princessmatsuoka · 7 years
by me (@rinchansanmatsuoka​) and @leninmeringuepie​
Men and mermaids have remained separate for ages. When a group of merchildren are raised by a band of pirates, magic and humanity start to mix once more...
Words: 26,448, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
A Sourin pirates and mermaids epic!  Follow the link to read it on AO3!
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
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Hey everyone!  I’ve decided to open commissions because I’m unemployed and disabled.
You can find my writing on AO3 or on tumblr!
What I will write:
Angst, Horror/Gore, Fluff, AUs, Hurt/Comfort, basically anything on my AO3 is something I’ll write.
Het, slash, femslash are all fine with me.  I won’t write for every ship, but gen and friendship fics are more than welcome.
The fandoms I write for are mainly Free! And Yuri!!! On Ice, however, you can ask me about any of my other fandoms!
You can also commission continuations of my previous fics.  For example, if you want another chapter of a WIP, you can commission me for that.  However, this will be at my own discretion, because there are some fics I don’t wish to write for anymore.
Smut fic options might be added at a later time, however, they will cost more.
What I won’t write:
Noncon, Abuse, Incest, Adult/Minor ships.
I can refuse any commission for whatever reason, though I will try to renegotiate things with you.
Fics will be posted on AO3 and can also be posted on tumblr if you want and all fics will be emailed to you first.  You are not allowed to report the fic in its entirety anywhere else.  If you wish to remain anonymous, your name will not be attached to the fic.
Please let me know if you’d like updates on the fic as I write it.  If you want to work out an outline with me, that’s perfectly fine!  If you’d like to just give me your request and let me write, that’s fine as well.  With either option, the more details you give me the better, as it will help me write what you want.
Payment will be up front in full.  I only accept payments through paypal.
Prices are based on word count.
500 words: $6 1,000: $12 2,000: $24 3,000: $36
And so on.  If I happen to go over, any extra words will not be charged.
If you’re interested, please contact me at [email protected] OR send me a DM on twitter over at @RinRinchansan
If you’re not interested, I’d greatly appreciate it if you reblogged this post!  You can also donate to me over at ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rinchansanmatsuoka
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
This is rinchansanmatsuoka-gets-creative!  I decided to do a URL and icon change (as well as a theme change)!
My previous url was just really… really long lmao
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Here For You
AO3 Mirror Relationship:  Sourin Rating: T Word Count: 1172 Summary:  Rin hits an emotional low and Sousuke is there to help him.
Written for the lovely @wafflesex who wanted some hurt/comfort~
Sousuke had noticed that something was off the night before when Rin returned home from training. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes and whenever he spoke, his voice was much more subdued.  Chalking it up to exhaustion from Rin’s constant swim training, Sousuke said nothing, glad that Rin had the next day off.  He figured that Rin would be alright come morning and they would spend the day relaxing.
However, when Sousuke woke up to find Rin still in bed instead of up and about, he knew something was wrong.  
Rin was lying on his side, back facing Sousuke.  If he didn’t know Rin as well as he did, Sousuke would have assumed he was still asleep. But having been together as long as they had, he picked up on the slight shake of Rin’s shoulders and the almost silent hitch of his breath.  Rin was trying not to cry and the sight broke Sousuke’s heart.
Rolling onto his side, Sousuke wrapped an arm around Rin’s waist, pulling him back against his chest.  He pressed a kiss to the back of Rin’s head, trying to let him know that he was here for him.
“Hey,” Sousuke said softly, nuzzling the back of Rin’s neck. “You know it’s okay to cry, Rin. I can stay here if you want or I can go make breakfast.”
Rin shifted a bit, pressing his face into his pillow as he mumbled, “Breakfast.”
Smiling slightly, Sousuke pressed one last kiss to Rin’s head before disentangling himself from the sheets.  “Okay,” he said, tucking the blankets back around Rin before shuffling out of the room.
As soon as Sousuke had stepped out into the hallway, the sound of muffled sobs came from the bedroom and he had to fight the urge to run back in there.  For now, he would give Rin some space and make breakfast. Once they had eaten and Rin’s tears had subsided, they could talk about what was bothering his boyfriend.
Shuffling into the kitchen, Sousuke thought about what he should make.  Rin never had much of an appetite on days like this, so that limited what they could eat.  Deciding to stick to something simple, he got started on making an omelet, popping some bread in the toaster as well.
Sousuke kept his hearing focused on the bedroom as he cooked, a sigh of relief escaping his lips when Rin’s crying finally died down.  He hated it when Rin cried, especially when he was unable to do anything to immediately fix what was wrong.  It made him feel weak and useless, which is why he didn’t mind helping Rin in whatever way he could when things got like this.
Once the food was finished, Sousuke dished it up and grabbed a tray to carry everything into the bedroom.  He found Rin sitting up in bed, face puffy from crying but there was no sign of any fresh tears.  Relieved, he set the tray on the bed before climbing in next to Rin.
“I wasn’t sure what you wanted to eat, so I hope this is okay.”  Sousuke waited until Rin picked up a plate before grabbing his own and digging in.
“It’s fine,” Rin said softly.
They ate in silence, though Sousuke wasn’t about to complain because at least Rin was eating. Besides, even in times like this, the silence between them was never uncomfortable.
Sousuke’s focus on his food was interrupted when Rin set his plate back down on the tray.  The omelet was only half eaten but all the toast was gone, so Sousuke wasn’t going to complain.
“I’m sorry,” whispered Rin, shifting so he could lean against Sousuke’s side.
“What are you sorry for?” Sousuke asked, setting down his empty plate.  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Rin.”
“For always making you take care of me when I’m like this.  You shouldn’t have to,” Rin said, words muffled as he turned to press his face against Sousuke’s arm.
Immediately, Sousuke wrapped that arm around Rin and pulled him into a hug.  “You’re not a burden, Rin.  We promised that we’d get through these things together.  I’m not going to abandon you.”
Rin shifted closer to Sousuke, wrapping his arms around Sousuke’s middle.  “I still think you do too much…”
“I’m not the one who skipped school and slept at the hospital because my boyfriend was having surgery,” Sousuke said, unable to stop the smile that crept across his lips.  “The nurses practically had to throw you out to make you go home.”
“Well, I had to make sure that you would be okay!  I would have stayed longer if I could have but they wouldn’t let me,” Rin huffed, pouting up at Sousuke.
Smiling about how damn cute Rin looked, Sousuke leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead.  “And now it’s my turn to make sure you’re okay.  I want to do this for you, Rin, because you mean the world to me.”
Rin’s face flushed and he hid face against Sousuke’s chest.  “Idiot…  But thank you,” he mumbled, refusing to look up at Sousuke as he spoke.
“Of course,” Sousuke said.  He made no comment on Rin’s embarrassment, knowing that it was still hard for him to ask for help, even all this time later.  “Can you tell me what happened, though?  If anything did happen.”
With a sigh, Rin shifted in Sousuke’s arms, no longer hiding his face but still refusing to look at his boyfriend.  “My times are stagnating again and I… I guess I just started thinking that I was no good again.  That trying to be better isn’t worth it.”
The soft tremble in Rin’s voice made Sousuke pull him even closer, until Rin was in his lap, back against Sousuke’s broad chest.  “You are good, Rin.  I know it’s hard but you’ve always gotten through this in the past so I know you can get through this again.  You’re the strongest person I know.”
Rin turned his head to look back at Sousuke, eyes watering at his words.  “I don’t know how you can believe in me so much…”
“Because I love you, Rin.  And you believe in me just as much,” Sousuke said, smiling softly at Rin.  Leaning down, he pressed a kiss beneath Rin’s eye before wiping away his tears.
Shifting in Sousuke’s arms, Rin turned to face him so he could wrap his arms around Sousuke in a tight hug.  “I love you too, Sou,” he whispered, leaning closer to kiss Sousuke gently.
Sousuke kissed Rin back, running a hand through his beautiful red hair.  Pulling back, he smiled softly at Rin.  “Do you want to just stay in bed all day?  We can just cuddle or watch movies or something.  This is your day to rest, Rin.”
“Cuddle and movies?” Rin asked, finally smiling as he pressed another kiss to Sousuke’s lips.
“Anything you want,” Sousuke said against Rin’s lips before pulling him into another kiss.  He was determined to make today as good for Rin as possible.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
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🌠JJBek + Suits🌠
(‘with a wish’ collab art. photos came from here)
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Sourin Zora AU: Makoharu bios
Here’s the bios for Makoto and Haru in my botw au!! :D
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Sourin Zora AU: Kisumi chara details + answered backstory questions
Can’t stop won’t stop with this AU!  Figured out stuff for Kisumi and took some questions on twitter about my AU.
Also, @bakapandy has done some fanart for the AU!!  Basic design, happy tail wagging, and CUTE BABIES!
Kisumi and backstory info under the cut!
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Wrote this up because I’m having Zelda fever and I came up with this AU a few days ago and decided to expand on it!
Sourin Zora AU backstory + character details
So… I’ve been thinking about my Sourin Zora au that I came up with on twitter a few days ago and I decide to try outlining some stuff??
This post covers basic appearance for Rin, Gou and Sousuke, as well as Rin and Sousuke’s backstory.  It doesn’t include anything set in the present time for the au or interactions with other characters, though that will probably get added as I figure more things out!
I still haven’t played BOTW so this is mostly based on past Zora knowledge while using BOTW’s Zora designs.
Details under the cut!  Also, feel free to talk to me via tumblr or twitter about this AU because I REALLY LOVE IT AND I LOVE MER-TYPE PEOPLES 
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Stammi Vicino
AO3 Mirror Relationship:  fem!Sourin Rating: G Word Count: 784 Summary:  They were made for each other, both on and off the ice.
So I commissioned @wafflesex for fem!Sourin art and for the past couple days on twitter we've all been talking about that so I ended up writing this really fast. So here I go mashing up two of my fandoms lmao.
Losing herself to her routine was always something Rin enjoyed.  Whenever she was able to just let go of her doubts and fears, the rest of the world would melt away and it would just be her, the ice, and the emotions she put into her movements. However, there was only one thing, or rather, one person, that could break through her concentration and bring her back to reality. As Rin moved into a Biellman spin, she caught sight of her, standing at the edge of the rink, eyes glued to Rin's form.  Feeling her face heat up, Rin moved into her final spin as she tried in vain not to think about the other girl. She struck her finishing pose to the sound of solitary applause.  Breaking from her pose, she rounded on the other woman, a pout on her lips.  She tried to look upset despite still breathing heavily from exertion. "You broke my concentration, you know! I told you not to come to the sides while I skate because I can see you!" Rin whined, pouting even more as the other girl just laughed and skated over to her. "It's not my fault my dashing good looks distract you," Souko replied, grinning as she came to a stop in front of Rin. "You're impossible," Rin huffed, grabbing the front of her girlfriend's hockey jersey to pull her closer.  Even with her skates giving her extra height, Souko still towered above her.  While she’d never admit it to her girlfriend – Souko would never let her live it down if she did – Rin really did love the height difference between them.
“But you love me,” Souko teased, leaning down to press a kiss to Rin’s forehead.
Pouting again, Rin just nudged her with her elbow before asking, “Are you finished with practice?”
“Mm, yeah.  Sorry, I probably smell, huh?” Souko asked, looking sheepish as she tried to back away.
Rin rolled her eyes and kept her hands clenched firmly on Souko’s jersey.  “It’s fine, Sou!  Sheesh, we work out together so this isn’t something gross, you dummy.  Now, since you’re all finished, will you skate with me?”
Souko’s face actually turned red at the question and she rubbed the back of her neck like she always did when nervous.  “You know I’m not good at all that fancy stuff you do…”
Pouting again, Rin looked up at Souko with the best pleading look she could muster.  “Please? I love skating with you, Sou!  You know how to move just right!  Haru and Makoto’s telepathy have nothing on us!”
“You’ve always got to beat Haru, huh?” Souko teased, rolling her eyes as Rin nodded eagerly.  “Fine, fine. I just don’t know how why I let you talk me into these things.”
“Because you love me!  Besides, don’t think I didn’t notice you changed from your hockey blades into ice skates!”  Grinning, Rin leaned up to steal a kiss before pulling on Souko’s hand to move them to the middle of the rink.
Letting Rin maneuver her around, Souko watched her with a smile before muttering, “Of course I love you.”
“Did you say something?” Rin asked, glancing at her as she got the two of them into their starting position.  “And you remember the steps I taught you right?”  She had choreographed a routine for them, because even though they’d never perform it anywhere, she had wanted something special for the two of them.
“Nope,” Souko replied, grinning as she leaned down to give Rin a soft kiss.  “And I’d never forget our routine.”  The bright blush on Rin’s face was totally worth the playful shove that almost sent her falling.  Her girlfriend was just too cute, she thought, falling easily into the movements Rin had taught her.
Rin moved with grace and ease, leading the dance between the two of them.  For someone who always complained that she wasn’t suited for figure skating, Souko’s movements were fluid and she matched Rin perfectly.  To her, it was just more proof that she and Souko were made for each other.  She kept those thoughts to herself, however, not wanting people to think she was just a silly teenager.  But Rin was sure Souko felt the same; she could see it in the way Souko looked at her when they skated together like this.
When they ended their routine, with Rin in Souko’s arms, Rin reached up to cup Souko’s face.  “I love you,” she whispered before pulling Souko down for a soft kiss.  She had poured all her feelings for Souko into this routine and it made her incredibly happy whenever they skated it together.
“Sap,” Souko murmured against her lips before kissing her again.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
The Ice Tiger's Birthday
AO3 Mirror @platonicotayuriweek Days 3&4: Yurio’s birthday and Cats Relationship:  Platonic Yurio and Otabek, Mila, his grandpa and victuuri Rating: G Word Count: 783 Summary:  Otabek and Mila are tasked with distracting Yuri while Viktor, Yuuri, and his grandpa prepare for his birthday.
I'm late for both days but I managed to finish it!!
“We’ve been here forever!  Why can’t we go back yet?” Yuri asked, flopping down on a bench.  Otabek and Mila had been dragging him around the mall for what felt like hours and every time he asked if they could go back to his house, the two older skaters had insisted that it wasn’t time yet.  “It’s my birthday, you know!”
“Well, Viktor and Yuuri told us to keep you busy for a while, so we have to wait.  Besides, Beka and I bought you lots of presents!” Mila said, sitting down next to Yuri and throwing an arm around his shoulders. “See?  Beka’s even being nice enough to carry them for the birthday boy!” She jerked a thumb over in Otabek’s direction, grinning when he nodded at them.
Otabek’s arms were piled with various different plushies of cats and tigers, all of which the two older skaters had let Yuri pick out himself.
Grumbling to himself, Yuri slouched in his seat, watching everyone pass them by.  While the trip to the mall had been fun, he would much rather be at home with his grandpa.  But those two lovesick idiots had kicked him out of the house and not even his grandpa had stopped them!
“Yurochka, you’re scowling, don’t do that!” Mila scolded, pulling him into a headlock.  “It’s your birthday!  You should be happy!”
“Why would I be happy being dragged around by some old lady?  And don’t call me that!” griped Yuri as he started squirming to escape the hold Mila had on him.
Mila simply ruffled his hair with her free hand, laughing when Yuri sputtered indignantly. She paused when Otabek walked over to them, pulling her hand away from Yuri’s head.
Plopping one of the smaller tiger plushies onto Yuri’s head, Otabek frowned down at him and asked, “Are you not having fun?”
Yuri pouted as he took the plushie into his arms.  “I am having fun but… I’ve always spent my birthday with my grandpa, y’know? I don’t know why he let those two kick me out…”
Otabek’s frown melted into a soft smile and he glanced at Mila briefly before turning back to Yuri.  “I’m sure we’ll be allowed back soon, alright?”  As he spoke, he could see Mila texting frantically out of the corner of his eye.  Hopefully things back at Yuri’s house were almost ready.
Still pouting, Yuri nodded and hugged the plushie to his chest.  “Okay…  I’m sure he has a reason.”
As if on cue, Mila shoved her cell phone in Yuri’s line of sight, a wide grin on her face.  “Look, Yura!  Viktor says we can go back now!”
Yuri squinted at the screen, which was much too close for him to look at without going cross-eyed.  Before he could make out the words, though, Mila snatched her phone away and yanked him to his feet.  He went along with it, only grumbling a bit, because having her drag him by the arm was preferable to her picking him up.
Glancing behind him, Yuri watched as Otabek kept up with them easily, despite his arms being laden with a bunch of plushies.  The sight made Yuri crack a smile and he supposed that the trip to the mall hadn’t been all that bad.  Especially since the older skaters had treated him to whatever he’d wanted.
When they got back to his house, Mila immediately covered his eyes as they walked in the door. “No peeking yet, Yura!  It’s a surprise!”
Yuri rolled his eyes but let Mila guide him through his house.  He could smell pirozhki as they stepped into the kitchen and he could feel his mouth start to water.
Mila brought him to a halt before uncovering his eyes.  “Happy birthday, Yura!”
The table was covered with plates of pirozhki along with a large cake shaped like the head of a tiger.
“Yurio!  I hope you like your cake!  Yuuri and I spent all day on it!” Viktor said, running over to give Yuri a tight hug.
Yuuri smiled at him, though thankfully he didn’t pull the younger skater into a bone crushing hug as well.  “I also helped your grandpa make katsudon pirozhki, since you love them so much.”
Wriggling out of Viktor’s hug, Yuri went over to his grandpa and smiled as he was pulled into a hug. “Thank you, grandpa.  Your pirozhki is the best!”
Laughing softly, his grandpa patted him on the head, smiling as he said, “Happy birthday, Yurochka. We’re all so proud of you.”
Yuri felt his eyes start to water and he quickly rubbed at them, fighting back his emotions, before turning back to the food.  “Well, I’m starving, so let’s eat!”
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Thanks but no Tanks
AO3 Mirror @platonicotayuriweek Day 1: Fantasy Relationship:  Platonic Otabek and Yurio, very vague background victuuri as Yurio’s dads Rating: G Word Count: 513 Summary:  Otabek and Yuri discuss the most important things in life while playing an MMO: school, their passions, hobbies, and annoying dads.
I miss playing MMOs so this shitty au happened I'm so sorry. I don't know if I'll be able to write for every day of the week but I'll try to do what I can!  Also shoutout to @gabapple for helping me with the summary <3
“Okay, Beka, just follow my lead.  This will be easy!”
“Neither of us are tanks, Yura, so we really should be careful,” Otabek said, pulling his great sword out of the sheath attached to his back.
Yuri huffed, pulling out his magic disk and letting it levitate and twirl above his palm.  “We’ll be fine.  We’re totally OP, after all.”
Rolling his eyes, Otabek charged ahead, knowing that he needed to distract the monster as much as possible, given that he had more armor than his friend.  From the corner of his eye, he could see Yuri’s disk glow with magic.  He focused his attention back on the monster, glad that Yuri seemed to be right about them being strong enough to deal with this fight.
As the monster was about to die, Otabek heard a muffled sounding ‘Yurochka!’, followed by Yuri’s shout of ‘I’m busy!’ directly in his ear.  
Yanking his headset off, Otabek finished off the monster with one more combo attack before grabbing the loot it dropped.  He could still hear Yuri’s voice coming through the headphones resting around his neck and he rolled his eyes.
After a few moments, the yelling stopped and Otabek tugged his headphones back on.  “Are you done shouting at your dads?”
“I wasn’t shouting,” Yuri huffed.
Otabek snorted at that, biting his lip to try and muffle his laughter.
“Oh shut up.  Anyway, I’m glad you killed it!  Because they’re making me log off.  I haven’t even been playing that long,” Yuri grumbled, annoyance clear in his voice.
“You have school tomorrow, Yura.  That’s more important than an MMO.” Otabek said, this time laughing out loud when Yuri huffed again.
“I guess so. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to play during the week but we’ll run a lot of dungeons this weekend, okay?” As he was speaking, Yuri logged off the game, leaving Otabek’s character standing alone on the screen.
“Of course.  I do have a DJ gig Friday night, though, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to play then.”  The gig was something Otabek had been looking forward to for a while now and no matter how many he had done, he still felt nervous butterflies in his stomach every time.
“Will you record it? I think it’s cool seeing you be a DJ! When you get famous, I’ll get to brag to everyone that my best friend is a famous DJ,” Yuri said, his annoyed tone turning into one of amusement.  “But I really do need to get off before one of my dads comes to bother me again.  I’ll Skype you tomorrow after school, okay?”
Smiling a bit at his friend’s support, Otabek nodded before remembering Yuri couldn’t see him. “Okay, Yura.  And I’ll record it for you.  Also, do good in school.”
“Oh my god, Beka, I don’t need another dad,” Yuri said, before laughing.  “Good night.” With that, he disconnected from the voice chat.
Still smiling, Otabek disconnected from the chat as well, pulling off his headset completely and setting it on the desk.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
A Flower for the Lady
AO3 Mirror Pairing:  Mila/Otabek Rating: G Word Count: 472 Summary:  Otabek pays Mila a visit on Valentine's Day.  Yuri ruins the moment.
I’ve fallen in love with this ship...
Too focused on practicing her routine, Mila was unaware that she was being watched until Yuri skated in front of her.  She pulled to a stop, raising an eyebrow at the boy.  “What’s up, Yura?”
Scowling, Yuri pointed over to the side of the rink where Otabek stood, watching them.  His frown only darkened when he saw Mila brighten up. “He’s my friend, you know.”
Mila stifled a laugh behind her hand, reaching out with her other one to ruffle Yuri’s hair. “He’ll still be your friend, Yura. I wouldn’t take that away from you. But,” she said, smiling as she poked his nose, “You can’t keep him isolated from other people either. Besides, I’m your friend, too!”
Still grumpy, Yuri swatted her hand away.  “Fine, whatever.  Go talk to him.  And we’re not friends!  You’re more like an annoying big sister!”
Finally laughing out loud, Mila ruffled his hair against before skating over to Otabek.  
From behind her, Yuri yelled, “You two better not end up being as gross as you know who!”
Only laughing harder at that, Mila waved him off before stopping at the wall of the rink. “Hello Otabek.  How can I help you today?” she said, a teasing tone in her voice as she leaned against the short wall.
“Why was Yura shouting about us being gross?” Otabek asked, eyes flicking to his friend skating around the rink before turning his attention back to Mila.
Mila rolled her eyes, glancing back at Yuri as well.  “He thinks we’ll end up like Viktor and Yuuri, I guess.  But you didn’t answer my question,” she said, poking his chest.
“I don’t think anyone can end up like them.”  Cracking a small smile, Otabek reached into his jacket and pulled out a single red rose wrapped in plastic.  “I, um, wanted to give you this?  I would have gotten you more but this was all they had left.  I only just remembered it was Valentine’s Day…  I’m just glad I was still in Russia so I could at least get you this.”
Feeling a blush creep onto her face, Mila took the rose in careful fingers and brought it to her nose.  She inhaled the sweet scent of the bloom before smiling up at Otabek.  “Thank, Beka.”  Setting the rose down on the rink wall carefully, she grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him into a kiss.
Otabek seemed startled at first but she felt him quickly relax into the kiss, even bringing up a hand to cup her cheek.
“I told you not to be gross!” Yuri shouted from somewhere behind them.
Mila turned to look at him, laughing at his bright red face.  “Little Yura thinks we’re gross,” she said before pulling Otabek into another kiss, ignoring the shout of oh my god! from behind her.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
your kiss and my smile
AO3 Mirror Pairing:  Sourin Rating: G Word Count: 675  Warnings:  None. Summary: Sousuke and Rin find time off from their duties to relax together.
This is the prize for another giveaway I did on my twitter! The winner was @bakapandy who wanted a fantasy AU! I got a bit carried away with plot things, so I hope this is okay!  This is about prince Sousuke and blind oracle Rin being super fluffy together <3
Also, I'm considering turning this into an actual chaptered fic... Let me know if you’re interested??
As Sousuke finished the story he’d been reading, Rin shifted from where he’d been a warm weight pressed against Sousuke’s side.  He reached down to ruffle Rin's hair, smiling as the red strands stuck up haphazardly.  "Did you fall asleep while I was reading again?"  His tone was light as he tried to suppress a laugh before leaning down to press gentle kisses to the top of Rin’s head. "No!" Rin grumbled, yawning as he sat up properly from where he'd been squished against Sousuke's side. 
Sousuke didn't respond, choosing instead to simply stare at Rin with an eyebrow raised in mock skepticism.  Rin huffed and stuck his tongue out in Sousuke’s direction.  "Okay fine, maybe I dozed off a little.  It’s your own fault, y’know, what with that deep, rumbly voice of yours.  It feels relaxing when you read to me, so quit staring at me like that. " "How do you know what face I'm making?  Are the gods showing you?" Sousuke teased.  Blind or not, it was impossible to hide how he felt from Rin, because the other had always been able to read him so easily. "I don't need the gods to show me things like this, your highness.  I know exactly the kind of faces you make.  I know everything about you," Rin said, voice confident, if still a little sleepy sounding. Sousuke's mock-disbelieving look melted into a genuine smile at Rin’s words.  He knew exactly how true that was, though that didn't stop him from still teasing Rin a little.  "If you know everything, oh great oracle, then what's my favorite thing to do with you?" Rin's face started to match his hair as he processed what Sousuke asked.  Reaching out, he grabbed Sousuke's sleeve, anchoring himself to the other.  "We're alone, right?" "Completely," Sousuke replied, his smile softening as Rin visibly relaxed. Reaching up, Rin carefully felt for Sousuke's face, cupping his cheek gently.  His thumb traced over Sousuke's lips before he leaned up. Sousuke tilted his head down to meet Rin's lips in a kiss.  The kiss was soft and he couldn't help grinning when he felt Rin smile against his lips. "That’s your favorite thing, you sap," Rin said softly as they parted, his other hand coming up to cup Sousuke's face as well.  As his fingers traced over Sousuke's smile, his own smile widened and he leaned closer to Sousuke.  "I love your smiles.  I always have, ever since you first let me feel you smile when we were kids.”
Sousuke’s smile grew as he leaned forward to kiss Rin again, enjoying the way Rin relaxed against him.  He brushed Rin’s hair off his face before threading his hand in the strands, enjoying the feel of that soft hair against his fingers.  The strands slid through his fingers like the softest silk and Sousuke was certain he could spend all day playing with that red hair.
Pulling back from the kiss, Sousuke smiled and asked, “What’s your favorite thing to do with me?”
Rin leaned against the hand in his hair, smiling up at Sousuke. “Feeling your smiles.”
Feeling his face grow hot and knowing that Rin could feel it, so there was no use hiding it, Sousuke didn’t pull away.  He did, however, huff at Rin and use the hand in Rin’s hair to muss it up again. “Now who’s the sap?”
“I thought we decided we’re both saps,” Rin snickered, tugging on Sousuke’s cheeks teasingly.  “I love you, sappy prince of mine.”
With a snort, Sousuke pulled Rin into a hug, holding him close. “And I love you, sappy oracle of mine.” He pressed a kiss to Rin’s forehead before letting Rin shift into his lap.
Rin leaned back against Sousuke’s chest, sighing happily as he felt his lover’s strong arms wrap around him.  “Can we stay like this for a bit?  I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
Tucking Rin close to his chest, Sousuke nuzzled his face into that soft, red hair.  “Of course. I’d love nothing more.”
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Breakfast In Bed
AO3 Mirror Pairing:  Sourin Rating: G Word Count: 517 Warnings:  None. Summary: Sousuke and their daughter surprise Rin with breakfast in bed for his birthday.
I couldn't help myself from writing this... I'm really really fond of Mio, so I decided to bring her back!  She's constantly suffering because her dads are sappy and gross.
The smell of cooking bacon tickled Rin’s nose and he buried his face into the pillow for a moment. As the smell of food gradually pulled him into the waking world, he stretched, slow and lazy.  He glanced around the room, noting that Sousuke was gone and most likely the cause of the aroma.  Yawning, he considered getting out of bed but decided to stay put, because this was his birthday, dammit, and he would allow himself to be lazy this one day.
Rin’s moment of peace didn’t last, however, as the sound of little feet came running down the hallway, followed by his bedroom door slamming open.  A small mass of black hair and pink pajamas jumped onto the bed beside him and began to shake his shoulder.
“Dad!  Dad, wake up!!  Papa and I made you breakfast in bed!”  Mio, their five year old daughter, grinned down at him as she continued to shake him.
Laughing, Rin sat up, saying, “Okay, okay, I’m up.”  He spotted Sousuke standing in the doorway, holding a tray full of food and wearing that soft smile of his that Rin had grown to adore.  “So she helped you make breakfast, huh?”
Sousuke walked over to the bed, smiling at their daughter.  “Yup.  She made the toast.  I think we’ve got a future chef on our hands.”  His voice was light and teasing but that was lost on Mio, who simply grinned proudly at her parents.
“I’m so proud of you, Mio,” Rin said, smiling as he kissed the top of her head.  Mio giggled before grabbing a piece of toast and holding it out to Rin.
“Happy birthday, Dad!” Mio said, grinning brightly when Rin took the toast and bit into it with gusto.  After all, he had to show her how proud he was!
Still smiling, Sousuke sat on Rin’s other side and pressed a kiss to his cheek.  “Happy birthday, Rin,” he said, reaching up to tuck Rin’s hair behind his ears.  “I swear, you get more beautiful every day.”
Rin snorted, though he could feel his cheeks heating up with a blush.  “I probably look like a mess.  I just woke up, y’know.”
“I don’t care. I always think you look beautiful,” Sousuke said, grinning as he pressed another kiss to Rin’s cheek.
“Gross!  Papa, stop kissing Dad!!  He’s gotta eat the toast I made him!” Mio huffed, reaching out to try pushing Sousuke’s face away with her small hands.
Sousuke simply laughed and pretended to eat her hands, causing Mio to make more grossed out faces in between bouts of giggling.
As Rin watched the two of them, a feeling of warmth swelled in his chest.  For a moment, he felt as though he would start crying.  Wiping at his eyes, he said, “Thank you.”  He smiled brightly at both of them as they turned to look at him. Setting his toast down on the tray, he pulled them both into a hug, ignoring Mio’s pretend gagging noises as he pulled Sousuke’s into a kiss. Without a doubt, his little family was his greatest joy.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
A Place To Call Home
AO3 Mirror Pairing:  Soumakorin Rating: G Word Count: 358 Warnings:  None. Summary: Sousuke and Makoto decide to give Rin a different sort of gift.
I held a twitter poll about what to write for Rin's birthday and soumakorin won! So here's a short and sweet birthday fic for my favorite redheaded shark boy.
All Rin could hear was the rustling of paper and Sousuke and Makoto’s hushed voices.  He’s sitting at his kitchen table, eyes closed and hands covering them, to make sure he doesn’t peek, as Sousuke said.  The other two had said they had a surprise for him and while he had repeatedly told them they didn’t need to get him anything for his birthday, his stomach was still filling with butterflies at the prospect of a gift. Whatever it was, Rin was sure that he would love it, because his boyfriends had never gotten him anything he didn’t like.
“Okay Rin, open your eyes,” came Makoto’s voice from somewhere in front of him.
Doing as he was told, Rin pulled his hands away from his eyes and opened them to find Makoto holding out a single sheet of paper to him.  Confused, he took it, skimming over the words briefly before his gaze was drawn to the photograph of a small, cozy looking house.
“I don’t understand,” Rin said, looking up at Sousuke and Makoto in confusion. “You got me a picture of a house?”
Sousuke snorted at that before moving beside Rin and pointing out something on the paper.  “Read this.”
Rin read the words next to Sousuke’s finger, eyes widening as he took them in.  “It’s for sale…  Does this mean…?”
“Yeah, it does. We thought, if you wanted to, of course, we could all get this house?  Move in together for your birthday gift.  We’ve been talking about it and Sousuke and I thought this would be the best time to ask,” Makoto said, grinning brightly as Rin stared at him.
Looking between the two of them and then back at the paper, Rin felt his eyes start to swim with tears.  He dropped the paper and got to his feet, pulling both his boyfriends into a tight hug. Unable to keep the happy tears from escaping his eyes, he cried freely as he clung to them.
“This is probably the best gift you’ve given me yet,” he said, laughing and crying as Sousuke and Makoto wrapped their arms around him and kissed his cheeks.
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princessmatsuoka · 7 years
Makorin Week Day 7  (AO3 mirror) Prompt: Magic/Free Prompt Rating: G Word Count:  391 Warnings:  None Summary:   Makoto shows Rin the wonders of spring. [set in my "O, Death" universe]
Rin hovered above the ground, not wanting to damage the grass.  Normally he would be holding onto Makoto in order to walk on the ground but his lover was currently busy.  His eyes followed Makoto’s form as he walked around, fresh grass sprouting under his feet.
Makoto turned to smile at Rin as he stopped at the small garden in his backyard.  “I’m glad you could make it, Rin.”
Feeling a blush creep up his neck, Rin nodded in response.  “Of course.  I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
As Makoto’s smile brightened, he knelt down on the dead ground and placed his hands on the soil. A few moments passed in silent concentration before flowers started to sprout from the ground.  They grew and bloomed, covering the ground in bright colors.
Rin’s eyes widened as he watched, amazed that Makoto could do this so effortlessly.  While he had seen Makoto do this plenty of times before, this was the first time he ever got to witness it up close.
Once the little garden was filled with new life, Makoto got up and held a hand out to Rin.  “Do you want to touch them?”
“Can I?” There was hesitance in Rin’s voice when he spoke.  No matter how many times he touched living things with Makoto’s help, he always worried that it might stop working one day and he would kill one of Makoto’s creations.
“Of course you can.” Makoto went over to Rin and took his hand gently.  “Come on. It’ll be okay.”
Rin laced their fingers together as he let Makoto pull him over to that garden.  Reaching out a hand, he paused briefly before taking a deep breath and running his fingers over a rose.  The petals were soft against his fingertips and when the rose didn’t wilt, he grew more confident.  His fingers ran over several other flowers, taking in the different ways they felt.
“They’re beautiful,” Rin said, smiling softly.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Makoto said, grinning when Rin turned to look at him with wide eyes and a red face.  Laughing, he leaned down to press a kiss to Rin’s cheek, glad that the other god had been able to visit him.  “I’m happy you’re here.”
Still bright red, Rin nodded, leaning against Makoto’s side.  “I’m glad to be here.  I really am.”
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