qoutewithhope · 4 months
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No john it's actually an anthropomorphic wolf woman that ive been bringing into the house
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qoutewithhope · 1 year
ShinDeku Day 14: Safe
First Post | Prev | (next piece tomorrow!✨💜💚)
"Tell me what I can do to make it better," Hitoshi demands.
His words are caught when he opens his mouth to speak.  The fear of him knowing presses hard into his throat.
Hitoshi’s expression changes as they stare at one another. His brows lower with vague frustration, then furrow with concern when Izuku's breath hitches. Softens entirely as he brushes a thumb across Izuku's cheek.
As the silence stretches out, he turns his attention back to the scar. He traces a gentle fingertip along the edge and presses another kiss to its center. Izuku rubs a hand down his face, biting off a wave of irritation as he wonders why the hell he can't just spit it out and be done with it. 
Hitoshi's thumb starts tracing slow circles against his skin, momentarily distracting him from the spiraling stress. He glances in his boyfriend's direction to see his head tilt with curiosity, and then without further preamble, Hitoshi pulls away. 
The cold from his departure sweeps over him like a wave of rejection, and he blinks with surprise. He sits up, tugging at the blanket to clutch to his chest as he watches him slip away out of reach.
He feels a fresh sting of tears as he gets out of bed.
He wants to reach out and beckon him back.
He wants to plead that they just forget the whole thing. 
It doesn't matter. 
But his words are stuck, and he doesn't know what to do. 
And then Hitoshi’s hands lift to the waistband of his sweats to untie a knot.
Izuku's thoughts come to a screeching halt as he stares at his boyfriend's fingers plucking and tugging at the thick cord.
It slips free.
His thumbs tuck under the waistband and Izuku feels his face flush crimson. His eyes flick up to meet Hitoshi's solemn stare. What is he doing?!
Hitoshi's lips curl in dark amusement as he chuckles. “Relax, this isn’t going where you think it is.” He slowly slides his sweatpants down his stupidly long and muscular legs, and Izuku’s worried he’s going to have a minor heart attack from the way his insides flip. “Unless you want it to go there,” he adds on in a murmur, giving him a teasing wink as he steps out of his pants.
Izuku does not know where to look.
(everywhere. all at once.)
The last time he’d seen Hitoshi half-naked, he’d been a bit loopy and actively bleeding. 
This is... 
this is... 
so much better. 
He swallows nervously.
Hitoshi climbs back onto the bed in just his boxers and Izuku is afraid to look anywhere but his face as he looms over him. 
“Look, down here,” Hitoshi commands, looking down between them. Izuku absolutely wants to but isn’t certain he should. He takes a deep breath and follows Hitoshi’s gaze to see his fingers trace along the lower edge of his boxers. 
He bites his lip, unsure where this is going. 
Hitoshi pulls the fabric up, up higher, higher still, revealing so much of his thigh that Izuku almost misses the fact that he’s exposing the bottom edge of a scar. He hadn’t seen it the night he’d been injured due to its very intimate location.
Izuku stares, then reaches out without really thinking. He briefly traces his thumb across the painfully familiar pattern, flinching back when Hitoshi hisses out a breath. “Oh, sorry,” he murmurs, awkwardly glancing away.
Hitoshi’s hand finds his and presses it back to the scar. “It’s fine,” he says with a grin. “I wasn’t expecting that to feel so ah—” he trails off with a little gasp when Izuku’s thumb twitches against his skin. He stares up at him with pink cheeks, Hitoshi’s hand still holding his pressed against his skin.
Izuku doesn’t look away from his expression, swallowing nervously as he traces his thumb across the scar material. Hitoshi’s cheeks slowly flush red with his fingertips stroking so close to his groin. The pink spreads to his ears as Izuku absently compares the scar’s texture to the memories of those that litter his skin. 
Some of Izuku’s are small and barely noticeable, from the earliest years when the sparks and pop were tiny things. The larger and more prominent were in the last few years they’d known one another, before it had all fallen apart.
Those aren’t as faded, and not nearly as small.
He turns his eyes down to look at the mark Hitoshi’s shown him. It’s just a little darker than his own, a little larger than the one on his side, but not quite as big as the one on his shoulder.
"They look the same. I thought you might like to see mine. It was a really poor block on my end, but I almost... lost my..."
Hitoshi's words trail off. 
He wonders what kind of face he's making as his eyes trace the familiar pattern on his boyfriend's thigh. These scars all have a very telltale shape, a horseshoe with creeping spikes around the edges, the size depending on how much explosive heat makes it through layers of fabric.
Izuku swallows, feeling a fresh prick of tears in his eyes. He turns his watery gaze up to meet Hitoshi’s. 
He knows who gave Hitoshi this scar, and-
From the moisture that's now gathering along his boyfriend’s lashes, he’s pretty sure he suspects the same thing about Izuku’s. 
His brows furrow, and he reaches out with gentle fingers to hold Izuku's shoulders. He's quite proud of himself that he doesn't flinch away. "No." His word of denial is little more than a breath of sound. "Tell me it wasn't..." 
Hitoshi's face falls. Izuku turns his gaze away with shame and dismay. They’d been classmates. A single scar like that would have been from training.
Izuku’s are not.
(Bakugou may have shouted in his teeny child voice that he was training to be a hero by fighting against the 'villains' with his tiny burning blasts, but it doesn't count. It doesn't count.)
He’d been wondering, but he’d never asked.
Had they been friends?
It takes him a few moments to realize that by keeping his silence when Hitoshi had been so vague about the person responsible, he’d essentially confirmed who’d hurt him so long ago. 
Hitoshi touches his cheek with a fingertip, sliding gently across the skin, but not pushing to face him again. He’s giving him a moment. 
Izuku wants to cry. 
“You’re safe with me, Izuku. I won’t be mad. Tell me.”
First Post | Prev | (next piece tomorrow!✨💜💚)
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qoutewithhope · 1 year
Am i in the right?
I (15F) have lived with my mom all my life, its always been the two of us. In recent years I finally got my own room that used to be ours, it has a bunk bed and I've finally gotten to decorate it how I like it.
My mom has a habit of doing things without asking the people involved, for most of my birthdays, any small outings we used to go on, or even just days where I want to chill out, she'll continuously insist I invite someone over or just do it herself. It always leaves me feeling annoyed or just down right dead. so I don't even want to hang out with my friends anymore.
I have a friend (14F) from elm to middle that I don't have out with every much due to us not going to the same school anymore. Her family has been going though a divorce recently and everyone is pretty happy about it. Now this is where I'm most likely the asshole.
Her, her mother and her brother came over to our house today and while me and the friend were talking my mother agreed to letting them stay with us instead of the shelter they were at. (I was told after she agreed) We aren't a rich family by any means, hell we can barely cover our own asses but now 3 more people?? I'm also having to give up my room and I feel like I should at least get a little bit of say in this. But I know if I say something I look like the biggest dick on the planet. We rarely talk to each other, go to different schools, and have completely different schedules, so I don't even know how she expects this to work. I know this isn't affecting my mom as much as it is me but maybe I'm just over reacting.
So please tell me, Am I the asshole?
Note: the friend and her family move in 2 days, they asked just a few hours ago.
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
So like, remember how I said I was gonna do an advent calendar? Well I'm actually doing it and you should like totally check it out! Someone's already done a podfic of day 1 that you should give a listen to as well!
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
or these, maybe ill just mix the 2
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100 wintery prompts for all your writing needs. most of these are based off my favourite type of wintery aus, and anything that has been pulled from someone else’s list has been credited with the link at the end of the prompt.
☆ ☾ ☆
01. we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward 02. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate 03. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater 04. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit 05. your car slid into a snowbank and i’m the mechanic that comes to tow you 06. we always carpool home for the holidays from college but a storm hit and now we’re taking the last room at the local b&b (bonus: bedsharing! we’re adults!) 07. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill 08. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me 09. i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up 10. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside 11. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter 12. we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine 13. my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry 14. the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me 15. i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
85 more prompts under the cut!
Keep reading
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
i know this isnt the newest prompt list for ficmas but like.... i think ima use it
Christmas Writing Prompts!
1. “Did you break into my house??” “You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?”
2. “We made too many cookies.”
3. “We are not getting that tree. It looks worse than the Charlie Brown one. Its not even charming.”
4. “You’re impossible to shop for!”
5. “Quick, the carolers are coming! Turn off all the lights and pretend you’re not home!”
6. “Don’t feel bad… you didn’t COMPLETELY ruin Christmas dinner. There’s still this… jello stuff.”
7. “Who brought the fruit cake? I just wanna talk…”
9. “Wait, that wasn’t sparkling grape juice? I drank like 5 glasses of it! No wonder everything is so funny!”
10. “I can’t believe I got stuck on a ski lift with you, of all people.”
11. “Listen, it isn’t my fault you broke your wrist trying to snowboard down that hill.”
12. “Who walks on an ice covered pond anymore? Don’t you know how stupid that is? You should’ve died in that pond. Natural selection.”
13. “Did you really take the time to knit me an ugly Christmas sweater that you know I’ll never wear?”
14. “I’m really nervous to meet your family…”
15. “Why are you so unphotogenic? I just need ONE good picture for the Christmas card.”
16. “Everyone shut up and pretend to be happy.”
17. “Everyone knows you have to pretend to like your in-laws.”
18. “*opens terrible gift* Oh… I.. I’m speechless. Thank you.”
19. “You’re either terrible at wrapping presents, or you’re one of santa’s elves. There’s no in between.”
20. “Don’t you think gingerbread houses with gingerbread men in them are kinda morbid? I mean, it’s a house made out of flesh.”
21. “Everyone knows you’re not actually supposed to eat the gingerbread house. Those things are stale as hell.”
22. “It’s not what’s under the tree that matters, it’s those who are gathered around it.” “Shut up and give me my present.”
23. “You’re getting coal this year.”
24. “Oooo, we’re under the mistletoe!” “No No No No- mphh!”
25. “Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.”
26. “Leave a little sparkle wherever you go!” “Im so sick of this holiday positivity BS.”
27. “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.”
28. “Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?”
29. “Christmas is so close, I can almost smell the mistletoe I’m never going to get kissed under.”
30. “You’re like a Christmas tree, you light up my world.” “I’m breaking up with you.”
31. “You’re the reason Santa even has a naughty list!”
32. “We all know damn well that Mariah Carry cares about the presents underneath the Christmas tree.”
33. “Parent hack; wrap empty boxes, and whenever your kid misbehaves, throw the box into the fire.”
34. “Forget Santa, we all know I’m on the naughty list. I’ll just buy my own stuff.”
35. “So, still no boyfriend this year, huh?” “Still no job, huh?”
36. “You could’ve put a little more effort into your appearance. You could be so pretty.” 37. “You could’ve seasoned this chicken a little better. It could’ve been edible.”
38. “So… when am I going to get a grandchild?”
39. “Who makes spaghetti for Christmas dinner?”
40. “That Christmas sweater is atrocious.”
41. “Don’t you dare bring that snowball in the house, DON’T YOU DARE-“
42. “Come outside and and have a snowball fight with us.” “I don’t really feel like it…” “That’s because you know that you’ll lose…”
43. “Who even came up with ice skating? Do you know what a terrible idea it is? Its like,,, strapping knives to your feet before getting on ice which you may or may not fall through.”
44. “Your Snowman looks a little like Hitler, maybe you should drop the mustache.” “Oh my god, you see it too?”
45. “We all know the only good thing about the holidays is my wine advent calendar.”
46. “How the hell do you even roast a chestnut. Do you have to crack it first, or what? And can you put them in the oven? Starting a fire is sooo much work.”
47. “My secret Santa got me a trashcan from Walmart.” “Mine got me a half eaten bag of chips and a tube of chapstick.”
48. “Stop eating all the popcorn! It’s supposed to go on the tree!”
49. “So you wanna… hot chocolate and chill?” “If you ask me that one more time, I will dump my hot chocolate on you.”
50. “My mom got me that ornament! Stop breaking them!” “Its not like Im TRYING to break them!”
51. “There’s more tape on that present then wrapping paper.”
52. “Can we PLEASE watch something else? This is the 3rd time we’ve watched elf today. And it’s November 1st.”
53. “Are you sure your family can eat all these cookies?” “What? No! These are just for us!”
54. “Santa is just a fat man who breaks into your house with little men who know if you’re good or bad. How do they know?” “Stop. You’re ruining Christmas for me.”
55. “Why can’t our house look like that?” “Are you kidding? Do you know what our electrical bill would look like if we put all those lights up on the house?”
56. “You know what’s terrifying? Those damn elf on the shelf things. They watch you all the time. All. The. Time. Think about that.”
57. “I let the kids decorate the tree, then when they go to bed, I completely start over. Because let’s be honest, they make a crap tree.”
58. “I have a decoraton in my bathroom. It’s a snowman holding a plunger and it makes stupid bathroom-christmas related puns. ‘Ho ho ho, whose gotta go?’”
59. “Who invented stockings? Like… why would I ever think to put presents in a giant sock?”
60. “In church I learned that some cultures, for Christmas, dress a log up with googly eyes and clothes, then beat it with a bat.”
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
Think I'm gonna do whumptober this year, should I do a fandom or ocs? I can't decide!
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
I got myself a new computer with little storage so I got an external hard drive to put genshin on. I'm positive there is enough storage, but I just can't figure it out! Once the download gets to about 10 or 11% it gives me the pop up of "game files error. check network" and stops everything. I just don't know what to do, can anyone help?
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
I have officially read all (relatively) clean fics and podfics in the "Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr./Kaburagi T. Kotetsu" relationship tag.... I don't know if I should be proud of myself or really disappointed that I had that much time
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
This art style for him works so well
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after 8 years ive finally gotten around to watching this show
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
I just got a computer but I have to wait a couple days for a larger SD card and it's make me realize how I only played genshin, considering I have no idea what to do with my time
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
Here is a finalized list of everything I've found in my room.
A ton of foreign money, I have not been to any of these places.
Five pairs of scissors
Three pairs of headphones
Two whole things of crayons, markers and pens
A Kindle.
Two old pairs of glasses (neither are mine)
And a "haruhi x army!reader" fanfiction.
I've finally decided to clean my room for the month, so far I've found a unopened can of soda, over 20 spoons, a cooler and 4 disposable cups....
I've been wondering where those things went.
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
I've finally decided to clean my room for the month, so far I've found a unopened can of soda, over 20 spoons, a cooler and 4 disposable cups....
I've been wondering where those things went.
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
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I drew this on my phone before I went to bed last night.
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
Damn right it is. And we better not forget it!
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qoutewithhope · 2 years
I've recently found why everyone likes Danganronpa, I remember when I was younger I found it so fucked up to enjoy something like that but now look at me. I'm even reading the damn sappy fanfics
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