pledikman · 2 minutes
Clover lived for a long time in a poor family that was not going to spend money on his birthday. Therefore, he used not to celebrate it. His new family is ready to fix it
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pledikman · 9 hours
(Reblogs appreciated more than likes!)
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WOW this took me HOURS. I had fun doing the pose for Flo but god if lighting and stuff was a pain since I don't do it often and. don't really know how to do it good. My friends have told me this looks fine and they really like it but I feel like this looks pretty crappy HAHAFHGJFKG
But aside from that, I've been wanting to draw something for this scene for awhile, even if it's not exactly top quality. Axis BLAST!!!!! I wonder if you can pick up on what's implied by this image...
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Here's Flo unshaded! Just because I like the pose.
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pledikman · 12 hours
If Starlo and Ceroba become grandparents when Clover adopts Frisk, how excited are the Sunnysides to be great grandparents?
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They were beyond excited and extremely accepting and eager (to an almost comical degree) to have another kid in the family to spoil and love! It probably was Orion who was like "Wait. Great grandkid? What're you talkin' about-" for them to actually question why and how Frisk appeared, LOL. They love Clover but they've missed having younger kids around, so of course they latch onto Frisk and give them lots of grandparent love in the time Frisk spends with Clover's family!
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pledikman · 21 hours
489 meme edition from undertale yellow!!
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pledikman · 1 day
An animatic made based on the fan fiction "Путь в никуда". (https://ficbook.net/readfic/018e3859-a6b8-7568-9586-b5f4df697f64)
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pledikman · 2 days
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(!)ᯏ .with the wolfes...
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pledikman · 2 days
The light of the moon
The shining sun
I know they will see it
When I have won
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IT SEEMED TO ME THAT THERE IS A PARALLEL BETWEEN THESE TWO. Two monsters whose child died. Two monsters who are fighting for the future of the monster nation. Two monsters who understand what sins they are committing, but want it to mean something and everything was not in vain. Fire, determination and despair
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pledikman · 2 days
Full link below clip aaa
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pledikman · 2 days
Thanks to my friend, I was able to install the red & yellow mod!!! And I've already gone to a neutral ending, GOD, I LOVE THIS GAME
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While I took a break from the game, I'm doing various sketches. I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS WITH THESE THREE, I cried the whole game, honestly
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It's a pity that there are no Dunes in this mod, so I'm going to draw Frisk's meeting with the inhabitants of the Wild East myself)
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pledikman · 3 days
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some older undertale yellow pieces!! can u tell i love this game whehe
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pledikman · 3 days
Don't go away
A reversal of events where Clover does not tell Ceroba to leave after he has given his soul, and Ceroba comforts Clover while he is dying and crying in pain
Another child dies in Ceroba's arms. She can't cry anymore
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pledikman · 3 days
Random doodle page
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It's been hard posting anything lately, I'm not happy with my style or with enough energy to finish anything really
Still I managed this little doodle page so I figured I would give y'all something at least, really don't know if I'm just burned out or needing to practice the basics again, either way hope y'all like this-
Stay determined!
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pledikman · 4 days
SLEEPY (and a little gloomy) CHILDREN!!!
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Thank you very much to @h-yellowfell for our conversation about our AUs!
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pledikman · 4 days
I found my first uty drawing!!!!
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I have a physics exam tomorrow, so I didn't have time to draw something new, but I have old drawings, right?
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pledikman · 5 days
Consequences wait when
You didn't do it perfect
So you do it all again
A game with your best friend!
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Over and over and over and over and over~
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pledikman · 6 days
and so... what is securitytale yellow and what is it eaten with?
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And so, as I said, this is AU, which was based on a comic book by one author on deviant art. I liked the concept of integrating monsters into human society and protecting these people and other things that are related to determination, but I didn't like the plot...And yes, the original name is SecuriTale, but, you know, copyrights and all that... that's why I changed the title, but I'm still referring to the original!!!
But there are changes too! And now I will tell you about everything in detail
I'll start with Clover's backstory. (I refer to Clover in he/his, as well as Frisk and Chara, because that's how it all works in my native language)
He was born into a fairly poor family consisting of parents and two older sisters. Clover's father was a drunkard and an aggressive man, while his mother was a very pious and timid woman who could not fight back. Clover's mother couldn't give birth to a boy for a long time, so her husband was very angry. And even when Clover was born, his father did not calm down and demanded a lot from his son. He wanted him to be someone successful, someone who could glorify their family. This attitude fostered hatred in Clover, and so he decided to climb the mountain and destroy all the monsters in order to become someone important
Clover initially did not have enough determination to manage the saving himself and remember something from other timelines, so Flowey helped him. But gradually Clover was able to cultivate his determination in such a way that he himself was able to manage preservation and be aware of his every death. The wounds that his opponents inflicted on him still left a scar even after restarts. A lot of pain, the source of which cannot be eliminated
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The above shows the change in Clover's appearance during his stay in the Underground (by the way, he was about 16 years old at the time of the fall)
And you know... Destroying monster families, Clover began to feel.. guilt and regret? He saw the families and couldn't get rid of the feeling that everything was different in the Underground. That you can be happy here. That the monsters here are not fighting for honor, but to protect those they love. Clover repented. He restarted the timeline, but despite the fact that he did everything right (ended his story on the pacifist), the consequences left an imprint on Clover's mind and appearance
After Clover, Frisk falls, who also begins the path of genocide due to boredom and loneliness, but gives up before Chara and restarts, already beating everything well. The monsters are coming out. Frisk, with the help of Alphis, tries to resurrect some of the children who fell into the Underground, but except for Clover and two other people, no one gets up. Clover meets Martlet, Dalv, Starlo and Ceroba a few years later, and the latter two take Clover under their care while he studies law. Frisk also acts as an ambassador for monsters and is under the care of Toriel. Clover and Frisk communicate well, and Frisk also told him about Chara, although they do not try to solve anything with him, although it is clear that Chara is not just a ghost of Frisk's past and not just his guilt
In general, the story of securititale is about analyzing one's actions, fighting with oneself and one's other inner self, in this case it is the struggle of Clover and his previous version, as well as Frisk and Chara
Also, these are problems of society and laws, family and love. Staroba is the canon here. and here I also put in my own experiences. My aunt, after the death of her husband (my godfather), was able to move on and find a new love, but I did not. In the same way, two parts are fighting in Ceroba: the part that wants to move on and love Starlo, as well as the part that seems to betray the memory of her husband by loving another. in general, there are a lot of my personal traumas and experiences in this AU, which is why I love it
So... Clover in this AU may seem callous, cold and rude, but this is only because his mistakes affect him. But he doesn't like to hurt people. And he really loves his family, no matter how distant he may seem. He decided to turn back time and save his loved ones from himself. He's afraid to do something wrong, but he's not evil. He is just a teenager who is tormented by nightmares of his past lives and he is desperately trying to forget and move on.
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pledikman · 6 days
draw lucky clover in a dress.
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Clover in a dress as requested! With a bonus trying on a kimono with Ceroba, just because I felt like it.
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