ponder0uspanda · 5 years
We Need To Talk About the Amazon Rain-forest
We Need To Talk About the Amazon Rain-forest
So, the Amazon rain-forest is burning and climate change is a very big elephant in the room, one that grows as the Amazon rain-forest keeps burning.
some numbers: good and bad
The Amazon Basin spans over7 million square kilometers, of which about 5.5 million square kilometers is rain-forest.
The rain-forest is house to over 16,000 species of trees, 40,000 species of plants, 2,200 species…
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ponder0uspanda · 5 years
The Very First Picture of a Black Hole
The Very First Picture of a Black Hole
About a hundred years ago, Einstein introduced the Theory of General Relativity, which predicted that a compact mass can deform space-time to form a black hole. During the time, the theory was still not quite understood. It was only from the 1960s, with advancing technology in astrophysics, that we really began to understand the theory.
Since then we have known of the existence of black holes…
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ponder0uspanda · 5 years
Falling numbers of Insects: The Consequences
Falling numbers of Insects: The Consequences
For the past few decades, Humanity has been well aware of the damage done to the planet. The way we live and the things we do to make our lives better are the very reason for the slow degradation of nature.
Climate change, Global Warming, Biodiversity loss…these are terms you’re probably familiar with. But this is not what this post is about. We’ve already been told time and time again what…
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ponder0uspanda · 5 years
Greek Mythology Pt. 4: The Olympians
So far I wrote about the creation of the universe and the Titans, along with an introduction to the next generation of immortal beings – The Olympians i.e., Cronus’ lunch *cough* I meant children. If you missed the previous part click here and if you want to start at the beginning click here.
Originally, there are twelve Olympians, they’ll show up later. But for now our focus in on the first…
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ponder0uspanda · 5 years
The First Meteor Shower of this Year: The Quadrantid Meteor Shower!
The First Meteor Shower of this Year: The Quadrantid Meteor Shower!
Coming this dawn of January 4, there’s gonna be a pretty big meteor shower- the Quadrantid Meteor Shower.
What are Quadrantids?
Quadrantids are a January meteor shower. Meteor Showers are usually named after the constellations that they radiate form, and Quadrantids radiate from Quadrans Muralis, which does not exist anymore. Quadrans Muralis was located between the constellations Bootes…
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ponder0uspanda · 5 years
The Recipe to life is more than just primordial soup
The Recipe to life is more than just primordial soup
It is a well known fact that the first life on Earth was formed from something called ‘Primordial Soup’. But new research shows that it is more than just that.
What Is Primordial Soup?
‘Primordial Soup’ is basically a cute name for the formation of life from the oceans way back when the Earth had just cooled down and form water, ergo oceans. The waters consisted of molecules of various…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Greek Mythology pt.3: Cronus the Cannibal
Yes this blog is still alive!
First a recap: I talked about the creation of the universe (Greek version) and then the Titans and who they were, and finally a little more about Aphrodite.
This installment is gonna be a fun one….
So, the Titan siblings got married to each other and began having kids and all the fun stuff, except for one Titan. Cronus. If you remember correctly, Ouranos, when dying…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
What Happens When You Fall into a Black Hole?
New post is out! What happens when you fall into a black hole? Find out...
In an older post I talked about the science of Black Holes, why they’re not holes and their inner working. In the post I took a second to talk about what would happen if you fell into one. I promised to elaborate in the near future and so here I am.
To get you up to speed, a black hole is not exactly a hole. What a black hole is, is a large amount of mass packed into a tiny space which has…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Greek Mythology Pt.2: The Titans
Greek Mythology Pt.2: The Titans
Before we get started, I would like to apologize for the long hiatus.
A Quick Recap (if you haven’t read part 1) Gaea is the Earth. She got bored – BOOM! Uranus comes out of nowhere. Uranus is the sky or heavens. Gaea and Uranus have kids: The Titans, The Elder Cyclops and the Hundred Handed Ones. Because Uranus thought that Elder Cyclops and The Hundred Handed Ones were ugly, he threw them into…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Finally, this is happening. Welcome to the first part of a (probably) very long series of Greek mythology. Why is this being talked about in this blog, a blog which I mentioned was for science and history you ask? I have no proper answer to this, for some reason this seemed like a great idea. Anyway, like I said in pt. 0 I’ll be exploring Greek Mythology in this series, this is of course in a not-so-fact-based-but-kinda-fact-based manner, which is always the fun way of doing things. That’s enough babble from me, let’s get to the point.
So, a long time ago, and I mean a very very long time ago, there was a whole lot of nothing. And from this nothingness came Chaos, the very first ‘god’ of sorts.. (Notice how I did not say ‘God’ and said ‘god’ with a lowercase ‘g’. This is because there are many more gods that will follow very soon.)
Now, Chaos was a collection of matter, mist and gases and stuff. After quite some time of chaos, Chaos began to calm down and gather into bigger matter, from this gathering was born Gaea (or Gaia if you want). Gaea is the Earth, rocks, oceans and all. She would take up a human form and walk around the Earth (like..on herself…It’s pretty weird). Again, like Chaos, Gaea got bored with walking around on the Earth alone and decided that she wanted a companion. Lo and behold, a companion was created indeed. It was the Sky! He was called Uranus. Chaos, seeing the creation of the Sky, decided to DIY more stuff, and by stuff I mean gods. His first creation was Water, which was the god Pontus. And then Chaos created a Pit under the Earth called Tartarus (Also a god).
Uranus and Gaea
Uranus and Gaea
The fun, more confusing part begins. Chaos and Tartarus together gave rise to Nyx, the embodiment of night. Nyx, then gave rise to Hemera, the embodiment of Day. Gaea and Uranus were having kids together too, in the middle of all the other god giving birth to more gods. The first time Gaea and Uranus had kids, Gaea gave birth to 12 children, six boys and girls each. These children were called the Titans. After the birth of the Titans, Uranus and Gaea began to fight more often and Gaea became resentful and full of contempt for Uranus. In hopes of getting back together, they had another set of kids, this time it was triplets….with only one eye and a very hairy body, they were called the Elder Cyclops. Uranus, appalled by them and threw them into Tarturus. Gaea, obviously hated this, but again, in hopes of rekindling their relationship, they had yet another set of kids, triplets again. but these children had a hundred arms and heads on their body, they were called the Hundred Handed Ones. Uranus again, appalled by the sight threw the triplets into Tarturus. If you have not noticed it yet, Our guy Uranus was a pretty messed up dude.
The Hundred-Handed Ones were the last straw for Gaea. She had enough of Uranus and decided to take revenge on him. She summoned the hardest substance from….herself, and created the first weapon, a curved iron blade with a wooden handle called the Scythe. She asked one of the Titans to murder Uranus. So, One of the boys named Kronos took up the task, he was the youngest of the Titans. So, they decided to trick Uranus into coming down to the Earth in his human form. Kronos chose four of his brothers – Koios, Iapetus, Krios, and Hyperion. Kronos had them hold down Uranus so that he could chop him up into pieces. For this, Kronos promised his four brothers the four corners of the Earth, once he was King of the Universe. Before getting cut into pieces by his son, Uranus cursed Kronos, saying that if Kronos killed him, He would meet with the same fate (Chopped up by his children, that is)
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As Kronos chopped Uranus, a whole bunch of blood spattered all over the place. It wasn’t red blood mind you, it was the blood of the gods so it was golden in color and was called Ichor. From the spatter were born a whole range of creatures, good and bad. Bad as in three bat-like creatures called the Furies and Good as in Nymphs and Satyrs.
Uranus was dead and Kronos was named Kind of the Universe, Gaea got her revenge and the four volunteers got the four corners of the Earth, Koios became the Titan of the North, Iapetus the West, Hyperion got the East, and Krios got the South. What of Uranus’ remains you ask? Well, Kronos simply tossed them into the ocean.
There you have it, the creation of the universe, the Greek version. Next up, The Story of the Titans.
  Greek Mythology Series Pt.1: The Creation of the Universe Finally, this is happening. Welcome to the first part of a (probably) very long series of Greek mythology.
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
The Multiverse Theory #2: Why It's not Possible
The Multiverse Theory #2: Why It’s not Possible
In the previous post (Click here) I talked about the possibilities of the existence of a Multiverse. Well this article is dedicated to the reasons why it’s not possible. Sure it’s quite amazing if it does exist, and feels nice to believe in, given the laundry list of philosophical reasons. But a coin has two sides and both need to be addressed. Of course the side which truly favors reality is…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
I Write Because....
I Write Because….
I write because it’s fun. To spread knowledge (or hope to…).
I write to tell the world how amazing the world is. To show people that there are so many things around us that are absolutely stunning. To teach people how it works and to teach them to take a second to marvel at how amazing it is.
I write about the past, because that is what shapes our present. I write about the present because that…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
The Multiverse Theory #1: Why It's Possible
The Multiverse Theory #1: Why It’s Possible
  We know that Marvel and DC love to dabble with the concept of infinite universes existing all at the same time. Think about it, who wouldn’t want to go and meet their doppelgänger to find out if they made better decisions in like than you did, so you could rest easy knowing that there is at least one version of you out there that did not screw up? That took a dark turn….
Anyway, this is gonna…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Greek Mythology Series Pt.0
Greek Mythology Series Pt.0
Mythology is fun. It’s a nice little collection of stories for everyone to enjoy. Also, I kinda felt like this blog could use a series so I’ll be exploring Greek Mythology until an indefinite time in the future.
The consistency of installments to this series is still quite unknown, so for the very few people that read the stuff I write here, be on the look out for new posts.
Now, what I’d…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
A writer is a world trapped in a person.
Victor Hugo (via maxkirin)
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Why The Earth is Not Flat
Flat Earth Theory: Debunked!
Back in the Medieval Ages, when the basic concepts of science were still being established, people believed that the Earth was flat and that it was the center of the Universe. After both of these misconceptions were sorted out i.e., the Earth is in fact not flat and certainly not the center of the universe, it opened up a whole new chapter in astronomy and science had prevailed. Until a group of…
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ponder0uspanda · 6 years
Is Time Travel Actually Possible?
New post is out you guys, go check it out!
We’ve all heard the stories of people travelling back and forth in time, fighting bad guys and doing awesome stuff. As enjoyable as it is, I’m sure there’s one question that everybody needs answered: is it possible? Could we in the future crack the science of time travel and achieve it?
But before we get into that, we need to understand the basics of time and how it works in space.
Now, the…
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