peachgoosy · 3 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 101
Previous Page: Page 100
Mystery 03: On page 91, Nagano-san mentioned that Sycamore’s glasses are fake – I want to hear more about it!
Nagano-san told us about the fake glasses. They may look like simple glasses, but there may be more to it than that.
This is my own interpretation, but I think that Sycamore is showing his true self when he reverts back to his original name. Still, it isn’t easy for him, he can’t do that anymore, and even if you were to ask him his true feelings, I don’t think he intends to take back his old name, or take off his glasses.
Back when Sycamore was a child, after he had been separated from young Layton, he read every book that his parents owned, packed up his necessary belongings, and then, one bright afternoon as he watched the falling snow, he left, thinking “I’m going to buy a pair of glasses”.
Mystery 04: If the Professor Layton series were to continue, what kinds of characters would you like to create?
I’d like to draw comical characters. Currently, I’m into the “Otoko wa Tusrai yo (It’s Tough Being a Man)” series, and I find myself laughing along with Tora-san, as he gets angry, always falling in love with the heroine, then getting his heart broken, and sometimes getting annoyed… But off screen, for everyone watching, he is very entertaining. It is good to have a character like that who can make people laugh.
In “Professor Layton”, when I draw a laughing expression, there are no characters that fit a big open-mouthed laughter. For Layton or Luke, they end up with “Haha” or something tidy like that.
Layton shows a bit of a comical side in this picture.
Some of Nagano-san’s charming characters. This book is full of them, so please take a look!
The “Professor Layton” team animate Nagano-san’s illustrations in 3D, overseen by Suzuki-san. This golden duo create some charming characters.
The Azran Civilisation’s Hidden Door
If you read this book carefully to the end, the Azran civilisation’s hidden door will open, and you will be able to enjoy Nagano-san’s newly-drawn illustrations. Read until the end for details.
ナゾ03 P91 で長野さん仰っている「サ ー 八イマンの伊達メガネ」の工ピソードについてもっと聞きたい!
長野さんが語ってくれた伊達メカネのエピソ ー ド。単なるメカネのように見えて、実は彼のいろんな思いがこめられているのかもしれません
これはあくまでも僕の想像なのですが、サーイマンが完全に素顔になるときって「本来の名前」を取り戻すときだと思うんです。 でも、簡単にそうできないし、できなくなってるし、本心を問いただしても、名前を取り戻そうとも、メガネを外そうとも考えていないと思います。
ナゾ04 今後、『レイトン教授』シリ ー スが続くとしたら、 どんなキャラクターを描きたいですか?
長野さんのイラストを、レイトン教授』チームが3D で動かし、鈴木さんが監修する。この黄金コンビにより、キャラが魅力的に描かれているんです
超文明 A のアトリエかくし扉
この本を最後までじっくり読むと、超文明 A のアトリエのかくし扉が開き、長野さんの描き下ろしイラストが楽しめます。詳しくは最後までお読みください。
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peachgoosy · 4 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 100
Takuzo Nagano’s Azran Studio
Here we ask some questions to Level-5’s main character designer Takuzo Nagano-san regarding some of the characters!
Character Designer Takuzo Nagano
He was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1979. He now works for Level-5. He has created unique characters in the world of Professor Layton, including Layton and Luke.
Mystery 01: When designing characters for Azran Legacy, which was to be the final chapter of Hershel Layton, what were you thinking about when designing the characters?
It was to be the last one, after all, so I wasn’t excited about that, but we were told that we would need characters to suit many more locations than usual, so I had to be aware of making the people in each different culture distinct. I thought “do the main characters need to change their clothes in the extreme hot and cold climates?” but it is only a game.
I was also looking forward to seeing how the funnier-looking characters would be animated. It’s fun to match the strange and unique Professor Layton characters with their puzzles.
Mystery 02: Who is your favourite character from “Azran Legacy”?
It’s easy to understand who my favourites are because they tend to get preferential treatment to appear towards the end or in the credits pictures. For example, Harald from Froenborg who is self-conscious about Sycamore and the big city, or Amanita from Phong-Gi… I have a favourite character from each place. In this game, I’m particularly fond of the Targent duo Rook and Bishop (Macaw and Robin in US). Robin’s funny hand waving when he runs away, and giving a puzzle to send a message, when I see such cute, good movements, I think of Suzuki (Jun-san, director).
He’s the kind of goofy, likeable bad guy that you would see in “Home Alone” or “101 Dalmations”. I was like “what did these two do wrong?”, but it was fun seeing them in the game. I would have liked it if they had appeared in the whole series. When playing, I wondered what happened to them, so I included what happened with them in the ending illustrations.
ここからはレベルファイプの看板キャラクタ ーデザイナー 長野拓造さんに、キャラクターに関する質問についてお答えいただきました!
キャラクタ ー デサイン長野拓造 1979 年福岡県生まれ。レベルファイフ所属。レイトンやル ー クを始めとする「レイトン教授 」 ワールトの個性的なキャラクターを生み出してきた
ナゾ01 - 工ルシャ ー ル・レイトン最終章と決まっていた『超文明 A の遺産』キャラクターデザインをするときに、どんな思いて描きまたか?
ナゾ02 -『超文明 A の遺産』で特にお気に入りのキャラクター は誰ですか?
僕のお気に入りは分かりやすく、ストーリー エンドの一枚絵や、工ンディングに出ていたりと、ちょっと扱いが優遇されがちなんです。例えば、恥すかしがり屋でサ ー ハイマンや都会を意識しまくるスノ ー ラのハラ ー ケ、ムスロッホのヒトヨとか・・・各地方に 1 人は好きなキャラがいます。その中で、特に今作で僕がひいきしたお気に入りはタ ージェントコンビのロビンとスワロ ー です。ロビンの手をぶらぶらさせる変な逃げ方や、念を送るようにナゾを出すところとか、ああいったかわいらしくて良い動きをみると、鈴木(純さん。ディレクタ ー )らしいなあ、と思います。
「ホ ー ムアローン」とか、「 101 匹わんちゃん」とかに出ていそうな、おまぬけで憎めない小悪党をちゃんとやってくれているので、本当に好きなキャラクターです。「この人たち何か悪いことしたつけ?」というくらいでしたけど、ゲームに出てくるのが楽しみでした。彼らがシリ ーズずっと出ていたらより楽しかったはす。僕自身遊んでいて、彼らのその後はすこく気がかりだったので、エンディングイラストで 2 人はどうなったのかを入れています。
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peachgoosy · 4 hours
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peachgoosy · 5 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 93
Previous Page: Page 92 Next Page: Page 94
Gradually more expressive
As the trip with Layton continues, Aurora’s expression begins to soften. Sometimes she smiles or gets bashful which is rather endearing. Aurora looks away when she hears why Larisa’s store isn’t popular.
Head of character design Takuzo Nagano discusses the origins of Aurora’s design.
Aurora’s age wasn’t settled upon. Sometimes she was older and called the Ice Queen, or as young as Luke. As a living mummy I wondered “should I be making her look like a mummy?”, but luckily that wasn’t necessary.
One of her distinguishing features is her light, two-coloured pupils. When she isn’t smiling, she might appear cold or robotic. The biggest changes were in her outfit, since it had to be different to her formal clothes whilst not straying too far from the world of Layton. I remember making several different suggestions.
だんだんと表情豊かに レイトンたちと旅を続けるなかで、表情もやわらいでくるアーリア。ときおり見せる笑顔や、はにかんだ表情がとっても魅力的。 リジーのお店が流行らない理由に、そっと目を背けるアーリア
ナソトキ Voice 「私市で守まレ方!」「当方っていてよ刻フ方・司 「これでいいでしょラカい・」「あま()角信があ 9 ません」 「解サ方 Y思フ方んですが・・・」「ずカルい、です」
キャラテザイン担当長野拓造氏が語るア ー リア誕生秘話
ア ー リアの年齢はしばらく定まりませんでした。少し高めで氷の女王と言われ る設定だったり、ル ークくらい低い年齢になったこともあります。生きているミイラということで「ミイラ感が出たほうが良いのか?」と頭によきりましたか、その必要はなく安心しました。
特徴は 2 色で塗られた薄い色の瞳です。笑っていないと、冷たそうで若干無機質な感じがするかもしれません。番リティクが出たのは彼女の私服姿で、彼女の正装姿からはもちろん、これまで~ ー のレイトン世界からも脱しないといけないということで、何案も出した思い出があります。
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peachgoosy · 5 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook Translation: Page 91
Previous Page: Page 90 Next Page: Page 92
Rough Design
Lowered gaze/glasses? (Best guess. I struggled to read the handwriting here, sorry.) Large-ish mouth
(puzzle solving dialogue)
A Sad Past?
Sycamore has lost loved ones in the past, it seems. Speaking of which, his personal background is unknown. Could his sorrow be the driving force behind his research into the Azran Civilization..?
Head of character design Takuzo Nagano discusses the origins of Sycamore’s design.
When I first drew Sycamore’s character sheet, it was still undecided what sort of character he would be. As a result, I drew him based on the sort of character I wanted to make. The character sheet above shows him expressing a range of emotions, but typically, it is difficult to discern his true feelings based on his expression.
Incidentally, his glasses are fake. The reality is that he has two ‘faces’: wearing his glasses, he becomes Sycamore, the archaeologist. For his other face, he wears something over it as well :) To perform either of his two faces, there are particular items that he needs. It’s like Layton and his top hat.
Japanese below
Rough Design 眤は下ロジ気味 (pretty sure this is not what it says) 口大きめ
ナゾトキ Voice 「任せ方まえ、レイトン君」「まあ、こん十の方うラ」「れく当い解サくてはね」「研究者 Y して当然方よ」「茯ま、鈍フてはい茯いよラん」「想定してい方通 9 んフ方」 「私のナゾト十あ見せしよラ」 「ナゾ解守明力にラ」「ナゾは専門外んが,・・」「これでは Y 、ラ刻茯?」「私ガえふ答ま・・・」「答えこれガな?」 「引ま Y 、してやれ方茯」「不甲斐茯は・・」「過ラ認めくては」「ん方夫態方・・・」「イ也に答えがあ (I) ラの刻?」「計算誤っんようん・・・」
悲しい過去が? 愛する人を失った過去があるらしいサ ーハイマン。そういえば、彼の素性はあまり明らかにされていない。その悲しみがアスラント文明調査の原動力になっているのだろうか・・・
キャラテザイン担当長野拓造氏が語るサ ー ハイマン誕生秘話
ちなみに彼のメガネは伊達メガネです。実は彼~には 2 つの顔があり、メカネをかけたときは、・考古学者サ ー 八イマン"になります。もうひとつの顔のときも、顔に何かつけてますよね(笑)。どちらも、彼が2つの顔を演じるために必要なアイテムなんです。レイトンの帽子みたいなものですね。
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peachgoosy · 5 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 90
Previous Page: Page 89 Next Page: Page 91
Professor Sycamore (lit. “Simon PhD”)
CV: Atsuro Watabe
An Archaeologist who researches the Azran civilization. He writes a letter at the beginning of the story, hoping to obtain the cooperation of Professor Layton. His forename seems to be Desmond (Foster, in Japanese).
An expert in Archaeology!
A famous archaeologist… Or at least, he is considered to be an big-name authority in the field of archaeology. Even Luke’s father, Clark, looks up to him.
But why would such a renowned archeologist seek Layton’s help with the Azran civilization?
A diverse spread of knowledge
In addition to his knowledge of archaeology, Sycamore is also well-versed in mechanics and botany. Furthermore, he has a speciality in witty British humour. Is this what it takes to be a British gentleman?
His airship piloting skills are first-class, but they seems to have been forged by perilous past experiences He said he “just happened to read it in a book”, but maybe he was imagining a situation like this may arise…
Japanese below:
CV :渡部篤郎
アスラント文明を研究する考古学者。レイトン教授の協力を得るため、彼が手紙を書いたのが今回の物語の始まり。ちなみに、ファーストネームは「フォスタ ー 」というらしい。
考古学の権威! 有名な考古学者・・・くらいに思っていたら、考古学の権威と言われるほどの超有名人。ルークの父、クラ ー クも尊敬の眼差しを向けるほど。
考古学の知識もさることなから、機械にも造詣が深く、植物の知識も豊富なサ ー ハイマン。さらにはウィットなプリティッシュジョ ー クもお手の物。これも英国紳士のたしなみというもの?
飛行船の操縦技術も超一流だが、その技術は過去の苦い体験から学んだようだ 「たまたま呼んだ本に書いてあった」と言っているが、ひそかにこのような場面を想定していたのかもしれない・・・
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peachgoosy · 5 hours
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peachgoosy · 6 hours
nagitos birthday is falling on a sycamore sunday which means unfortunately i have to post my video
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peachgoosy · 6 hours
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Get up.
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peachgoosy · 6 hours
god i love making animatics in my head i wish drawing was real
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peachgoosy · 7 hours
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for the ee enjoyers god i hope this hasnt been done
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peachgoosy · 13 hours
as much as i love corruption arcs, there's just something so sexy about a character that can't be corrupted, to the point that he un-corrupts you instead
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peachgoosy · 13 hours
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There are times when I don’t think they foreshadowed Azran Legacy that well… AND THEN THERE ARE TIMES LIKE THIS!
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peachgoosy · 13 hours
layton miku..... hatsune hershel.....
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peachgoosy · 13 hours
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the professor is zooted off cat nip
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brothers :))
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peachgoosy · 13 hours
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the actual scale of the creature
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peachgoosy · 14 hours
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 89
Previous Page: Page 88
CV: Masachika Ichimura
Targent’s Azran-obsessed boss. Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, with the great organizational power of Targent behind him, he continues to work in secret. His full name is Leon Bronev.
At the cave in Froenborg, he used his armed men to threaten and abduct Aurora. The power Targent holds can be seen at their base “The Nest” (lit. God Street)
Underneath his Sunglasses…
Bronev always wears sunglasses, and never relaxes his intense facial expression. Nobody has seen his true face. All of Targent’s members wear sunglasses
Actually an Archaeologist
His obsession with finding Azran ruins stems from him being an Archaeologist. The reason for his actions seems to come from his one-track inquisitive mind.
After abducting Aurora, he reveals himself to be an archaeologist. His room in The Nest is lined with objects that an archaeologist would take interest in (lit. objects that make one feel like an archaeologist).
Actions in the Prequel Trilogy
Bronev first appeared in “Miracle Mask”. Targent siezed the Nautilus Chamber found by Layton with their overwhelming numbers. At that time, Targent’s goals were unknown. However, there is some sort of connection between him and Descole, and he also seemed to know Layton, too.
The size and extent of Targent’s power was can be seen. He was searching for the Azran legacy
Japanese below cut
CV :市村正親
アスラント文明に執着しているタージェントのボス。目的のためには手段を選ばない強引さとタージェントの強大な組織力を持って暗躍を続ける。フルネ ー ムはプロネフ・ライネル。
スノーラの洞窟では、武力で強引にアーリアを連れ去った タージェントの本拠地「ゴッド街」でその力を見せつける
サングラスの下は・・・ いつもサングラスをかけ、厳しい表情を崩すことはないプロネフ。その素顔を見た者はいない。 タージェントのメンーは全員サングラスをかけている
実は考古学者 アスラント遺跡に執着を見せるのは、彼か考古学者だったから。その行動の理由はひとえに探究心からのものらしい。
アーリアを奪ったあと、自ら考古学者だと名乗った ゴッド街の彼の部屋には、考古学者を感じさせるものが並ぶ
セカンドシ ー ズンでの暗躍 プロネフが最初に姿を見せたのは「奇跡の仮面』。レイトンたちが発見したアスラント遺跡の無限回廊を、タージェントの圧倒的な武力で制圧している。その当時はタージェントの目的はわからなかった。ただ、デスコールとは何らかの因縁があり、レイトンのことも知っている様子だった。
タージェントの組織力の大きさを、いやというほど見せつけた アスラント文明の遺産(レガシそ)を探していた
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