phoephan-123 · 3 months
Theory #1 - Hazbin Hotel
The Complexity of Alastor and Charlie's "Relationship"
Since Hazbin Hotel was released we have seen the group of sinners grow together and form amazing bonds with one another, except for one in particular Alastor. He still remains an entire mystery in the show and even to the fan base. Many are still curious if Alastor sees Charlie as a daughter to him, or if it is all just a trick. Let's dive deep into Alastor's "deep" bond with Charlie. (I will be using slight stuff from the Pilot, but not much because I am not sure what is canon and what is not.)
As we know Charlie is compassionate, empathetic, very optimistic, and hates the idea of harming others. Due to this, she can sometimes be naive to the harsh reality she lives in. She always puts others first and we see that time and time again. We have not seen much interaction between Alastor and Charlie. From the conversations between the two, it is clear that Charlie trusts Alastor and believes he is defending the Hotel for her when that is not the case.
Throughout the show, even the Pilot of Hazbin, Alastor has shown that he does not believe in Charlie's cause. He has called her ideals laughable and her requests bizarre, even calling Charlie herself delusional in the first episode. In the 7th episode, he called Charlie and the group "a band of misfits." Basically saying that they don't fit the societal norms of Hell. From this, it can be perceived he doesn't see the group in close relations, considering the ones he does perceive as close are allowed to make physical contact with him first.
Alastor hates when people touch him, even though he invades other's personal space. The ones that are allowed are extremely close to him. Anyone else is not allowed, and he will initiate contact first, Charlie is one of those people. He has never allowed her to touch him first it has always been Alastor who initiates it. While Rosie, Mimzy, and Nifty are the ones who engage in touch first, even his smile is less strained around them.
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While with Charlie on the other hand. . .
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Alastor is the one grabbing onto Charlie and invading her personal space before she tries to, and he has even moved away from her.
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Even as she vents to Alastor about Vaggie he does not seem to care. The look in his eyes and smile shows that he is clearly annoyed. He shows disinterest.
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In episode 5, Dad beat Dad, and Alastor consistently praises Charlie. Even in the song "Hell's Greatest Dad" he tells her that he is honored to build such a bond and thinks of his daughter. Now why would he praise her if he shows no sign of care towards her and calls her project bizarre?
Well in the beginning of the episode, we can see his obvious hate for Lucifer even before he arrives.
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When Alastor compliments Charlie and invades her space around Lucifer, he only compliments her to her dad. No one else. Even when Alastor says, "Quite an impressive young lady, we're all very proud of her." There was a sarcastic tone to his voice, even his body language was dramatic. As he showered Charlie with compliments, he also looked at Lucifer to get his reaction. He rarely looked at Charlie, and only softened his gaze at her while her father was right in front of them. Alastor is only doing this to get a rile out of her father, and it works.
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Now when it is just Alastor and Charlie on screen, his smile is back to the normal smile he has on regularly.
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Later on, when the loan sharks appear, he stops Vaggie from doing anything. Alastor takes care of the loan sharks instead. Charlie believes he is protecting the Hotel and doing this for her. When in reality that is not the case. Alastor stated he missed getting to let off steam, meaning he was doing it for his own benefit, no one else's. He revels in other demon's screams, so of course killing loan sharks would feed that and put him in a better mood.
In Episode 7, Hello Rosie, the entire scene with Charlie and Alastor shows how he feels about her. He constantly makes fun of her and enjoys the state of sorrow she is under. He lays on the bed, kicking his legs back and forth, with a mischievous smile.
He takes advantage of this situation. Alastor has stated that he loves to watch people struggle to accomplish something to only fail. He knows he can use certain information to make the person fall into a deal. Alastor will gain the trust of those who are naive, and in Charlie's case, it works. She falls for it. The scene reminds me of Ursula with Ariel as she tries to gain Ariel's trust through the song "Unfortunate Souls."
Ursula constantly degrades Ariel even if she isn't specifically outright saying those insults directly to Ariel's face. She talks about the souls, but she is also talking about Ariel. Same with Alastor. He degrades Charlie but does not outright say it to her face throughout the show even as he talks to her privately in her bedroom. Both antagonists get their deal from both princesses by telling them the information needed, giving them advice, playing "nice," and taking advantage of their desperation. That is why Alastor knew Charlie would take the deal without disclosing much about her end of it.
Alastor never specified anything about the deal. Not even the favor that she would have to do. He said that no harm would come to anyone, because Charlie would never hurt her own people that way, but what if Alastor only meant physical harm? What if Charlie has to go against someone's wishes? That would hurt said person emotionally, not physically. Why not disclose information without a deal if he truly thinks of her as a daughter?
In the song "Ready for This," Rosie and Alastor are singing, but there comes a part where Alastor says "She's filled with potential I could guide." Meaning he does want to use her for power.
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In the song Carmilla sings, "Out for Love," she states you must fight for someone. The person or people you love or care for. If you are out for blood or with your head held high, you'll lose. Charlie fights for all of Hell, while her dad fights for his daughter, even if he comes a tad bit late. Vaggie fights for Charlie, and the others fight for their friends except for Alastor. He constantly degrades Adam while fighting him, and is clearly fighting for his pride. He is confident in his abilities which ultimately is his downfall. Alastor did not fight for anyone. Not even Charlie. He fought with pride and only cared about his ego. Which is why he left. Alastor did not want to die for the Hotel, or for the group.
This brings me to the last point of my theory. I have not heard people talk about this, and I am not sure if I am the only one who noticed, but when Charlie and Alastor are on the staircase together in the Pilot and in the episode "Dad Beat Dad," there are hands around the both of them.
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Alastor's hands surround him and Charlie on the staircase. It symbolizes that he has her in his grasp right where he wants her. He is the one pulling the strings here. Not Charlie. This is a big hunch, but I have seen something similar to this before I just do not remember what show, and my suspicions had been right on it. I have a feeling it was Gravity Falls but I am not 100% on that.
Their relationship is not good. He manipulates her and only compliments her when it benefits a reaction out of Lucifer. He consistently insults her, but not specifically said at her. Does not allow her to initiate contact first and shows clear signs that he wants to use her for his gain. It is clear what his intentions are, but even after all this it is simply just a theory. Alastor could indeed find Charlie to be like a daughter or is somewhat fond of her. We will never know until next season!
Sorry this took longer than expected to get this out, but I hope this was worth the wait!
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phoephan-123 · 3 months
Hello there!
The name's Mystic! I am here to bring you my own personal theories about Films, Video games, and any other subjects I can theorize on. I have actually used this account in the past for Antisepticeye theorizing, but I want to start anew! Mostly thanks to MatPat for inspiring me to do this. Right now, I plan to theorize about Hazbin Hotel considering it is my most recent Hyper-fixation, but I do have a Steven Universe theory that will come out soon.
Stay tuned folks~
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