plwaveee · 8 years
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plwaveee · 8 years
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plwaveee · 8 years
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plwaveee · 8 years
This is quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂
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plwaveee · 8 years
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I think that Aaliyah’s death will always leave a hole in urban music, and I think that people will always miss her, but I hope that the positive image that she represented will carry on, and that young people will still aspire to the greatness that she exuded. -Emil Wilbekin She had a refreshing outlook for one so young, with true respect for her art and for her elders. She brought joy to my heart, and I felt blessed to encourage and support her professionally and personally as she strove for each new goal. -Gladys Knight She would just do silly stuff. One time, she put these big fake teeth in her mouth, the kind you get at a joke shop, and she came into my room and started doing the scenes from Romeo Must Die. Her personality was very playful, but she was also equally caring and compassionate. -Missy Elliott (Aaliyah) was like my seventh daughter. She had so much grace. That’s why I just thought her so special — that such a young person always approached her creativity with humility and her success with such grace. -Quincy Jones She matured a lot in the last year. She really settled into her womanhood. Her parents gave her more freedom, and she took more control of her projects. She fell in love with Damon and that was it. She wanted to have a family, and we talked about how we couldn’t wait to kick back with our babies. -Kidada Jones God definitely must’ve needed an extra angel. A real strong angel. -Sean Combs
I want people to remember me as a full on entertainer and a good person.
R.I.P. BabyGirl (16 January 1979 - 25 August 2001 ∞)
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plwaveee · 8 years
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Cidade de Deus (City of God)
Rio de Janeiro
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plwaveee · 8 years
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I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
Life of Pi (2012) dir. Ang Lee
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plwaveee · 8 years
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plwaveee · 8 years
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plwaveee · 8 years
Roman Reigns backstage right now: 
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Roman was ahead of the game, y’all! He knew AJ won’t shit from the start! lmao
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plwaveee · 8 years
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Then vs Now
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plwaveee · 8 years
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake
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plwaveee · 8 years
art hoe Instagram hows my ass taste
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plwaveee · 8 years
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Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade
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plwaveee · 8 years
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“Muhammad Ali was The Greatest. Period. If you just asked him, he’d tell you. He’d tell you he was the double greatest; that he’d ‘handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder into jail.’
But what made The Champ the greatest—what truly separated him from everyone else—is that everyone else would tell you pretty much the same thing.
Like everyone else on the planet, Michelle and I mourn his passing. But we’re also grateful to God for how fortunate we are to have known him, if just for a while; for how fortunate we all are that The Greatest chose to grace our time.
In my private study, just off the Oval Office, I keep a pair of his gloves on display, just under that iconic photograph of him—the young champ, just 22 years old, roaring like a lion over a fallen Sonny Liston. I was too young when it was taken to understand who he was—still Cassius Clay, already an Olympic Gold Medal winner, yet to set out on a spiritual journey that would lead him to his Muslim faith, exile him at the peak of his power, and set the stage for his return to greatness with a name as familiar to the downtrodden in the slums of Southeast Asia and the villages of Africa as it was to cheering crowds in Madison Square Garden.
'I am America,’ he once declared. 'I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me—black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own. Get used to me.’
That’s the Ali I came to know as I came of age—not just as skilled a poet on the mic as he was a fighter in the ring, but a man who fought for what was right. A man who fought for us. He stood with King and Mandela; stood up when it was hard; spoke out when others wouldn’t. His fight outside the ring would cost him his title and his public standing. It would earn him enemies on the left and the right, make him reviled, and nearly send him to jail. But Ali stood his ground. And his victory helped us get used to the America we recognize today.
He wasn’t perfect, of course. For all his magic in the ring, he could be careless with his words, and full of contradictions as his faith evolved. But his wonderful, infectious, even innocent spirit ultimately won him more fans than foes—maybe because in him, we hoped to see something of ourselves. Later, as his physical powers ebbed, he became an even more powerful force for peace and reconciliation around the world. We saw a man who said he was so mean he’d make medicine sick reveal a soft spot, visiting children with illness and disability around the world, telling them they, too, could become the greatest. We watched a hero light a torch, and fight his greatest fight of all on the world stage once again; a battle against the disease that ravaged his body, but couldn’t take the spark from his eyes.
Muhammad Ali shook up the world. And the world is better for it. We are all better for it. Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family, and we pray that the greatest fighter of them all finally rests in peace.” —President Obama
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plwaveee · 8 years
My new favorite gif of Seth:
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plwaveee · 8 years
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