like late 90's VHS's for kids. My brother was OBSESSED with them i can still hear the music in my head
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quellov · 4 years
what if there were demolition videos but the sound is replaced with videos from stim vids
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quellov · 4 years
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[writes “i’m sorry for everything this post implies” on the blackboard 10,000 times] …but i WILL elaborate
this bad awful can be split into two ideas because i had too much fun drawing: either undertale characters in the place of hlvrai characters or vice versa. whatever’s more fun for the moment. do not look too far into it because you aren’t supposed to and will get a headache. also undertale spoilers in a bit
- gordon frisk... frisk in hev suit - coomer in the place of BOTH toriel and asgore - benry is sans and flowey i KNOW PLEASE PLEASE AAUUGGHHH - tommy is papyrus - bubby is undyne - darnold alphys - sunkist mettaton (bullshit) - gman gaster
with hlvrai characters in place of undertale… 
no chara no asriel (tragic)
coomer's appearances (being the one in place of toriel and asgore) are so spread out throughout the game because he’s going around black mesa killing hundreds of his clones to become more powerful: asgore’s fight is the clone encounter 
bubby makes spaghetti, house set on fire. more at 11
gordon is hunted by the US military (and also bubby) throughout all of waterfall and the hotlands and somewhere in there he gets his arm chopped off. whenever he reencounters bubby in the tube is when bubby backs off
the mettaton fight/ segments are ideally just forzen and later sunkist
benry’s bossfight is fundamentally the same with destroying the passports (but i like to think that the time travel sequence is where you travel through new home instead) but whatever. also the mercy sequence that would happen post-fight (on a regular run) is just gordon fucking leaving
...genocide run is a fun idea because of my terrible idea to make benry both sans and flowey because it means he’s encouraging gordon to kill everyone and then proceeds to fight him. then he gets bored and leaves after taking enough damage and gordon then goes for coomer etc etc you know how it goes. fun stuff
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quellov · 4 years
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ahahmhm the same shit as last time but i openly say my take on what magnus archives entities are influencing the science team (but i got a little lazy)..... more under the cut for that 
whether or not they’re avatars of their entities/ just influenced by them depends…! i think all of them 100% have web (but i think it would be cool if benry was an avatar for it) and slaughter influence (but coomer is more the hunt). benny got three entities as a treat
as the man behind the slaughter gman is an avatar of the web. but he has a spiral lean... the entire united states military and other npcs are controlled by the web. 
i wracked my mind on these headcanons for hours but don’t take any of it seriously. i just think it’s funny and cool. woahah thanks for reading this remember to . like and subscribe. friend me on  wizard101
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quellov · 4 years
if you want to help bail out protesters but don’t know where to send your money — act blue put together a secure page that will split your donation between 30+ bail funds across the US
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quellov · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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quellov · 4 years
there are currently protestors clashing with police directly in front of the white house. Do not spread any videos of this. Do not spread any photos of this. This goes for all protestors in any city in any state. if you have to share a picture completely block out the entire person, do not blur the image as there is software that can undo blurring. 
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quellov · 4 years
for people who are unaware of why the riots in minneapolis started happening, here’s the facts:
it wasn’t george floyd’s protesters who started reacting violently; it was the cops.
the protest was peaceful until the cops showed up in riot gear, and started using water cannons, followed up by tear gas and rubber bullets. i got videos from friends who were there, of people screaming and running away from the cops shooting the water cannons, rubber bullets and throwing tear gas at them. they were even shooting at the protesters dragging people away to get medical attention.
speaking of medical attention, dispatch refused to provide any medical attention to the protesters. people literally had to drive their bleeding friends to the hospital because they refused to send ambulances.
cops are using non-lethal weapons in a lethal way. they shot rubber bullets into people’s heads and injured them. there’s dozens of photos of protesters with bleeding head wounds from the rubber bullets.
multiple people used police scanners and heard that there were undercover cops pretending to be violent protesters who were throwing rocks and whatnot at the police, with dozens of eyewitness accounts confirming that information.
the person who instigated all the chaos last night (it was a fire at an autozone) with the looting and burning buildings is highly suspected to be an undercover cop pretending to be a protester, because the video of him keeps getting taken down. protesters tried to stop him but couldn’t because he had a hammer and they were scared for their safety.
the cops jammed cell phone towers and cut live streams to interrupt broadcasts and to prevent people from seeing what was really going on and who actually started the violence.
the cops lied about protesters being armed and about throwing rocks and are literally trying to continue the violence happening and yet no one is holding them accountable for that.
and during all this, the cop that murdered george floyd still hasn’t been arrested. he has had more than ten complaints filed against him and was involved in three other civilian shootings in the past. and yet he’s still out free along with his three other buddies involved, probably sitting on his couch while all this chaos is happening.
so don’t get it twisted. the cops just want to change the narrative to make it look like they’re the wounded and righteous party, when they’re the ones who started reacting violently in the first place and are still acting violently. so don’t you ever forget who started this tragedy and murdered someone, and who are continuing to react to the situation with violence. 
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quellov · 4 years
i have updates on incoming art but also would like to say that i’m planning on reblogging a couple of posts on the protests and riots here (charities, information, etc) before that. wondering if there’s anything i should tag it with
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quellov · 4 years
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”i’m seeing dark souls !”
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quellov · 4 years
say something fucked up
shrimp chips taste like how some movie theaters smell
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quellov · 4 years
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out here dispelling rumors
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quellov · 4 years
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hope i did this justice thank you thank you!!!
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quellov · 4 years
https://www.strawpoll.me/20134875 narrowed down the options and removed the joke ones!! the more votes for a content the faster it’ll probably happen
poll that decides my life 4evr
vote at http://www.strawpoll.me/20132931 so i know what folks want me to upload next
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quellov · 4 years
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poll that decides my life 4evr
vote at http://www.strawpoll.me/20132931 so i know what folks want me to upload next
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quellov · 4 years
poll that decides my life 4evr
vote at http://www.strawpoll.me/20132931 so i know what folks want me to upload next
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