perfectackeracy · 5 years
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Yeah I’m not sure I’ll answer all of that...
Just as when I’m considering a return, Tumblr changes its theme to an unreadable navy blue. Yikes.
Looks like their website is as broken as ever.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Just as when I’m considering a return, Tumblr changes its theme to an unreadable navy blue. Yikes.
Looks like their website is as broken as ever.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
The future of this blog
Okay so I just downloaded my blog file recently. After that i’m hesitant at making new posts.
The reason is simple: the new TOS is making Tumblr impractical for most people, if not, the majority. Starting from Dec. 17th, every single blog posting content they deem pornographic will be removed. We’ve all known the extent of the filters. I guess Tumblr is hell-bent on destruction.
As a result I’m not sure if this blog is ideal for a long term solution. Most people from Tumblr started to migrate to other platforms as I’ve heard. Unfortunately, the CP scandal already did irreversible damage to Tumblr. At this rate, the site will end up like LJ. 
Maybe I should start dedicating a Twtter account purely exclusive to SnK and post my metas here. While Twitter isn’t excellent for text, there’s still third-party apps to put your content on.
Currently thinking about it...
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Man I always knew Eren was an asshole but he really took it to another level this chapter like holy fucking shit man
It’s exactly the same lecturing with Reiner. Ever since he showed up post timeskip, he really became more self-entitled and irresponsible. From the Marley arc, we had these:
Decided to act on his own, cut himself away from the SC and ran away on his own to Marley
Took advantage of a kid to delivers letters for him
Took advantage of his grandpa’s guilt when the latter told him to stop asking for Falco’s services
Took Reiner and Falco hostage, threatening them to transform and kill the civilians in the building above if they didn’t listen to him
Mentally destroyed Reiner by twisting the knife into his guilt
Still tried to kill the two of them while ignoring Reiner’s apologia, focusing instead on Willy
Killed everyone in the building above him, children included
Indirectly killed people from the audience, like Zofia
Bodyslammed the entire box of generals that may or may not have more than the military
Insulted Levi’s reading comprehension
Yelled at Hange and grabbed them by the collar saying there’s nothing the military can do because soon he’d own the control
Stayed silent for a month only to break free shortly after Zackley’s assassination
Was fine with his own troops to kill the commander-in-chief, potentially killing Armin and Mikasa in the blast
Straight up refused to collaborate with the military, sending Floch to hold everybody in the restaurant hostage so they can take them to Zeke
Apparently doesn’t mind the military being spiked so they can eventually turn into titans
Blackmailed Gabi, Mikasa and Armin into having a talk
Called Armin a slave of Bertolt’s mind, useless, soft-hearted, unworthy of the power of the nine titans
Called Mikasa a slave of her blood, her love from him fake and robotic, eventually saying he always hated her
Beat Armin up, saying he wouldn’t be much of a match form him anyway
Took his former childhood friends and Gabi hostage, to Shiganshina
It’s only getting worse from there and it was only in the span of 15 chapters.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
"armin can't face an opponent" jeez no matter armin does you always shit him its ridiculous... are you trolling or you legit have no rationality anymore? he punched him for saying such horrible and rude shit to mikasa, he stood up for her in the first place
Speedreading the chapter hard I see.
What I was saying here is how Armin was the first one to deal the blow upon being triggered by Eren’s words. Basically, he’s doing to Eren what the bullies did to him, all because he can’t face reality more than 5 minutes.
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...And this guy wants to negociate. Ok... - Ch. 1
Don’t you know you shouldn’t take the bait with trolls? Ironically, Eren devised the same form of cmtaunting by repeatedly devaluing and downplaying Mikasa’s feelings and role, and this time Armin took the bait, just like when he taunted Bertolt with the torture of one of his comrades. The difference is Eren being honest, while Armin was bluffing.
Why do you hate Armin so much? I don't even like him myself. Fuck, I don't even really care for him at all. But ive never seen so much hatred for the guy coming from one man.
I started to consider Armin as the standard of value when it comes to characters after he showed up post timeskip: every character is significantly better than him, because wow how can you mess up a character this bad after a spectacular asspull in the last arc? I also considered him as a Gary Stu during the battle, because of how he was praised for once again a basic plan anybody could device, but also for effortlessly using the main ability of the CT, eventually leaving few differences between how Bertolt used it and how Armin used it. That and the fact he suffered from no real consequences throughout the story.
After the new arc however, that perception might differ: picturing him as a sore loser who cries everyday in the basement in front of a rock is more amusing than the pureboi Bieber-lookalike who was just a poor victim of Eren’s decisions. Despite that, we still sacrificed Bertolt and Erwin just for him. It was pleasantly surprising to see Eren calling him useless and unworthy of the power of the nine titans. Finally someone said it, and it was, ironically, the guy who wanted him to come back in the first place, on top of adding he was no match for him.
Making fun of him is way more enjoyable than praising him as an imaginary 192cm-tall Fabio Flingstone epic Commander of Destruction Colossus of Death, bittersweet narrator with epic ending. Nevermind him causing an explosion the size of Bertolt doesn’t make any sense, but someone else told me maybe Isayama was exaggerating the explosion because he can’t do perspective for shit.
That being said if Armin is the last standing, I’d still be mad. So far he’s done nothing to deserve it.
Besides since you guys always blame Bertolt for Armin’s change of behavior, does that mean you acknowledge he doesn’t have any real character anymore? Sounds like you’re the haters.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Eren: People are shaped by their memories. And you have his. Part of you has become Bertolt. An enemy soldier with romantic feelings for another enemy soldier has considerably impacted your judgment. As one of the Nine Titans, you bear the duty as an officer of Eldia.
Says the person heavenly influenced by his father memories and other memories while colluding with Zeke, an enemy soldier to archive a coup de´tat against the government. You sure are the one to talk, Eren.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Please, tell me Eren is talking out of his ass when he says Armin has romantic feelings for Annie because of Bertolt! I hate BeruAni so much, it has to be the worst pairing in AOT because it ruins to amazing characters (Bertl and Annie), I'm so sick of Isayama mentioning it, if it was canon like yumikuri then I would suck it up but it makes no sense, if Annie and Marcel's roles were switched and he was in the crystal, would people be saying Bertl was in love with him? Sorry for the rant
I talked about it on Twitter so I’m going to say it here.
Q: Did Eren imply that Bertholdt was ‘sweet’ and his influence softened Armin? 🤣 the word he used was sweet or am i wrong?
A: Well, Eren started to call Armin the manipulated one because he feels too sympathetic to the enemy and keeps bringing up "let's talk it out", so Eren assumes Bert took control over him or some shit.We all know that, compared to Eren who holds the coordinate, Armin is less likely to be influenced by his predecessor's memories. Porco in example didn't jerk himself over some petite blonde because he ate Ymir
Q: Is it necessary to Isayama for dragging Bertholdt in every topic about Armeen showing creepiness toward rock-Annie? Like please just leave Bert alone in peace, he doesn't deserved to be dragged in for cheap excuse of Armeen's daily fap behaviour reason.
A: I feel like Isayama used Eren has his dudebro-fandom vehicle because he spouts the exact same shit redditors have been saying about the characters he confronted:Reiner attacked Paradis and felt bad? It's only because he's been conditioned that way.Armin visits Annie and proposes a global solution where everyone talks it out? Out of character and Bert must mind-control him.Mikasa cares about Eren and doesn't want to lose more of her loved ones because of trauma? Entirely due to Ackerman's blood.Not only Eren's discussion is biased in some way, but he also projects some aspects of his personality upon lecturing others. The three cases are him rejecting one's responsibility and only blaming it due to external factors, because he himself thinks he's free of consequences. Over the possession thing, it's particularly hilarious to see him accusing Armin of being brainwashed by Bert because Eren himself is even more likely to be influenced by Grisha or Kruger's memories, as seen when he talked to himself multiple times. Aside from the Reiss family, that's the only case where we've seen possession happening. The other users retained at least some sense of individuality.
Q: Not to mention Eren's literal argument is that all Armin wants to do is to talk and negotiate. This isn't a new development for Armin; back in Shiganshina he tells Bertolt the same, word for word. Armin's desire to solve conflicts by negotiation, no matter how pointless, is unrelated to Bert and the proof is right there in the manga.
A: He even tried to resonate with Annie way earlier and even with Kitz's unit at the beginning of the manga, but since it's not an "insidious plan" it quickly went over Eren's head. If Armin doesn't approve of Eren and Zeke's plan, that means there's something wrong with him and that it must be Bert's doing, according to Eren. Nevermind that Armin still rolled along with Eren's plan, using his gary stu nuke on Liberio's harbor, despite potentially wounding Bert's family or friends (especially Reiner).
Not to mention Bert and Annie didn’t have... really positive interactions when they ever interacted at all. It has to be one of the least relevant relationships from the whole manga but it’s either pushed by characters who can’t understand a damn thing of what’s going on.
I mean what’s so attractive about a girl who squashes insects for fun, beats your best friend to death and tells him he’s better off dead, while she calls the two of us “fucking assholes”? Doesn’t really make sense when you put your thoughts about it.
Not only that, but had it be Erwin, he wouldn’t sit down and grovel in front of a crystal, all miserable because he couldn’t stop Eren. That’s also denying Bert’s similarities to Eren when the two of them were confronting Armin:
Q: bert about armin: “you cant do a damn thing”eren about armin: “you are fucking useless” 😂
A: But if Bert was truly taking possession of Armin, then why can't Armin argue properly without punching Eren and why is he confessing to some waifu rock like a sore loser?
Someone told me Annie is just a ruse and Armin actually has feeling for Bert. That seems kinda weird when you think about it but uh... that’s a nice crack theory.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Erehisu is still living and become canon
Any claim from the chapter that didn’t originate from your delusional mind perchance? Just because three Eren ships sank doesn’t confirm one, you know.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Armin getting called out, EMA split is assured, then Armin gets the crap kicked out of him. You must be loving this new chapter are you?
Troll cover featuring happy EMA
Floch’s hostage situation
Everyone playing dumb about the spiked wine
EMA callout
Eremika, eremin, ereri sunk in one chapter
Eren lashing out at Mikasa and Armin
Armin punching Eren in the nose because he can’t stand facing an opponent for more than 5 minutes, mirroring his own logic with the bullies
Eren beating the shit out of Armin
Levi’s flashback
Levi’s moment with Erwin getting fleshed out
Levi not caring anymore about the military’s plan and go straight for sopa de macaco
Zeke running fast like sanic and yelling for his titans to spawn
Levi possibly dying next chapter as a maximum fuck you for his birthday
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Is there no snk calendar this month? I always look forward to how neatly organised it is.
My apologies I got it delayed because I need to work for my exams and I’ve been doing some edit for reibert week that took me several hours.
Besides, the no leak policy will make the calendar even emptier than usual considering we won’t have, because of the anti-piracy policy:
Leaks for chapter 112: we’ll have to wait for the official release, which is the 7th at midnight, in Japan. You can buy the magazine if you have some money to spend on the Amazon app and “read” the chapter in your Kindle.
Leaks for chapter 113: usually available after Christmas. That too will wait for the official release in January. 
On the other hand, we’ll have a more regular schedule, on top of having the chapter as a whole. That prevents us from having long pauses like waiting for January to pass before we get chapter 114.
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
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My comic entry for the Reiner and Bertolt Anthology 手紙 戦場のボーイズライフ from last year. I’ve been informed by the anthology manager that it’s okay to now post our entries, so here you go!
Before poceeding, please be aware that this comic deals with topic like DEPRESSION and SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. Proceed with caution.
Also if you aren’t caught up with the manga until chapter 97, be aware of spoilers.
↓ Full comic under the cut ↓
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
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Snk highschool AU: Double date
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Do you ever just stare at a character and want to reach out and stroke their face and say
you have such a beautiful character design
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
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“I thought you were my friend!!” Children of the Forest Chapter 111
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
I miss Bertholdt too
I know, @merlynapanachay. While I don’t take issue with the timing and brutality of his death, I am a bit unsatisfied with the lack of character response to his death. So far, we haven’t seen Reiner or the 104th (or Annie) react to his demise. The lack of response to his death, especially after all this time, is making me restless.
It’s hard to move on from Bert without seeing the other characters process his death. For that reason, I still miss him. Seeing the other characters reflect on their relationship to him, and the impact that his death has had on them, will at least give us some insight into his character while also giving us closure on his arc.
I still have hope that we’ll at least get to see Reiner’s reaction—but when?
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
It just occurred to me: when Grisha learned that two intelligent Titans had appeared out of nowhere and attacked Wall Maria, he must have suspected that one of the Titans belonged to Zeke. Yet, Grisha still raced to the royal family’s hideout, fully aware that he might have to battle Zeke and the other Warriors for possession of the Founding Titan when he got there….and then he told Eren to avenge his mother’s death, fully aware that he was basically asking Eren to unknowingly kill his half-brother. 
damn isayama.  
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perfectackeracy · 5 years
Thoughts about Reiner and Bertholdt
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I know it is always a bit of gamble to talk about characters when you still are missing some details about their life. However, there are a few things about Reiner and Bertholdt that I have been thinking about for a while now. 
I want to start with Reiner. It is established in vol 11, that Reiner at times showcases behavior, and lines of thought that are contradictory. Why would a person who`s mission was to destroy the wall, suddenly start talking about the residents of the wall in a caring manner? Reiner himself does not even recognize this at first. 
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