pineishere64 · 8 months
Drastic measures
WARNING: Nothing but only contains tickling.
Lee!Stanley and Ler!Narrator 
"Stanley walked to a different room. He was told to go to the meeting room, but he ignored me." the Narrator said on his mic and sighed in disappointment. He was trying to get Stanley to follow his rules, but the employee would refuse to listen. 
That is when the Narrator would have an idea. He would get up from his chair and go to his drawers. He opened it and pulled out a voodoo doll that looked like Stanley. "Perhaps he'll listen." The elderly man said as he turned to the camera monitor and he would sit back down on his chair. 
Meanwhile, Stanley would be going to different areas and stopping at the lounge. As he sat down, he would hear the Narrator, but he sounded different. "Stanley, I am absolutely disappointed in you for not listening. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in you. For not following my rules, I'm afraid that I'll have to take some drastic measures." 
And just like that, the Narrator summons a very fluffy feather and brushes it on the voodoo doll, making Stanley jolted in his seat. The employee would look around and try to wonder what was tickling him? The man behind the camera monitor poked the doll's stomach and sides, watching Stanley jumping and squeaking. "What is the Narrator doing?! Did he use some magic on me?" Stanley thought to himself as he would be squirming.
"Stanley began to giggle and question himself on why am I tickling him. Hehe, we'll have to find out if he’s going to give up and listen." the man with the glasses narrated on Stanley while brushing the fluffy feather on the doll, seeing Stanley on his knees and giggling. While he was holding his sides, Stanley would be trying to hold his giggles in. 
"I'm sorry Stanley, but this is just how it's going to be. Since you disobey the rules of my game, I'm afraid that I have to punish you like this." the Narrator would brush his fingers on the doll's stomach slowly, noticing that Stanley started laughing and squirming on the camera monitor. "Stanley bursted out laughing as he felt his stomach being tickled by some unknown force. 
Stanley would be squirming and laughing, trying to find a way to stop the tickling. But then, he felt something tickling his stomach. The employee let out a laugh and kicked his feet onto the air. "So, are you ready to surrender?" the Narrator asked as he skitter his fingertips on the doll, watching the employee squirm around on his computer monitor. Stanley yelped as he giggled and squirmed around the lounge, turning from side to side. 
And finally, the Narrator would stop and put the doll aside from his keyboard, looking at Stanley on the computer as he gave out a sign of surrendering. “I hope you learned your lesson.” the man with the yellow scarf says as he turns from his computer. The employee would get up and sigh, then he would sit down on the chair to catch his breath.
“Had enough, dear Stanley?” the man in glasses asked in a smug tone, earning a thumbs up from the employee. “Well then, let that be a lesson to you.” the Narrator informed Stanley before sitting back into his chair and glance at his monitor, continuing to tell Stanley the directions to the meeting room.
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pineishere64 · 10 months
I forgot this blog exists sorry for not posting a lot. I'll try to get back on some stuff that have been unfinished.
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pineishere64 · 11 months
Working on something
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pineishere64 · 11 months
This has been in my head lately
Okay so, what if the Narrator created a voodoo doll of Stanley just to mess with him? He is only going to use it just to tease Stanley whenever he doesn’t listen.
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pineishere64 · 1 year
More lee!stanley and ler!narrator???!
I'm working on other things but sure.
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pineishere64 · 1 year
What if I made a tickle fic where Deimos and Sanford use tickling just to tease 2BDamned?
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pineishere64 · 1 year
Thinking about more lee!narrator and other characters being lers on him
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pineishere64 · 1 year
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pineishere64 · 1 year
I need more ideas
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pineishere64 · 1 year
Hiya buddy! If your still doing requests can you do a lee noob
If I have the chance soon, I'll make more of tickle content. :)
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pineishere64 · 1 year
Taking revenge
Warning: This contains tickling. Nothing else.
A sequel to “Return the scarf”
Lee!Narrator and Ler!Stanley
That evening at the company, Stanley was sitting in his chair, tapping his fingers on the desk as he stared at the computer. As he was about to type, he heard something from behind. “Stanley.” a voice was recognizable that the mute employee knew. Just then, he turned around and saw a man with a yellow scarf shaped like an arrow by the tip. 
"Can I help you?" the mute employee signed. "We need to talk, Stanley." the Narrator said as he pulled up a chair and sat by the employee. "Let me guess, it's about the scarf, isn't it?" Stanley signed as he was asking a question. The man with the yellow glasses nodded and the employee sighed, then the Narrator responded to him.
“Stanley, you took my scarf, that’s why I tickled you the last time.” the Narrator said as the mute employee was not happy about the last time. Stanley signed, “It was only a scarf, but you took it seriously.” That's when the Narrator places a hand on his shoulder and speaks. 
"It was a scarf that belongs to me, Stanley Rider."
As the Narrator finished his words, Stanley sighed again. Until he began to think of a plan. A plan to get revenge on the Narrator from the last time he was tickled. Then, something struck his mind, he would be thinking if the Narrator is ticklish. The elderly man would look at the employee in confusion. "Stanley?" he asked.
Without a word or a question, Stanley poked the Narrator's right side, earning a noise from him. "S-stop that! You should know it tickles-!" Then the Narrator would realize that he had dumbfounded himself. The quiet employee smirked and got up from his chair, then he would hold the Narrator down.
"Stanley! Let go of me!" the elderly man exclaimed as the employee ignored his demands. Then, he slowly skitters his fingers on the Narrator's sides and ribs, getting a giggle from him. "Stanley! Stahahahap now! I mean it!" the man with a yellow scarf cried and laughed. Stanley chuckled silently and started tickling the Narrator's sides, stomach, and ribs. "WAHAHAIT! NOHOHOHOHO NOT THERE! STANLEY! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" 
As the mute employee continued, he would notice a feather duster nearby. He picked it up from the table and headed back to the Narrator. Then, he would brush the feather duster on his stomach and sides, earning a giggle from the Narrator. "CUT IT OUT THIS INSTANT!" the Narrator laughed and squirmed on the ground as he tried to escape. 
"I want you to apologize for what you did last time." Stanley signed as he decided to use his hands again to tickle the Narrator. "BWHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAP! I'LL APOLOGIZE OKAY?!" the man with a yellow scarf screamed with laughter. As soon as Stanley stopped tickling, the Narrator would fall onto the floor and apologize to him, trying to catch a breath.
"I'm sorry for tickling you over my scarf the last time."
Stanley then chuckled and decided to help the Narrator up. As they both got back on their feet, the Narrator would glance at Stanley. "I won't forgive you for this," he said under his breath, but he didn't want to admit that he was also ticklish, just like Stanley. 
But will our fellow employee remember that the Narrator is ticklish and will use it to his advantage? Probably… 
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pineishere64 · 1 year
so i had an idea. the original idea for this fic was that "sanford pranked both hank and deimos, so he gets tickled as a revenge sort of thing" but then i got an even better prompt. so i scrapped it and made this.
happy (late) april fools everyone! this is for @yallmakemyassitch who wanted lee!sanford (what a cutie) and ler!deimos (also a cutie) so i decided to smush them together lolol and make this (hopefully) wonderful fic.
i hope it's good!!
deimos gets sulky that everyone is falling for his pranks except for sanford. then 2bdamned lets him in on a little secret, one that changes the course of events. let's just hope that sanford can pull through this one.
the whole gang is in this fic. there's some lee!deimos in the beginning with ler!2bdamned, but it's very brief. it's mostly sanford getting destroyed after a mission.
it ended up being longer than i thought it'd be. i feel like that's a running theme with mc fics.
there is implications of deimos having a crush on sanford bc eheheheheh *gay* its also not proofread. idrc. LOL. im going to bed.
they/them for 2bdamned || he/him for deimos and sanford || he/they for hank.
“Another one, Doc,” Deimos whined, lowering his head onto the wood of the bar they had in their lounge. Today was April Fools - and of course, as the biggest jokester in the group, Deimos just had to do something to each of the organization's members. They were mainly harmless pranks that he’d pull every year that managed to surprise them every year. Some of them included replacing the salt in the sugar container (he had gotten 2BDamned with that earlier, and boy was it priceless), putting paper signs on the backs of his friends, and even going as far as the change the shower head and add washable hair dye into it. Harmless little things like that really spiced up the holiday, but there was one person that he wasn’t able to prank. 
No matter what he had done, nothing seemed to work on him. All of the food pranks he had lined up got overlooked easily, and he seemed totally on guard the entire day. Hell, even Hank wasn’t this bad! He actually fell for the hair dye prank earlier, and let’s just say he wasn’t the happiest camper in the building after that. It wasn’t like he could stay mad at Deimos for long though, it was his day to shine, and he’d let him have that. The jumpscare pranks didn’t catch him off-guard, and if he even suspected that it was part of Deimos’ prank, he’d refuse it. 
2BDamned slid another drink over to the saddened technician, huffing slightly as they wiped down behind the bar. “Are you seriously sulking over not being able to prank Ford?” They asked, leaning their body over the edge. Deimos frowned, nodding against the wood as he slowly sipped from the glass he was given. As much as they wanted the hook-wielder to be prank-free today, it just didn’t seem fair that they all got pranked except for him. Doc let out a sigh, putting away his drinks as he patted Deimos on the head softly. 
“Listen, kid,” they started, watching the other’s head lift up slowly. “What if I told you that there was a way to prank him? Well, maybe not prank him, but I can tell you one of his weaknesses.” The way his eyes lit up was a sight to behold, and he grinned, his sharp teeth poking out. “Really?” he asked, tilting his head. He almost looked like a curious dog to them. It was almost endearing, to be honest, and even they couldn’t help but smirk underneath their mask. They dropped the cloth they were using to clean the tabletop, slowly making their way over to where he was sitting. 
“Yeah. Want me to show you how you’re going to get him?” 
The other nodded frantically. Without a warning, the Doc’s fingers grasped at the technician’s sides, squeezing with enough intensity to make the other squeal, his legs kicking upwards and almost hitting the underside of the table. A few seconds later, his mouth flew open and his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Doc’s hands, watching their fingers wiggle in place. “Wahait, you’re tellin’ me…” 
“... that Sanford is ticklish? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.” They finished his sentence, shrugging like it was everyday information they knew. Well, in all fairness, they were their primary doctor and nothing got past them. Especially how ticklish they knew all three of them were, that was for damn sure. Deimos’ mouth was still open, the cogs in his brain turning as he processed this information. Sanford? Ticklish? 
He hadn’t even considered the possibility of it. Sanford was just the person to not be fazed by anything, being one of the ‘toughest motherfuckers around’, as the technician had said once. Suddenly, the door burst open to the base, and no one else but the man himself walked through, carrying around a heavy bag full of weapons. “I’m back from the mission,” Sanford yelled out, groaning as he carried the bag to the side of the couch. The timing was absolutely impeccable, and the tech stared up at the doctor. Doc tilted their head forward as if telling Deimos “now’s your chance” without actually speaking to him. 
Deimos hesitated for a moment, clearly still thinking about it. He shook his head. What was he doing?! This was his chance to finally get Sanford, and he was not letting this pass by! He lifted himself off the bar stool, tiptoeing over to the couch where the hook-wielder had sat down, staring down at the bag of weapons he had to sort out later. A few more steps and he’d be close enough to grab him… just a little closer. … one more step.
Without warning, Deimos tackled the other to the couch, essentially pinning him down underneath him. “What are you-! Agh-.” He groaned as he felt the weight of the technician on his waist. Normally, Sanford would be able to turn the tables easily in rough-housing sessions like this, but since he had just gotten back from a mission that required him to be a bit more active than usual, all of that energy had completely drained from him. 
“Well, I may or may not have heard someone say a little something about how I can ‘prank’ you this April Fools, so, of course, I’m going to take the chance I’ve got! Let's see," Deimos muttered, grinning basically from ear to ear as he picked out a spot to attack first. Eventually, his hands landed by his sides, just as Doc had done to him, and he squeezed.
The shriek that rang through the building did not disappoint.
Sanford threw his head back against the couch's armrest, suddenly unable to fight back at all against the ticklish sensations running up his sides. "aAHAHhhAHAHhAH- D-dEIHIMOS!" His voice cracked slightly as the other grabbed his wrists weakly, but that only really edged the other on, his little grin suddenly turning to a playfully sinister smirk. His fingers dug deeper into his flesh, and suddenly, he wished he hadn't worn so little on the daily. Sanford's back arched into his fingers (un)fortunately, and Deimos being the little shit he was with this information, vibrated his fingertips against the now visible bone of his lower ribs.
"What's wrong, Ford? Do you just happen to be a bit ticklish~? Just a wittle~?"
Deimos could even hear 2BDamned snort in the back, clearly amused with the reactions they were getting from the poor, tortured man. Sanford's bubbly laughter continued to pour out almost endlessly, his legs kicking out and digging into the cushions of the couch. As if he wasn't ticklish enough, he just had to start teasing him! It completely caught him off-guard and the whole room could see his face turn into a dark shade of red.
"nAHAAHAHA- StAhAHAHAHAHP yOHOHOU DUHUHUMBAHAHASS!" Deimos almost seemed offended. Almost. Considering he couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face, it was quite awkward to try and act like that was something that truly hurt his feelings. He adored the reactions he was getting from the one squirming underneath him, watching him try to control himself despite his nerves telling him the opposite. "Oh, so you wanna throw insults, huh? Let's not forget who's in what position, now, yeah?" The other leaned forward, whispering into the other's ear softly which only sent him into more hysterics, scrunching his neck up to protect himself. He ultimately failed. "2B! Know any good tactics?"
"Fruit," was all they responded, trying to keep their own reactions at bay. Fruit? What the hell was that supposed to mean? As his fingers continued to roam all over the larger man's torso, the lightbulb finally went off. Ohhhh. Fruit.
His fingers suddenly stopped, and Sanford was given a moment to breathe. "Do you like fruit, Sanford?" The question sounded so innocent, but the grin that followed it was so sinister that it sent shivers down his spine. He looked back and forth nervously, his lips twitching upwards in an awkward smile. "I-I guess? Buhuhut that has nothing to do with-" his eyes widened in realization as he finally figured out what that meant. "No- no. No. Deimos. DEIMOS. Don't you dare." Sanford quite literally let out the most pitiful whine he had ever heard, but the technician continued testing his limits, pursing his lips as he slowly lowered his head down to his tummy.
Deimos looked upwards, a raised eyebrow visible underneath his visor. "Don't 'what', Sanford?" Please fall for it, please fall for it, please fall for it. It was the only thing that he was begging for, and surprisingly, in a nervous mess between knowing that he was about to be tickled to tears and the teasing that Deimos hadn't stopped, he actually responded in a way that favored the technician.
"TICKLE ME-" Sanford's nose scrunched up as he realized his mistake. "WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN IT- DEIMOS!"
"Well, if you want it so badly, who am I to judge?" Deimos, with the most shit-eating grin, lowered his head once more, his lips coming in contact with the other's toned stomach.
"Has anyone seen the weapons that Sanford picked up-" Hank, who had finally joined the party like everyone else, had gotten cut off by the sudden loud scream of Sanford. Their eyes darted toward the sight of the noise, staring at the other two messing around on the couch while the bartender laughed into their hand, clearly enjoying this a little too much. "What did you do?" He asked, his dark eyes shining through his red goggles. They calmed down long enough to respond.
"Deimos wanted to prank Sanford," Doc explained, their gruff, breathy laughter still ringing quietly in the area, "so I told Deimos that he was ticklish."
"YOHOHOHOU'RE SOHOHOHO DEHEHEAD, DOHOHOC!" Sanford yelled out between shrieks and squeals, pushing on Deimos' shoulders lightly to try and get him off. If there was one thing that the group could compliment him on, it was that he was damn persistent. Of course, in this situation, it didn't seem like a good thing. Especially for Sanford.
Deimos leaned back up, his own face slightly pink. "Has someone had enough tickles for today~? Or does wittle Sanford want some more~?" He stuck out his lower lip, pretending like he was pouting. The other only continued to lay there, resting his arm over his face as he regained his composure. Sanford took his circular sunglasses off, wiping the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes.
Deimos hadn't even realized it but he was staring. Hard. How could one person even be this cute? How could it be possible? Sanford let out a shaky breath, stray giggles flowing through the room. "Whahat are you starin' at, shithead?" Sanford asked jokingly, shaking his head. Deimos jumped slightly, his face turning red. "Uh, nothing. Happy April Fools?" Deimos said nervously, removing himself from the larger one's waist.
"Oh, the day is still long, Deimos," Sanford replied.
"I still have a couple of pranks to pull myself."
It was quick to the rest of the group that the whole day was going to be filled with laughter. And honestly, that was alright.
It might've been one of the best April Fools they've had in a while.
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pineishere64 · 1 year
*Clears throat and began to shout in Patrick's voice*
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pineishere64 · 1 year
A preview to the next fic
“Stanley, you took my scarf, that’s why I tickled you the last time.” the Narrator said as the mute employee was not happy about last time. Stanley signed, “It was only a scarf, but you took it seriously.” Then, he began to think of a plan. A plan to get revenge on the Narrator.  
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pineishere64 · 1 year
This is actually my favorite art, I need to write and draw about them.
Sorry for not posting much here. I was busy because of school and my life. I might post some more tickle fics, but they're going to be OCs, self-indulgent, or different fandoms (Possibly post Madness Combat sometimes). Right now, have a small art of Pine.
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pineishere64 · 1 year
I feel like I should make more The Stanley Parable and Best Fiends tickle fanfics-
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pineishere64 · 1 year
Return the scarf
Warning: This contains tickling. Nothing else.
A short tickle fic on my new favorite fandom.
Lee!Stanley and Ler!Narrator
Stanley was sitting in his chair near his computer, bored. He went to look for something to do, then he saw a yellow scarf on the table by coffee machine. "Heh, that Narrator guy won't find out that I'll take his scarf." Stanley spoke in his own thoughts. And just like that, the human would take it and wrap it around their neck. Stanley chuckles to himself, pretending that the scarf was his until…
"Where did my scarf go?"
He perked up and tried to find a way to hide the scarf. "Stanley, have you-" he stood there frozen as the human was about to throw it. "It's not what it looked like… I was just fixing it." he signed as the older man glared at him. "You were wearing it and were trying to hide it from me, huh?"
"Tell the truth and I'll leave you alone." the elderly man informed the human as he walked towards him. Suddenly, Stanley holds the yellow scarf and runs off to the workroom. He would hide underneath the table. As the Narrator walked into the workroom, he would chuckle and approach the table. "You know Stanley, it would be easier if you give me my scarf back. You may be hearing this, but I know one of your weaknesses."
While listening to the Narrator's words, he began to squirm underneath the table. Suddenly, the Narrator grabbed Stanley's ankles and dragged them out of the bed and glared at the mute employee. As Stanley was dragged out from under the table, the Narrator would crouch down near him. He waved as the Narrator placed his hands on the human's stomach.
He didn't say anything, but he let out a chuckle. "Do you want to know what happens to those who tried to take what's mine?" the Narrator questioned as he slowly tickled Stanley's stomach. "Hehey-! Knock it off!" he signed as he started squirming. "Aww, does it tickle so much? I bet you're going to give up." Stanley squirmed as he continued tickling his stomach.
"You like to cause a little bit of mischief, isn't it true?" the man with glasses questioned as he moved to the sides. Stanley squeaked inaudibly as the Narrator chuckled and blew raspberries on his stomach, making Stanley squirm rapidly. The Narrator stopped and looked at the mute employee. "Are you going to give it back?" he asked as Stanley nodded. "Okay then, I'll let you go but let me give you a couple more tickles." the Narrator said as he continued blowing raspberries. Stanley wiggled like a small child, hoping that it would end.
Later on, Stanley was lying down on the Narrator's lap as he was messing with his hair and the yellow scarf. "Did you learn your lesson?" The muted man nodded slowly and the older man chuckled. The protagonist hands it back and the Narrator takes it back, putting it back around his neck. "I want a good reason why you took my scarf?" he questioned as Stanley was nervous as he started to sweat nervously.
"Let me guess, you want to take it and wear it for nothing?" he asked sarcastically as Stanley shrugged. The Narrator chuckled and decided to pat his head, letting the mute employee to rest down, then he threw a few tickles just for his own amusement.
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