professor-mist · 1 year
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It's raffle time! To celebrate 150+ books sitting on shelves around the world, I wanted to do a raffle for a few prints! I'm holding one raffle for each major social media site I host OBT updates on (Twitter, DA, and here on Tumblr). Enter on multiple sites for better odds! International shipping is available, and all shipping costs will be covered!
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professor-mist · 1 year
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askcapital's 777 follower giveaway!
I am just happy that I caught this number, so... here we go!
We'll keep it sweet and simple!
followers only!
reblog for 1 entry (you can reblog to a sideblog, just put in the tags where you're following me from)
comment your favorite pokemon of your favorite type for 1 other entry
likes DO NOT COUNT as entries this time around!
I'll only draw Pokémon as a reward, and sfw content only, so please keep that in mind before participating
I'll draw gijinkas too as long as they're Pokémon-related
rules might be added as time goes on, to clarify/restrict certain variables!
First place: fullbody of their chosen OC/Pokemon OR a custom design!
Second place: bust of their chosen OC/Pokemon!
Third place: icon of their chosen OC/Pokemon!
Deadline is April 5th!
cos I wanna give people plenty of time to enter~ and also April 5th is just a nice date :P
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professor-mist · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you can help me out with my dusknoir? I recently obtained a deafblind dusknoir (He is totally blind and hard-of-hearing). I was hoping for advice for caring for him and making my home accessible for him.
Hello! Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, work at the center has been chaotic as of late, and I simply haven’t had time to attend to my blog!
Dusknoir are very adaptable Pokemon, and have been around for ages. Though, like most ghost Pokémon, they have a hard time adapting to full blindness. Ghost Pokémon have the ability to faze through walls as well as solid objects, which takes up quite a bit of energy. Without sight, your Pokémon will have hard time calculating when to expend this extra energy, and when to not.
Normally I’d recommend adding auditory cues to signal when and where a solid object or area is, however, seeing as he is hard of hearing as well, this is likely not the right option.
I believe after a while your Dusknoir will begin to become familiar with the layout of your home, as long as you are willing to take the time to guide and teach him.
I don’t know if this is plausible, but there is a possibility that you could contact you local Pokémon Center to see if they have seeing eye Pokémon available. (I know in many regions they are available for both people and Pokémon, but there is often quite a wait list). Of course, you would be completely responsible for another Pokémon, and would have to return it to its respective center once you no longer have an applicable reason to keep it.
If you need any advice on more specific Dusknoir care I would recommend @professor-corvis, as they are far more versed in the subject!
I hope you are able to come to a solution! Best wishes to you and your Dusknoir.
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Guess who’s my favorite!
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Bro I haven’t come across a single glitch yet….. it lags but bro arceus did that to…..
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professor-mist · 2 years
Idk man, Fuecoco’s evolution is looking kind of ugly, kitty cat might be standing but honestly he’s slaying. 
But why is Quaxly thicc
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Been experimenting with making some sticker designs, thought this little driftloon came out the cutest 😊
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professor-mist · 2 years
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My plate is finished! By far one of my favorite pieces I’ve done recently.
Alolan Ninetales are such majestic creatures, I would love to see one turn up at the center at some point.
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professor-mist · 2 years
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A few plates I’ve been working on in my spare time! (I’m thinking of making it a set of 3) Who should be featured on the third plate?
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professor-mist · 2 years
An Insight on Ghost Pokémon
Halloween is just around the corner, so the topic of ghost pokémon has become more relevant than ever. Because of this, I thought it might be best to address some of the most commonly asked questions that we get about them at our center:
Are Ghost Pokémon Dead?
No, most are not. While there are records to suggest that some species of ancient pokémon were given the ghost type after death, this is not true in modern times*. Today, ghost types are just like any other pokémon, they eat, drink, play, and mate just like any other species. 
*(As I have been later noted by Professor Nova, the Corsola line may be adapting to a ghost type form due to pollution in areas such as Galar. As she notes “This is not the same as ancient ghost Pokémon, Corsola are not becoming ghost types upon death, they are adapting to become a ghost type to prevent there deaths.)
Do Ghost Pokémon Steal Life Force?
I would like to make this as clear as possible, SOME do, and only a select few.* Most ghost pokémon do not gain nutritional value in this way. Most gain energy (much like a dark pokémon gain energy during the night) from being around things with potent life force (such as humans and some other species of pokémon). Most ghost types gain nutrition from normal means, and can be given breed specific pokéfood like the rest of your team.
*(Examples being the Litwick, Shuppet, and Sandygast lines)
What Kind of Lifestyle is Best Suited for a Ghost Type?
Ghost type Pokémon are one of the most versatile types there are! They can thrive just about anywhere, and it’s one of the few types that can thrive in a small space such as an apartment. Read up on the species! Some ghosties require a bit more care (Dragapult and Golurk come to mind) but most can be at home anywhere there trainers are!
Why Hasn’t Eevee Adapted to Have a Ghost Type Evolution?
It simply hasn’t needed to, pokémon (such as corsola) only adapt to a ghost typing when it is absolutely necessary. Eevee has never had a situation in which it has needed to. And seeing as how popular of a mon as it is, I doubt that it will ever have to.
Why are Ghost Types All Such Pranksters?
They aren’t! If yours is, it’s either a personality trait or lack of training, it’s no good to stereotype a whole type like that!
Does The Resting Place House Many Ghost Types?
We don’t have too many, but we take them in when we can! Neither I or Nova or specialists when it comes to ghosts, so we try to limit our numbers. But if your interested in adoptions, I’m sure we can find a partner for you! 
Hope this helps!
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Schools back in session and that means the ceramics studio has once again opened its door!
I also just got insured a spot at my schools end of semester art festival, and I’ll have a booth to sell my pottery.
Once I got the news I started sketching out a bunch ideas for pieces, here’s a few of them.
Aaaahhhh I can’t wait to have my little nerd booth.
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Zorua are by far one of the most adaptable Pokémon on the planet, which is exactly what has allowed them to exist for centuries. 
Accounts of Zorua can be found dating back as far as pre-hisui time periods, making them the first documented descendants of Ninetales to become an independent species. They’re by far one of the oldest of the new age pokemon. 
And they have of course evolved over the years, even gaining an evolution in Zoroark, and have many different forms to adapt to many different environments. 
Today, the Illusion form is most common, seeing as humans have come to invade their natural habitats. However, Mimic and Camoflauge Zorua can still be found today, though they are much rarer. 
By far the rarest (and practically extinct) Zorua forms is what has come to be known as the “Ancient” Zorua. 
These Zorua only exist in harsh climates where there are large everstone deposits. They are theorized to have a strong connection to their Ninetales heritage, but we will like never be able to be sure. Zorua of this form can not be removed from their environment without evolving and loosing their “ancient” form, or simply dying from the shock of their capture. 
These Zorua are predicted to go extinct within the next 20 years, and there is likely nothing we can do. Some theorize that this was the form of Zorua that existed pre-hisui, and if that is true, than I suppose their era is coming to an end.
I would love to see one in person one day, but for now, we must do what we can to leave them on their own.
Zorua have been through so much over the years, I hope that these Zorua will be allowed to fade out of history in peace, they don’t deserve the life some scientists plan for them.
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professor-mist · 2 years
Random thoughts on Scarlet and Violet:
Deerling has forms! Sawsbuck can be a fluffy boy once more!
Most give Fidough head pats
I died the school names are literally just orange and grape. Good job gamefreak
Wooper deserves a new evolution and that evolution should be MASSIVE
The lizard bikes are cool I guess, wish we could ride on our own Pokémon but this will also make traveling the map faster
I think the crystal mechanic is interesting combat wise but what are those hats… they’re so….ugly
Ice type gym leader pretty man please notice me gOoD sIr
Zorua where are you? I know you were in Legends and SWSH expansion but please come back-
why do I have to go to schooooool
Penny better have a new eeveelution
One of the teachers is gonna be evil the trouble is figuring out which one
I want this game nooooow
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Smol children, must hold, good boys, love mucj
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Fidough or Lechonk?
Fidough, I am easily swayed
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Her name’s Oompa, she gives me much warmth
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Had to have some unexpected surgery today (I’m fine now though). I’m staying with my parents for a while until I recover, my mom got me this cute little friend though! I think she was inspired by the bidoof short I showed her the other day. So now it’s just time to rewatch Lost and chill.
Once I feel a bit better I’ve really been inspired to finish some of the stuff I started for the blog! Might start posting later.
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professor-mist · 2 years
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Babies! Babies! Babies!
Introducing our new nursery! Due to the increasing number of baby Pokémon at our center Nova and I thought it would be best to put aside a designated are for them.
Most of them will be up for adoption once they’re a bit older. 
Information about each of them down below:
Buttermilk (Mareep): Big ol crybaby, any little bump or bruise tends to set him off, but usually he calms down after being held for a while. He’s sensitive, but has a good heart, he doesn’t like seeing anyone else get hurt.
Cobalt (Aron): The youngest of the bunch, doesn’t do much but sleep and eat at their age. When they are awake, they’re right on the heels of Nova, me, or one of the older Pokémon. Can’t say much about personality yet, that’ll start to develop when they get a bit older.
Spinach (Trapinch): Little girl loves to lay in the sun and watch the others play, (which is very normal for her age) she’s very calm and slow going as Nova tells me, I don’t interact with her too much, she keeps a good distance from me.
Jello: (Goomy) This one’s all Nova’s responsibility, he’s very clingy and practically full grown. Can’t control his aura most of the time, we’ve been working on moving him to another area.
Poof(Jigglypuff): Girls always on the ceiling, always floating right on up. We usually have to tie a little string around her foot in order to get her down. Sometimes the others try to use her as a ball, but she doesn’t seem to mind much.
Dandelion (Deerling): We had to amputate her leg when she got her, poor things leg was crush and her mother abandoned her. She’s sweet though, stumbled a lot, does her best to make her way around. Her pink flower is a sign she might present a fairy typing later in life, which would be pretty dang cool!
Saturn(Solosis): Just a little guy, floats his way around for now, and has yet to present consciousness, which should be happening in the next few weeks.
Cumulus (Driftloon): Happy little lady loves to give hugs from behind, loves to sit on heads, just generally very friendly and just happy to be along for the ride of life.
Lapis: (Squirtle): He’s very shy, always hiding behind someone, and doesn’t like being acknowledged. We’re working on it, hopefully he’ll be showing improvement soon.
Volt and Bubblegum (Jolteon and Umbreon): Both brought in by the same breeder, he abandoned them because he couldn’t get them to mate. They really are a lovely duo though, I’ve never seen two Pokémon work together so we’ll. Since we’ve opened the nursery they’ve been the guardians of the place, they’re a bit tired, but the take good care of all the babies.
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