politycs · 7 years
Lawrence “Blue” du Plessis
Picking his head up off the desk, Lawrence looked out the open window. His day could hardly be considered as stressful as Diana’s, a First Man not exactly having as much to do but her toils still affected him. The FBI had been more and more open about its opposition to some of Diana’s more liberal promises lately. It alone wouldn’t have been such a deal, except the director had his claws in tight with many senators. Lawrence had liked Mario once but that was before he became competition. Now, they weren’t nearly the childhood friends they used to be. He supposed that’s just what happened in politics, however. Any day he could tell the world what it’s prized FBI Director used to do, but the man was already under fire for his relationship habits. And, anyhow, Lawrence wasn’t flat vindictive. It was just the business of it all. One day, they’d need each other again and act like none of the tension had been there at all.  
“Sir?” A voice came, drawing Lawrence’s attention from the window. He smiled at the apprentice. She was working under Belora, he thought. “Miss. Jeon’s just told me she left a few papers for you and the President to go over. Your wife should be on her way there now.”
Lawrence raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect Diana’s campaign director to have new information already. She hadn’t been working on busting Lautner and Mario’s opposition for very long. But, he supposed that was the reason she was hired. For such a young girl, she was more driven than half their other staff. “Good news. Diana’s office is where she left them?” He asked. The girl nodded as he stood; he smiled. “Thank you.” Waiting until the click of her heels was further down the hall, Lawrence picked his cell phone off the desk and slipped it into a pocket inside his sports coat. Diana’s office wasn’t far from his. Only up one set of stairs and little ways down to the left. He nodded at the guards posted outside as he stepped through and immediately saw the manila envelope Belora left. Her annoyingly-neat handwriting was on the tab, “POTUS”. “What has our little spy dug up for us today?” He mused, picking it up. On second thought, Lawrence wanted to wait for Diana before he opened it. He put it back and sat in a chair across from hers. As he waited, he thought suddenly about what exactly Diana was doing and if it had anything to do with Sergio. There was no jealousy within the thought, considering he'd spent time with the man without his wife present as well. New information was something he'd want to know about. Seeing as Lawrence had no clue if they were indeed together, he pulled out his phone and texted the Secretary for good measure.
Mario Beaumont
Mario locked the door to his office after he shut it behind him. There wasn’t much time left before everyone in his department would do the same thing, going home to their respective families and leaving the place behind. Except he couldn’t. What he was trying to leave behind was also at home. It was the root of practically every problem he had, why all the cameras were pointing to him at the very moment. It was his most serene source of happiness, though. He clicked the lock button on his phone to see the picture of Heavenly on it. She was smiling, like usual, but hugging the neck of an over-sized penguin. Mario sighed and looked back up at the hallway in front him. People were bustling in and out of their offices. The energy always picked up in the last hours, people suddenly scrambling to get everything done so they clocked out right on time. He was quite the opposite. Anything he had to do was always completed early, the rest of his day floating by rather slowly. There was no skip in his step, per say, as he tucked his hands in his pockets and walked towards the exit. No one met his eye. Some were disgusted, others confused, and the rest too caught between pity and loyalty. Mario expected it, always had. From the moment he began exclusively seeing Heavenly, a thing he’d fought himself for so long, he knew trouble was just around the corner. It was unnatural, they said. Why would someone her age want Mario, and vis versa? She was practically a kid, the media said. Excuses started popping up everywhere, most of them flat out insulting. Almost no one would back up that they were just a regular couple, albeit a few more years than most. The press wasn’t what bothered Mario. It was the effect it had on Heavenly, already so blind about the real world. This was one thing he couldn’t protect her from.
He walked towards his apartment, unintentionally only a few blocks away from his office. At least at this time of day, it was quiet. The standard work day wasn’t quite over, so only a few cars blew past him. He met only three people on his walk and they were, surprisingly, ones he had never seen before. Tourists, most likely. Washington D.C. had thousands of them every day. Usually not in such a suburban area, though. Mario didn’t worry too much about it when he finally made it to his apartment. It was set in an older district, the red brick molted nearly white by years of sun bleaching. He walked up the concrete steps and twisted his key in the door lock at the top.
“I’m home,” he called out as he stepped inside. Mario shrugged off his coat and hung it on a coat rack, putting his keys back in the pocket. Even though his mood was quite sour, he tried to smooth his expression when he walked further into the house. It wouldn’t do Heavenly any good to see him upset.
Kieran Moreau 
Huh, Kieran thought, looking at the boy. Well, he was far from a boy, but still. He wasn’t quite the usual that Angelina sent to him for training. More rugged, definitely new to the whole escorting business. Which just screamed a challenge Kieran would rather not have to deal with, but money was money. Besides, he truly did respect Angelina and what she wanted done, well, it got done. Even if it meant training the new prospects. At least Kieran knew most of them would go on to make them all proud.
“Alrighty, Jax. Tell me what you know about this business,” he said, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Neither of them were wearing clothing. Part of the thing was being comfortable in your skin. Kieran couldn’t imagine being an escort and not being able to strip without a care in the world. Some of the senators wanted more than company, although that was usually not in the listed services. There was a fine line between escorting and prostituting, after all, and no one had time for jail.
Jax lifted his chin, thinking. “It’s for company,” he answered after a moment. Kieran nodded. When he didn’t say anything else, Jax seemed to understand that there was more. “And, sometimes, long-term companionship. Sex isn’t part of the deal,” Jax said, the end of his words picking up. He finally realized what Kieran was truly asking.
“Good boy. So, you know the basics, which makes my job easier.”
“How so?” Jax asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. Their faces were only a few inches apart. Damn, he thought. He catches on quick.
Clearing his throat, Kieran chucked the guy underneath his chin. “Because we can skip the lectures and get right to the experiments.” With that, he stood, forcing Jax backward. “You need to judge your client while in public. Are they demanding?” Kieran paused, grabbing Jax’ hair and pulling his head back. “Or do they seem rather meek?” He released it, a slow grin tugging at the boy’s face now.
Jax touched Kieran for the first time since he’d arrived, saved a standard handshake. He flinched slightly at the coolness of his hands around the skin on the backs of his thighs. “Tell me how you know which they are,” Kieran said. His voice was calm, face a mask. Having been doing this long enough, he knew that no matter how far he went with his trainees to always keep it business on his end. At least at face value. There could be no attachment between Angelina’s boys. Which, in all honesty, Kieran had no interest in Jax except physical. His hands were rather full with Amelia.
“Meek clients are nice, they treat you well and pay attention,” Jax said. Nodding, Kieran prompted him forward. “Demanding clients always touch you,” he said. Suddenly, Kieran was on top of him, elbows braced on the bed and their bodies flush. He closed his eyes and ignored the sensations running through his body. It was too close to Amelia coming home for this to become anything more than training.
Kieran grabbed Jax’s face in one hand and forced him to look. “Exactly.” He smiled once and got up, leaving Jax naked on the bed as he left the room, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he walked into the living room, he heard Amelia as he saw her. “Oh,” he said, facing her entirely bare. “How was work?”
Belora Jeon
Belora propped her chin up on her palm, narrowing her eyes at the computer screen in front of her. It wasn’t a bad advert but she knew the production team could do better. Like nearly everyone else, they must have been distracted by all the uproar from the FBI Director. He wasn’t well liked on Diana’s side of things, but him being in hot water didn’t exactly help her either. With a disgruntled sigh, Belora shut the laptop and sat back in her rolling chair. She twisted at the gold bracelet on her wrist. Having cleaned up Mario’s mess for Diana only hours after it came out, she was technically done for the day. She didn’t really want to go home, though. Her apartment used to be one of her favorite places. Now, memories of her atrocious ex cluttered everything there. Even almost a year after, she still couldn’t forget him. At least they weren’t good memories to drag her heart through the mug- again.
“That’s enough,” she said out loud, pushing back from the desk. There was no point in wallowing in her stupid self-pity. Surely there was work to be done somewhere. As soon as Belora thought it, she remembered a small detail. She’d only heard it while walking back to her office, so it was one of the things that generally went in one ear and out the other. Except, anytime Mario and his biggest ally Lautner were mentioned, Belora made sure she took note for Diana. Being somewhat of a spy wasn’t exactly in her job description, but she had more respect for the president than just her job title. Any personal attacks on her, which had slightly slowed down since the election but still happened often enough, effected Belora too. Which was why she had decided to rat out plans from the other side.
She had never liked Lautner from afar. He seemed cocky and uninterested, plus he looked so very mean. That was a childish thought, especially in politics, but she couldn’t imagine anyone being comforted by that. It would be like hugging a rock, or something. Belora feared she wouldn’t be able to draw her plan out long enough to get any actual information. It was why she had decided to keep it quiet from Diana as long as possible, as well.
Belora stood and smoothed down the pleats of her pastel pink dress. Tucking her hair behind one ear, she picked up her bag and dropped her phone in it. Lautner Gerrand’s office was up a few floors from her and all the way down, nearly. She stepped out of her office and almost directly into the elevator. It was packed full of people just ready to go home. They’d been unfortunate enough to catch a ride going upwards. When she stepped off, Belora waved at a girl she knew somewhat and started down the hall. Her heels clicked on the white tile, echoing throughout the nearly empty corridor. As she neared Lautner’s office, she cleared her throat. “Mr. Gerrand,” she said, stepping into the door frame. She knocked twice, for courtesy, then crossed her hands in front of her. “May I have a moment?”
Mattison Kaine
After checking the last duffle, Matty zipped it and stood with a flourish. “Alright boys, we got our money’s worth this time.” And right she was. AKs, mostly, but a few novelty guns were in the mix. It was more dangerous to carry them, seeing as a lot were handcrafted, but as long as the sale didn’t get traced back to her it all fell on whoever used it last. She had a way of making sure no one ratted her out. Her reputation took many years and a lot of blood to make, so she so hated to see it even the slightest bit damaged.
“Who’s it going to?” Isadora asked, crossing her arms. Matty’s younger sister was critical and the most annoying perfectionist, but exactly the kind of person she wanted on her side. There were many things she’d missed, only for Liz to bounce in not even a second after and wash the mess away. A lot of Matty’s success rode on her sister keeping things afloat- especially when Matty was in and out of jail.
She checked her phone and read off the name, then raised her eyebrows. “The grimy photographer,” Matty said. “Yeah, boys and I got this. You stay here, okay?”
Liz thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Sure.”
Ah, such the one to throw herself in the midst of danger.
Matty grabbed one duffel back and threw it over her shoulder, two guys named Charlie and Hans gathering up two apiece. She pecked Liz on the cheek as she walked past her. “Hans, you drive.” He caught the keys midair and shifted strides, already heading for his usual back seat spot. Matty settled in the passenger seat of the sedan, a duffle at her feet. She hated driving. The traffic irritated her, plus she couldn’t exactly look around the city. For someone like her, there was a certain expectation of knowing everything at every moment. Usually, she had a keen eye for the people she did business with. Maybe it involved a camera or a wire, but hey, she got the information she needed.
Sullivan Drake
Sully crossed his legs under the table. He turned the image in front of him clockwise, rotating the picture that was drawn on it. It was still a circle but he hoped the pictures inside of it may have changed. Still, he was left utterly confused as he looked at it. When he was in Tasmania, he’d seen nothing like it. Sully rested his elbows on the table, cupping his chin in his hands. There had to be something missing. Maybe Sam hadn’t sent him the whole thing, or something. He sat back and sighed. It was nearly time for Nate to start bugging him. Not that Sully minded. Having him being so interested in his things, even if they were sticky and out of place afterwards, was warming. Sully halfway hoped that maybe he’d even want to go with him someday. But, even he knew it was dangerous.
He rolled the paper back up and slid it into the tube before placing the cap back on it. Other artifacts from Tasmania were spread around on the glass table. Most of them were things he’d gotten himself but a few were Sam, and even their old friend Nathan’s hard work. His eyebrows furrowed together as he picked up a blue glass sculpture, cracked and glued back together. When he and Nathan were still partners, they’d gotten this from the belly of a sunken submarine. Neither one of them had any earthly clue what it was. Both of them had thought Elena might like it, except at that time, Sully didn’t even see Elena as a girl, really, much less his future girlfriend. Life had a way of changing things, though.
(these are both unfinished and i hate myself but hello, a peek.)
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politycs · 7 years
Amelia, Sergio, and Angelina The three siblings began their final day of the work week similarly - despite having different morning routines - by turning off their resounding alarm clocks. The first to get up was Sergio. In his small studio apartment, Sergio pushed himself up from his pillow and climbed out of bed. He only had to walk a few steps to reach the kitchen, and after doing so he turned on his coffee machine so that it could brew while he got ready for work. Stifling a yawn, Sergio walked over to his bathroom and pulled down his boxer shorts to start getting ready. Other than taking a shower and making sure his hair looks presentable, Sergio does not waste too much time getting ready. After he finished getting dressed, he grabbed his messenger bag with one hand while transferring his coffee from the pot to a to-go cup and exited out of his apartment. The next one to get up was Amelia. She figured she could afford an extra fifteen minutes of sleep so she ignored the sound. Only once she managed to doze off did she remember her presentation for her supervisor and colleagues today. A sudden burst of adrenaline moving through her, Amelia pushed the covers off of her naked body and stood up from the bed. She hadn't realized it last night, but the upper-level of the townhouse was colder than it was supposed to be. She made a mental note to inspect the thermostat after work, and then she made her way into the bathroom. Pinning her hair up and smearing a charcoal mask across her face, Amelia turned on the water for the shower and gazed at herself in the mirror while she waited for the water to heat up. As with every presentation, she had to practice and go over her words at least once before presenting. She's not the least bit superstitious, she just prefers to be prepared. Half an hour later Amelia emerged from the bathroom with a light face of makeup on and a white bath towel wrapped around her body. She walked into the bedroom, kneeling down to pick up one of the pillows that had fell, and tossed it onto the bed and on top of Kieran. "You better not sleep all day too." she muttered, walking over to the closet to pick out her outfit. Deciding on neutral colors, she slipped into her clothes and pulled her back into a low bun. Then, she grabbed her briefcase and an apple from the kitchen and left. The last one, as per usual, was Angelina. She always sets three different times for her alarm with the intention to make it to work on time without having to rush, but alas, this time was no different than the others. Angelina had thought she snoozed her alarms, but in fact she had turned them all off. It wasn't until she suddenly woke up and realized that she had an hour to get to work did she finally get out of bed. Her legs tangled in the covers, millions of thoughts scattered around in Angelina's mind as she thought about what to do first. She settled on taking a brief shower while also brushing her teeth. She skipped most of her other things, such as flossing and washing her face, to get dressed and quickly put her hair into a ponytail. After that she practically sprinted out the door. Time sped up fairly quickly after the siblings made it to work. Before they knew it they were clocking out to head home. Sergio stayed at work to finish up a few things for Madame President, whereas Amelia headed back home and Angelina made a detour before going home herself. Eyes glued to her phone, Amelia swiped across her screen as she read and dismissed emails until she reached the front door of her townhouse. She gripped her phone in one hand and dug in her purse for her keys before opening the door. The feel of finally being home helped her relax as she slipped out of her shoes by the door and walked into the living room. "Kieran?" she called out, wondering if he was home.
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politycs · 7 years
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Heavenly May Baylie
Twenty years old
Mario’s other half | Extremely Innocent | Childlike
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Lautner Bryce Gerrand
Thirty-one years old
Controlling | Apathetic to other’s emotions | Loyal to those he trusts
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Diana Alexandria du Plessis
Thirty-six years old
POTUS | Activist | Stubborn to a fault
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politycs · 7 years
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Amelia Lourdes Javachi
Thirty-one years old.
Speaker for the White House.
Very anal about her image and ambitious, often putting compassion aside in order to achieve her goals. 
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Sergio Luca Javachi
Thirty-six years old.
The President’s secretary.
He can be reserved and aloof at times due to his lack of social skills, but the perceptive and skill-full side of him balances it out.
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Angelina Chiara Javachi
Twenty-six years old.
IT Specialist for the White House.
Fearless and canny, yet she struggles to keep her emotions out of her judgment.
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politycs · 7 years
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mario rhys beaumont 
35 | FBI Director | Leo
Born to a set of senators, Mario had an early start in the world of politics. He learned very early on the art of speeches, hiding his personal life, and making sure his job always came first- or at least appeared to. It was really no surprise when he became elected as the FBI Director after fifteen years of service. Under his rule, things always go Mario’s way. Leaving no room for error or mistake, no one can deny that he runs a tight ship. They may not agree with all of his opinions but Mario thinks with his head. His orders are never sent without meticulous thought. Even though they aren’t always fair or kind, his priority is always keeping the country safe. Mario’s platform was built on stopping terrorism on American soil and to this day, it is his number one priority. 
Even though Mario has an extremely rough outer shell, even he is capable of being warmhearted. His generous nature is shown through constant and, honestly, unnecessary donations to charities and children’s homes across the country. Mario may not budge once his mind is made up but that doesn’t mean he isn’t open-minded. New ideas are passed to him every day and none go unseen. He’s a very reasonable man, really. Mario’s devotion- whether to his job or to a partner- is the main reason American citizens love him so much and respect him. 
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kieran xavier moreau 
25 | Socialite/Male Escort | Sagitarrius 
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belora mae jeon 
23 | Campaign Director | Cancer
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melanie harper bates
25 | Mario’s niece | Gemini 
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lawrence blue du plessis 
36 | First Man, Diana’s husband | Libra 
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