protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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I think the most satisfying thing Ill ever see in tumblr is when this blog finally says yes.
Dude I think it’ll be the most satisfying day of my life
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Deancas Time Travel AU: Every year on the same day, like clockwork, Dean Winchester would get a visitor from a mysterious man who claimed he could leap through time. It was only after the visits became more erratic that Dean realized the man was actually a prisoner trapped in a time loop, and Dean is the only fixed point in time that he can latch on to. When the enigmatic traveler, weakened with every jump, seems to finally disappear for good, Dean and his brother Sam embark on a journey to find him before he’s ripped apart. Before long, Dean will realize that the only thing that can help him save Castiel is a bond so profound it will start unraveling the very fabric of time itself.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Tell a survivor of rape that he/she is lucky to only sustain minor injuries. Being rape is a traumatic experience and is worst than being shot to my opinion. Wounds heal but rape? No medicine exist in the world could heal such traumatic experience and all the victim could do is be strong and live.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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the apocalypse squad + nicknames || once they cross into the alternate reality, its over for you bitches
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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“I think he wants to say ‘Thank you’ for saving him?!”
Apart from Dean fearing heights and Sam freezing in the thin air, the Winchesters appreciate the giant angel’s gratitude.
8th part of the giant trueform!Cas series and continuation of this.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
How about Michael and Lucifer Edlund?
Listen…I know Novak has literally nothing to do with any of the other angels bar Cas but you can pry Gabriel and Lucifer Novak (etc) from my cold dead hands cause it sure as sugar sounds better than Shurley.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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Supernatural Soundtracks
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
The SPN fandom is trash. Stop ignoring it.
You’ve probably seen some fanarts from @eliciadonze . She’s been getting a lot of hate from this fandom for years. Slurs, death and rape threats, victim blaming, everything you can imagine.
And this every single day, no matter what she did. Because it’s not really about who she is or what she draws. She never did anything wrong. It’s about people being cruel and/or jealous, and especially about people and this fandom in general feeling entitled. Because after all, everyone else does it. After all, she should just shut up about it. After all, you’re just telling her what to do, you know better, it’s not hate but advice.
The entitlement in the so called “spn family” is huge. And the hypocrisy : reblogging Jared’s mental health related stuff, buying “you’re not alone” shirts but not giving a fuck about an artist getting PTSD because of us.
This fandom is attempting to kill her. This is happening right now.
It’s tempting to just leave this fandom which, as Elicia said, cares more about 3 fictional guys than a real person. But it’s the easy way out. Less guilt, but no help.
So, if you’ve ever appreciated Elicia’s art, stand up for her. Spread the word that anyone who has an issue with her isn’t welcome on your blog. That you don’t want them to share what you create or reblog. Write it in brakets underneath your fanarts, your gifs, your fanfics. Message famous blogs, try to make them react. Ask your mutuals about Elicia, block them if they frown. Also go buy her a Ko-Fi if you can’t commission, because the hate is also ruining her career.
And speaking about this is not “ruining the mood of the fandom”. Anyone displeased by seeing people standing up for Elicia shouldn’t be welcome in this fandom anyway.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Every morning Castiel pads into the kitchen, brews a pot of coffee, and throws a couple slices of bread in the toaster.
When the toast pops up he spreads the butter on evenly and plops it on a plate. He then heads to the cupboard and pulls out three coffee mugs and pours the coffee into them.
Two black coffees and one with two sugars and a splash of cream.
He grabs the coffee mugs and plate of toast and makes his way to the library. Sam is already awake and sitting at the table with lore books scattered all over.
Cas drops off the plate of toast and a steaming cup of black coffee. Sam reaches for the toast, takes a bite and nods a thanks to Cas.
Cas smiles and makes his way down the hallway to Dean’s room. He gently pushes the door open and is greeted by a sleepy Dean sitting up in his bed.
Cas smiles brightly at him and enters the room. He hands Dean the coffee with two sugars and a splash of cream and takes his spot on the bed, right next to Dean.
Dean takes a sip of his coffee and sighs in contentment. He leans against Cas and places his head on his shoulder. “Morning, sweetheart,” he murmurs softly.
“Good morning, Dean,” Cas smiles into his cup of coffee.
And that’s how they begin their mornings.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Misha Collins…
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…is such a good actor, that we can tell that all 3 of these…
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…are completly different characters just by looking at them.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Never forget
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
Maybe no wants to be Sam girl coz anyone who falls in love with Sam dies....
Fuck it. I love you Sam.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
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Also, this God
You know who is hella bisexual?
Dean Winchester, that’s who.
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protectteamfreewill2 ¡ 6 years
yes yes, dean being 100% done with cas and his things ™ when he says they never go to parties is funny and all of that but I bet my ass deep down the boy was thanking the universe because at some point he really thought he wasn’t going to hear cas and his things™ again.
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