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Awareness Building Technique: SERG
I’ve had luck using mnemonic devices for building awareness within lucid dreams before, but they’ve always been a bit overly complex, with too many steps, and I haven’t gotten through each stage before waking or getting distracted (ah, the dreaming brain). So I decided to try simplifying a little bit and see if this will help.
Senses-- Utilize the senses to observe your environment.
Environment-- Use the information gathered by your senses to discern what the environment is: is it your childhood home? Your current home? Your home in California?
Remember-- Recall your current life. What season is it? Where do you currently live? What have you been doing lately? What are your current lucid dreaming goals, overall? For this particular session?
Goals-- Work on your current lucid dreaming goals.
The intention here is to state the “word” SERG as soon as I become aware that I’m dreaming, and proceed to engage in the first three steps, one leading into the next, until I am working on my main goal. The first three steps should not take more than a minute or two total; they’re merely a way for me to increase my lucidity, awareness, and focus for whatever goal I’ve set for the dream. This should become a habitual action for whenever I get lucid.
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Memorable Lucid Dreams: Summoned the Doctor, Got Captain Picard Instead (Feb 17, 2018)
I'd set my alarm for 6 this morning. When it went off, I lay in bed for a few minutes, half-dozing because I was still very sleepy, but finally got up and went to the bathroom. I went back to bed, spent a little time visualizing the fireplace room (a dreamscape I’ve been building), and began counting towards 100 while repeating the mantra, "I am lucid in the phase." I shortened it to "Lucid" after awhile but switched back and forth a bit.
I had a DILD. The timing of this dream is honestly difficult for me to pin down, but I'm fairly certain it was after my WBTB. I don't remember the details of the non-lucid portion of my dream; all I remember is I was running or walking away from someone/something, or maybe towards it? I was outside, and then suddenly I was walking through the front interior of my old church. I stopped, utterly confused, and asked myself, "How did I get here? This shouldn't be here."
That triggered a reality check, and I did a nose pinch test, confirming my dream state. Habitually, I started to do a secondary RC, a levitation, but realized I didn't need to do that because I'd just confirmed I was dreaming.
Remembering my goal of “meeting” the Doctor (from Doctor Who) in the fireplace room, I closed my eyes and went ahead and levitated, since it helps me focus by removing other tactile sensations such as feeling a floor beneath my feet. I tried to visualize the fireplace room, but the arrangement was a bit jumbled in my head because I wasn't as lucid as I could have been. I remembered various elements in the room, but not their exact placement. Eyes still closed, I began walking around the inner perimeter of the room, my feet on the floor again and one hand trailing on the wall, as I tried to "form" the room around myself. I felt painted plaster and a simple, decorative molding about halfway down the wall. I continued walking, eyes still closed, and remembered the fireplace. I spoke the word out loud, willing myself to feel it under my fingertips as I continued around the edges of the room. An instant later, I felt glass and marble beneath my fingers as I walked forward. I finally opened my eyes. The fireplace was trimmed with black marble and polished wood, and its glass doors were closed over the hearth.
Finally, I decided to try to "summon" the Doctor. Closing my eyes again, I willed him to appear, trying to visualize him as the Eighth Doctor. When I opened my eyes, Captain Picard was standing at a bookshelf on the wall perpendicular to the fireplace, right in front of me. Confused, I exclaimed, "Why are you Picard?!" He said something in reply that I can't quite recall, but it was something to do with a title of his, not Captain, that referred to something he did or was. I woke almost immediately after.
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Memorable Lucid Dreams: Scene Creation and Interviewing Hostile Dream Characters (Jan 1, 2018)
With yesterday being New Year's Eve, I wound up staying awake for a fair portion of the night due to fireworks. I think I finally turned the light out at around 2:30 or 3 a.m. I got up briefly in late morning, but I was so zonked I decided to go back to bed. I'd had no intention of working with my lucid dreaming practice, because I figured it would be pointless due to the late night. I went to bed without any sort of mantra.
In my dream, I was in a room. I think I started out in a normal bedroom, not this one, but something pretty mundane. I decided, seemingly at random, to do a reality check. I did the nose pinch test, and could breathe through it, though it felt a bit blocked off (maybe because my allergies were playing up in real life). I think I may have done a gravity check after that just to be sure, but in the end I did confirm I was dreaming.
Since I hadn't planned ahead for this specific dream, I didn't remember to do any of my exercises or goals. The room I was in turned into a sort of octagonal or hexagonal wooden room, with a window on each wall. I decided I wanted to change the scenery outside of the building. I don't think I actually looked through the windows at this point to see what was already there. I closed my eyes and said, "Snow! Lots of it. An alpine lake. Trees..." I went through all of this, trying to visualize. My visualization wasn't very clear, but when I opened my eyes and looked through the window, I saw a large lake surrounded by evergreens, and it seemed to be high altitude, though I didn't see any mountains.
There was no snow. Though I hadn't perfectly recreated what I wanted, I figured it was pretty close, and so flew out of one of the windows. I flew over the lake, circling, a bit over the treetops. There were several people who seemed to be vacationing, gathered around various portions of the lake. The lake itself was of medium size, not a uniform shape, with a wooden dock. Most of the people were sitting or lying on the ground. I swooped low over them to see what they would do, and they looked at me, but did not react.
The sun was shining, the sky was a deep blue, and I felt a little bit too warm in my sweater, but I decided it wasn't too bad. I remember thinking that this was summer instead of winter.
I flew away from the lake then, and began losing altitude. For a moment I tried willing myself higher. I noticed a cluster of three men a short distance away, huddled together on the ground. They began to heckle me, telling me that I couldn't fly well. I lost altitude even faster then, and finally came in for a landing, somewhat chagrined.
I shook it off, though, and remembered that these dream characters were aspects of my own subconscious. I decided to try engaging them in conversation and approached them.
"What's your name?" I asked the first man. He looked at me and said a very mundane name, like Bob or Bill or something.
I nodded and stepped forward to the second man. "What's your name?" I asked.
He glared at me and snapped, "Freddy Krueger." I could tell he was just being sarcastic, that he didn't really call himself that.
I asked the third man what his name was, and he said something I couldn't quite understand. I asked him to repeat himself, and he said a name that I now can't remember.
"What is your purpose here?" I asked the third man.
He said that he was here to drag me down. (Those weren't his exact words, but that was the meaning of what he said)
"Why?" I asked, genuinely curious.
He paused and seemed to think about that for a moment, as though he wasn't entirely certain of his own reasons. As I waited, the dream started to slowly collapse around me. I didn't think to stabilize, and soon woke up.
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Memorable Lucid Dreams: The Talking Television (Dec 30, 2017)
I was sitting in my bedroom in my childhood home, watching a horror TV show on the bulky old television that I used to have. It was some sort of over-the-top demon possession show, and I kept covering or closing my eyes because it was too scary, but I was still catching glimpses of the show through my closed eyes. Finally, I decided that I wasn't going to get much out of the show if I kept covering my eyes, that I probably just wasn't in the mood for something scary right then, so I turned off the TV with my remote and sat there on my bed for a minute. I didn't feel particularly creeped out or anything, more vaguely bored.
I remembered I wanted to become lucid and did a nose pinch reality check. I found I could breathe around the sides, which I've found in real life to mean I wasn't pinching enough of it, so shifted my hand and tried again. I couldn't breathe at all. But I decided to get up and try a gravity check. I jumped in place, and then bounced around my room a bit. I noted that it seemed like I had less space than I remembered having, and then "remembered" moving out of that house decades ago. I also remember... er... bouncing in certain areas of my body far less than I do in real life, which served to help tip me off. A few jumps later, I was doing moonwalk-like jumps around the room (not Michael Jackson's signature dance move, but actual low-gravity moonwalking).
Assured that I was dreaming, I did a little elbow pump and said something very corny and celebratory that I can't remember. I felt quite elated for a minute but reined it in. I remembered my newer mnemonic device for clarity exercises: WaM OMG!  ("WAM! Oh, my God!") The letters stand for, "Where am I?" "Mind creation." "Observation with senses." "Math." "Goals." Basically, I look around to see what environment I'm in (trying to remember other details such as time of year, city, state, address, etc), remind myself that what I'm seeing is a creation of my dreaming mind, observe everything I can with all of my senses, do a few simple math problems to jump-start the cognitive process further, and then go on to work on whatever goal I had set for the session.
I started off by asking, "Where am I?" I did a cursory glance around my room, but didn't really look. I stated, "I'm in my bedroom," and began reciting my current, real-life home address, complete with ZIP code (which I have rehearsed in visualizations of WILDing in my actual bedroom, so it was more practiced than thought out). I then went on to say that it was December, shortly after Christmas, and that it was in fact almost New Year's, which I did think about more as I spoke, rather than just reciting. As I did this, I kept leaning in towards my television and looking at my reflection in the darkened screen. I pretty much looked like I usually do in a dark, convex screen. My emotions and attitude were confident and my recitations emphatic.
And then my television started muttering at me.
I ignored it at first, trying to focus on my exercises. I went on to try to remember the second part of them, and my television started muttering more loudly. I couldn't understand a word it was saying, but I began to get irritated with it because it was making it hard to concentrate, so I said, "Will you shut up?!"
"No!" it retorted.
"Well do it anyway!"
It fell silent and I tried again to remember the next part of my exercises, but I woke a few seconds after.
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Memorable Lucid Dreams: The Book Portal (Dec 19, 2017)
I had a long, vivid, non-lucid dream, and from that entered a false awakening:
I woke in bed and did a nose pinch reality check. I wasn't able to breathe through the pinch, but something told me this was actually a dream. I got out of bed and tried a finger stretch. Again, the reality check acted like it does in waking life, but for some reason I was fairly certain that I wasn't awake, probably because I remembered my intentions. Finally, I did a gravity check, jumping up and down for a moment or two, and decided that I was right-- this was definitely a dream, because gravity doesn't work like that in waking life.
I decided I wanted to do my sensory observation exercises outside and went down the stairs, and walked instead of leaping down them like I normally do, a slight precaution since I kept passing my reality checks. I suppose I had a moment of doubt as to whether I was in a dream or not. By the time I got down the stairs, I was pretty certain I was dreaming again. I didn't meet or see anyone in the stairwell or the living room; everything seemed quiet. I went directly outside.
I decided that I would like to fly, but I knew that I needed something to engage my senses while I did so or I would lose my lucidity. "Okay," I said, "I'm going to find a beautiful rock in the yard, over there." I pointed to the far corner of the yard by the street, and willed it to be. On my hands and knees, I hunted around in the grass for a few seconds and found a chunk of rock threaded with a reddish quartz. It wasn't particularly pretty, but it was visually and texturally interesting, so I decided to use it. It was smooth in places and had a rough, coarse, almost spiky texture in others. I held it in my hands, touching it, studying it, and then put it in my pocket.
I began to levitate in preparation to fly, and decided to continue my sensory exercises by engaging my sense of taste. I searched my pockets for a piece of candy, and felt around a bunch of different objects until I found a mint. I unwrapped it and put it in my mouth, but then decided that something fruity might be a better choice, so I decided that I would find a Jolly Rancher in my pocket. I did so, unwrapped it, and popped it in my mouth along with the mint. Then I realized that the two of them didn't really work together, so I spit out the mint. The Jolly Rancher was slightly fruity, but was kind of small and thin, as if it had already been shrunk down. I began to fly.
I began to wake up, my vision going dark. I could still vaguely feel myself flying through the air, rather like a vivid daydream, and I wanted to stay in the dream so I focused on the sensation of soaring through the air. I gained altitude as I flew down my street, and my vision slowly faded back in.
Ahead of me, hovering in the sky, I saw something remarkable: an enormous, antique book, its pages made of yellowing vellum, filled with elegant lettering and gold leaf illumination. The book gave off a sense that reminded me of the Arabian Nights, though I wasn't sure what the actual book was. It was as big as a house.
I decided to try flying into its pages as a way to enter its world.
I flew forward, reached the book, and there was a sort of soft, golden sensation as I passed into the page. I found myself in a labyrinthine, walled garden, flying low over a cobbled walkway, peering through tiny, open-air windows set in ancient stone walls. Around me grew an Eden of green, luscious plants. By this time, I forgot to really engage my senses, and was caught up in the idea that if I got out of this enclosure, I'd be in the book's world. But I couldn't find a window large enough to pass through.
I flew around the labyrinth for several minutes until I woke up, discovering my right arm was hurting from lying on it. I rolled over and tried to re-enter the dream again, but by then I was too far awake, so I got up.
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Memorable Lucids: 4 WILDs and Flying with Wings (Nov 11, 2017)
I had four WILDs in a row. I'm kind of laughing at that. I skip eight days and decide to LD on the ninth and my brain was like YES LET'S GO.
I started with a VERY firm stated objective, repeating it emphatically out loud until I could feel it in my gut, and then used the "Question" mantra with a bit of counting. I didn't set any goals for my dreams, though, so I ended up just doing whatever came to me, without clarifying or stabilizing anything. I'll number and describe the dreams below as best I can remember.
1.  As I lay there on my back repeating my mantra, I began to feel separation. I projected by sitting up and rolling out. I was very, very groggy and bleary, and couldn't open my eyes at first, and then when I did I still couldn't see well. I slowly coaxed my sight to start working as I went downstairs, kind of drunk-walking because I felt off-balance. My mother was either in the kitchen or the dining room, and walked into the living room to come sit in her chair. I decided to do what I did in my last lucid and use her shirt as an observational focal point for building clarity. She was wearing a tan, short sleeved shirt-- actually, it looked just like the shirt I'm wearing now. I realized in the dream that she probably didn't own a shirt like that, but didn't remember that I did. As she was using the control to her electrically-powered lift chair to lower herself into a reclining position, I walked up to her and asked her if she could see and hear me. She said yes, she could see and hear me. She didn't really react to the question with confusion or amusement that I could see, just answered it. I woke up.
2.   I was awake for a second or two and went directly and deliberately into another WILD. I went back downstairs and stepped outside onto the front porch this time. I don't think this one lasted very long because I don't remember anything else. I just remember waking up again.
3.  I lay in bed, definitely awake. The neighbors must have gotten a new puppy, because I heard it yipping incessantly. It sounded like a squeaky toy. I thought about getting up at this point, but decided to try to return to a dreaming state. I rolled over on my right side and recited my mantra. It didn't take me long to start feeling vibrations-- I had been feeling very mild vibrations in the two previous WILDs, but this time the vibrations were stronger. 
I sat up, and could still feel the pillow I had snuggled my head against, and it translated to feeling like the pillow was attached to my head while I sat up. I focused on my projected form, trying to pull free of the sensations in my physical body, and rolled out to the left, standing up. I went around to the area between my desk and the foot of my bed, and was about to keep going to the door, but then I decided I wanted to try something different. I wanted to see if I could teleport to a Faerie glade. I closed my eyes and tried to visualize the glade, trying to feel the grass under my bare feet, but I could only feel the hardwood floor. I decided that it might help if I levitated and didn't feel the floor, so I did so, and then I had the instinct to Sing my way to Faerie, a magical sort of song. I began vocalizing, eyes still closed, while visualizing the glade. I feel like I got about halfway there before I faded back into my body and woke up.
4. I almost gave up and got out of bed then. The pup was yipping again, and I figured it was getting late. But I could still feel some slight vibrations in my body, and decided to try again. This time I barely had to try. The vibrations hit full-on, heavier than any of the other three times, and heavier than they've been in a long time. They were accompanied by a high-pitched tonal sound. I sat up, again feeling the pillow on my head (I was still on my right side), so decided to try floating out of my body. I let the vibrations and floating sensation wash over me, then sat up and rolled out.
I went into the hall, began to walk down the stairs, and remembered I could jump or float down if I wanted. I ended up doing a sort of skimming float down the steps, stopping at the landing to open the doors and go into the living room. I went directly outside and decided I wanted to try to fly. I levitated fairly easily but couldn't coax myself any higher in the air, so I decided to try visualizing eagle wings on my back and flying with those. I managed it quite easily, and flapped my wings, feeling them catch the air currents beneath them, which lifted me into the air. I flapped and flapped until I cleared the treetops, then spread my wings and soared, though I wasn't much higher than the trees. The sky was a beautiful sunset, vibrant hues of deep blue, salmon, and gold. I ended up in a cluster of trailer-type buildings that reminded me of the trailer offices at the power plant I did some temp work at several years ago. I accidentally flew inside one of the buildings, and managed to go through it and come out the back. I flapped my wings again to get higher. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting darker, though there was still a faint wash of color on the horizon. Above me, the stars were coming out. It was beautiful.
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I have a number of goals for my lucid dream experiments, some more immediate, and some that will take a lot of work. Some of these goals are practical, intended for skill development. Some are intended for personal growth, reflection, and knowledge. Others are more intended for fun and entertainment. I’ll make a list here to detail several of my current goals.
1. Build focus, awareness, and overall lucidity within my lucid dreams until they rival my waking state. Utilize my focus and awareness to dial up the vividness of dreams until they are hyper-real.
2. Build memory capabilities so I can retain as much detail as possible upon waking.
3. Build memory capabilities within the dream so I’m aware of my current waking life, as well as any goals I’m intending.
4. Build visualization and belief skills in-dream for greater control over what I do and what environment/characters show up.
5. Seek out my Dream Guide, an aspect of my subconscious, who will assist me in improving my lucid dreaming skills and achieving my long-term goals.
6. Engage my subconscious in conversation. Ask various dream characters what they represent, why they do or say the things they do or say, what various objects in the dream represent. Ask for insight about various real-life things which may be happening, and, if pertinent, apply to waking life.
7. “Summon” and interact with various fictional characters within existing dreamscapes.
8. Go to the “worlds” of various fictional characters (persistent realms) and have various adventures there.
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Tag list for my reference:
Dream Magick
Lucid Experience
Non Lucid Experience
Lucid Travel 
Dream Characters
Dream Control
Conversations with the Inner Self
Dream Guide
Persistent Realms
LD Supplements
Disturbing Dream
Memorable Dream
Sleep Paralysis
Lucid Dreaming Goals
False Awakening
Memorable Lucids
Lucid Shapeshifting
Lucid Teleportation
Lucid Scene Creation
Lucid Dream Character Summoning
Building Lucid Awareness
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Some people asked because of my TONGUE IN CHEEK POST about it the other night, well!!! all it is, is being consciously aware that you’re dreaming. You can kinda train your brain to do it and it’s fukken awesome ok!  I learned from a bunch of books I got out from the library one summer back in high school and I have kept up all the habits since then until shit got weird but we don’t talk about that
sometimes you get to a point where you can control your dream and force yourself to dream about a certain thing . either way it’s really damn neat to just have conscious awareness while you’re asleep and if nothing else, it’s something fun to do that doesn’t cost anything.
I got into it a few years before Inception came out, if you can believe it. So when that movie came out talking about the same ideas my mind was  blown 
First things first:
This is your ability to actually remember your dreams. Because imagine, even if you end up having a lucid dream,  what’s the point if you completely forget it as soon as you’re awake? Some people think they don’t dream anymore but it isn’t true, everyone dreams. Some people just don’t remember.
So Write down  all your dreams, anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up.
I just text it to myself first thing in the morning and usually they’re super disjointed and barely readable but it’s just enough to have me remember them again. even if you can only remember little snippets, the more you do this the better you can get at remembering.
Dream cues are these little things that make you realize you’re asleep because they differ between reality and your dreams. They’re kind of like triggers that will make you realize you’re dreaming. The idea is to check in on these cues even when you’re awake, so that when it becomes a habit in real life, it will become a habit when you’re asleep.
It’s also a good way to check if you’re actually awake because sometimes dreams are super realistic. I’ve had a lot of dreams where I woke up in my bed, then did the reality check only to figure out I was dreaming.
Different people have different ones but there’s some common ones:
-mirrors: In real life you look like yourself. in a dream you’ll look like a really distorted version of yourself or like a completely different person. I don’t recommend this one because what you see in the mirror might freak you out into just waking up lol
-counting your fingers and seeing more or less than the amount of fingers you have
-electronics that don’t work
-text that changes when you read it, look away and then read it again
-dim lights [i hate light dimmers for this reason eugh]
-loose teeth
My personal ones are the and fingers and the changing text! So in real life, I count my fingers, and read some text, look away and read it again to see if it changes.
If I have more than 5 fingers, I realize I’m asleep and that’s where the lucid part starts.
Personally for me, all of these have served as dream cues, but these two are the ones that i literally check on. Another big one for me is if my teeth are loose, it’s an automatic cue for knowing I’m asleep.
So you made a habit out of checking in on your dream cues and writing down your dreams. Now how do you actually do this thing….
There are some REALLY SPECIFIC METHODS To inducing a lucid dream . Some people practice one method that brings you from wakefulness directly into a dream, with NO LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. I find this a little rarer but it’s definitely happened to me
Others have the method where you fall asleep as usual, end up in a dream, and then your consciousness wakes up while you’re in the dream. This is more common I think.
my sleep science might be off but this is it as I’ve understood it.
so the general method is to go to bed super early. like 9pm. And set your alarm for Stupid O Clock. I am talking some ungodly hour that you will never be up, like 4:30.
Reason being: You will literally never go to sleep and immedeitly start dreaming. You have to have been asleep for a few hours, having gotten a few sleep cycles in. The longer you sleep, the deeper your sleep cycles run and the more restful sleep you’ll have as the night goes on. It’s only in the later sleep cycles that you start to dream.
This is the reason you’re groggy in the morning [you were just in the middle of your deepest sleep cycle] but not groggy at all if you wake up at like 12
So the goal is to wake up right before you’re gonna go into a deep sleep cycle.
Stay awake for a few minutes, go to the bathroom or something, read some stuff on lucid dreaming on your phone… You want to wake up your brain so that your mind is conscious and running even though you’re dead tired.
Now you can go back to sleep, and the conditions are pretty much met for having a lucid dream.
SO GENERALLY NOW, it’s really likely that you’re gonna have a regular dream.
But if you’ve been making a habit out of doing your dream cues/reality checks while you’re awake, at some point you’re gonna do it while you’re asleep.
stuff from the waking world carries over into dreamtown. it’s the same reason you’ll have super realistic dreams about your job or people you know.
IT’S ACTUALLY SUPER COOL When you do your dream-cues and you see different results from real life. Like I’ll count my fingers and realize there’s 6 of them and be like Ohhh shit! I’m asleep! Time to go wild.
Usually I just fly around like a motherfucker but it’s so cool to be your exact same self who is able to think about your family/friends/homework/life/memes except you’re flying
OK SO NOW THAT YOU’RE AWAKE while dreaming, you can  try controlling your dream. This is a bit harder to explain but in my opinion it’s as easy as focusing/dwelling on what you want to do..kind of like repeating a mantra mentally.
Like lets say you’re dreaming and you come across a house. As you’re walking towards it, tell yourself “Captain Kirk is in this house and we’re gonna have the time of our damn life.” TELL YOURSELF WITH CONVICTION! BELIEVE IT! CAPTAIN KIRK IS IN THE HOUSE! OVER AND OVER!
also try practising controlling on little things first. Like point to the sky and say “brighter” or “more purple” or “bluer” or think “I want it to be night time instead" and it SHOULD change.
There’s 2 tricks I know of that will keep you in a dream for longer when you feel like you’re about to wake up and you don’t want to.
One is spinning: If you feel yourself waking up, try spinning around on the spot till you’re dizzy. Things will blur around you and then they will clear up and get super sharp! Especially spinning while crouching. I have no idea why this works, but it does and others have said the same thing.
The other is, when you feel like things are getting blurry, focus on ONE spot in the dream. I usually crouch and like, stare at the details and texture of the road really really close up. For some reason, pinpointing your focus on one little thing will refocus the dream.
Honestly the more you read about lucid dreaming, the more likely you are to have one for yourself..Even by reading this you’re more likely to have one. It’s weird, but it works. When I would regularly read books on the topic they’d say the same thing and it was true. It’s kind of like, the fact that you’re aware that it can happen makes it likely to happen..
SO YEAH, before you go to sleep or when you wake up at 4 in the morning, google it, see what others have to say. Get your brain in gear for it. there’s lots of posts online that will probably talk about the same stuff that I have here but this is my legit personal experience with it and stuff over the years.
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✨Stronger Dreams🌙
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a spell bottle to promote stronger dreams (more specifically lucid dreaming)
✨black salt (anti nightmare)
✨silver glitter (astral plane)
✨thyme (sleep)
✨rosemary (mental ability)
✨clear quartz (divine energy)
✨rose quartz (clarity)
✨sigil (promote lucid dreaming)
sealed with purple wax for attunment with higher realms. i also carved a moon glyph into the wax for psychic ability and lunar power.
keep on a nightstand, under a pillow, under your bed, or anywhere near where you sleep to make the effects stronger!
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About This Blog
This is a blog about my lucid dream experiments.
In it, I will write about my techniques, about my goals, about certain dreams that stand out from the others (especially lucid ones, but I may post the occasional non-lucid dream as well if it’s exceptionally memorable to me). 
I practice both WILD (waking-initiated lucid dreaming-- it always plays out like an astral projection to my dreaming mind and perceptions, though I have yet to find proof of literal astral travel) and DILD (dreaming-initiated lucid dreaming). I use a variety of techniques to achieve lucidity. I am by no means an expert, and am still learning a lot about this stuff, but I’ve been going through a bit of a dry period for awhile and thought maybe a new blog would help kick things back into gear for me.
I’ll set up a tagging system on here for easy searching as I add to this thing. 
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