poompie · 3 days
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is there a hunger games fandom on here
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poompie · 3 days
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do i smell like roses to you? id in alt.
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poompie · 1 month
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“Make him pay for it.”
Repost from my instagram @laminatbosas of my best (and last because idk how I did it) drawing ever 😆🩷
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poompie · 2 months
a little poem i wrote for school that i actually like
I am from town
the falling leaves, the swings
that beat against the metal poles of the park
by the big tree. 
I am from the forest
where the mockingbird sings, whistling it’s sweet song
for all the birds and bees.
I am from the maple, 
the oak, 
the sycamore,
whose falling leaves I played in
and left piles of in the yard.
I am from potatoes, 
butter, toast, and jam.
I am from meals, warm and bright. 
Sharing breakfast, lunch, and dinner
every morning, noon, and night. 
I am from the diner, 
states and states away, 
that always gave me tummy aches 
every time we would stop by. 
I am from a fig tree,
a field,
a bed of grass. 
a green pillow beneath a weeping tree
that may forever last. 
I am from the sky,
Purple, blue, and pink. 
The sun, the moon, the clouds, the stars,
the change, the water you can drink. 
I am from the earth, its beauty incomparable.
I am from the fruit, the veggies, the animals.
I am from the fading sunset turning into night, 
I am from the birds, the hatchlings, the little ones taking flight. 
I am from the posies, the katniss, the marigolds.
I am from the dandelions, the weeds, the “pests”
I am from the river, the stones, the toads. 
I am from the earth. My planet. My home.
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poompie · 2 months
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Katniss try not to make life a little better for everyone around her challenge: impossible
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poompie · 2 months
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poompie · 2 months
Snow really wanted to emphasize in the Games how not only an ordinary human, but an ordinary child, could become violent and destructive for their own survival.
But during the Victory Tour stop in District 11, Katniss gives a memorial to Thresh and Rue, who she credits with saving her life and by extension, Peeta's as well. Even after Snow warned her to quell any kind of rebellion, she can't be helped but to thank Thresh and Rue and the district that lost them. She can't help but thank them for the bread that they sent that, even if it didn't save her life, gave her hope after not being able to save her little ally.
And District 11 pays for this gratitude with at least one execution. Because the Capitol wanted them to forget that ordinary children tried to save each other even under impossible circumstances.
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poompie · 2 months
I don't think we talk enough about how unhinged this entire 15-20 page stretch of catching fire is:
Katniss says she'll be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies
Katniss tells Peeta she needs him
They share a long intense kiss that makes Katniss feel sexual desire for him
Peeta says she's going to be a great mother and Katniss, unprompted, internally states that she'll never have Gale's child (lmao)
Katniss thinks Peeta should be a father because of who he is as a person
Katniss falls asleep fantasizing about a future where Peeta's child is safe in a meadow
Katniss wakes up feeling happy due to Peeta, likely because she dreamed about him
Peeta gives Katniss the pearl
Katniss tells Peeta the locket worked because it made her more sure of her love for him and her decision to die for him
And then nothing happens after that because the book suddenly ends right there haha so weird
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poompie · 2 months
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“you believe me like a god / i’ll destroy you like i am”
— i’m your man, Mitski
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poompie · 2 months
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poompie · 2 months
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a little screenshot study/style experiment
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poompie · 2 months
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poompie · 2 months
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some silly buttercup doodles
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poompie · 5 months
Newest sketchbook spreads <3
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poompie · 5 months
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THE HUNGER GAMES APPRECIATION WEEK -- day 3 - favourite mentor/mentee relationship - KATNISS & CINNA
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poompie · 5 months
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poompie · 5 months
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Peeta walks me down to my room in silence, but before he can say good night, I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his chest. His hands slide up my back and his cheek leans against my hair. “I’m sorry if I made things worse,” I say. “No worse than I did. Why did you do it, anyway?” he says. “I don’t know. To show them that I’m more than just a piece in their Games?” I say. He laughs a little, no doubt remembering the night before the Games last year. We were on the roof, neither of us able to sleep. Peeta had said something of the sort then, but I hadn’t understood what he meant. Now I do. (Catching Fire, Chapter 17)
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