psasquashnantes · 5 years
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psasquashnantes · 5 years
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psasquashnantes · 5 years
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psasquashnantes · 5 years
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psasquashnantes · 5 years
Open de Nantes devient Open de France au Château!
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Pour sa 5ème épopée, l’Open international de Squash de Nantes devient exceptionnellement l’Open de France 2019 ! Avec une dotation augmentée et à parité, les meilleurs joueurs mondiaux passent la muraille. Les duels prennent place, cette année, dans la cour du Château des ducs de Bretagne, du 10 au 14 septembre 2019.
Organisé par l'Association Nantes Squash Sautron, l'Open International de Squash de Nantes entre dans la cour des grands cette année. D’un petit tournoi challenger, il rejoint le cercle des 10 plus grands tournois du circuit ! La Cité des Ducs accueille pour la première fois de son histoire un PSA WORLD TOUR de niveau SILVER avec une dotation de $ 70 000, à parité (contre $ 25 000 en 2018).
Non seulement la dotation fait un bond, mais l’Open de Nantes est rebaptisé exceptionnellement Open de France cette année ! (Une première depuis 2008 en France dans un tournoi individuel).
L’événement continue de surprendre par son originalité et son audace, en proposant chaque année un spectacle inédit entre culture et sport pour un public, composé de néophytes, de passionnés et de familles.
Après le lieu unique, la Cité des Congrès, les Nefs, le théâtre Graslin, c’est au tour du Château des ducs de Bretagne de vibrer aux sons des balles, de revisiter les combats historiques ! Un court dans la cour ?
Comme à l’accoutumé, des artistes sont de la partie, pour sublimer ce tournoi unique en France, et au-delà ... La partition est en train de s’écrire…
Un événement international, un spectacle d’exception pour un moment de partage et de plaisir inoubliable comme si la compétition était un prétexte …
En attendant le fameux teaser, revivez 2018 avec son Aftermovie ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIwGm6PfRlQ
Découvrez l’annonce du lieu ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=zvHTqExDgso
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Edition 2018: Onirique ! Homérique! Et à l’année prochaine....
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Avec plus de 4 200 spectateurs sur 5 jours, un taux de remplissage moyen à plus de 80%, une couverture médiatique de haut vol, un public métissé de passionnés et de néophytes, un habillage artistique cousu main, ce 4ème Opus fut un véritable succès, et bien au-delà des frontières. L'Open de Nantes a franchi une nouvelle étape !
 Retransmis dans le monde entier via SQUASH TV et Eurosport Player, le tournoi a pris une place toute particulière cette année, comme un avant-goût certain de ce qu'offrirait ce sport spectaculaire aux Jeux Olympiques 2024 : la campagne est bel et bien lancée.
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 L'Open de Nantes est le tournoi PSA le plus important en France. Il a accueilli cette année l'ancien n°1 mondial et véritable légende de ce sport, James Willstrop, le tenant du titre Grégoire Marche et la championne d'Angleterre Fiona Moverley. 
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La belge Nele Gilis a pris sa revanche cette année - elle était tombée en finale contre Moverley -  et survolé le tableau, tandis que Declan James a gagné en 5 jeux très serrés, dans un match "marathon" de plus d'une heure quinze face à James Willstrop pour devenir le nouveau héro des nantais.
 " J'ai joué pendant 18 ans et j'ai vu beaucoup de lieux, ce théâtre et le spectacle d’introduction des matchs m’ont coupé le souffle, très impressionnant ! - C'est comme si big Declan et moi, nous jouions une finale mondiale hier… quelle belle manière de passer un dimanche. J’ai aimé chaque minute de cette expérience " - James Willstrop
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 " Ces gens savent sérieusement organiser un spectacle. Plus d'événements comme Nantes, s'il vous plaît !! " - Sarah Cardwell
" C’est un des plus beaux événements de ma carrière ! Ce lieu incroyable était parfait pour une compétition internationale de squash de niveau World serie. Merci aux organisateurs et joueurs de l'avoir rendu si extraordinaire. Je m'en vais comme un prince " - Joey Barrington.
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 " L'Open International de Nantes grandit chaque année et nous sommes ravis de voir que le tournoi ai atteint ce niveau de qualité la semaine dernière - Nous voudrions remercier les organisateurs pour leur travail acharné à mettre en œuvre un tournoi de classe internationale. Ce projet singulier combinant culture & sport en fait un des tournois les plus uniques du circuit international PSA " - Alex Gough - Directeur général de la PSA
Quant à l’année prochaine, la 5ème édition sera dans un autre écrin, mais vous pouvez faire confiance aux organisateurs, ce sera pas mal non plus !
Pour connaitre le lieu, rendez-vous tout début janvier 2019 !
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Nele and Declan down top seeds in five game thrillers
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Two dramatic five game finals saw Nele Gilis and Declan James crowned the Open International de Nantes Champions, both beating their top seeded opponents in five games in front of a packed auditorium at the spectacular Theatre Graslin.
Read on for more ...
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Declan wins a thriller
[2] Declan James (Eng) 3-2 [1] James Willstrop (Eng)   2-11, 11-9, 5-11, 11-9, 11-9 (76m)
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Having not lost a game all week, Declan James was blitzed 11-2 in the first game of the final by top seed James Willstrop.
It was to his credit that Declan settled, took a good lead in the second before levelling 11-9, then fought back again in the fourth after Willstrop had resumed control of the match in the third.
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At 9-all in the fourth Willstrop was within two points of the title, and the decider was close all the way, again reaching 9-all.
The match finished on a series of possibly harsh ‘no let’ decisions - some appealed, some not - the final one going Willstrop’s way as Declan beat his doubles partner for the first time, and became the 2018 Nantes Champion.
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“Along with the Commonwealths earlier in the year with James, this is probably the best moment of my career.
“I had a really good mentality before I went on and I just said to myself that the result doesn’t matter, it’s just an occasion to enjoy and as long as I leave everything on the court then I will be happy.
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“I had to dig really deep at times, James was making me do so much work and was unplayable at times but I knew that would be the case because of how much class he has got. I just had to dig in as much as I could and go to the wire a little bit and the crowd really helped and gave me an extra bit of energy.
“The fifth game was a bit of a blur, I didn’t expect it to unfold as it did and the points just kind of came to be at the end, but I case that’s what happens and you just dig as deep as you can and that’s good for me going forward.
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“I said to myself in the fifth, when he started on a run, just don’t let him run away with it too easily because I just thought go out on your sword and leave everything on the court, don’t worry about the result just make sure that you put a good showing in in the fifth game and that’s what I managed to do and it all just happened really quickly in the end but it’s a really special moment for me.
“It was electric and sometimes when you are having to dig deep hearing that reaction can give you an extra few percent, which it did today and it really helped me. I thought the crowd was unbelievable and it made it much more special.”
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These photos and more in today’s gallery
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Nele goes one better
[4] Nele Gilis (Bel) 3-2 [1] Emily Whitlock (Eng)   4-11, 11-6, 6-11, 12-10, 11-6 (72m) 
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Runner up last year, Nele Gilis avenged her final defeat as she beat Fiona Moverley in last night’s semis, and today she went one better as she beat another English opponent, top seed Emily Whitlock, in a thrilling, high qualify final that the tournament, venue and the packed crowd - mostly supporting Nele of course - deserved.
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Emily was dominant in the first but Nele was quickly into her rhythm in the second, and urged on by the crowd she levelled. Emily grabbed the momentum in the third to retake the lead, but once more it was Nele leading through the fourth, the crowd being treated to a display of controlled squash and determined retrieving from both of them.
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Nele got to 10-8, Emily recovered to 10-all but Nele won the next two points - the last a dead nick at the back at the end of a long rally - to set up a decider.
Nele was ahead from the beginning of the fifth, and although Emily closed a little, she hit the tin twice to put Nele on the brink of the title, and she needed no second invitation. 
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“I’d like to thank Emily for a great final, I really enjoyed the match and I’d really like to thank everyone that came to watch, the atmosphere was incredible. I remember last year how good it was and this year it was out of this world.
“I just told myself from the beginning to fight for each and every point. I just wanted to make the most of my time here in this amazing venue, so I just told myself to fight and not give up and make the most of this amazing venue and I did and I’m so happy.
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“Paul texted me after his match in China and told me that I would be the one that would have to bring it home, so I won it for him.”
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These photos and more in today’s gallery
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
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A Few from the Finals
Lots more in today’s gallery
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Malcolm : Nantes is “best ever”
Malcolm Willstrop was impressed by his visit to Nantes ... wasn’t he just.
I learnt to play squash on a converted fives court on the edge of the cricket field at St Peter's School, York, and have had the privilege and good fortune to have watched the professional game in iconic venues in New York, Hong Kong, Egypt, Shanghai and London.
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The Nantes International may not have attracted the world's very best players, but I am reminded just how far the game has come, and Nantes sets new standards and points the way forward.
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The Graslin Theatre provides, like many theatres I have seen, a perfect setting and the large and enthusiastic French crowds, seemingly revelling in every moment, have been inspirational to the players.
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Master of Ceremonies Roman Sqire, between games as well as in between matches, has entertained and educated the receptive crowds, articulate and with humour.
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The string quartet, soloist Anne Sophie Dupreis and ghosting performers Etienne Laurent and Maxime Simon produced an unsurpassed introduction combining classical music and squash movement exquisitely.
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Squash needs to educate, entertain and captivate, and those responsible for the Nantes initiative have done that better than any tournament I have ever seen.
So, 'bien fait' to everyone concerned. Perhaps the IOC should have been here.
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James Willstrop was pretty impressed too :
“I’ve seen some amazing tournaments over the years and this is an incredible place to play squash. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like it, I sat and watched the opening phase and it was absolutely breath-taking.
“I’ve been playing for 18 years and I have seen a lot of venues, so to be sat there and have my breath taken away is impressive.”
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Out and About in Nantes  #5 : Le Petit Train
For the last day’s exploring it seemed like a good idea to venture further than two minutes from the hotel. 
I was all set to walk the 15km Green Line tourist route, but some inconsiderate parking put paid to that, so Le Petit Train it was.
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Setting off from outside the Cathedral, the 45 minute, €6.50 journey takes in many of Nante’s attractions, some of which we’ve already seen but some, like “Les Machines” across the Loire where last year’s tournament was held, were new.
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The giant elephant wasn’t out for a walk as we passed by, sadly, but it was an interesting little journey, well worth a try if your knee objects to the green line option.
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Final thought : how on earth do the French park so close together ???
As ever, all the photos and more in the Day Six Gallery
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
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PRESS : Ouest France
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
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SEMI-FINALS : English Hat-trick as Nele turns the tables
There was a hat-trick of English wins in Nantes tonight as top seeds Emily Whitlock and James Willstrop won through to the finals where Willstrop will meet his doubles partner Declan James - who ended French interest - while Whitlock will meet Nele Gilis, who beat defending champion Fiona Moverley in a repeat of last year's final.
Keep reading for match reports, quotes, photos and more ....
And check out the 300+ photos in today’s Gallery
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psasquashnantes · 6 years
Declan dashes French hopes
[2] Declan James (Eng) 3-0 Baptiste Masotti (Fra)  11-5, 11-4, 11-7 (48m)
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Declan James continued his impressive run of form in Nantes as he ended home interest with a straight game win over yesterday’s hero Baptiste Masotti.
In truth he was rarely troubled in the first two games, and altough Baptiste battled back to 6-all in the third, Declan calmly closed out the match to set up an all-English final against his doubles partner James Willstrop.
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“I thought it was important that I took the chance of being fresh.”
“I knew Baptiste had a five-setter yesterday and he would possibly be feeling it, so I tried to make it as tough as I could from the start and extend the rallies. He gave me a few errors towards the end of each game, which helped, but I’m really happy with how I pulled my performance together.
“He hits the ball very well and can reel off some winners, so I needed to do my best to contain that and fortunately for me when he did open it out, he made a few mistakes and gave me the chance to counter-punch.
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“I’ve had a very good summer, I’ve changed a few things and tried to be more mature in my squash and not worry when the times get hard. As for tomorrow, I have a huge amount of admiration and respect for James. He is one of the greatest players of our generation and in the history of the game.
“We had a great partnership together at the Commonwealth Games and shared a special partnership there, so tomorrow is really just an occasion to enjoy in front of this wonderful crowd.”
“For me it is just an occasion to enjoy. We’ve already said so much about the crowd and the venue so to top it off by playing James in the final of a PSA tournament is nothing but enjoyment for me. Of course, I want to win and I’m going to do my best but as well, I just want to enjoy the occasion.”
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