payruppay · 2 years
What Is Prepaid Mobile Service? How Does It Work?
What is Prepaid Recharge?
In simple words, prepaid recharge is a phone service where you pay in advance for the services you need. It may be for a phone or mobile. Before you begin using the service, you must pay a particular amount of money, which is transformed into mobile credit that may be used for:
Making phone calls
Sending Messages & For Using Mobile Data
The credit available for each of the above usage types is determined by your Prepaid plan and the amount you recharge. The credit will expire after a predetermined period of time, such as 28 days, 56 days, etc., depending on your plan and recharge. After credit is used up or after validity expires, you are required to top-up the credit using online payment portals like Payrup, Paytm, BHIM, etc. Some other names by which prepaid is known are: Go-Phone, Pay As You Go, or Prepay. Subscriber Computing, Inc., an Orange County firm created and run by Arlene Harris from 1986 to 1998, invented the prepaid mobile service.
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payruppay · 2 years
9 Genuine Reasons To Buy Health Insurance
There have been many surveys conducted that showed that India has around a 10% medical trend rate which implies that the expenditure per capita on health care is estimated to rise with this stipulated rate only. Along with this, various statistics showed that the rising need for health care insurance policies is expected to meet up all the corresponding expenditures. And as we understood the statistical data on health care insurance, it's important to brush up on our knowledge on what exactly is health insurance. 
Health insurance is basically a type of insurance that covers all the medical expenses of the users caused by any unforeseen illness, provided by someone from the various listed companies. This covers hospitalization costs, doctor consultation fees, and the cost of medicines. 
In this article, we have discussed 9 Genuine reasons to Buy Health Insurance. So, let's get started!
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payruppay · 2 years
Gone are the days when you could simply put some cash in an envelope and call it a gift!
Gifting is such a thing, that even if you buy something that's been made to last, you are never guaranteed to get it right when it comes to gifting it to someone. Regardless of whether it ends up in the bin, at a charity shop or being gifted again to another awkward recipient, giving people stuff they don't want is just useless. But nowadays, there's a way to bypass bad gift purchasing, where you can give someone something perfect because they get to choose it and that adds it up to be a special one just like a perfect present they'll love for life. The answer - an egift card.
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payruppay · 2 years
Have you noticed that your utility costs seem to climb higher year-on-year?
Cutting back on your gas bills  doesn’t mean being left out in the cold, but rather it is saving something for your own pockets. Here’s how to do it - find it out on the following blog!
Below, we’ve listed how you can save power using some of the easy tips listed here.
(Find out all about how to lower gas bill in winter or even how to save money on heating bill)
Use Smart Power Strips to Reduce Power Consumption
Electronic gadgets continue to use power even when they’re not in use, for example TVs, cell phone chargers, gaming systems, DVD players, coffee makers and so on, each continue to consume energy while in standby idle mode. Reduce the power consumption from idle electronics by using a smart power strip which helps cut power to devices when they enter standby mode for a dedicated time
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payruppay · 2 years
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