primalroar-blog Ā· 7 years
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hey, i just wanna say real something quick!Ā apologies in advance if iā€™m a little slow in getting to stuff here!! itā€™s been a while since iā€™ve properly written a canon muse and longer since iā€™ve written a final fantasy canon. in fact, i think my last attempt at ff canon was a year ago when i tried to get this exact blog going (altho it ended up getting left behind and forgotten bc of outside causes). iā€™ve been primarily writing ocs for the past year or so and, as a result, dipping my toes back into the world of canon muses is more than a little nerve-wracking! it might take me just a little bit to feel super comfy doing anything too deep or heavy, just bc i donā€™t wanna fuck up, but iā€™m sure it shouldnā€™t be too long a wait if everyoneā€™s patient with me! :^)
in any case, thanks for following and i canā€™t wait to write with people as soon as i can! i still need to remake icons instead of using old ones but iā€™ll probably throw out a starter call soon. iā€™ll be focusing on casual interactions to start with, especially since i need to properly refamiliarise myself with the muse, but thatā€™s better than nothing!
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primalroar-blog Ā· 7 years
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honestly, nine isn't the only type-0 muse i considered writing šŸ¤” he was definitely my #1 choice bc he's my fav chara but i also considered cinque which is funny bc, minus the fact theyā€™re both loud and maybe kinda ā€˜dumbā€™, she's basically the polar opposite sort of character sdfghgfd listen, iā€™m sure there are probably ppl who just find her annoying but...honestly...sheā€™s so cute i love her?
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primalroar-blog Ā· 7 years
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hey, i just wanna say real something quick!Ā apologies in advance if iā€™m a little slow in getting to stuff here!! itā€™s been a while since iā€™ve properly written a canon muse and longer since iā€™ve written a final fantasy canon. in fact, i think my last attempt at ff canon was a year ago when i tried to get this exact blog going (altho it ended up getting left behind and forgotten bc of outside causes). iā€™ve been primarily writing ocs for the past year or so and, as a result, dipping my toes back into the world of canon muses is more than a little nerve-wracking! it might take me just a little bit to feel super comfy doing anything too deep or heavy, just bc i donā€™t wanna fuck up, but iā€™m sure it shouldnā€™t be too long a wait if everyoneā€™s patient with me! :^)
in any case, thanks for following and i canā€™t wait to write with people as soon as i can! i still need to remake icons instead of using old ones but iā€™ll probably throw out a starter call soon. iā€™ll be focusing on casual interactions to start with, especially since i need to properly refamiliarise myself with the muse, but thatā€™s better than nothing!
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primalroar-blog Ā· 7 years
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mun: Just making a quick post about this before I forget but Iā€™m going to make it clear in advance that the dialogue style Iā€™ll be using on this blog WILL differ from what we see in the English language translation of the game ā€” i.e; I wonā€™t be using an overabundance ofĀ ā€˜yoā€™s or ending sentences withĀ ā€˜hey?ā€™ for no reason. I get where the translators were coming from but, unfortunately, Iā€™m not really a fan of the decision to write Nineā€™s dialogue this way and personally find it sort ofā€¦clumsy? I just think there are better ways of getting the mood of the original dialogue across and, while Iā€™m not faulting the translators for their decision and they probably knew what they were doing, Iā€™m going to be basing my Nineā€™s dialogue on the original Japanese instead ā€” as much as I can, anyway, given that Iā€™m writing in English. I feel like the English version has a lot of bro vibes but Iā€™ve kind of always loved the delinquent trope in Japanese media that Nine so clearly slots into. Again, Iā€™m not bashing the translation (although Final Fantasy localisations often have their fair number of troubles ā€” see any of my posts comparing Genesisā€™ characterisation across versions of Crisis Core) but Iā€™m just saying I happen to prefer the original characterisation. This wonā€™t affect threads or interactions much because heā€™s essentially the exact same character at his core. I just wanted to say this in advance so nobody wonders why Iā€™m not writing Nine to talk like a bro. Oh, and my Nineā€™ll probably swear a lot more because, as much as he does do that anyway, my blog isnā€™t limited by rating rules (i.e; Iā€™m sure Nine would swear a lot more were it not for that).
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primalroar-blog Ā· 7 years
ew what u doing here ninerino
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primalroar-blog Ā· 8 years
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mun: Just making a quick post about this before I forget but Iā€™m going to make it clear in advance that the dialogue style Iā€™ll be using on this blog WILL differ from what we see in the English language translation of the game --- i.e; I wonā€™t be using an overabundance ofĀ ā€˜yoā€™s or ending sentences withĀ ā€˜hey?ā€™ for no reason. I get where the translators were coming from but, unfortunately, Iā€™m not really a fan of the decision to write Nineā€™s dialogue this way and personally find it sort of...clumsy? I just think there are better ways of getting the mood of the original dialogue across and, while Iā€™m not faulting the translators for their decision and they probably knew what they were doing, Iā€™m going to be basing my Nineā€™s dialogue on the original Japanese instead --- as much as I can, anyway, given that Iā€™m writing in English. I feel like the English version has a lot of bro vibes but Iā€™ve kind of always loved the delinquent trope in Japanese media that Nine so clearly slots into. Again, Iā€™m not bashing the translation (although Final Fantasy localisations often have their fair number of troubles --- see any of my posts comparing Genesisā€™ characterisation across versions of Crisis Core) but Iā€™m just saying I happen to prefer the original characterisation. This wonā€™t affect threads or interactions much because heā€™s essentially the exact same character at his core. I just wanted to say this in advance so nobody wonders why Iā€™m not writing Nine to talk like a bro. Oh, and my Nineā€™ll probably swear a lot more because, as much as he does do that anyway, my blog isnā€™t limited by rating rules (i.e; Iā€™m sure Nine would swear a lot more were it not for that).
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primalroar-blog Ā· 8 years
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Final Fantasy Type-HD Release: 9 Days Left.
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primalroar-blog Ā· 8 years
ew it's a trash boy. ew nine. ew.
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