pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
How do you know you're in love?
I feel like you just know. If you have to question if you're in love or not then you’re probably not. It really is just a feeling of being super content and happy in your life. It’s like a feeling of “I’m literally in the best case scenario I could be in, I don’t want anyone else and I wouldn’t change a fucking thing about this person” It’s hard to explain but when you know, you just know.
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
i havent visited your page in so long and just found out that you're pregnant!?! oh my gosh, this news is both so surprising/exciting, congratulations koda!! i hope youre doing okay
Thank you angel love!!! Yeah I was pretty surprised too, but I couldn’t be happier. We’re taking it as a blessing :) Thank you again bb
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you angel, I’m so freakin excited. BABY SCARLETTE IS A POSSIBILITY NOW MWAHWAHAHAHAH.
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
If you don’t do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.
- unknown (via quotelounge)
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
You are the CAYOOTEST.
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
When someone walks out of your life, let them. They are just making more room for someone better to walk in.
(via words-of-emotion)
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
I moved to a new school this year and it's been going fine. at my new school I only have one close friends who I was friends with before I moved schools. I already lost most of my friends. now I'm starting to lose one of my best friends. or both. every time I make plans they say they're busy or don't answer me and make plans with other people. it's making me really depressed because I'm used to having all my friends around me. I already lost most of them I don't want to lose my best friends help
I moved to a new city my freshmen year of high school and I lost like 80% of my friends from my old school. I had a best friend who did EXACTLY to me what your friend is doing to you now. We ended up having like a blow out fight and I was really really fucking hurt because of it. But let me tell you, distance weeds out who your true friends are, and if she's not a true friend to you then fuck her. Let her go because she's not worth your fucking time. Real friends don't let distance do shit to your friendship. I have a friend named Gina who I've been friends with since middle school, we see each other once every few years but she's still literally one of my best best best friends and I have a handful of friends like that as well. I'm telling you, if she's doing this to you now, she's not someone you need in your life. Let go of dumb people and open yourself to new friends. When I moved freshmen year I lost a good proportion of my friends but then I met my BEST friend to this day, Lea. Unfortunately some friends come and go but when you meet the ones that stay, they're pretty fucking fantastic :) it's going to be okay my love. -Koda
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
Kodaaa, haven't talk to you in a while but i still thinl you're awesome 😊❤
I miss you angel ❤️❤️❤️
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
me and my ex bf used to fight a lot I know it was toxic and I gave up before he did but I was scared and he ended up breaking up with me the next day , its been two months and he's texted me at least twice to check up on me. what do I do??!
I've been in toxic relationships before, and personally whenever that person texts me to check up on me that soon after a break up, I tend to panic. Yeah I guess technically it's a "sweet" gesture and everything but you never know what his real intentions are and you do not owe him a response. No matter what he's saying to you, or how "nice" it is, if he makes you uncomfortable do NOT feel like you are obligated to talk to him because you're not. If it really upsets you when he texts you, just block his number. If it doesn't make you uncomfortable when he texts you and you're just not sure how to respond.. Hmm. I guess my warning to you would to be really fucking careful. VERY RARELY has an ex ever reached out to me without the intentions of wanting something. And you cannot let that toxicity back into your life. It's not going to change a second time around. It'll end up being exactly the same. Just remember that my love. -Koda
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
My boyfriend lied 2 me, and hung out w/ his ex one night b4 she moved away. It was only platonic; they were still good frends. But I told him I didnt want him talking 2 her and he told me he stoppd, but last night I found out he hadnt. What do I do?
It's not really okay for one person in a relationship to ban the other from talking to a friend. Whether they're an ex or not, you're going to have to find a way to trust that person. Especially if he's never really given you a good reason to not trust him. (Like if he flirts around with her still then I would totally understand you being weary of her, but also please keep in mind that exes are EXES for a reason) However he shouldn't have lied to you about it. Lying is always a red flag. I think you guys should have a serious talk about where your trust is and both of you need to come to an understanding. He needs to not lie to you, but you can't forbid him from talking to anyone. Hopefully since she's moving away she won't be an issue now but either way still have a talk with him :) -Koda
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
Hey guys, I'm so sorry I've been inactive! I've been really busy with work, a new relationship, and now I'm pregnant. It's all been really hectic, so thank you for being patient with me. I'm going to answer all the advice questions in my inbox now
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pastelbitchquotes · 8 years
Before you give up, think about why you held on for so long.
- unknown (via quotelounge)
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pastelbitchquotes · 9 years
i'm conflicted :( my boyfriend and i have always been the kind who get into dumb arguments and make a big deal out of it but we always come back to each other and sometimes it'll be weeks on end that we ignore each other then we'll spend five minutes together and it's like falling in love all over again and it's that good part that keeps me going but i'm just wondering if it's worth all the heartache that comes before it... ;/
That seems really really REALLY dysfunctional babe..... Wouldn't you much rather be in a relationship where it's all happy all the time? If you two just can't seem to get along, you're probably not relationship compatible and just meant to be friends. I mean fighting is pretty normal in a relationship but when it's excessive and you guys ignore each other for weeks? It seems really really toxic to me. Don't let yourself stay in that relationship just because the good is good. There's too much bad. You'll actually feel relieved once you get out.
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pastelbitchquotes · 9 years
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pastelbitchquotes · 9 years
i've been with my boyfriend for over a year now and sometimes he does some messed up shit like pretend he's in the hospital or telling me he's moving away just to see "how i'd react" and if i "really care about him" and its so fucking dumb and i HATE it bc if i believe him then i'm an idiot but if i just push it aside, its as if i don't care and i don't know what to do bc he does it again and again even though he knows i hate it and it fucking sucks
What the fuck????????? Babe. That’s totally immature and idk almost abusive? Putting you through emotional trauma just to see how you’ll react? That’s fucked up. Dump him. You deserve better babe. It might not be that easy for you since you guys have been together for over a year but I just really feel like that's immature for an adult relationship. I guess just talk to him and tell him that you're not going to deal with that nonsense anymore.
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pastelbitchquotes · 9 years
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pastelbitchquotes · 9 years
Koda you give always the best advices. You're a wonderful person. We are all lucky to have you here.
Gahahhdhajdgshsh I love you I love you I love you c: thank you angel-Koda
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