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The man himself, Gabriel
I was not looking forward to redesigning him, he’s just so ugly. And by that I mean his design and 3D model are unappealing. A character can be “ugly” and appealing, but Gabe just looks unfinished.
Something you learn about character design is the importance of visual clarity. And both Gabe and Hawkdaddy miss the mark by a lot.
Gabe’s grey/cream sweater and hair work, but they’re then juxtaposed by his red trousers and toothpaste swirl ascot. All together he doesn’t look like the bad guy, and more importantly doesn’t look like a fashion designer. Where’s the flair? Where’s the fun? So I removed all the red from his design and replaced it with a monochrome look. It’s the sterile Agreste brand I have going on. Adrien and Nathalie are also in mostly white, visually tying them to Gabe.
Next Hawkmoth. Insert egg head/bald joke here To me it’s not the bald head that’s the issue, it’s everything else. There is nothing about him that informs the audience that he’s a butterfly. He’s just “man in purple suit and ugly head mask”, he’s not even vaguely threatening. And same goes for Shadowmoth. He gets two visually striking animals and chooses boring.
Styling a butterfly for a man is hard, especially for a man who wants to maintain his masculinity when transformed, but if they HAD to give him a boring suit, at least make the collar or the sides of the coat visually interesting?
So I looked at some high end fashion. Shapes and textures are important, and since he barely ever moves from his man cave, he can get away with having an impractical design. Maybe he can remove the coat and reveal a pair of wings underneath when needed? I just want him to have an epic air battle with Ladybug.
Some old concept art for him depicts him in all black with a visor shaped like the akuma mask. I love that. It looks really cool and makes him look hella threatening. I have the idea that throughout Season 1 you see a shot of Paris with Hawkmoth talking over it. Then in the season finale the camera pans back to reveal we were looking at his visor the whole time. This could show that he could be anyone and anywhere.
Only two more baddies left to go, I wonder who’s next?
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sorry for no posts for a while! my fucky brain has decided to fixate on something else rn and school is ruining my whole life so I haven’t really been feeling like drawing mlb, but I’ll still check here to see people’s thoughts on the finale
mlb just makes me irrationally angry and I’m angry about school already so I don’t feel like engaging with it rn,, so I’m getting into MUCH better shows rn
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it’s giving PS2 cutscene 😭😭
I'm just watching Qilin and...I had to pause this episode midway and take a breather because it is just...I don't know, so bad. That police officer berating Sabine basically looks like someone from the Empire from Star Wars. (Kinda fits to the whole racism thingy, I guess, but it's still kinda over the top. Not really my taste, but those differ, so that's that.) But what really irks me is the animation. It outright looks unfinished? Shadows are missing, movements are wonky...oof.
You know, originally, I was going to make a little video editing screenshots of the episode’s poor animation onto the SpongeBob “LOOK AT IT!” meme, but then I saw someone else made their own video with a lot more to say about the episode’s animation.
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sorry 4 no posts school has been chafing my ass lately and I’m not too strong with ideas rn but luka and felix r fruity ok bye
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day 7272625 of me not knowing how to reply to tumblr comments it physically won’t let me
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it’s all fun and games until I whip out the soft and tender rewrite adrienette
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out of spite to this one person I fought with on Instagram im making chloe x lila a canon ship in my mlb rewrite
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more chloe stuff 🥳🥳🥳
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if anyone was wondering about the dynamic between my rewrite chat noir and rewrite hawkmoth this video sums it up
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kagami has autism you guys it’s true thomas astruc told me himself
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I’m so happy someone brought up how little nuance Gabriel’s writing has my god 😭😭 the whole show lacks any nuance at all but gabriel REALLY takes the cake the writers literally ahve no fuckin clue what to do with the guy and write him so inconsistently it’s terrible
I can guarantee you they’ll have him have a crappy reconciliation with adrien 😕
Sometimes, I feel like the writers don’t know Gabriel Agreste is abusive, which would explain why his characterization is all over the place.
They want a monstrous villain and a sympathetic father figure. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
The sprinkles of “concern” in episodes like “Glaciator 2” and all of the implications that “Gabriel was a nice and wonderful father before his wife died uwu” are so unbelievably triggering—that’s not how it works.
Abuse doesn’t manifest overnight.
Like, is this unbelievably nuanced writing depicting how abusers love-bomb and tactfully dole out affection to keep their victims placated and docile?
Or are they stumbling ass-backwards and completely missing the themes and message of the narrative being written?
Just because Gabriel’s most heinous onscreen acts of violence and psychological torment occurred in timelines that have now been erased, doesn’t negate their existence. That is what he is capable of. That is him.
Stabbing someone in the chest and proclaiming it’s an act of love does not make it so. One’s intentions are irrelevant if their behavior is completely contradictory.
I feel like the audience is being gaslit into thinking the man is sympathetic. He is not. He is irredeemable. Being a father doesn’t absolve your abusive behavior. Adrien does not need to forgive his abuser. Adrien should not accept this treatment.
Gabriel is not entitled to contact with his son.
Who knows. I genuinely hope I’m wrong.
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marinette radiates the exact same energy as that annoying ass elephant from sing
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HES TRYING OKAY 😭😭 single dads r hot anyways
I still have no idea how to reply to tumblr comments so I’ll talk about rewrite gabriel here!
he’s someone who will do what he thinks is best for his son and does genuinely care about adrien,, he would never hurt him intentionally. He can be somewhat distant and sometimes strict but he really wants his kid to be happy and he refuses to akumatise him as hawkmoth. He also became extremely concerned when he found out adrien was sneaking out with other kids in his fencing class,, he talks to him about it and lets him attend school as a result, he did isolate him at a fairly young age but only out of fear after emilies passing. He’s not the greatest guy around and has done some crappy things but he tries his best to be a good dad,, albeit making some questionable decisions sometimes
plus he’s a dilf
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I still have no idea how to reply to tumblr comments so I’ll talk about rewrite gabriel here!
he’s someone who will do what he thinks is best for his son and does genuinely care about adrien,, he would never hurt him intentionally. He can be somewhat distant and sometimes strict but he really wants his kid to be happy and he refuses to akumatise him as hawkmoth. He also became extremely concerned when he found out adrien was sneaking out with other kids in his fencing class,, he talks to him about it and lets him attend school as a result, he did isolate him at a fairly young age but only out of fear after emilies passing. He’s not the greatest guy around and has done some crappy things but he tries his best to be a good dad,, albeit making some questionable decisions sometimes
plus he’s a dilf
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some civilian gabriels! he’s great
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I love it when people explain why mlb sucks in a really detailed way it’s my favourite thing ever to read cuz the only thing I can really say is “this show is ass”
It really feels like That Guy is basically trying to operate the show as if it's going to be one of those 500+ episode long-runners where they have minimal definition to in-universe time passing (as in, there may be comments about "X has been so long" but at the same time nobody ages). The problem is even those styles of work where they go on for decades have SOME plot progression and, if you ignore the filler, you can actually trace character arcs and plot progression even if it happens at a slow pace. ML... Doesn't really have that because of the inconsistency. They COULD have a story told achronologically, that's a valid style of story-telling. But you still need an actual chronological timeline to work with internally and that your audience can piece together themselves. ML doesn't seem to *have* an internal timeline they work from, going back and forth on things and being weirdly contradictory in a way that can't be considered "just achronological storytelling". Basically he seems to be very badly attempting a complicated method of telling the story AND trying to treat it as if it's the same thing as a show that's been on air for 20+ years. He doesn't have the skill to pull off either.
Another thing of note is how the show clearly has a timeline and a set goal, but the show doesn’t really do a good job saying how long said timeline has been. Sure, we know things have happened like new heroes and Marinette becoming the Guardian, but with all kinds of holidays like Valentine’s Day and Christmas happening, as well as the heroes somehow getting all this merchandise in less than a year, it makes it hard to really get a feeling of progression because of how inconsistent the show’s events have unfolded.
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