pistichan-blog · 11 years
// I should make it official.
I'm going on a hiatus on here because I haven't been feeling my muse lately.
Not to mention, my exams are approaching and I might go on a semi-hiatus also on my other accounts.
I'm sorry, but I'll try to be back as soon as I can. I hope you will understand ; ;
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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Reblog if you are an italian MAGI role player!
(and If you want, insert an icon of you character!)
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
// pokes tummy
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Yamu... what's this? Have you gained weight?
sindrias-swordsman said: she knows nothing. it’s .. its just a damn lie.
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Of course it is, you and I would never—I mean, you and I…it would never happen—!
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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Aw, you even have the same reactions!
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So, when is the wedding?
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
Keep it Cool
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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And now back to our regularly scheduled program, or at least until I run out of ideas. These two are my guinea pigs for mashing people together. ( ̄v ̄)a
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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Also, I was almost forgetting!
Congrats, Yamu! ゝ。∂
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
(( How do people even stay on more than one account...
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
// surely it's one hell of a dick
Hey, Hey guys—-
As Hakuyuu is something like a ghost, I bet his D takes you to heaven—-
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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………i’m sorry
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
Of lacy underwear and clothes [closed]
The second she reached her room, Pisti rushed to her wardrope, opening the doors and staring at its content. She put her hands on her hips, a cheerful expression on her face.
From where could she start?
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The King asked her to properly dress Ja'far, who was now a woman thanks to the spell of a grey faced magician. She promised him that Ja'far would have been gorgeous, and so now she was determineted to give it her best shot.
It was a good thing that Pisti didn't only buy clothes for her, but that she spent a great part of her money to buy also clothes that suited other people (and not to mention her secret collection 'for when I will grow up').
She started to pick some clothes, thinking that they would probably fit Ja'far's body type, but the little general definitely needed to see the older woman to be certain. For now, she could only be certain about the colors...
To say the truth, there was another reason why she was so excited.
Despite loving buying clothes for other people and making her friends wear them, she has never been able to do it with another girl due to the lack of female friends.
Often she ended up dressing Spartos (often she teamed up with Sharrkan; and  that always brought them a lot of laughs), but to actually dress up another girl...
She had tried many times with Yamu, and sometimes she succeeded, but... the older general has never wanted to wear them for more than 2 minutes, and she had always told her that those clothes weren't practical for a magician. Even if she didn't return them, Pisti never saw her wearing them.
She knew how Yamu was, after all, and the magician was too in love with her potions and her magic books to regularly spend time in 'trivial' activities like this.
So, Pisti was actually excited to have the possibility to spend time with another girl doing a girly thing.
She knew Ja'far would have probably showed a bit of resistance at first, but she was determineted to make her beautiful. 
She also popped her head out of her room and stopped a maid, asking her to bring what she knew was Ja'far's favorite flavour of tea.
Yes, everything was ready. Now she had only to wait for Ja'far-san!
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
"That would be great!" 
That was definitely the best solution, because she needed to make order and then choose the clothes minutely. Since her collection was so big, she doubted she could choose just few items and then go away.
Despite having a vague idea about what she wanted Ja'far to wear, she would probably get new ones as soon as she had the other woman in front of her. 
 "Of course she won't~ Everything will be perfect, and even Ja'far-san will have to agree with us!"
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There was a little amused smile on her lips when she noticed the disappointment in her King's voice for not being able to assist.
"That's ok, King. After all, mystery is what makes a woman even more beautiful isn't it? And of course a surprise is better if you don't know what's coming~
I assure you that you won't be disappointed! She will be my masterpiece!"
And after saying those words, she bowed and parted ways with her King, running as fast as she could towards her room.
Hearing Pisti begin to ramble in reference to Ja’far’s breasts made another low chuckle escape Sinbad’s lips. He didn’t seem to notice nor mind the fact that the girl was having to double her speed and strides in order to keep up with the king’s more long and languid ones. This was probably because the king felt it to be more insulting for Pisti for him to go out of his way to make things easy on the small girl. The last thing he’d want to do is offend his general for thinking something as simple as walking beside him was too difficult for her to do without his consideration. 
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“How about I send her to your room then?”
As they reached the tower the king paused their ascent of a staircase to glance up towards where his own room was. “I’m sure once she sees you have put preparation in for her arrival she won’t be able to argue as much against your impeccable fashion taste.”
Moving again with a bit more deliberate speed Sinbad hurried them along until they were able to reach the younger’s room. “I’ll go fetch her but I don’t think I can stay.” Was there a slight whine to his voice as Sinbad spoke those words? If it were not apparent before it would be now that the king was disappointed he could not see the changing process. There was a difference between raising a girl from childhood to puberty as he had done with Yamuraiha and suddenly being forced to see the beauty of womanhood in a person he had known for a good majority of his life. 
“I’ll leave it to you then.”
Hands falling to rest upon his waist the king’s grin broadened once more. “I’m looking forward to seeing the results, Pisti!”
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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Yamu & Pisti - Magi Ending
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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Source : Find and Try
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
"Trust me, King! You'll be proud of me!" she says, excited "You know my sense of fashion has no match!"
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This was the chance of an entire life, and she would never waste it. She has often bought clothes for the other generals, but if making the male generals wear her gifts was quite easy (if one knows the right buttons to push, and Pisti knew them all), she can't say that Yamuraiha gave her much satisfaction. But now, she had the King's blessing, and she was going to give it her best shot.
She doesn't even question why the King wanted to see ja'far in feminine clothes so bad, she isn't stupid and she sknows how he is around women... and moreover let's be frank: it would have been a waste to let ja'far wear his normal clothes when for once he-- she could wear so many pretty things.
And mh, the king already checked, didn't he? Pisti laughed at the mimicking, amused.
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"Oh, I see. Well, that makes sense, I mean, even as a man Ja'far san is thinner than Yamu; if he had big boobs, those would be a problem for him -even though that would be soooo funny- ... ah, but at the same time, it makes sense she's not flat... I remember he has quite a lot of meat in his legs, uh... those are so pretty... I wonder if they look even greater now..."
She kept talking while they were heading to the King's room, making big steps just to be able to keep up with her King's ones.
"Mh, probably it's better if she comes to my room, then. Don't worry, as soon as she will be ready I'll send her back to you~ Unless you don't want to come in and give us a... suggestion~"
But that was just teasing, they both knew that Ja'far would never allowed that. Though she would have liked to see Ja'far become all flushed...
She did once with Yamu, letting an embarrassed Spartos come in and then run away with his face of a deep red shade; and she regularly asks the poor boy to give his opinions on her new clothes.
  Sinbad’s face is a mixture of curiosity and deviousness as he leans over to listen to Pisti.
Which was really saying something given how it was quite the lean over to get down to Pisti’s size. 
“Actually I have found your personal collection is far more impressive than my own.”
Why in the world would the king have a stash of woman’s clothing? Lets just not ask questions about what all he has had his nightly visitors do when he takes them back to his room. “So impress me?” A finger is held up to Sinbad’s laps as if to insinuate his wish for a really great surprise. 
Even if knowledge of his and Ja’far’s…excursions wasn’t well-known (after all, telling people like Pisti or Sharrkan was invitation for rumors to be spread) the monarch presumed his own lechery and desire for women would aid him in getting Pisti to dress Ja’far up to his heart’s content. It probably helped a lot that it was now common knowledge he had made passes at Yamuraiha as well in this case. 
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“Hmm her size though-“
Honestly Sinbad hadn’t been able to grope her for that long. But he presumed he could make a fairly accurate guess. 
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“Around a B or a C?”
Just ignore the way his fingers are mimicking his earlier groping as if to get a feel of Ja’far’s breasts again. 
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pistichan-blog · 11 years
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