pilotsession 11 years
submits a thing here you go
swagabonds submitted:
NAME: Abby
Knight of Space, Prospit
Pizzacutterkind/swordkind (it usually just looks like a聽pizza cutter-someone is hopelessly addicted to pizza-but changes into a sword.)
Cherades: you have to act out the item the card is on. Eg., if it's a yo-yo, 聽act out yo-yoing, or being a yo-yo. this is guaranteed to be an exceptionally frustrating and embarrassing聽modus.
Land of Mist and Frogs (finches)
Has a german shepherd named Sadie. She's Kat's moirail and Damen's patron kid.
She types very lazily, Sometimes she manages perfect syntax, but most of the time there are tons of typos. Note, typos should not be confused with spelling errors, because she knows how to spell she just sucks at typing (a fact that she'll point out to people). She's one of those people who will never, ever spell words like "too/to/two" wrong because it drives her crazy. Lots of random caps for聽emphasis, questionable punctuation, and an abundance of keyboard mashing.
Bio: Abby is very down to earth, laid back, sarcastic, and logical. She is also extremely protective of others, likely in the session she'll spend a lot of time watching out for the other players and protecting them from any kind of harm, anything from mediating in arguments to physical defense. (She's a knight for a reason!) She is a bit critical of others, ESPECIALLY people who are superficial. She's independent to the point of unreliability; that is to say, she doesn't always make herself available to others. And she has a temper if she's exasperated with a particular person.
NAME: Damenn (Damen) Othelo
Seer of Doom, Derse Dreamer
Aerosolkind/Sniperriflekind: he marks his targets with the spray paint, which turns into his sniper rifle.
Alliteration: Five words starting with the same letter that are related to/describe the item. This drives him absolutely crazy because it's time consuming, despite his knack for alliterations, and also contributes to him randomly messaging people/interrupting conversations to ask for a word that starts with '__". He can hardly captchalogue anything starting with unusual letters.
Land of Cities and Steam (consorts are snails and he hates them)
No pets.聽
Replaces any 'o' and zero with 脴. This also includes the word "oh" if he remembers. which sometimes he doesn't. don't remind him. occasionally (like very rarely) he will go on a rant written using heavy alliteration.
Gazelle Lusus. He calls her Prongmom. She has always been very calm and positive, which makes Damen uncomfortable. he doesn't talk about her much.
Blood color hex code
As far as quadrants go, he doesn't have any filled. He isn't against quadrants, but he doesn't exactly put stock in the "destiny" thing. 聽He is Abby's patron troll.
BIO: Damen (he goes by damen ; v ; ) is s surly son of a bitch. No, i'm serious. he's pessimistic, blunt, cynical, and angry. He handles everything in a very rational way, and he's very task oriented. Damen is surprisingly calm under pressure and can be patient-but be careful not to burn through his patience, or you'll have the troll equivalent of a wet cat on your hands. However, if Damen considers you his friend, he's reliable, protective, and supportive. He also is much, much easier to fluster if he values your opinion. Get him on your side, and you'll have someone you can lean on. Or, you'll have someone who gives you an aneurism.聽
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pilotsession 11 years
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pilotsession 11 years
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e -> 3
double letters -> triple letters
w -> wv
ex. WVhat ar3 you los3rs doing? Probably still b3ing us3l3sss聽>.(
A blossoming kismesitude with derelictJester!
(She doesn鈥檛 have her glasses on, because she only wears them at her computer. Don鈥檛 want anyone punching her and breaking them!)
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pilotsession 11 years
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im not sorry
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pilotsession 11 years
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i made a troll version of damen(n) for use in pilestuck.聽; v聽; i haven鈥檛 chosen his consorts yet.聽
i fucked up he鈥檚 a seer of doom not rage i鈥檓 so sorry punch me
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pilotsession 11 years
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this is really bad sorry <3
Typing style: no capital letters but uses a lot of hearts and exclamation marks, likes to combine swear words with items of food (fuckwaffle etc.) uwu
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pilotsession 11 years
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Quirk: 聽Begins every message with > and ends it with ~~~. 聽Only capitalizes the beginning of a message and doesn鈥檛 use punctuation at the end of a message unless it is a ! of ?. 聽Doesn鈥檛 use apostrophes and will make eel puns. Ex: >This feels reely ridiculous. we need moray time if we are ever going to get this done~~~
Quadrants: None are filled, but in terms of other relations is Katt's patron troll.
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pilotsession 11 years
more information about elly hunter: she talks tough and seems intense a lot of the time but she's really a huge weenie who hates crying but does it anyway when bad things happen. do not fuck with her friends she will not take that shit.
more info about quirk: sometimes when she needs emphasis sh e adds random spa ce s int o her word s, or shE SWITCHES TO CAPS MID WORD.聽
she only wears gloves while wielding her epee. all other times her hands are bare. (drawing ref)
she has a red laptop that she alchemizes into a headset.聽
that is all
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pilotsession 11 years
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pilotsession 11 years
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EC: > come on katt! i have so much to talk about with you! ~~~~~
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pilotsession 11 years
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EC:聽>Kat please get off the ground.聽you are going to ruin your long pasta barkbeast dress ):S~~~ RS: mmph.
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pilotsession 11 years
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featuring aaren and eilidh聽
(the second one is transparent >:0 )
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pilotsession 11 years
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Katt聽: Answer patron troll
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pilotsession 11 years
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pilestuck fancy god tiers!!!!!!! im so sorry my scanner totally killed the quality i swear they look so much better than this
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pilotsession 11 years
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i鈥檓 sorry
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pilotsession 11 years
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Chumhandle: typhonicScorpion
Quirk: replaces s with聽搂, drops h from any th except his own name. Pretty good grammer/syntax/spelling. Never makes any puns. Ever.
No quadrants yet, probably聽desperately聽needs a morail cause he鈥檚 a bit of a jerk, and really wants to find a kismesis.
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pilotsession 11 years
Lise Connors
lise canary
mage of hope, derse
hex code: 009900
strife specibus: camerakind
fetch modus: ?????? stack i guess
Browser/Denizen: kodak (bear)
chumHandle: matineeManatee
Land of trees and stars/gecko consorts
Pets? a turtle named felipe
Typing style: similar to jade or sober roxy, no caps except for emPHASIS, uses lots of punctuation with acquaintances but less when goofing off w/ friends
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