pillsandkyman · 4 years
I don’t get it.
Why does this fandom make Cartman so goddamn short??? He could be an adult in some of your drawings but he’ll look like he’s five while the other characters look their age! It’s so weird! Cartman is even shown taller than the other boys multiple times and no one has ever called him a short person. Is it because you see him lesser than the other boys? I’m not saying make him into a giant but he’s not a midget for fucks sake.
Someone explain why they make him like that?
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Wow I’m autisic too and I don’t use that as an excuse for everything problematic that I like!! Maybe stop doing that? Thanks. Unless they said to you that they love that au, maybe, just maybe, don’t put words in their fucking mouths and ask them if they like it before labeling them as antisemitic!?!? Maybe then there wouldn’t be any fights if you guys didn’t try to push them out of the fandom because they’re mountain kymans who you guys think all enjoy cartman being disgusting towards Kyle! (Even though he is in canon) I’ve met people who love cute and cuddly kyman and are mountain kymans! They’re sweet and better people than those who call themselves pine kymans! I love pine! I’m a huge fan of that au (well not that much anymore because of the people behind it) but it’s disgusting that no one is allowed to enjoy taller or short Kyle without you guys being pissy and vaughing to you followers about how much of a horrible person they are over a fucking hc! So again, fuck you and lai ^~^*
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Why don’t you ask them if they enjoy that au? Liking a post didn’t automatically mean they love the au or anything like that! Also, you enjoy an antisemitic character name Cartman who hates Jewish people and torments Kyle for being Jewish nsjshsgzhzhs again why are you like this
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
What if lai and co didn’t harass people over hc and how they draw a fictional character? What the fuck if? You’re obviously enjoying going after kymans who don’t share the same things you enjoy with the ship, so fuck you ^~^* I can care less if you’re upset, the people she and all of you fucked with are too. We just want to enjoy the ship but lots of people can’t because of lai and the rest of her friends.
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Skskshsbzhbs help why are you like this
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Then tell lai, shay and those other two bkdk numb nuts to stop creating discourse every fucking week! No one would even bother if you all would shut the fuck up and stop messing with people behind the scenes! Oh and it’s their responsibility to stop people from being dicks to you guys but lai can’t take responsibility for her fucked up actions?
Lsbsjskshs You really want to stop fighting, huh?
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We hate you too ^~^*
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
“Lai is innocent”
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That’s two out of 100 screenshots of her being a megaminded asshole and harassing an artist @laibiased
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Not what I wanted to do on my first kyman blog /-_-
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
You know whats funny about this whole petty online fighting thing, I wasn't trying to stir up anything with my initial post, I was clearing up a perceived misconception about an episode in my favorite show that went out of its way to make a somewhat nice point about an ungoing crisis that I'm personally more or less familiarized with. And then some of you went "wow, how fucking dare you ruin our fun with your stupid politics" and that along with your presumption of antisemitism, which is an accusation I did rightfully respond to.
It spiralled from there, as it does. One of you immediately decided to clear out any suspicion people may have had about you being insensitive, but then you decided: "no you know what? Fuck that. I have no regrets in fact, I'm the victim here, I didn't say enough" and all your friends came along and started cheering you on. So have fun with that, and have fun calling me a retard and whatnot, making jabs at my odd speech patterns, and saying I'm the reason people like me are my discriminated in society and so on, like the morally enlightened people that you so clearly are. Truth being told, I wasnt thinking of making a post at all, as annoying as I find it when you misconstruct Cartman's evil shenanigans as romance, you were just enjoying yourselves after all, even if a little ooc, what's so wrong about that?, that until I went and watched the episode and realized just how distasteful your self indulgence is in this particular context. And since you're always saying that we should listen to the disadvantaged when they express their concerns, I would've expected you to value my opinions on this subject just a little bit more. After all, you may criticize me for making unfortunate jokes, but I can say with certainty that I've always understood where the line between irony and my own bigotry begins and ends, and that becomes clear when you see the optics I consistently use in my own media consumption. Something that maybe you should learn how to do yourself.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
But she did harass someone who had that type of past! But that’s not the issue here. If yummy sexually assaulted someone, how is that southposting’s problem? What the fuck? I don’t care about her friend and what they did when this has nothing to do with them! From the screenshots that I’ve seen, she has harassed and even publicly made vague posts about how Sun draws her Kyle. It’s disgusting but again, you don’t care because you’re laibiased. She also said people who draw Cartman taller or moutain artists should die so it was originally about taller Cartman for her! Also, isn’t Cartman canonly antisemitic?!?!? Isn’t he abusive in canon as well?!?! To Heidi!!?! Butters?!?? His own mother?!?! He rips on Kyle for being Jewish all the time! Osjsbjsksjsn what he ffuuckkk
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
I didn’t send you that?
@pillsandkyman queen what’s up?
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
OK? Southposting made a joke just like South Park did bsaahzhahghsjshsb I want to die what is wrong with you megamind dogs!?
Southposting has gone about as far as southpark has in making edgy jokes. is southpark antiemetic too or
People who make antisemitic jokes on South Park are always the butt of the overall fucking joke! Even when southposting did that, bruh...
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You’re doing so much to help the jewish community thank you for your service
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
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@jewishcartman huh would you look at that
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
I’m sure you do, laibiased ^~^
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
Write this on your tombstone:
Fuck lai and fuck all of her friends defending her disgusting actions.
Wow we love making fake screenshots don't we?
You can blindly defend your friends and be in denial all you want. These screenshots are from a separate server and were made back in 2018.
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pillsandkyman · 5 years
What has southposting ever done that’s antisemetic other than mock nazis and other antisemetic people?
You do know lai was in other discord served with kymans she doesn’t like anymore, right?
Yes! So was I! I was there with her :-)
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