pmy95 · 3 years
gonna miss being on the dash and seeing all ur posts :( and potentially reading them.
so, this is something i really really didn’t want to do, but i’m gonna have to take a step back for the meantime. the past week took me out entirely, the last piece of endurance i had. i dropped jiwon earlier in the week due to having to watch over a family member and picking up more responsibilities. I didn’t expect to have to leave yet, but within the past 12 hours i found out that i have lost two people that i was extremely close with. so for my own sake and everyone who might be put off by me being in a shitty mood 24/7 for a while, i’ll be taking time to mourn. perhaps find new inspiration while i’m doing whatever i will be doing.
But dropping my muses has been something on my mind before this. I’ve been losing muse for a while... like a while, and i feel like it ‘s wrong of me to try to keep my characters when i was extremely unmotivated to write for them. coming up with new directions for them was just, not fun for me anymore. but to be fair i wasn’t enjoying a lot of things overall. normally i would have been able to handle the mindset i have to be in to write for them more often but as winter approaches me, it’s been hard. i’ve thought about dropping them for a while since my schedule got busier, and i didn’t want to start something in depth when I didn’t know when if i’d be leaving soon. hence all the old threads bc i couldn’t bring myself to post if i ended up leaving. i can talk and talk forever about my muses but when it comes to writing it out, i can’t. what i write heavily affects my mood, and i guess i drained myself out by starting out writing so many negative things to the point i just hated logging on to write. i didn’t like that obviously, so that fueled my decision a lot as well.
I do have a lot of regrets like not really talking to a lot of people because i was in my head a lot! i just feared that i’m always gonna be judged no matter what. i’m sure you all are extremely nice people <3 i just psyched myself out a lot from reaching out. Whenever I return, i hope that i can change that! although i’m not the most interesting person to talk to so i might’ve done you all a favor with that one. i am wishing i got the chance to plot and flesh something out with you guys because i see how amazing you all write on the dash.
I know there is light at the end of the tunnel so this is just a see you later! I really did enjoy my time here and I hope to be back soon with improved versions of my muses! especially when i’m at a better state than i’m currently in.
love you all and take care <3
oh! and to top it off i’m coming up on exams so :)) gotta love everything piling up. stressed is my new middle name.
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pmy95 · 3 years
her eyes slide slightly as miyeon’s expression dimms, a hand shooting out to slap against her best friend’s back as her brows knit together momentarily, the corners of her lips contrasting in a delicate smile as she tilted her head slightly, watching miyeon’s expressions with a close eye as she shifted her shoulders lightly. “hm. i doubt it reminds me of bad things. meeting you in those days was a bliss to my otherwise rather mundane life.” that was effectively the truth. sia had committed herself to not caring for some or others as much as possible after the mishap of her own older brother, and yet, somehow, miyeon had managed to wriggle her way into her life, trudging those footprints into her usual resting area one fine silvery night–and the rest was history. she could never really leave anyone that she felt needed help all alone after all. that was a con that she could never get herself to change, even with her multiple attempts to do so. 
“predebut miyeon photos are a blessing. you had even puffier cheeks then, which were so adorable they probably had everyone just swooning at the sight of them. pity they couldn’t pinch them like how i do so now–” she pokes miyeon’s cheek quickly with yet another finger. “sometimes i wish that you had more photos online, then perhaps my brothers wouldn’t see it so necessary to embarrass me alongside with you using childhood pictures on their instagram stories.” her eyes narrow slightly as she leaned into miyeon, edging her ribs with the sharp point of her elbow. “you do know that i checked their followers once, and almost all of them were your fans, right?” 
“if you’re going to be like this, i’m limiting the amount of times i see you. for the last time, my cheeks are not available for you to just touch whenever you look at them.” a sigh escapes miyeon’s mouth as she's given up on stopping her. the dancer’s hands rest by her side this time, not moving an inch after being poked again..  “i didn’t know i needed permission to look a certain way. you can take up that question with my mom if you actually want an answer. i’m sure she’ll give you the run down on who i got my cheeks from along with all of my other features. might even run into my grandparents if she decides to tell the longer version.”
the slap on her back was more than enough to pull her from delving deeper into her thoughts. her own mind was frustrating her. she knows that sia wouldn’t give up on her, but there’s something telling her that one day sia will grow tired of her and her antics. “i really appreciate you saying that, but you never know. maybe one day i’ll do something unforgivable.” it pains her to think about when she finally loses everyone. a day that will never come but feels like it will. “but at least i know that you care.” she didn’t require many words for them to be meaningful to her. simple things like knowing she is loved and looked after kept her going and pushing through each day.
“those photos are not for the public eye and that’s for a reason. i can tell you nobody was swooning over my cheeks until i debuted.” miyeon prefers to keep them hidden, especially the ones where she’s older. she knows she’d receive more attention if people dug around for more information, and that’s the last thing she wants. “your brothers will post whatever they have,  the amount of photos that are up doesn’t really matter. i’m satisfied with the amount that are out now. who knows how long until people find videos i definitely don’t want found.” introducing their families to one another seemed like a good idea back then and she loves sia’s brothers like they are her own. she knew there was nothing she could do, but whenever they post a photo of miyeon, a part of her wants to  with one another was a bad thing her eyebrows raised in shock, but lowered once she thought it over. “that’s understandable. i mean, how often do they post compared to me? i don’t blame them.”
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pmy95 · 4 years
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CHUNG HA (청하) - Dream of You (with R3HAB) Performance Vide
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pmy95 · 4 years
“i like you miyeon.” her eyes finally flicker up towards the younger girl’s masked features as she flushes, embarrassed at the suddenness of her own confession. “and its the fear and the knowledge that i might fall and love you that selfishly want to make you stay.” 
the first words out of the other’s mouth was sorry, and miyeon began chuckling. her laughter only grew as alyssia tried to explain herself. how cute. while she didn’t plan on talking to alyssia tonight because of her fear of things going left, this was a pleasant surprise. her mind was off of her solo debut, and she managed to laugh forthe first time that night. “i understand. how about for every time you apologize, i apologize too? i’m sure you don’t want to hear me apologizing a lot either.” her usual smile lands on her face again as she waited for the older’s reply, slightly squeezing the other’s hand.
her smile falters for a second as she was caught off guard. miyeon forgot that alyssia was someone that didn’t know about her past, and she had just realized that she’d have to tell aly soon. it was obvious that alyssia knew something was off about her behavior during her visit. so the truth had to come out eventually “i did nothing wrong, hm?” she muttered to herself, thinking over her next words. she was thinking about telling aly there, but there was something holding her back. a voice telling her that alyssia wouldn’t want to be with someone so messed up like her.
but as quick as her smile faded, it reappeared in effort to pick her mood back up.
miyeon decides to tell alyssia another day as the other tells her to not to answer the question. it feels wrong, but miyeon believes that if she withholds the truth, then alyssia will like her more. it’s a heavy burden she has to carry, but she is willing to carry it for as long as possible until alyssia eventually finds out the truth. “i don’t find it weird. i get what you mean.” while those days were something she’d rather not reflect on, the nature of the conversation made it feel right to talk about. “things weren’t the exact same for me, but i know what it feels like to not look forward to the future. i was once at a point in my life that i could barely see past the next hour. living was just surviving through the day and making the best out of what i could. and i still have times where everything is too much, but i’ve been doing my best to be better.”
it gives miyeon an unfamiliar feelings to hear that she was the only one to make her think about what’s to come. she feels special, but she doesn’t know if that’s a feeling she necessarily likes. “if it makes you feel better, i was also afraid of telling you how i felt. i don’t have the best track record when it comes to relationship, and i didn’t want to runin things with you. you are a great friend and i wouldn’t want to ruin that because of how i am. i’m still scared i’m going to mess things up even more, but i’m willing to take that risk. i really think being with you will be a good thing. I’ll bear with you as long as you bear with me as well. we’ll learn together what it’s like to love properly and maybe redefine what love is while we’re at it.”
her smile grew bigger hearing those words from the person she admired. “i like you a lot more alyssia. and no matter how far i may stray from you, i’ll always return as long as you want me by your side.” 
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pmy95 · 4 years
[ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i have a lot owo enough to make two albums ono [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i even have some of you in school uniform!! [ attached image ] [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i’m in a kkt that shares the photos they have of you uwu that’s why i have so much [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] you’re so pretty miyeon T-T i’m sure you’re the prettiest when you were younger too [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] thankfully i don’t have much younger photos around :3 
↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] thanks but you are the pretty one :) no need to have two albums. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] ......i forgot photos like that existed. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] and that’s a thing? kinda feel bad for not posting often now. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] i don’t know how much younger you can get bc last time i checked my predebut pictures were rare to find.  ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] you and my mom would get along since you both love having photos of me. i’m sure both of you have photos of me the other hasn’t seen. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] i need to improve my collection now :(( i’ve been slacking. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] also... about those photocards i asked for like... months ago...
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pmy95 · 4 years
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002. — moodboard: all mine.
Miyeon finally knows what part of herself she sees in Alyssia. However, all of the broken pieces only intensifies Miyeon’s feelings. Everything about @fmdalyssia is beautiful to Miyeon.
We have a past that we tried to hide, but it’s okay. Together, we’ll turn this nightmare back into a dream. Who cares what others might think? We have each other.
It’s been roughly half a year since Miyeon first acknowledged her own feelings for Alyssia. Within those six months, there has been a lot of time for Miyeon to realize just how serious her feelings were.  A lot has happened in those six months. A drunk call, a rejection, Miyeon avoiding Alyssia twice, finally sorting things out and meeting like they used to. Too many promises were broken in the process.  She’s still afraid of what could come if she followed her heart, but for Alyssia, it’s worth it. 
There’s little confusion with how she felt towards the other now, but that split second where Miyeon thought she lost her chance with Alyssia woke her up. She was finally confronting the issues she had made. The butterflies in her stomach has returned and replaced the guilty feeling she had whenever the older was around. 
Alyssia is special. Everything Miyeon doesn’t see in herself, she sees in Alyssia. A beautiful soul that deserves to be loved. Someone eerily similar to her, yet still so different. 
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pmy95 · 4 years
[ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i can’t remember owo [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i saved them because you were extra extra cute! :D [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] you have cute, puffy cheeks [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] can i pinch them lightly the next time you come over or i go to your place? :3 [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] u r so cute miyeon T-T [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i promise that i love you a lot [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] also also! a never before seen selfie for you :D [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] attached image [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i have LOTS of pictures of you from your first year too \o/
↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] PLEASE spare me from those photos. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] as much as I love hear you compliment me, i don’t want to see them ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] I was going to start charging people to pinch my cheeks but... ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] for you? completely free  ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] just pay me back with cuddles and you’ll be fine ❤️ ❤️ ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] and no, ur cuter than me ! ! ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] i promise i rlly rlly love you too. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] saving this RIGHT NOW. but i need more D: ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] wait. ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] first year?!?! why do you have those??? how many do you have??? 
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pmy95 · 4 years
“are you kidding with me? low maintenance? i’d say blunt honesty and unconditional support is our selling point. laziness being another selling point of it as a whole.” she grinned momentarily, a flash of a genuine smile that the camera hadn’t seen throughout the entire days of filming for the our sibling project, a sigh of contentment permeating her voice as she stretched. “damn, talking with you really reminds me of how much we hit off together.”
the cackle that bubbled from her lips couldn’t be stopped the moment the other girl mentioned her mother, wiping her eyes from the tears that had squeezed themselves from her eyes in the fit of laughter that had overtaken her in the split moment that miyeon mentioned she benefited from being shown miyeon’s baby pictures. “i mean,” she gasped, winded slightly from laughter, “apart from the fact of cementing my knowledge that you had curly hair as a little kid, what other benefit did i get from that? pray tell me.”
“i can’t help it, i’m already calculating how much money i’m going to make off of you alone, and i’m seeing a big profit already.” miyeon relaxes, thinking the other was done forcing her hands on the dancer’s face. “oh that’s it. you get an exclusive charge for pinching my cheeks. you’ll be paying in advance per month and whatever you don’t use goes to the next month. no refunds allowed of course.” miyeon let out a shriek at the unexpected finger. her hand shoots up once again to swat the other’s finger away from her face. “stop touching them, you’re just encouraging me to go ahead with the idea. and don’t you dare rub them! that’s an extra fee sia.” miyeon let out a sigh as she knew that sia would eventually catch her off guard and do it again. 
“i can’t really fight against you there because you’re right. i’d describe us to be extremely ordinary people who happened to become idols. a friendship that started way before i even saw myself debuting. dare i say, one of my favorite people.” miyeon’s smile grew smaller as she deflated a bit. she knew it was a harmless comment, but she couldn’t stop her thoughts in time. “i’d hope so... i don’t want to think of the day talking to me reminds you of the days we used to hit it off.”
but sia’s laughter was enough to distract her from thinking about it more than necessary. miyeon’s smile threatened to widen again as she found her own statements to be humorous as well. “i know you and your brothers have more of my baby photos saved than i do. that is material that none of you were supposed to ever see or have. predebut miyeon photos shouldn’t be a thing. they’re horrendous.”
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pmy95 · 4 years
its demoralising from how close of friends they had become, to returning back into nothing but…almost strangers, within a span of a single month of lacking interaction with each other. maybe..just maybe they hadn’t know each other as well as she would have liked to think, or maybe–alyssia squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, willing herself to not think about the alternate scenario. enough of her life had been tainted with enough dark thoughts to last for a lifetime. at the very least, at this very event, what she could do was to not let such thoughts overwhelm her, even if it was for the moment.
“ i mean…well, i thought that you not coming to visit was a sign of..something like..being angry at me or something.”  she pauses for a moment, fidgeting in discomfort at the confession. “well, not angry, more like..like upset.” she corrects herself hurriedly, almost timidly taking a peek at the younger’s expression. “ that’s why i apologised first. because if i was in the wrong, i should apologise–” she blabbered on harriedly, nervously brushing her hair behind her ear as she blinked, pulling off her mask hurriedly as though to remove the last barrier that laid between them from fully seeing miyeon’s face, even if the other was still masked in front of her.  "even if i wasn’t at fault like you said…i still kinda felt responsible. since well…you were there in the first place because i was there.“ she took a small shuffle forward, a shaky smile flickering across her lips. "you know?” she takes a deep breath, finally choosing to take a leap forward and cling onto the side of the younger girl, throwing herself onto miyeon in an impulsive hug–burying her face into the other girl’s shoulder as she felt all ounce of tension bleed away from her body at the feel of her arms wrapping around miyeon’s body.
“i missed you too.”  she admitted softly, voice almost muffled against the material of miyeon’s outfit. “lots.” she murmured, before finally lifting her face up to glance at miyeon through the mask. “ and of course you were worried for nothing! it was–it was my fault in the first place that you had to go to the hospital so..so of course i would seek you out, you know? i actually thought you were…” she drifted away for a little moment, almost overwhelmed in the sadness of the thought that had bubbled itself into existence within her mind. “i actually thought that you were going to come and visit me often, but i think this was..this was good the way it is. i needed to make myself better before coming to see you. again. i’m sorry for making you wait, miyeon.”
 at this point, it felt like miyeon spent more time avoiding the other than keeping her word and keeping the way things were before the night she had confessed. miyeon was mainly responsible for the way things were between them. her constant overthinking and assumptions had made her put more distance between the person she admired and herself, and it got worse both times she swore to fix things.
“well, i wasn’t mad at you. i wasn’t upset with you either, so you don’t need to think that anymore. me not visiting was me prioritizing your health over whatever i wanted to do. who knows what i might’ve done if i came back.” that was a lie. she had a pretty good idea what she would’ve done, which is why she didn’t come back. “you don’t need to apologize for that, or for anything. i don’t want to hear anymore apologies about that day from you.” miyeon contemplated removing her mask after seeing alyssia remove hers, but opted to keep it on. the mask gave miyeon a tad bit more confidence than she normally had around the other, able to push out more of the truth she wouldn’t have admitted. “don’t do that. while it’s true i was there because you were there, i still made the choice to come aly. i still came knowing how much i hate hospitals. how about we both share responsibility for what happened?”
miyeon knows she’s to blame for always feeling guilty whenever she was around alyssia. she began to think that not visiting again without an explanation was a bad idea, but she chose to pretend that it didn’t happen until she ran into alyssia again. “i definitely would’ve visited you often if i was doing better. i think the last thing you needed there was me.... yeah i definitely wouldn’t have been too much help. but you’re doing better, and i’m doing better, so yeah i’ll agree it’s good the way it turned out. i’m really proud of you by the way.” miyeon lowers her voice only for the older woman to hear. “i told you i would wait for you, so don’t apologize for that. let’s ignore all of the bad thoughts we may have had in the past and just enjoy what we have now and what is to come, yeah?”
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pmy95 · 4 years
for @miyeonfmd , partly because its peppero day but its generally just aly divulging accidentally…some things like probably being in a fan group kkt of miyeon : D i mean just look at her contact for miyeon
[ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] yall take a look at this T-T   [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] isn’t she so cute owo [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] attached image  [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] can’t remember when this was but but but eeeeeee [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] attached image [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] told you i had the biggest collection of cute miyeon photos uwu [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] i still can’t believe she’s grown into this [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] attached image [ to :💀🍒🍑 miyeon!!💦] miyeon miyeon miyeonnnnnn
↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] ....is that from rookie era???? ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] i’m assuming that wasn’t meant for me but ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] i’ll send you a never seen before photo ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] attached image ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] um.. i’m gonna send some of my favorite photos too ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] attached image ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] attached image ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] attached image ↳ sent to [ alyssia💕 ] very cute if you ask me.
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pmy95 · 4 years
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queen chungha
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pmy95 · 4 years
“miyeon, hi.” she murmured shyly, hands clasped slightly as her tongue darted over her lips, eyes flickering in the glowing lights. “i..uh, i missed you.” words spilled from her lips, unbidden as she reached for the younger girl, almost awkward as she tentatively reached for miyeon. “its been a month…since that day. if i hurt you, i-i’m sorry.” she whispered, cringing back slightly at the thought that perhaps–miyeon blamed her for everything that she had heard from her father’s phone call that day. 
miyeon was exhausted and wanted to go home. she had been under the radar the entire night. rather than engaging in the activities and conversing with other attendees, she focused on blending in instead. there were bigger things she was worried about, like the release of her single. every second that passed that night was a second closer to the release in under 24 hours. another situation on miyeon’s mind was running into alyssia. having not returned after the incident, she was sure there would be some type of confrontation between them and she would rather not deal with it at that specific time. however as the night went on without spotting the other, miyeon let her guard down, assuming alyssia didn’t show up.
then she hears her.
miyeon silently cursed under her breath as she sees the other coming towards her. miyeon wasn’t ready to face alyssia yet, so her attention quickly shifted away in search for a way out. she hates that her first instinct is to run away instead of confronting issues, but
“hm?” she hopes alyssia doesn’t pick up on her dismissive tone, as there were still things they needed to talk about. “hello aly. i’m happy to see you here and free to walk wherever.” miyeon wants to reach out for aly’s hand, but she restrains herself from making more contact with the older woman. “how have you been? i hope you’ve been doing better.” her eyes wander, trying to find any excuse to get herself out of the conversation and retrieve the letter she wrote for aly before she ended up making things worse between them. 
“what?” miyeon’s head whips around in confusion. “why are you apologizing? you weren’t at fault for that, i was... i wasn’t in a good place to be there, but I came anyway. would’ve handled it better on any other day. don’t worry about it, it’s fine.” she’s not sure if she’s convincing the other, but she was fully focused on alyssia now. “i missed you too alyssia. i was more scared of what you thought of me to return. i see that i was worried for nothing since you sought me out.”
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pmy95 · 4 years
“tell that to my brothers. they’re the ones that do it, not me.” a hand raises to land on the nape of her neck as she quietens down for a moment, another sigh passing through her lips as she rubbed her neck sheepishly. “see, that’s why you need me and my big brain, which if you never knew, exhausts itself after 5 to 10 minutes of excessive thinking.” 
“i mean i wouldn’t necessarily blame you if you did.” she falls silent as she refuses to continue the train of thought. she was not going to attempt to convince sia again at the moment. “i wouldn’t at all, but i’d like it a lot if you stayed.” miyeon silently hummed to herself once she finished, relaxing in the presence of the other. a grunt escapes her lips as her hands rushes up to smack sia’s hands away from her face. she should’ve seen it coming, but miyeon had let her guard down. “hands off please. i should start charging people to pinch my cheeks with how often it happens.” she mumbled, knowing sia would let go eventually on her own will. “yes. i’ve heard that my cheeks are so called pinchable for years. i don’t see it at all. also, sometimes i am worth listening to. it may not be often, but i do still have my moments.” 
the dancer chuckled, nodding in agreement. “yeah, you are. what’s the point in doing anything if we don’t exactly have to? that’s why we are the perfect pair. i’d say that the fact that we are low maintenance is the selling point. and everyone will want to have a friendship like ours. on the same wavelength and everything.” she snorted at her own remark. it was too much trouble to replicate a dynamic like theirs.
“don’t act like you don’t also benefit from my mother’s need to share everything about me. if i had any say, those photos wouldn’t even exist.” she scrunched her nose again as she thought back on the giant photo books in her mom’s possession. she wasn’t sure she has seen all of the photos her mother had, as there always appeared to be a new photo. “me and my brain are more than capable of holding its own, but thank you for offering your intellect either way.“
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pmy95 · 4 years
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(190810) Chungha performing Gotta Go at Island K-Pop Festival ✨
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pmy95 · 4 years
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#HappyChunghaDay ♡ 1996.02.09
Happy 23rd birthday to one of the most beautiful, kindest, talented and hardworking people out there!!! I love you so much and hope that you are always healthy and happy! ✨
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pmy95 · 4 years
LMAO what a pleasant thing to wake up to. i feel more violated that the fact i basically never unfollow people got exposed.
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pmy95 · 4 years
"well...not sure if you've heard it before, but dahee--that's my name." she pauses for a moment, allowing a tentative smile to slip across her face. "park dahee. that's my full name. i don't--i don't suppose that you think that alyssia's really my name, right?" she fidgets. "i just..don't like being called dahee. i haven't been called that in years and i don't want to be called that for a long while."
“thank you” her voice was small, resembling how she felt. she was grateful that she wasn’t being kicked out the room, but she still felt guilty being there. she felt as if her presence in the room was hurting alyssia more than helping. she was too emotional, already on the verge of crying from the memories she tried her absolute hardest to surpress. “i’m sorry for inconveniencing you alyssia. i promise i’ll leave soon... just not right now.” it was obvious that she shouldn’t have came yet, but she could never think logically when it came to alyssia.
miyeon didn’t say anything in response, as the answer was obvious. the younger reached out and intertwined her hands with the other. she was desperate to touch alyssia again. although she had been the one to put so much distance between them, she still thought about that night and how it felt to have alyssia right next to her in her own bed. it gave miyeon hope of what could be. “i like it when we have moments like this. it just feels right. like i’m meant to be with you... or something like that.” her words faltered at the end, losing what little confidence she had left.
her actions, however, always contradicted her words. as she frequently stated, this was all still new to her, and the emotions she felt towards the other was so strong that it scared her. it was hard for her to completely let herself be vulnerable in front of the other, but alyssia already had a glimpse of it. miyeon’s gaze focused on their hands, focusing on the older’s words and attempting to calm down.
she paused, running her thumb over the others’ knuckles as she thought about the information she just heard. while it wasn’t anything groundbreaking, it was still alyssia’s name. if they were to have a future together, that was something she’d have to remember. it didn’t change anything because miyeon rarely called people close to her by their actual name if they had a nickname or an alternate name. “okay, i’ll keep things the way they are.”
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