q-who-archive · 25 days
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "the dying days". text reads: 'Doctor?' she asked, unsure why.
'Bernice!' he jumped forward, a broad open-mouthed grin on his face, and tried to hug her.
Benny took a step back, almost tripping over one of the garden chairs. The stranger pulled himself back. 'What's the matter?' he asked. His voice had a hint of the Doctor's Celtic lilt, but only a trace.
'What do you mean "what's the matter"? What do you think?'
The man paused, stroking his top lip as he considered the question. 'I've changed my appearance since we last met,' he concluded, with a faraway look on his face.
'Well spotted. You've also started to go in for hugging. You know I don't like that.'
He fixed her with those eyes of his. 'We were alone in your tent, on a planet called Heaven. The Hoothi had been destroyed. You were packing, ready to leave. There was a Japanese fan in your hand. I asked if we could be friends and put my hand on your shoulder. You asked me not to touch you. You said that I was very tactile, but you weren't and that you'd prefer it if I didn't.'
The Doctor put a hand on Benny's shoulder.
'I am the Doctor, Bernice. Your friend.'
She hugged him.
'You're wet,' he whispered softly.
'I was in the shower. Where's Chris?'
'Gallifrey. He stayed behind, but he said he might pop around to see you. A lot has happened to me since then.'
Benny yawned. 'It's been pretty damn action-packed here, too, I can tell you. I'll get dressed and tell you about it.'
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q-who-archive · 26 days
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "the dying days". text reads: Doctor had been a man who once in a while needed protecting from the universe he was protecting. The Doctor needed looking after, he wasn't carefree. And he certainly didn't have sex appeal and boyish charm. end id]
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "the room with no doors". text reads:
It wasn’t until they were fording a stream that Aoi got a chance to speak to the Doctor. The man – if he was a man – had been glowering for the entire journey, riding a little apart from the others.
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "bad therapy". text reads:
Chris’s eyes widened in horror. ‘Goddess, you actually think I should stay with Patsy, don’t you? You actually think I could do that. Could you?’
‘I don’t. . . you know I don’t get involved. Not like that. Not any –’
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "bad therapy". text reads:
The Doctor finished his impromptu massage and fixed Jack with a weary look. ‘To take your questions in order: I don’t know; somewhere very dangerous; nothing good. What’s the last thing that you remember?’
Jack searched his memory. ‘Being sucked inside that horrible taxi and then. . . oh –’ he found himself suddenly blushing furiously ‘– you kissing me.’
The Doctor laughed. Jack thought that it was an easy laugh – not one out of awkwardness or embarrassment. ‘I had to blow the liquid from your lungs. I put you into a trance to reduce your body’s requirement for oxygen to near zero. It’s a little trick I picked up from a Tibetan.’
Jack grinned. ‘I bet that’s what you say to all the boys.’ He wasn’t really sure that he understood what the Doctor was saying, but that probably only meant that things were getting back to normal, as only half of what the little man said ever made any kind of sense. ‘So you weren’t kissing me then?’
‘No,’ the Doctor said and climbed to his feet. ‘You’re about nine hundred and eighty years too young for me, Jack Bartlett,’ he added, as he headed for the door. ‘Not to mention an entirely different species.’
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "damaged goods". text reads:
He enjoyed the passing of ordinary, unstressful moments with Roz and the Doctor, particularly now that he and Roz were closer than before. In the past, Chris had always felt a little envious of Roz’s relationship with the Time Lord. It wasn’t exactly close, and certainly not intimate, but there was a powerful honesty when the two spoke. Often, Chris had felt excluded. Many
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "damaged goods". text reads:
The Doctor shook his head and smiled. The anger between them passed.
Mrs Hearn considered that his smile was a remarkable thing; you could tumble into that smile and happily lose yourself there. Mrs Hearn knew that her age belied the fact that she’d had enough wild, hot times of her own in the past, and she inched closer to the Doctor and said, ‘There’s no husband. Mr Tyler’s long gone. Winnie’s proof that there’s precious little men are needed for. Apart from the obvious.’
‘But that’s the point,’ said the Doctor, not returning the flirtation. ‘She can manage, her kids are fine and she’s keeping them above the breadline. So what’s wrong with her?’
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "return of the living dad". text reads:
She smiled to herself. She wouldn’t have given any of it up. Not even the moments of horror, the brushes with death. Not even the doubts and betrayals and the heart-thumping moments when she remembered that she was travelling through space and through time with a man who only looked like a man. Human on the outside, alien to the core.
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "return of the living dad". text reads:
Jason smirks. ‘I suppose I’m lucky Benny came back, after having a chance to sleep with the Doctor.’
‘You’re not still going on about that!’ says Benny exasperatedly. ‘It was about as erotic as hugging a gasping fish.’
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "return of the living dad". text reads:
Benny was holding the Doctor’s divining rod, turning it around in her hands. It didn’t move, she didn’t feel any tingling. It was just a stick.
The Doctor came out onto the verandah. He smiled at her, taking the rod away. ‘More sensitive than the ghostdetector,’ he murmured, ‘in the right hands. Benny…’
‘Yes?’ She looked up at the sky, at the few stars peeping through the clouds.
‘Why did Chris kiss Roz?’
She looked at him in surprise. He was serious, puzzled.
‘Don’t you remember?’ she began, but he shook his head sharply.
‘I remember it all. Being human. But I don’t understand it.’
It struck her how much he was being left out. What she and Jason had, what Roz and Chris were beginning to feel, even what she felt for her father… all of it, so simple, so alien to him. The things she took for granted were beyond his comprehension.
Maybe that was why he’d fight so hard to save those things — being alive, being free, being in love.
She gathered him up into a hug, feeling suddenly very protective. ‘Don’t you disappear as well,’ she whispered.
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q-who-archive · 3 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "return of the living dad". text reads:
Benny pulled his hand until he leant down, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He blinked. ‘Trying to keep all these egos intact is wearing me out,’ she said. ‘I’ll bet Jason is off somewhere having a good sulk.’
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "return of the living dad". text reads:
We’ll be materializing in a few minutes,’ said the Doctor softly. ‘Then we’d better get up to the console room,’ said Benny, spilling Wolsey from her lap as she stood up. ‘I’ll be with you in a minute.’ The Doctor fussed about with his toolkit, spilling a packet of screws across the floor. Benny kissed him on the forehead, startling him. She smiled, and
(text cuts off there)
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "christmas on a rational planet". text reads:
Dedicated to the usual suspects.
'All great myths are inspired by the organic life-cycle. The hero's quest to find his perfect mate, his struggle to build a better world for his children, his willingness to give up his life for the next generation … but Time Lords do not reproduce organically, and all their young are born from the gene-looms. What other conclusion can we draw? Time Lords have no understanding of myths, no understanding at all. And they have very little time for fairy-tales.
--Gustous Thripsted, Genetic Politics Beyond the Third Zone, appendix LXXVII
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "christmas on a rational planet". text reads:
‘Please, don’t blame the TARDIS for that. The historical records in the data banks were made by – excuse me – by a bunch of doddery old Time Lords with their heads stuck halfway up their… whatever it is Time Lords have at the bottom end. Funny, the data banks don’t talk about Time Lord anatomy much.’
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "happy endings." text reads:
In the centre of the field, the Travellers had drawn a complex maze, and Bernice and Savaar and Jason and Dorothée were standing at different entrances to it. All were naked. Savaar’s skin, under his armour, had also been dyed a ceremonial red, Bernice had been surprised to discover.
She glanced over at Emily and the Doctor. While Emily was covering herself up with her hands, the Doctor looked quite unconcerned, and thus not particularly naked. The umbrella that he still had slung over his shoulder helped.
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "sleepy". text reads:
The Doctor opened his eyes and shut them again, quickly. Cinnabar and Byerley were having a quick kiss against a bench of medical equipment. He waited until he heard them part before he yawned and stretched.
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q-who-archive · 4 months
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[id: screenshot from seventh dr who novel "just war". text reads:
The Doctor gave a twirl, his borrowed habit spinning joyfully around him. He was almost certainly the least convincing nun the world had ever seen. ‘Clothes maketh a man, Chris. Or woman. Think of it this way what’s easier to believe: that I am a nun, or that I’m a man pretending to be a nun? The human mind has a great capacity to ignore things that make life difficult for it. It much prefers to turn a blind eye, say it’s someone else’s problem, or that it’s nothing to do with — ‘ The Doctor stopped in his tracks, his head cocked to one side.
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